Would you race mix with Brittany Venti?

Would you race mix with Brittany Venti?

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No, she is my queen and I will protect her honor at all costs
I would never presume something so debased as having sex with her

Solid 0/10 no tail

Lizard tail?

Racemixing is having babies. Sex i am open to, babies no. I don't want to create mutts.

no tail


Her eyes are so far apart they look like they got in a fight and their no longer talking to one another.

She already have polish genes in her, enough is enough.

No. God makes saggy boobed white women, too.

No. Her pussy looks like cottage cheese and smells like a car crash (yeast may be to blame).

Someone post the meme where it says that breeding all women is a virtue and then lists all the women that should be bred

wtf is that?

la creatura

imagine the odors

that eye separation makes me think im watching an inhuman creature, pass

she basically wants me

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i will never marry her

thanks for introducing me to yet another insurmountable disappointment of this reality

see thats a throw back to the russo
s last contract which was for some furfag shit. now with the new venti contract, it should read something that basically suggests she's white when she really is anything but

Faggots on pol don't realize there is no such thing as racemixing if you are a man
Sure your wife better be your own race, but apart from that your only goal should be to breed as many women as possible
A half-nigger with half my genes is better than a full nigger, therefore it is my duty to impregnate as many negresses as possible

Never but Venti is a great example of mixed beauty

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please sauce

Yes....wouldn't marry but she's top-shelf babymomma/sidechick material

if the laws were just she would be in my harem

That nigger is fucking disgusting, would not.

Might help you actual retards to read a book on biology to learn how racemixing strengthens genetics. In other words, you dumb fucking chuds can't do away with racemixing or or the microscopic world would kill everyone, but losers who can't pull exotic women wouldn't know, and would just post about how the grapes are sour LOL
LMFAO, what clowns

Anal cream pie

i would wifejack the shit out of that blackkie

only 30%

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if she wasn't married already, sure

Race mix with an ultra mutt

You can't fit any more races in that thing, its' full.



lmfao is she actually jewish?

she was literally born to give birth to the new white race, if she isnt having 10 children then whitey lost

I couldn't do that to ruskie anon

she's literally my type

What race is that, even?

She's 3/5 white.


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Could be. Jewish slave owners raping negresses was a thing.

That is a man

shes white already, you stupid white fagot racist.

Shes hot. Of course. She looks white?

no she's american

Absolutely. I want to worship her feet. I want to drink her pee. I want to worship her ass. I want to have multiple ruined orgasms over her soles and toes and lick it all off like a good foot slave puppy.

I always knew russian furfags are jews

race mix

Looks white.

She's allowed to be famous, of course she's part jew. And all the JIDF push her here, if you havn't realized they only shill jewish women, they you are NGMI.

No. I have no idea how the fuck any of you find her attractive.




Dios mio... I did not vote for this.

I have no idea how the fuck any of you find her attractive.

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She has large breasts, white skin, colored eyes, and is overall exotic looking. It's really not that hard to figure out.

I'd actually drop some bombs in her. Don't think I'd stick around to raise the kids though.

I would blow gallons into her.

t. her nig daddy

No, but i'd lick her asshole clean.

am i smelling a hurt butt, kurwa san?

See, I vastly prefer her and other mulattas when they have straight hair like that. Makes them more appealing.

She's a light-skinned blue-eyed girl that's not overweight. That automatically gives her a bump compared to purple-haired fish-mouthed landwhales.

I would prefer pure white beauties over her, but I'm not going to turn down bleaching a mulatta whose willing to accept white dick.

Reported for offtopic kys.


Her father was white

She is married? Congrats to her.

Would fuck her but not breed her.

That's because you are a troon and you need to find some rope tree and die.

she will always be queen of Anon Babble

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Doesn't hit the same under isreal flag tho


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Imagine if u had a son with her. God he would hate the world so much for looking like a Quasimodo

She is married?


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aside from being a dysgenic mongoloid her tits are extremely asymmetrical, so, no

Nope. It's nothing to do with race I just find her irritating. Annoying bimbo-ish voice.

Snow nig confirmed.

You actually dont want to racemix a lot. According HBD (Human Biological diversity) if you racemix too much your altruism for your own people has a tendency to go away. Scott Alexander (based psychologist) has written quite a lot about this. More racemixing = less altruism for your kin. You do want to inbreed to a very small degree so that the mental emotions that are responsible for caring for one another are kept within the genetic grouping.

This is why arabs might be very violent towards one another, but can immediately regroup towards a common enemy (israel). Same thing with jews who inbreed a lot and work towards destroying their common enemy (white people).

sees dna estimate with no jewish

is she jewish


that time I finally heard her voice

absolute fucking dealbreaker
I can deal with fetal alcohol syndrome, banana titties, and muttoid genes, but that buzz-saw peanut butter-on-roof-of-mouth power combo she spews is an absolute holocaust on the ears, except it actually happened

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Would you race mix with Brittany Venti?

That whore who let arabs shit on her for $50,000?


Well, you're both mixed-race, so it'd be a perfect match.

she looks cute here, if only her eyes weren't so far apart anon

No, I date girls more attractive than her, and I don't obsess about e-thots because I am not a terminally online shitskin incel.

Her father looks like some hungarian gypo

She actually passes for white in this pic.

And her damn seems like a total boss. Someone whom you would NOT fuck with.

Anyhow her dad is doing God's work. It's every white man's duty to bleach non-whites until they're virtually indistinguishable from pure whites.

Venti Vlad still alive

Thank God.

Would I knock her up? Fuck yes.
Would I let those babies come to term? Ha, no. She can get bigger milk filled titties but she ain't pushing out no mutts.

i dont believe this.... she barely has her dating life public.

Look at that crooked fucking nose. Fuck no, I don't want any kike in my blood.

ukraine and poland was and is full of jews. theyre indistinguishably intermixed you ugly, retarded yid

Aren't the tits supposed to be on the chest and not the fucking belly?

Absolutely not lol.

Check out the ESL skills on, Radeesh...

If you're white, the kids would be 90% white, too, especially with colored eyes, so hardly mutts. You're just a faggot with brown eyes probably.

theyre indistinguishably intermixed you ugly, retarded yid

that's not how dna works anon. When one population mixes with another, they retain genes from both populations, they don't create new genes. Retard.

She's got those comically large Stellar Blade/DOA boobs.

I would race mix with a fox.

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those dna tests arent accurate retard, they admit it themselves. no i wont show you, no i dont care what you say hohol kike.

fucking sahelanthropus looking bitch

those dna tests arent accurate retard, they admit it themselves

yes they are. no they don't. you're a retard.

fucking sahelanthropus looking bitch

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prove you aren't a shitskin by telling me how your post got to this website
prove you understand white technology

The fact you even asked that shows what a white obsessed jeet you are, nice try...

mutt on mutt rape.

I would be so elated to nibble upon her nourishing milk nozzles as they sporadically squirt warm milk into my mouth. My brown hands kneading her soft breasts coaxing out additional milk with each soft squeeze. God bless.

Didn't she make a promise about a month ago?

After seeing her Khazarian milkerz, probably.
But I would still rather have this woman (pic rel) She is my new crush!
Or I'd want my Ukrainian Guitar Hero Princess but B still has potential.
I like her more now that I think I've seen her boobaz posted the other day. Most men would attack her tiddiez right away and so would I.

Titty Attack!

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Would you have gay sex with Shigeru Miyamoto?

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I would let her suck my dick and then I would just disappear and ignore her calls. Her tits will hang down to her knees in 5 years max. It will be a disgusting sight.

Shit just got unreal!
This wild fucker looks like Elon!

I don't have nudes

Is that what she tells her simp boyfriends

lmfao is she actually jewish?

most likely, yeah
just another thing to spit at her in disgust for

I take those tiddies and and poke my eyes out with them.

Based jew, but monster girls will still friendzone you.

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Lol qwhite technology is inscrutable magic to third world shitskins like yourself. Thats why your recent ancestors were hunter gathers and mine built Europe.

In another lifetime and timeline, yeah, I'd see where it goes, but probably not having kids (the eye gap stuff is a little unfortunate; but I don't know how much of that is due to camera views and angles, and how it would appear IRL).
But in this one, I'm planning on remaining a virgin to the last breath, and definitely never having any offspring. Genetics alone, they'd be fucked; never mind that they would be messed with and tortured by DEWs and neuroweapons before they even came out of their mother's womb. I can't bear to bring that type of pain into the world.