The more sex a man has, the looser, and flappy their foreskin becomes

The more sex a man has, the looser, and flappy their foreskin becomes.

I don't get it, where's the funny?

but my foreskin was stolen from me

Yeah....not really a concern to me. Roast beef pussy is only unappealing to cucks who lick piss flaps

There is none
Gayest meme of all time
If you want to make it funny, make it have something controversial and true like having her drop redpills about Jews

okay wtf are these posts

housewife rp

tfw your single mother lives in a all black neighborhood

Jokes on you I don’t have a foreskin

Sorry, not having sex with women that aren't Stacy haha. STACY ONLY!

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Yes, there no need to be mutilating and raping babies.

maybe if we spam the shit out of this forced meme it'll grow on everyone

Post foreskin.

One more win for the cut Chad's!

That's a good thing though, phimosis sucks

americans dont have foreskins

that's a good thing
more space to grow cheese

my first gf LOVED how smooth silky and hard my circumcised white penis was!
Just wish she cut it herself!

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It's funny because men say this about women, so OP thought he would get a few giggles by reversing the roles. Too bad he's a faggot


The real joke is in triggering people like

Nah, it's genuinely gross if it wasnt you that did it to her.

Men have declared spiritual jihad on women, so now they are starting to feel the heat already as the fabric of reality is slowly turning against them. They will only get more and more desperate from here on as men slowly withdraw their attention away from women.

This meme is their counterattack.

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Half the posters here got their foreskin cut off by jews.

almost had an aneurysm reading this until I understood she mean girlfriend as literal girl friends

Does anyone have a wifejak with really dark brown, almost black hair? Trying to see something

The Jews removed my foreskin.

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Fuck off, glowie. This meme is stupid and inorganic.

Is that what your rabbi told you ?

wtf is this force meme even trying to convey?

no u

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lawful evil

Is this supposed to be a new forced meme? It's fucking awful

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nowhere, OP us just a fag

Hebrew meme

At what point is it not the man's fault for having too small of a penis, and its the womans fault for having too loose of a vagina?
id say about 7 inches. whats written in the health books as the normal size of a vaginal cavity.

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Get married and have sex and make White kids

good thing they took mine then I guess

This is untrue, I would be yuge. The biggest.

jokes on you I don't have sex

We need to fix women first. Abolish women's rights and all that bullshit.

It's because pic related.

our girl exposing the schizo fag cult

just marry the used up roastie whore, anon

just pay your taxes, anon

please anon, become a productive member of society!

please anon, I am begging you to please contribute to society! We need people with IQs above 65 to contribute otherwise the whole system collapses in on itself!

wifejak is a psyop produced by the DoD

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Women are stupid.
This meme is stupid.
Simping faggots are stupid.

This is by far the gayest timeline in all of human history.

Don't wait for that, just go find a good wife

just stop existing goy

It's a DoD funded astroturf
it was made by Shaniqua at Langley
forced memes never become a meme
the only exception is millhouse which is not a meme

trooncel niggers absolutely BTFO

Just settle for the used up roastie whore who has taken enough dick to travel to the moon and back 100 times over

what foreskin? my foreskin was turned into beauty cream for elderly jewish women

vaginas are only like 3 inches deep

just get divorce raped and die for israel like a good goy... I mean christcuck... I mean real aryan man(tm)

you are a white man aren't you goy

That's the opposite of what I said
Shalom : )

Every Gods damned time.

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the juice just isn't worth the squeeze
most males throughout history by the age of 25 would have been on their 5th or 6th kid after their married a virgin fertile 13 year old
Now you can at best hope for 1 child by the age of 35 and your partner (nobody gets married anymore) will be some used up roastie whore who had taken enough dick to travel to the moon and back 100 times over
and to make things worse you can't even afford a home and fully belly on a single income
150k a year is nothing when the jobs that pay 150k are located in cities where the average 2 bedroom 1 bath sells for 3 million
and of course all of that is assuming you aren't just repeatedly and systematically discriminated against for being a White Straight Male through the use of DEI policies and affirmative action.

You oppressed the White male for 85+ years straight and now you realize that you need them and they just aren't willing to sacrifice ANYTHING for you and it terrifies you.


The future

Vindictive roastie whore

You can tell glowniggers and/or fefails made this because if a human did, the wifejak would look wholesome, friendly, and affectionate.

Anyone who opposes this jewish meme is a jew

You niggers have been doing this since the christcuck days, fuck off!

Some Faggot really screenshot his own shitty OP

tfw whore penis

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why is pol still fucking insufferable after the election

Friendly reminder:

8. Circumcision decreases the risk of urinary tract infection.

7. Circumcision reduces the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men.

6. Circumcision lowers the risk of STDs.

5. Circumcision protects against penile cancer.

4. Circumcision reduces the risk of penile HPV infection and the risk of cervical cancer in female partners.

3. Circumcision prevents chlamydia infections and subsequent pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

2. Circumcision decreases the risk of balanoposthitis and phimosis and the later need for postneonatal circumcision.

1. Circumcision improves sexual function and creativity.

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you made the same point like four times and it's not even true.

Friendly reminder:
Circumcision of female tongues improves quality of discourse by 1,488%!

1. Circumcision improves sexual function and creativity.

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wow anon, even after reading your little list of copes I STILL don't want to mutilate myself! What next, are you going to suggest slicing off your eyelids you freak?

Masters WH, Johson VE. Human sexual response. Boston: Little Brown and Company; 1996. p. 189-91.

thats when the woman is not aroused. when a woman gets aroused it lengthens