OTK & Company / Twitch Gossip


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Anybody got that vid of emi's mom testimony?

no reason for that to be here

I swear it was posted here weeks ago

i know, im just saying there is no reason to keep sharing that. anyway, you can find it easily if you have basic schizo info

Why would you want to see that lmao

Agree, let the woman alone and not have another Enza situation

it's not hard to find one of the first google searches

Found it

there is a video of emi mom ? guess im not schizo enough never saw it

Miz and emi still mia ?

No signs of life on catcam

does emi moms testimony have anything to do with emikif or people just wanting to see what she looks like >

it was before emikif

People are using it to schizo out because they still have a picture with dyrus hanging up.

No she was with dyrus when it was recorded 2017?

why they think cause they have a pic of him in the house that emi and dyrus are back together lol

Nvm it was 3 years ago in retarded

Because they still have a pic with dyrus hanging up years after they broke up. It’s just weird.

Tbf they obviously slept apart last night

It's just a family pic, no big deal, it's a old vid too

didn't emi parents rly like dyrus i do agree its weird but why schizo over that ?


Is the future of emikif just analyzing every single night if they are together. We already confirmed they are dating and planned to duo together as warriors to 60 do you really need to see a play by play every night.

Maybe, maybe not

ya thats the point of this thread lol for news and updates lol

and with emikif something can be going great and the next day its not with those 2 idiots

Personally I’ve seen parents leave up frames of exes a long time after they broke up. I had to take down a frame of my brother’s ex because he was visiting with his new gf

Wasn’t it post dyrus pre miz?

same but with my sis ex bf its like my parents didn't understand why it was weird

I’m not sure what video it is but it’s possible, if I were to guess now though, the frame isn’t up anymore

He was home playing and chatting until 6 am, unless you think emi drove over at like 5 am idk what to tell you

Just search emi's mom's name she's said it before and then testimony

They probably stayed on discord all night, he had to level anyway

We already confirmed they are dating

That's pretty much where I am now, after the last few weeks it's more than obvious they're still together, so I really don't care so much about the day to day schizo shit anymore.

Or she came over and levelled behind him. Everything is an assumption and nothing is obvious with these 2.

Or she came over and levelled behind him.

I wasn't here when it happened, could this be true timeframe wise?

I feel like if that were the case she would have stayed on longer I think if she did go over it's more likely she did it after she stopped helping him.

tbf she is on her period

pretty late for miz. still not shown up on cat cam

People checking Emi's mother's picture frames from personal unrelated videos years ago, keeping tabs on her period cycle and making conclusions from cat movements and I get called out when I say her video game kiting ability wasn't the worst.

He was just talking in EE chat

Pretty unusual he hasn't shown up to the cat cam is it?

If you see a lovely field with a family having a picnic and there’s a nice pond in it, you fill in the pond with concrete, you plow the family into the field, you blow up the tree and use the leaves to make a dress for your wife who is also your brother.

Strange he hasn't shown up on cat cam yet. But we'll see. Maybe he shows up in a minute

Well the girl said yes immediately when asked to come over when Miz was "crashing out"/trolling. So what more when he just got harassed

he was literally just on a call with soda a few minutes ago

they talk about his death?

Miz going live today? New title ?

Nvm it's the same from last night

not a new title it was from last stream

old title.png - 1052x464, 49.15K

wait maybe it is new because <ONLYFANGS> was added?

no it's old

He said he's going to level offstream to at least lvl 15 before ending stream

nat and sebby in cat room

Miz was on t10's stream

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that asshole better hurry up and get levelling. He needs to catch up

When was the last stream from the klats or t10nat that streamed this early from his house upstairs?

It's not early but weeks, I think t10nat was in Japan

Arrav like 3 days ago but he only streamed the downstairs and outside

#mizkif mizkif: how do i not see automod
Does that mean he was seeing schizo messages that we can't see this whole time?

all mods do

You know emi was feeling sick on her alt yesterday. Maybe she uses that as an excuse to skip until tomorrow. Allowing more time for miz to catch up. Now watch her change her title 30 seconds after I send this...

was she sick? I thought she was just on her period?

Yeah but it's insane that he never removed the option lol, he's the streamer and who knows how schizo those automodded messages are

Yeah, theres was a few minutes yesterday where he was confused as what was going on because people was spamming shit that we couldnt see

yeah at the end, that seemed like some crypto bot shit

I think both.

feeling sick because she was on her period

didn't she mention allergies or a blocked nose at the start of her alt.


she did say she was getting sick, before the period mention

Emiru: no stream today sorry

all she said in the beginning was "I think I got a little sick today" and that she had to record like 200 voice lines while sick

I guess Emi is sick?

Lmao lend me your powers

Emi said no stream today

just had a feeling

you are a god

Tbf sick + period + can't level, if she had streamed it would've been profession leveling while sick, garbage content

Talks about how much she's enjoying streaming

Doesn't stream for 3 days in a row right after

lol classic Emi

she counts those days as stream days

Kill yourself

Holy shit it worked, he's dead!

any wow activity from the two? miz better get to leveling if he wants to stream tomorrow

Feeling sick + plus the person (miz) she wants to level with is behind = easy emi ditch

Neither is online

Catching up to her is gonna take a few days unless they allow mob tagging. Sequisha just got killed at almost 40 for using the auction house once

Soda allowed it with dantes and his girlfriend

Rules do not apply to Miz.

Nat went to tell miz that there is blood by beepos poop and she said he's on the phone in the arcade room

he just took beepo

Miz just took beepo and took a picture of the bloody stool

I'm a god

Do tectone next

Soda and summit drama?

I've tried, roaches like him dont die unfortunately

soda just called summit to try and defuse this situation with summit, its not between him and summit

Summit needs to smoke a blunt lmao

that was phrased weirdly. i mean that summit dislikes this zeroji guy for hopping in at 60 and killing sequisha, and soda called him to try and defuse the situation.

just not been a big enough boot yet

Miz could level all day today and tomorrow and catch up now that she’s not streaming today

He probably will

Interesting how everything happened when miz and emi were fighting. Now shes back to hanging out with miz

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Explain? What does the tweet have to do with the fight?

Nick was a certified hater last year, this is just him being consistent

Is miz leveling yet?

I really don't think Nick ever even said that attributed quote. He's got a head on his shoulder and seems chill and doesn't hate or sneak diss. He even played in onlyfangs a bit with Katchii yesterday.

Nick and Asmon said Only Fangs would fail last year lmao

seems chill and doesn't hate or sneak diss

Nick has spent years sneak dissing Miz, done multiple alts where he cried about Miz.

They are friends, if you call Nick making fun of Miz for caring about viewcount sneak dissing then you are too far gone

Him and malena bitching about the emikif dual pc setup was the best

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He was in gym clothes on the cat stream

Plus Nick on alt saying Miz used everyone for good PR and crying about Miz stealing the flight sim stream idea from him, even though Miz did it first. Nick is a whinging little bitch.

How is him publicly calling Miz out sneak dissing lol? Also he wasn't wrong about Miz doing his PR run (he had to), it just shouldn't have been said on stream, the flight sim stuff I agree, he was a crybaby but nothing serious lol they were playing Apex just hours later

How is him publicly calling Miz out sneak dissing lol?

Saying it on your alt to your core community is 100% a sneak diss lol doesnt have to be serious for it still to be a sneak diss and a bitch move.

He said something about how onlyfangs won't succeed if emi ends up not playing, which ended up being a kinda dogshit take. Also what he said there in your screenshot doesn't mean a lot when you are on top of your carreer like nick is right now imo, let's see how he will act when his numbers are going down again

Ok but like it's not the actual meaning of sneak diss, sneak disses are way more malicious since you don't even want to say the name, bitch move sure

Emi will always have good numbers, mainly because of asmon raiding, but the guild is evolving into something that doesn’t fit her style that much

Are any of them on wow?
Any wow screenshotters?

no but miz asked in offline how to get an orc voice changer so it seems to be miz by himself in his stream room chilling

login servers are down rn

and he just logged in


Just the guild people that are in the same zone right now, like britt and jaycgee could be possible leveling candidates but probably not

ah ok. i wonder if hes getting tagged.

doesn't seem to be at the moment, at least not from the main guild

Don't think he's actually playing yet. Just fixing his ui since he's on a new setup in Emi's house

I love saying stuff like that cause it pisses people off

Would be a good excuse to have a setup for Miz at her house, but never gonna happen because of her internet

yo anyone got the timestamp of miz asking emi to come over the other day?

Miz died rip

Only lvl 10 fortunately

How long does it take for level 10?

couple hours

couple of hours

Like 3-4 hours

he's gonna die again, i just have no faith in him the way he plays with zero awareness

yeah he just sucks lmao, rip any chances of emikif content for a while

where's prestige when you need him

Maybe Emi alts a priest and they run it back like the first one

No alts allowed

Warrior is also really hard, especially they way he plays, hope he just goes druid again
it was going to happen eventually anyway, not mob tagging means they can't play together when one of them dies unless the other stop playing for days

It is impossible, and i mean it in the most sincere way, IMPOSSIBLE for him to reach 60 the normal way. Because of his adhd he will always get bored / zone out at some point. Leveling is boring as fuck, thats how the game is, and he will have to do it for 200 hours without losing focus. Maybe he will get there if he plays another class with several “get out of jail“ mechanics like mage, but it will be impossible as warrior

I don’t know shit about wow but he looked okay when he was with Emi, but yeah alone there’s no way. He might need to get help from the blind girl lmao

i agree, he ain't ever gonna make it to 60 as a warrior. he's not as good as he thinks he is even if you held his hand all the way to 59, he'll find some way to die

he's orc, theres no druid class to bail him out besides shaman and even then, shamans are prone to dying

He could literally get mobtagged but he might not know, Soda said he doesn't care if people mobtag to lvl20 and they can even switch race if they want

“As good as he thinks he is” do you retards always miss the part where he admits he sucks at the game? lmao

no retard, if you watched him last year, you'd see why he's too dumb for his own good

And people called me simp for days because I said it's impressive Emi soloed to 20 with only like 2 closer calls on her first run. She could show him how to kite it's not that hard

she got saved twice and killed someone lets calm down

still going on, holy fuck you are pathetic

That clip happened within the first few hours of the game where everyone was at the same level. I probably saved tens of people at the start. On top of that she was getting away in of those because the mob was hamstrung. But I shouldn't even explain this anymore because it's clear people don't know shit about wow

Bringing that up 5 threads in a row doesn't make your case any better lol

People call you a simp because it’s clear you’re one behind that wow pundit persona kek

he really should just reroll druid if he wants to actually get to 60, he seemed way more competent on that

He usually plays ok at the beginning of the stream, but at some point he starts letting himself go and starts playing riskier, charging into mobs with 30% hp etc or rushing from pull to pull without awareness because it goes too slow for him

People fail to realize that it got nothing to do if you are good or bad at wow. Even when you are complete shit you can reach 60 if you play patient enough, just look at cyr last onlyfangs. The mix of leveling being slow and boring and his ability of getting bored and impatient so easily is what kills him, not the lack of wow skill

Yeah, honestly miz should just pop an addy and get to 20 off stream lol

is he still playing btw or did he quit

It's just something about being so confidently wrong which I don't like. Pretending to know about something and bringing people down because someone is biased

you need mental help

I think calling it "impressive“ to solo level to fucking 20 is a bit over the top, just because mizkifs mental condition makes it hard for him doesn't mean it's hard for everyone

take your own advice then. confidently wrong indeed.

Ze Germans are fighting

mizsimps vs emisimp OOOO

You have to be an asmon viewer, mixing being an emi simp with being pedantic about wow is a dead giveaway lmao

The probability to reach lvl 20 without dying is under 30% and the majority of those probably didn't level solo especially if it's your first time

LMAO I hate everything about asmongold

He said he's getting to 12 tonight

died again?? lol wtf is he doing. 12-25+ is still like 2-3 long streams, rip duos for this week

miz was just on cat cam
let beepo out

She's better in the sense that she plays more carefully/patiently when she's solo, which is what hardcore is about. That said, she's still due for another death soon since there's so much about the game that she doesn't know.

I completely agree, thanks.

Really? That's a shit rule

Listen I do not even disagree about the fact that emi is better at hardcore leveling than miz, i think you are just a little bit over the top with your glazing. If that's impressive for you, what about cyr leveling to 53 first try playing the game? Or lacari aoe farming even though he doesn't know what he's doing? Or all the other real first timers (that don't have hundreds of hours played during onlyfangs 1) that manage to survive without dying? Literally everybody and their mom can survive in hardcore wow if they have the patience and the right mentality

Where did you get those stats from I wanna see more

Cyr had some portion mob tagged i'm sure. Lacari aoe farming is of course impressive but the topic is mainly about OTK. But it seems people can't give Emi an inch of respect at all

its not that big of a deal I promise you

deathlog addon ingame

its also not that big of a deal to continuously get pressed by the dude complimenting her lmao

emi isnt a psycho sociopath gold digger whore who sucks at everything with no redeeming qualities

nobody is going to fuck you obsessed simp. Now here is the third frame in her mothers random testimony from 4 years ago that proves she is still dating dyrus since hes in a picture. I have also been tracking her whereabouts for the past 3 years

people can't give Emi an inch

Just cant help yourself

thats awesome, he does not need to stink up every thread with it. I got it the last 5 threads hes a super simp.

I shouldn't even reply to that but tell me how that relates to WoW

that looks to be ID guy desu

I like them both...

im being sarcastic, I literally am agreeing with you retard

Sorry, thanks for clearing it up :)

I don't think anybody is pressed about it lol just go back to the 1st time it was mentioned, nobody was even shitting on Emi this guy just got upset because someone said she only lived thanks to a simp (not even true she would've survived) and now he's bringing it up every thread for some reason

I'll let it rest!

Miz and emi simps should kill themselves.
Emikif simps FTW.

this is like the least annoying thing to stink up a thread with. we have angry aussie emiru gore fantasies, bitching about fake boobs and bots 50 times per thread, retarded useless theories about her moms church video, who knows what else. let the german have his 3 emi glazing messages who cares

the topic is mainly about otk

What? Says who?

cyr had some portion mob tagged

Seems like you can't give cyr an inch of respect at all :(

I think we have different ideas about which actions deserve "respect" and getting level 20 in hardcore wow just isn't one of them


I didn't say that I don't respect him but he didn't solo level to 53. Pretty sure he was in ZG booster groups at least

But I'll let it rest for you guys now

This thread would be dead


I'm guessing the lvl 10 death probably fucked up the plans, he could've hit 20 if he grinded hard tonight and no way Emi is ditching again tomorrow

Emi doesn't stream on Wednesday

It’s kind of sad how miz and emi stopped hanging out off stream

could you link me your cams?

he can't, he's too busy changing IP's

How was the stream where emi ordered food to miz’s house?

Anyone know if Miz is back to levelling ?

Did you fuck up trying to bait on Anon Babble but accidently posted here? kek

level 8 right now. he could team up with sykkuno they're in the same zone and level range


is he any good at wow ?

i think his first time playing was last year's onlyfangs but didnt reach far iirc

That was his first on HC I think he said he plays wow though maybe retail.

idk probably not. I would take it into consideration if Miz was streaming, right now probably not

No emi activity today? Did she watch any streams?

This could actually be true because she hasn't been online all day. Could be using her setup

Didn’t miz let out beepo between playing session?

Yes.. the german retard doesn't know shit. He's level 8 so he has been playing, he said he will get to at least 12 today so he can level in the barrens tomorrow and he has been seen the entire day on Nat's stream and the alt stream

Sorry for not watching the cat cam all day. I'm just seeing who's online in wow because I'm playing myself

How is he so bad?! I'm giving up hope for any more duo content.

is he still levelling?

Apparently he took a break and is on a treadmill

when nat said hes doing cardio, i thought she was joking about him pumping Emi lol

Pumping emi?

Some people say sexual intercource is akin to cardio. He is making that reference.

Damn, we're training gooners in the bant thread now

level update please ?

last I saw lvl 10, hes offline right now

hopefully carrys on to 12 so he streams tomorrow

Emikif night :3

He's currently 12

Back on or offline after hitting 12 ?

just saw people talking about in this discord i lurk in. I don't if he is online

he was on nats stream a little bit ago.

He typed in his offline chat after that. Asking about kai

Bean checked if he was leveling and he wasn’t, also that site might be a bit off since I looked up bean’s character and it said he was at lvl 27 when he’s at lvl 29

did he actually show up or was it the treadmill ?

I think it takes a while to update

Someone in b linked a user emicowsplay on wow and implied miz was playing with them so potential emi wow alt?

When she finished the door he checked it for like 20 seconds then left.

Has t10nat gone upstairs at all?

they went up to juice the cat

How long ago?

35 mins ago

going to assume Miz isnt in his office anymore. Early night and early stream hopefully

Bro it's a different streamers account. emiliacosplay.

brother she is in the spreadsheet.

file.png - 593x18, 3.07K


she's live right now twitch.tv/emiliacosplay
stop being stupid guys

cloud9 and a female cosplayer that is good at league holy flashbacks

went up again 5 mins ago

No signs of miz?

I think something went down last night that made her cancel stream today and not upload her tiktoks and it’s not good. Shades of what happened a little over a month ago.

not in his stream room at least and no tv on in the living room

They were literally playing together offline last night....

That's ID guy man...

They also did the gauntlet just before too. It does not mean this cant change in a moments notice.

this stream is going to be insane

Well I guess miz is only going to 12 offstream. Lines up with what he said in offline.

Miz on wow

new ID first post

Anyone else want to confirm this guys claim with ingame screenshot?

Even if you can't afford a wow subscription you can track Miz's wow status the same way you track his rl status

haven't seen anyone else mention him being on. Any wow people back this up?

hes been level 12 11% since he went offline ealier

So he's not online then?

that site seems to take a while to update. Bean still stuck at level 27 on there

Might take awhile for some, but his level plus % makes sense for where he would stop till stream

Apparently people on /bant are actually clueless lmao. Can't figure out how to log in to wow and can't figure out how to use other methods to check Miz's online activity

hes offline

is he home ?

unlikely if hes asking arrav to go in there

If he was I don't see why he wouldn't go himself. Did the same that night he was out and asked in nats chat.

Who's 07?

That's uhhhh o7's boys, he doesn't know.

klat.jpg - 128x128, 2.24K

Anon Babble said he was infront of the cat door on his phone? Real?

lol it's the salute emote. Miz has been saying it non stop the last week or so. Especially with the klats

he shows up at 47:23:50

SS ? My extension wont show the vod for whatever reason

At home, not levelling and not playing with Beepo. Guy is such a fucking retard

Emi might be over

Maybe, but i doubt it if hes asking people to come in while live

They usually stay in the bedroom

True, but why would he not just go to hers ?

Probably was over earlier

how much time between miz being on cat cam and miz asking arrav to hang with the cat?

10 minutes

Hes been home all night. Maybe shes actually sick and he doesnt want to catch it with his voice already being fucked.

huh. why would he not level more? why would he ask arrav to hang out with beepo? kinda weird.

Hes going live in an hour, said hes been sleeping, so hes been home

miz saying he's going live in an hour

lol what is he planning a 24hr so he can catch back up in lvls

True I forgot she's sick

could he be same level by her normal live time ?

dumbass is gonna die again doing something stupid off a scuffed afternoon nap

if you mean tomorrow, no. She might not stream till thursday though so if he does 24hr sleeps at his normal time wakes up and they both continue Thursday it could work. Barring he doesn't die again.

You not think its possible shes live today ?

Will probably be back on thursday. Then hopefully miz will be caught up. But it's miz and he will probably die in another dumb way

She could be. Idk. I'm just saying if she doesn't and he grinds a 24hr he could be back to her level for thurs.

who knows if he's even doing a 24hr though I'm just throwing shit at the wall.

24 seems likely if he wants to keep any kind of normal sleep schedule

I think he'll just keep going until he gets back to where he was before

I guess he could just play an hour or two though. I doubt he slept much just going by his chat logs.

hed do that on alt

so he is clearly doing this to catch up to emi, right? no point otherwise.

maybe. but emi or not, he's way behind the rest of the guild, which looks extra bad because he's a race leader

doubt he would have called her twice last night "joking" about her waiting for him if he had no interest in playing with her.

Anyway I need sleep so keep me updated boys.

Anyway I need sleep

Soft American