Is that simple

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I already did and that didn’t work

Post body then

Wtf is the "female loneliness epidemic?" Just don't be fat.

Women don't care about muscles, gay lads do

now try showering

This is literally the "don't be sad" meme

Wtf is the "male loneliness epidemic"? Just get dicked.

Women are not worth the effort, simple as.


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and also stop dressing like a faggot

Triceps for the bisex

the cause of the epidemic is the mass migration, which is entirely male

it doesnt matter if you get jacked because everyone is getting jacked so everyone looks the same compared one to another

there's just too many men from foreign countries, africa and india.

deport foreign men, keep foreign women and epidemic will be solved

Men are perfect. Women deserve less.

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She never said it would get you pussy, just fix your loneliness.

Lifting can't fix my small penis

I’m not “jacked” and I’ve had girls like me. I’m also not tall either
This chick is retarded and giving bad advice to gullible incels

I generate my porn with PonyXL, don't care about women anymore.

My wife said she married me because I have a huge dick. So just have a huge dick.

Got the right face?
Got the bare minimum required height?
Got a lot of money to counterweight having none of those?
Congratulations you passed the bar and can stick your dick in pussy.
Don't? Well in the past wars were waged often enough so your disgenic kind were killed off. Now that's there's no more wars you can just wageslave for women and immigrants.
Women fuck gays and anorexic guys too because they got the right face and height.

Find purpose and the women come along with it.

You also need to gain height, but after that just be urself bro ;)

You shouldn't get jacked to impress women, you should get jacked so that it's easier to move heavy stuff around and hurt people smaller than you before they can effectively deploy a weapon.


almost all ancient militaries had height requirements. the idea that "disgenic" people were the war fodder makes zero sense if you think about it for more than 10 seconds which you obviously hadn't. European soil is littered with the genes of chads that died in wars in the last 2 millenina. by your logic everyone in Europe should've been 6'5, 190 IQ blonde and blue eyed by now. that's hardly the case.

moderately attractive

funny according to women

have no problem talking to women or going on a date

can't ever go past the date or get laid

im in an abstract sort of hell

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I've had women thirst over me and I'm built like Gollum. Unfortunately I think a 10 year porn addiction has completely fucked my sexuality over, I've somehow made girls cum but I haven't had enjoyable sex yet. Then I go home and watch porn. Absolutely cooked, I need a full reset.

all you are saying is some women will throw you a bone if they don't have anything better lined up and you are probably spilling spaghetti during the date and her pussy dries up even if she thought she'd give you a chance.

you gotta be careful tho, if you push too much and don't have the checks she'll figure you out in a second and consider it "creepy".

guys get jacked

omg he's a gym bro and probably over compensating for a small dick

Just go ottermodes bro. Look skinny but not limpwrist nerd skinny.

that shit is going to 300 replies
because the Anon Babble mods are pedophiles paid to protect the psychological warfare

Ironically the last three centuries and change of war as well as diaspora to America and Australia have dramatically OVER selected removal of people with high testosterone, disagreeableness, responsibility, and aggression, all of which are statistically measurable and partially genetic.

Europe has literally been engaged in a third of a millennium of aggressive anti-chad eugenics. But that should surprise no one familiar with the history of the Rothschilds, Medici, communists, French Revolution, and Oliver Cromwell.

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Need to up the sexual tension

Whatever trustworthy competent white male in America can bring the cost down for length-lengthening surgery would make infinite $. Same for natural penis enlargement.

protip: if you are a blue check and aren't making money, just get rid of the blue check so idiots like this can't make any money off of you.

See, here's the thing about women that I don't think a lot guys (at least on this site) understand.

Women can sense if you're retarded.

That's it. That's why they're not fucking you. It's not because you're ugly, nerdy, poor, a loser, etc.

It's because they know you're retarded before you even open your mouth, and especially right after you do.

There is no hiding this. They just know, and if they somehow don't know right away, they will eventually. Women can just immediately tell that there is something genetically wrong with you, and that trying to get romantically involved in any way is a bad idea.

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Lost 60kg

I didn't get happier

hehe being a fatty wasnt it!

don't get jacked

"creep gives me the ick like eww"

get jacked

"dang creep looks dangerous eww someone call the cops"

jack off


There's just no winning.

doesn't work. i'm not over 6 ft and don't make 6 figures. it's ogre.

The Arabs already invented natural PE like a thousand years ago idiot. I put a full inch on mine in 6 months using the newbie routine from mattersofsize forum. Idk how easy girth is to gain cuz I didnt do those ones tho

she’s right

just get jacked and physically kidnap women to lock in your sex dungeon basement to be a breeding sow
male loneliness epidemic and birth-rates solved
go full cave-man and knock women out and drag them by the hair to become your sexual release valve as nature intended
I’ll take my $10 million consultation fee in the form of crypto

Dude, I lifted so much I grew an extra dick, bro. So like, one chick on each is my rule, dog, and they have to add up to 16. Like a 10 and a 6, or a 7 and a 9. Or this one time a 15 and a 1. Never again for that shit, dudebrodog.

I'll be your coach.
1. don't be a faggot
2. become friends with her
3. bang her
