no, simping for women is not actually masculine nor attractive
Wifejak is a form of male feminism as a response to the redpill movement
I want to make out with Brett's butthole, if you know what I mean
I can't look at her without seeing Ben Shapiro in a wig
this lol
ben shapiro doing drag
You're a dumb faggot brainwashed by kikes.
get ready for 4 years of "le based" and "trad" memes
meanwhile ADL guy makes a new graph with lower number % of whites in America
wishing women were better
You're a simp and a feminist
Shut up faggot. I got a wife who actively hates jews and avoids niggers because I looked for a better woman and slowly convinced her.
Accepting women as they are is retarded.
for your wife
Just give it a rest, gaper.
don't recognize new memes anymore
don't care
wife material
grotty ginger
I'd rather be gay.
If it makes memeflags like yourself seethe, it's a good thing.
your wife fucked niggers before she put on that bulky sweater covering her tattoos.
she's changed
Why does this bitch look like Ben Shapiro so much? Does Israel mass produce these based redpilled right wing online speakers?
Why do people watch Ben Shapiro. He isn’t even a conservative, just a pro Israel shill
Wifejak is a litmus test that reveals a lot about the person and how they see the world. After seeing how Nick and his gang of Groypers react to the meme, I'm inclined to agree. Nick in particular is seething because Trump won so now there’s an even larger amount of people on the right who don’t like him, and now they’re offering a much more alluring vision of the future for disgruntled young men. If one side is offering young men a rather lonely existence and the other a wife and kids most will choose the latter.
y-your wife is just like my mom
Not fat, no tats, hated niggers before she met me.
It's amazing how much you hate your own lifd
Yeah literally the first time I saw it my first thought was "this was designed by some sort of corporation or think tank"
found one kike
That Alex guy sure is lucky
Look at this faggot constantly dreaming of nigger dicks. Stop watching blacked porn, you fucking cuck.
All meme flags are kikes, you fucking like.
Ew I clicked your video and it was a gay seething Spic talking. I cringed so hard didn’t even watch. Women make him seethe too much. lmao here’s a women bet it makes him and Groypers want to rage.
he believes her
lmao, ask me how I know you've never had a gf before your wifejak settled for your sorry ass
It's about time local retards would get it through their thick skulls, that "trad" cucks are crypto-feminists who put holes on pedestal. It's just somewhat different pedestal than that of generic feminism.
Holes are lower life form, they are unfit for pedestals or even proper human dignity, and when left alone they never have it. In the end tradcuck attempts to apply some to them are as much of a laughable and futile struggle against biological reality, as attempts of modern equality academia to raise super-intelligent niggers.
imagine being this retarded
yeah bro Trump won this means women will not work at corporate and fuck chads
i can finally get married and divorced cos of Trump
as much as the next 4 years are gonna be insufferable cos of retarded and cringe "trad" memes, it'll be at least double funny when you retards realize you get nothing coming to you.
Post a screenshot of your mom saying she's proud of you. I'd ask for one of your dad, but you don't know him
I don't disagree these young women are such fucking cunts
Ben wishes he had this ass.
Wifejak causes kikes physical pain lmfao
Cope. Cozy completely fell apart and the only time Nick gets attention now is when he does retarded shit like the "your body, my choice" or the macing incident. If you give young guys hope, there's not much incentive to join the declining incel death cult. Putting aside Nick's weird hatred of women, the wifejak meme goes against his interests as the Catboy Führer.
s-s-she f-fucks n-n-n-niggers
Lmao, you bitches are fucking pathetic. You nigger dick loving faggot.
Fucking lol.
Post a screenshot proving you married a wholesome virgin lmao (i'll wait)
I didn't know that russians were based.. please take care of your women ,they're slowly turning into feminists there
She doesn't even look like him
Is it true that she's part Filipina?
Stop showing little girls your porn collection, groomer.
It feels like damage control, At face value it's just a wholesome pro family meme, but it's sort of waiving over the horrendous fucking behaviour of western white women for the past 2 decades. Like it's attempting to get the increasingly radicalized male population to deradicalize and back onto the plantation, without actually addressing any of the legitimate grievances those men have, so nothing really gets fixed, everyone just gets placated again.
And if that's true then this Wifejack meme is exactly the kind of thing the "Tap the sign" meme was trying to warn you about
Look at this groyper. His concept of women and all the reasons he hates women is based almost entirely around what hes see in pornography. You think all white women are dating black men you jerk off to interracial porn and think that's real life. Grim
let's wait and see, there'll be a lot of coping and last laughs. don't say you weren't told
Soviet feminism is older than feminism in the west. Pretty sure it was tested here before being deployed in first world. Literally the only difference of local holes from yours is more intense focus on materialistic greed.
Based and hope it's true. When we say we hate women, we don't mean LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE WOMEN, but the feminine side of culture is absolute ass. So is the men's side, but men have heavier-tailed trait distributions so more men lie outside of the "bell curve" than women, in a whole host of traits. It's harder to find a non-normie woman than a non-normie man.
I hope you found her. I thought my wife was based and redpilled but turns out she just had severe borderline personality disorder, and was a career fraud. Glad I got out of that bullshit, hope you're not in a similar situation. My buddy says his wife is more redpilled than him, and he also has a history of dealing with narcs, and she seems like a nice lady, so I believe him.
tl;dr PWD may be warranted as opposed to TWD. But if you simp for your wife, or she simps for you (rarer), one of you is getting scammed.
I accept your concession
Who is that why does it look like a dude?
lol who’s passing out wives?
i find this meme cringe and i just scroll down whenever i see it but if it makes andrew tate and nick fuentes browncel fans seethe so much then i appreciate it
Nothing sadder than someone who wife's up a mudshark
Even if Microchimerism weren't real (it is tho), your children would be genetic dumpster
bingo. tho tbf everyone got placated during election day. now it's just padding and dumb unfunny rightoid memes
“The Individual Ready Reserve, which stood at 700,000 in 1973 and 450,000 in 1994, now stands at 76,000. These numbers cannot fill the existing gaps in the active force, let alone any casualty replacement or expansion during a large-scale combat operation. The implication is that the 1970s concept of an all-volunteer force has outlived its shelf life and does not align with the current operating environment.”
The Russia-Ukraine War is exposing significant vulnerabilities in the Army’s strategic personnel depth and ability to withstand and replace casualties. Army theater medical planners may anticipate a sustained rate of roughly 3,600 casualties per day, ranging from those killed in action to those wounded in action or suffering disease or other non-battle injuries. With a 25 percent predicted replacement rate, the personnel system will require 800 new personnel each day. For context, the United States sustained about 50,000 casualties in two decades of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. In large-scale combat operations, the United States could experience that same number of casualties in two weeks.
Large-scale combat operations troop requirements may well require a reconceptualization of the 1970s and 1980s volunteer force and a move toward partial conscription.
Yes we do. Thats the entire point of public policy: generalizing based on patterns
I really don't know what it is, other than some kind of psychological warfare, or who it comes from. It's incredibly unnerving.
hasn't won a single thing yet
i win
the rightoid mind is truly fascinating
nigger lover
That would be your little wifeypoo. You'd be surprised what she does on her phone. She'd never tell you about it though : )
ah here comes the male feminist, i know we're supposed to settle for used up 35 year old roast like you but nope.
another beta who settle for this first roastie that gave him attention. You guys stick out like a sore thumb
Microchimerism means that any child you have with a whore is genetically not yours. The more abortions she had the worse it is.
This, it's a retarded forced meme being astroturfed here, it's not funny at all. But, the amount of ass hurt it causes the incels that have infested the board is fucking hilarious.
Feminism is too important to be left to the hands of women.
great post ivan
Who's making you come here to shill for this? This is the most blatant social engineering attempt.
Nick lost
Back to Anon Babble with you fag
You'd be surprised what she does on her phone. She'd never tell you about it though : )
This. If you don't have your wifes phone password(s) and regularly check her shit then she WILL do something to betray you. Likely sexting random men.
ah here comes the male feminist, i know we're supposed to settle for used up 35 year old roast like you but nope.
I was expecting you to mention tails
Jews are like the dark elves in TES
oddly foreign but still attractive
worship weird religion that everyone else thinks is evil(Judaism/Daedra)
everyone hates them despite them being crafty and outsmarting everyone
If you give young guys hope, there's not much incentive to join the declining incel death cult
Wrong. This is a Jordan Peterson take. The variable you're missing is reality:
women can and will work for their own money now
but they still want yours
women don't ask men out, evincing their lack of sexual/romantic interest unless something material is in it for them
but women are expected to do so because fake and gay reasons
women won't date or marry below them
necessitating men to do so
women want to maintain careers during the child's early life (lunacy) so pay for childcare which means both parents need to make WAY more money
Tiresome. None of this is addressed by le cute Wifejak meme. I didn't even get into marriage (sexless, abusive, then divorce) because I don't need to. You can sell kids a bill of goods, you might get a few morons who take the bait, but most men shouldn't get married because it's a bad deal for them. If you're encouraging people to take deals that are bad for them, you're a tapeworm or a pinworm, you live on shit, you're not even worth being called a tick or mosquito who gets to travel outside the shitpipe, that's your whole existence.
Getting men to think women are wonderful (wrong, scam) won't work because reality is fighting you every step of the way. Fix women first.
Remember, when WWIII turns hot and your western country has no choice but to institute a draft due to a severe lack of young men volunteering just remember that your government wants you; broke, lonely, destitute, angry, weak, and your children raped and murdered! This goes doubly true for white men under the age of 30. It is one thing to sacrifice your youth and most of your life to Mr. Shekelberg so 33% or more of your paycheck can go towards sand niggers, niggers, women, and trannies but it is on an entirely new level to die in a fucking frozen ditch in Eastern Ukraine, a muggy swamp in Taiwan, or under the blazing sun in Iran so that Mr. Shekelberg can make gains on his Halliburton stock.
Do NOT under ANY circumstances help globohomo fight their wars. If you are unable to dodge the draft then the second they give you a rifle _____. Your brothers below officer rank are just like you and should be ignored, but officers are a different breed, they were not drafted, they WILLINGLY volunteered for Officer Training School and WILLINGLY kneeled down to suck Mr. Shekelbergs dick, they are no longer human.
Your nation has spent the last century replacing you, killing you, raping your women, eradicating your culture, demonizing your history, and spreading feminism, and other globohomo attributes across the globe. Your nation hates you, do not die in a ditch for a nation that would rather see you and everything you represent obliterated. No amount of pearl harbors is going to change this, 9/11 was the last time the kikes could pull that out of their bags of tricks. The American empire ended in 1968, but it will be nothing but dust after 2025.
Currently the DoD is running a recruitment campaign on this board and across all social media trying to convince you to die on foreign soil for jewish interests. It is not working, they are terrified because it is not working.
i've had a no nut streak for a few days now and you almost made me break it. fuck you.
everytime you catch the peter thiel guys doing something impose a cost on them by attacking JD Vance
Makes my boner rage alright
lame meme forced meme posted here for a few days
few even react or interact with it
INSTANTLY gets covered by kikes
I often think the schizoids who call every meme astroturfed by jews are crazy, but they'd be right about this one.
Another jewish pushed maymay.
Fucking lmao, this little faggot is still dreaming of nigger dicks. You have nigger dick mania. Just troon out and go fuck niggers already. You laughable faggot.
posts a photo of himself
nice own bro
2-3 days ago nobody talked about this shit and now there's multiple threads about it 24/7. Fuck off with your forced shit.
it fails but it frustrates the process and wastes time
You’ve mentioned nigger dick more than anyone in the thread anon
s-stop it!!
why aren’t you demoralized
Why is your aim demoralization?
It's hilarious how hard you fucking losers tell on yourselves in these threads. The concept of having sex or a relationship is so foreign to you that you assume every other man was a 40 year old virgin like you who finally settled for a post wall wine aunt lmfao. God fucking dammit leftoids are right about the chuds sometimes.
This is the oldest jew trick in the book. Brett Cooper is literally Ben Shapiro streaming with a filter for double the shekels.
mad cuz it hit a nerve, don't worry, it'll all come out when she dumps you
What is the point of this wifejak meme? I dont go to Xitter. I've only seen it here in the past 24 hours.
You just know dude peaked in high school, but also spent it inside a locker kek.
i legit thought this is ai genderswapped shapiro lol
I really don’t see it either, just the same head shape and eye color.
People have discernment and self-determinism. Pretending that you are a helpless victim who couldn’t possibly do anything in life until someone creates their perfect utopia is cope.
Still harping about nigger dicks huh? How much of your day do you suppose you devot to nigger dick worship? Do you dream of nigger dicks in your sleep?
Shut up cuck, I fuck on a regular basis, girls you could never get. Some are married and I'm the one they text when you're asleep for your wagecuck job. How do you think I know all this shit lmao. All women are depraved whores. Including your little wifeyjak ; )
it's just the white feather psyop, reinvented
I know EXACTLY what you mean. Brett Cooper’s Pooper >>>>>>>
Does anyone have the meme about women invading mens' spaces and ruining them? It's basically that.
This is a shill thread funded by the Department of Defense
This is a shill thread funded by the Department of Defense
This is a shill thread funded by the Department of Defense
This is a shill thread funded by the Department of Defense
Regardless my wife is a wonderful woman who doesn't resemble wifejak one bit.
JD Vance sucked Peter Thiels cock to get ahead
I'm an incel: the post
Behold, a man of straw. You Thiel guys have such a small playbook.
when did ben shapiro troon out
Lol, no you don't. You goon to blacked porn 20 hours a day.
That's a good way to put it actually
Fucking retarded glowies, the amount of good wömen out there will only decline. Your shit memes will not help "males to deradicalize" since wömen are the only reason for the gender dynamics to be fucked and men "radicalizing" (realizing what men have always known, wömen unchecked only bring ruin to everyone, wömen included)
you know they are related
Imagine what a fat suicidal retard this queer is lmfao
Shut up cuck, I fuck on a regular basis, girls you could never get. Some are married and I'm the one they text when you're asleep for your wagecuck job. How do you think I know all this shit lmao. All women are depraved whores. Including your little wifeyjak ; )
Yours is probably fat and ugly, trannyroom.
Question is which direction he trooned
Well you keep sitting on your hands then. No great loss to the gene pool.
it started as cute/mildly annoying stuff women say and do
been going on xitter for months
only being posted herr because nick the spic is mad about it
She stronk and cute
The real Breakroom has been gone for years
that is a glownigger, the fake breakroom,
ask him to post a picture from inside the breakroom with a timestamp and ID
he wont and hasn't for years
It isn't very funny 2bh
Plapjak was funny this is not
just take shit deals kids, wouldn't want Mr. Thiel and Mr. Vance to disapprove
I know, that's why always refer to him as trannyroom.
It's crazy watching this ideological coup of the MAGA movement take happen in real time. This is the most desperate I've seen them.
If you can't beat 'em, you gotta join them I guess (and try to coopt them)
It's a form of seethe
I think wifejak is cute and Nick a faggot.
no you dont undertsnad you fucking retarded kike tm mitdwit tm if you dont man tm up like me a real alpha tm amle tm get married to a single mother with a niglit whose dad left th4m after fucking their mom like the retarded cumdumpster she was someone just had to man tm up and do the right tm thing because im a good tm goy tm who follows the bible tm and it says iyou hae to be a good tm goy tm in it to et to heaven tm then she divorced me and i cant see me kids anymore becayse she claim i was emotionally abusing her for not wanting to do the dishes i also have no money left becayse i have to send everyting i earn to her for shicld suppport or soemthing i also dont own te house but i pay the morgage for it which some kind jew uses to buy vactions to soemone island ors eotmhing im so happy tm if you donyt man tm up uke me your dnot a real white tm alhaoa tm male tm if ytou even think about not doing it your a midwit ktm kike tm glownigger tm women cant do a single thing wrong becayse they just do whateve rmean tm want them to even thoug none want them to bahve like this but thats besides you the point your just a midwit kike nigger or soemthing dont question the nmraative goy step up and be amna tm alreday die for israel likea good tm goy
Damn, that's crazy.
is that bradley dragon?
only being posted herr because nick the spic is mad about it
Brett Cooper had a slut phase in college where she had sex with niggers.
Okay just don’t get married or have kids and continue to seethe about it online for the rest of your life.
(also note, the wömen who say they're 'alone' are fucking 100 guys, the men who say they're alone are fucking 0)
its more relatable than outright funny
i dont care how many times you post this cartoon character, im not going to wed a used up roastie whore
seething cucks know truth when they hear it. I'm the guy she's thinking about. You're the little bitch she has on a leash.
Ben Shapiro
For me it’s the voice. I have to turn of directly.
video proof?
pro family
ideological coup
The hell? 95% of america looks nothing like this. Maybe if you bulldozed the suburbs and deported the Indians we could have this again.
Lmao, you're an incel who is obsessed with nigger dicks.
memery foam
not goose down
Bitch theres about to be a domestic!
seething cucks know truth when they hear it. I'm the guy she's thinking about. You're the little bitch she has on a leash.
Get out of the city, retard. Most of the country minus your nigger infested cities look just like that.
how does this make you feel
Many such cases
This fucking twink for nigger dick is still here lmfao
it's forced and retarded
it's like some filthy retard drew the more repulsive retarded shit ever and started posting it for absolutely no fucking reason
social shaming doesn't work here
go back to facebook, phoneposter
Well that's because you're like a leftist where you realize how much of a subhuman you are so nobody can say anything about you that's worse than what you think about yourself.
abobooboooo da woke right ;(
eat my ass, faggot
this is somehow more forced than "i don't appreciate you"