Arcane fixed

I will now watch your show

why did they make them so fucking ugly

they are so hot i'd let them peg me

censorship >:(

censorship, china :D

b-but you did it First!

so you no have believes of morals, got it

Total dyke death.

My morals are that i hate fags.

It's never been about censorship. People like OP—which is to say loser incels—piss and shit themselves over any display of sexuality that doesn't conform to their preferences.

leftists are such crybullies lmfao

I'm just glad that you retards get what you deserve, support trash companies and they give you trash products

Why? It's a bad show. What would you watch it for?

fuck off, Vi is cute

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I love romance, I love sex, every show and movie should have a hardcore sex scene in it. I just watched drive away girls and the movie has like 50 lesbian sex scenes in it, it starts with margaret qualley getting squirted in the face by a fat latina. China can suck my cock, americucks can suck my cock too

we support all LGBT people unless it will cost us money then fuck em

western animation

fuck no

piss and shit themselves over any display of sexuality that doesn't conform to their preferences.

But enough about leftists.

based china

You should learn to love yourself, anon.

no source


randowm reddit who

Gullible idiots.

Arcane still looks like junk content. Not fixed.

incel? Why use such transphobic word?

fetal alcohol syndrome

Me and my gf

Me in Reality

Woah, that's not every tolerant of you.

chuds lost (again)

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just to let you know dragon blood was better story wise and moment wise arcane only has animation but thats the story of riot/league great presentation everything else fall flat

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kamala lost
trump won

This can't be real right? This shit is so goofy lmao

This is true, grifters are cowards and bullies, they will never try to fight something that is as popular and as big as arcane

Will lesbians be allowed to exist in trumos america or will they all be culled?

i agree
i dont even like dota 2.
but the animation series was pretty fucking good. i didn expect it to like it this much

her back is fucked

Lesbians are literally always ugly irl

why is everyone so ugly on this show

But seriously folks, there's too many gosh darn straight relationships on tv.

no, it's funny because they are so hypocritical

duh, investors don't care about LGBTQRSTVWX+, and these degenerates will look the other way because they have no real voice in these companies

Did they edit out jinx kissing a gorilla?

I wanna fuck her in the back if you know what I mean

Did Jayce really had to wait until the fucking end of the series to close the fucking Hexcore? Wtf is wrong with him?

NoOOooOoOO the characters don’t look like generic anime girls AHHHHH HELP ME I’m being genocided!!!

lmao stfu kid

That would be fucking hilarious if they removed the nig.

China hates faggots?

Censorship = thing I don't like

Always has been always will be, no one argues in good faith

get a taste of your own (censorshi- I mean "localized") medicine

still don't turn around and realise that free speech is good actually and original things shouldn't get "adjusted"

man lefty mental illness is something else, I'm not going to shed a tear if you are okay with bear traps and then step on one yourself

trump won

She's only cute as seen from her right, from her left she has that stupid California feminist shave

loser incels

why'd you put this note on this dude's car?

Dykes are alnost always stereotyped as ugly in media i think it's "empowering" or something.

why is china against this? Isn’t religion illegal there? What force if not god is telling them this is should be illegal?

i didn't mention anime

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i'm not from la favela... pls stop bro............


No my sister is going to kill herself I should go after her

Hey girl let's have sex instead

Ok I guess isn't that important

Season 2 is shit.

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