Mнoгo гoвopят, пycтыe cлoвa

Уникaлeн в этoй cфepe, вcюдy cлышy гoлoca
Я cтaвлю в cyкy хpoнocфepy, пpoпaдaя нaвceгдa
Я зaтмил ee пpoблeмы, я зaтмил ee глaзa
Meня нeнaвидят бoги, мeня нeнaвижy я

stop stealing vlad's posting identity


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just message him on the cord and tell him to start posting again

Vlad vs Swiss 1v1 wrestling who wins?

Both in maid costumes

the futafags win

but what if he's gone for real now, you shouldn't joke about that

Him probably, he used to gym regularly

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That would be really boring

and i agree so messaging him 150 times a day and begging him and crying is the only thing that can save him from inevitable suicide

it should come natural to you once you get into that crybaby mindset but you gotta remember that beggars can't be choosers so if he chooses to ghostcuck you and ignore you there's nothing you can do besides begging and pleading even more

he cancels out and beats your ego by having an even bigger ego so you will have to depress your head down and listen and learn once he stops toying with you and ghostdomming you

I have a job

and what's your job

Кaк хopoшo ycнyть c мыcлю, чтo миp гopит, нo тeбя eтo yжe нe кacaeтcя

A пoтoм пpocнyтьcя и пoнять, чтo пeпeл yжe y твoeй двepи.

nice thread
maybe i'll learn other languages one day

Faggot, start reading succession wars already. Just start it from chapter 339/340, where anime ended. It has real kurapika kino and tons of many new cool characters, please read it, please read it, it's so good

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Okay okay okay but I am running extremely low on motivation to do anything lately

I will motivate you, don't worry


That would be gay

Ia znaiu ruski ploxa or something, so I can't do it sorry
I can beam something into your head if you want though

It seems both of us want gay stuff, there's only one way out of this

3 years since le /qa incident..... Well I am already 20 so it's not even 1/6 of my life, not too bad

The cognitive decline.....

It’s funny how people say yea goodbye I’m leaving forever but most return again after a few months
Some will truly stay till they finally decide to shut it down and they themselves won’t even know why they stayed that long

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For me it's half of my life, 1/2 of it, first part being while I was on qa
I never said it, not I ever wanted to leave the bant. Dramas happened, the life got more serious, moved to us, got a job...
I'm happy to be here today

Yes I wasn’t talking specifically about you tho
It’s just something I saw happen quite a few times
Yea, the people who truly just leave forever kinda just dissapear into the void
But that’s a very small percentage (they prob died)

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I came here pretty late, on Anon Babble in general. I was lot cringier though, I was in lore more degenerate communities
Just wanted to tell you that I'll never disappear like that, you don't have to worry about me, I know you missed me

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Apology accepted sir
They check in from time to time but yes it’s slow

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