Made a million and a half wageslaving

Please tell me how stupid I am. I saved half of it and have a paid off house. No debt and a pension. Please enlighten me on why I should have been a fucking loser instead of winning.

I started with nothing.

because there are people making what you spent 40 years chasing in just 7 days.

I don't think you understand. I don't care what stuff costs. I don't care when my bills are due. I fucking won the game. So what about you?

relax bro
the whole wagie cagie thing is just a meme

My dad has 5 million euros and never worked a day in his life
Why should I work?
Also I saw some nice boobs today

I made it

now I need to go brag about it to the internet

Do you have a wife/family to share it with anon? I'm happy you arent poor but money isn't everything.

How long did that take you? Was it, or is it still worth it?

It took my whole life but it was definitely worth it. Who the fuck else can stand up and say they earned everything they got? I'm like this happy and I'm not even a fag

keep winning bro, after bill gates culls the losers who cant make it in the modern world its going to get even better. there will be much more resources for people like you and me.

Values money more than time

You are as stupid as stupid gets.

Unless you have 3 kids with a stable marriage at this point, you wasted your life in a rat race.

Three kids five grand babies been married to a big tittied ice blue eyes sweety for 32 yrs.

sounds like a niggercattle cope to me

Don't get me wrong money is just stuff. But it's good to have stuff.

How did you do it im trying to retire for the least amount of years work Early retirement extreme and mr money mustache have good ideas from what i have seen.

But it's good to have stuff.

Definitely better than having federal reserve notes

you have nothing so shut it

i judge myself by deed, not possession

Work harder.

That's what's up bro.
Good job.

How's that working for you buddy? Sounds like an odd plan.

Nnniiiccceee digits

and what deeds have you done exactly? promote communism?


I didn't post this to brag. I'm just saying if you work hard you can make it.

I mean if being a bum and not having shit is excellent then you're probably t.he king of the bums

Im poor and I also dont care what stuff costs or when my bills are due. I too have won the fucking game.

You are a fucking loser for crying about how others are calling you stupid.
You are stupid.

Money is often falsely equated with productivity, intelligence, class, success, integrity, and/or good taste.
If you equate success with money, you will likely be perpetually dissatisfied, in a constant state of longing.

work ethic
If you value the above, you will always be content and successful, no matter where you are or what you do.

Also, everyone is a wage slave. Everyone's salary can be broken into labor/time, regardless if they get a salary.

This time last year I was living in a shed shitting in a bag after glowniggers schitzed me out and made me lose what little I had.
This year I'm comfortable in an apartment and just cashed out on a car.

You just gotta go get it and not give up bro.
I drank for 20 years so I had a lot of catching up to do when I got sober.

i live a very rich life with very little money

Isn't that the whole point? What fucking planet are you from?

Yeah I got a nice nest egg after busting my ass for over a decade. Now I'm NEET living off it. Pretty nice.

You might be right.

lets just live in a 15 minute walkable bill gates niggercattle feedlot and live bu these rules bro, then i wont get conscripted for ww3

Go have an adventure and live like a bum with no plan then
I got bored of it ngl

boy you're nuts
did i say any of that?

and have a paid off house

You have to pay rent on that house because you don't have allodial title. If you don't pay your rent (called property tax), the real owner will kick you out.

I have been homeless 3 years next month. I say this without hyperbole, I am better than you for not participating in this fake system. Money isn't real, and almost all laws are artificial locuses of control. You are not natural, you are a product. Value is derived through security, seniority, and quality. A system that can change instantly, has changed constantly, and isn't even the best-in-field example of what it reports to be, is not a good system. The whole world has turned into a great whore to be fucked. The only people I am envious of are Whites born on islands so obscure that I have never heard of them, and that of course also have an Internet connection.

I love how bums who are mooching off of other people and don't have any of their shit together and want to tell me how fucking stupid I am. Maby I am maybe you're fucking genius.

yeah that happened

Nice larp, it's nice to dream sometimes isn't it?

I was homeless last year and I'll say this.
Money can really allow me access to a shower and somewhere to shit that doesn't make a huge mess and is properly disposed of.

That stuff matters a lot when you don't have it and especially when you are working in fiberglass trying to obtain it.

Please don't oversell being a bum.
It's really not all it's cracked up to be.

t.reformed bum

You should have started the thread with that. Also being married for 32 years makes you atleast 50?
This would have been a very different thread if you posted your age and marital status in the OP.
I think very few people here would say that boomers did not win.

You want me to send you a picture of my dick covered with $100 bills? Probably cuz you sound like a fag.

When you took a mortgage for the house, you also bought the bank a house with the interest you paid; interest for lending you money that they got out of thin air. Winning?

mortgage.png - 1001x343, 17.66K

Fair enough but I don't want to be locked into a box because of my age. I'm 56 but fit in a full head of hair and I got plenty of money. I know it doesn't mean anything to anybody but you know it's pretty good for me.

Whatever I can get that money back you can't get your rent money back fag.

I'm in a similar situation. I see so many people around me where a simple unexpected 4000 expense is a multi-month life alteration. Like their lifestyle has to drastically plummet for 2-12 months because of that.

You have flinched staring into the abyss, I have not. The government will replace us all anyways, they have no loyalty because they buy their own security at the cost of quality.

Exactly. I got so much money that I bet $500 on the Titans to win the super bowl this there's still a chance and it would pay 75 grand but it's not going to happen but I ain't worried about $500.

Spoken like a true slave. The slave system is coming to an end under Trump.

Goethe.png - 867x436, 239.33K

I think that being a slave is letting other people take care of you. I'm going to be able to take care of myself and my people for a long time. I know it's hard for you to fathom that. But that's okay because you're a fag.

How do you do it when there is no jobs?

You didn’t win shit you absolute faggot. You don’t own your house the banks and the Feds do. This is just a massive cope. The free market capitalist system is literally engineered so that the few can be supported by the many. You and your “gig job” are actually useless outside of whatever social structures exist currently. Most people don’t even make a million dollars in their lifetime even working way harder than you did. You will work until you are 65 and then you will have cancer.

I have a job and sold weed.

Man you could probably make your own job. Figure it out.

sounds like a niggercattle cope to me

Good. Now enjoy you last years as a rich old man after wasting all your young age life as a slave. The only exception is if you did a job you really liked and I doubt it.
You own nothing and you are happy, goy? Gut, gut... rent for me my goy!

You're just lazy and don't respect yourself so you can go thru life without paying for yourself to wash your own ass and not sleep outside.
I just found that I cannot.

You're a conformist and a whore. No part of this system which currently exists is healthy or efficient. There's no reason to value it or have loyalty to those within it. You are not natural, you are nurtured. You are a product.

I fucking won the game.

but you didn't, win. the people who are winning are the people who make what you made in seven days. they're the ones who are winning, they already won.
you're facilitating their victory. you are a stepping stone.