Do the math on my mortgage

Do the math on my mortgage

Over the course of the loan I'm not just buying my house I'm actually buying the bank TWO MORE houses

How is it even possible our society is THIS fucking Jewed?

because retards like you keep playing into it

Don't pay the minimum you financially illiterate asshole. Pay extra on the principal each month

we will give you $100 to buy the house

you gotta pay back $150 though. do you agree?

all this information was given to you BEFORE you even signed the contract. kill yourself retard.

>Do the math on my mortgage

>Over the course of the loan I'm not just buying my house I'm actually buying the bank TWO MORE houses

because jews are still allowed to breath.


so why didn't you do the math before agreeing to it retard kun

So I should be homeless? Blame the boomers you fucking fag

It's called usury.

There's a reason we used to execute people who profited off usury.

alright my bad, keep paying for 2 houses to moshe

not paying cash.

u dun fucked up m8

pay it off early

don't have to pay for 3 houses

pay it off in 30 years

house is worth 3x as much

not even giving you a (you)

one thing I suggest to people is to get a 30 year mortgage and pay it like it's a 15. the difference in cost is marginal and you give yourself the option to free up cash flow for opportunities/hardships in the future.

50% increase

My mortgage is like 137%, if inflation wasn't going to grind it down it would hurt a lot more.

Why do that when you can get a 15 year mortgage at a lower rate? Then pay that down even further?

nigger you have a mortgage and a house and you JUST realized this shit? wait until you hear about this place called the 'federal reserve' bro youre gonna have a trip

What alternative do you give to him?

Never mortgage. Rent. Otherwise you're left holding the bag during the next recession and the bank takes everything from you. You mortgage a house for $320,000 when prices are high, pay half the mortgage off, are laid off during a recession, the bank forecloses on you, the bank sells it at auction for $120,000, you don't even get a damn penny back. That's how it works. It's a classic scam.

That's how it works. It's more like

I give you $100

You give me $10/month for 2 years

If you didn't lock in the rate, I can charge you $15/month or more

If you try to pay it off too early there is an additional fee

just depends on the numbers. it can be a viable option. I got a 15 but it would have been about the same if I got a 30. wish I had gotten a 30 because I bought points and have a 2.25% rate. ah, well, I only have like 90k left on it

Well up until recently the difference is interest was so minimal that added cost was worth the flexibility. Dunno about now.

Holding hands with banana-titted vampires

I pay extra principle

Without paying extra, 91% of my monthly bills (not including food) go to the mortgage.

take a loan out on a house

don't spend any money and pay off the house in 5 years

bank barely makes any money and can't take the house loan back

Sometimes it's worth paying a little to jews to watch them seethe at how little their profit margin was.

Also call of the night is wholesome kino

No I'll just kill anyone that tries to take this from me, you're thinking of the old world pre pandemic, that shit is over

give up and NEET out

Buy your own land build your own house. Live in a minivan until that's done. Never said alternatives are easy.

Imagine if vampire girls were real

retards don’t understand compound interest

Just buy lottery tickets, anon. Everything will be fine.

Instead we have women that suck the life out of you but can’t fly or do anything super natural

Yes, that's the price of of getting a loan.
Also, you may be a retard.
Feel free to pay with cash, pay the house off sooner or invest to offset the interest.

So I should be homeless?


That's why you don't make minimum payments dumbass. Minimum you should be paying each payment is at least as much principal as interest or ideally $200-$300 more which means probably $300-$400 more than the minimum payment. The statement tells you how much is principal, interest, and escrow, don't make a payment where you're paying more interest than principal

getting a loan with prepayment penalties

Well, that's your fault for being a dumbass

Buy your own land

That's the most expensive part, unless you live in the middle of nowhere.

build your own house

I've seen quite a few people do that. They were all working in construction. It turned out well for some of them, and for others it led to divorce. Quite a risky move even if you're a professional, since they can also make mistakes.

Cause most people really are cattle, including you. I mean who signs a 20-30 year long contract before doing the math?

oh so the alternatives are even more retarded. Atleast you have something to leave behind from your offspring. You are making babies right?
t. bought a house recently

are fixed rate mortgages a thing in the US?

Do the math

Just use a loan calculator. Goyim don't know about this so they fall victim to usury. Yes you pay 2-3x the cost of the house if you borrow a loan. Rent controls would lower housing costs, along with banning foreign home ownership, multiple home ownership, and corporate home ownership. Houses should cost 5 years salary tops on the median income.

That's the most expensive part,

I wish. I bought 30 acres with a burnt down house on it. Getting something built is going to cost me twice as much as I've spent already.

unless you live in the middle of nowhere.

But yeah I more or less did that. Half an hour drive to work

Unlikely. What is your interest rate on the note

yup. the only way to win is to have cash for everything.
Want to start an equipment rental business? your profits will be given as interest.
It’s like this for every loan. all your home equity is eaten as interest or property taxes.
Once you’re rich it just snowballs.

This is why despite having way more than enough for a deposit im still saving as if I was paying a mortgage
My goal is to make it so when I do buy that my monthly payments are low enough that I can pay extra every month and further reduce intrest payments
At the current rate of saving it would take me 98 more months to buy a house outright without borrowing anything.

i can't believe there are retards who are actually buying houses at the current price. they've literally tripled in my area in the past 4 years

If I was to purchase a house today my mortage would be lower than renting the same house.
Luckily I dont pay rent atm because I have a nice family so saving is even better than buying atm.

The prices are never "going down" in anything other than purchase power parity. The numbers aren't going down tho so if you can afford (actually afford not jew world afford) you might inflation hedge and money print ride your way out of most of it
Buy a gun

inflation from 1999 - 2019


inflation from 2019 - 2024


Don't worry, by the time you finish paying your mortgage the money you spent WILL have only be worth (1) house

so basically what you're saying is that I need to buy low and sell high?

Are you stupid? Don't take a mortgage then, and save up for 1/3 of the time it would take you to pay off that mortgage you didn't take, then buy house cash?

yes BUT cash now is worth more than later. even if you can pay it off, don't. use the extra money to invest. by the end, your investment will be worth more than the price of paying off your house x2.

You did the math AFTER or got the mortgage? Typical beaner consumer. Then you ask why it's "allowed?" It's allowed because fucktards like you always show up to sign the papers.
Stupid nigger beaner

You won't do shit... except watch niggerball and suck jew cock, old man

Do the math

Nice work

How is this even possible
Lots of divide and conquor, lots of progaganda, but mostly because of fiag money mechanics

Etymological societies dont let usury proliferate

Sorry to say, but you dont deserve that house and the banker doesnt deserve his premium

generally the housing situation doesnt improve. even if a bubble bursts. buy in now or never, but realistically most people's last chance was a long time ago. i still see people selling their parents houses because they need the money to move and rent somewhere else. freely giving what they will never be able to get back in exchange for rent slavery.

You could've literally saved the money then and bought with cash after 15 years. You also can overpay your monthly payment and cut your interest by a significant amount.

This. How the fuck did you sign a mortgage and not understand simple math.

Mr Ramsey please stay of this board

People arnt homo economicus
Their homo habitualis and homo mimiacus

You literally sign a paper that puts this in plain language. They literally make you sign the line that says how much interest you will pay right next to the loan amount.

The "low" is just the normal price. It's not even an especially good deal, since you're on the hook for every repair, routine maintenance, and you have to pay property taxes and insurance.


just stay with your parents lmao

Jews. TKD.

Anon if you're living paycheck to paycheck and can't save enough to have 12 months of savings to pay your mortgage and other things you really can't afford a house. You'll just let it rot around you.

Also rentoids still get evicted so you're really in the same place. Home owners unironically do have more rights than rentoids.

Your rent includes all that + tip. Mortgages are cheaper than renting by a lot and unlike rent, mortgages stay the same amount of the life of the loan, your rent, without fail, goes up 5-10% every year.

You're paying for the convenience of getting the house a decade early. Don't like it? Then save up for 10 years and buy a house outright.

That's what happens when you pay interest over decades. However, leverage is not really a bad thing. So long as your investment goes up in value more than the interest/taxes paid.

usury is monetary rape
but OP is a faggot, financial literacy is dead - you 100% can just pay in advance to avoid the high interest rates on most things

Go back to your country

the way banks interact with the fed has been known to be flawed and designed to insulate corruption for a very long time but its not gonna change, a good yardstick for stuff like this is google restricting what should be (and is) public information. the minutes of how exactly that number becomes real are basically impossible to find for a reason. in 2020 they stopped making public the monetary base stats, one of the few things that shows the sleight of hand when banks and the fed are interacting.

They are the standard, in fact.

I blame gen x cancer (worse than boomers).

Also you should have saved more dumbshit lmao

at the rate houses appreciate, even if you pay 3x the cost, over 25 years you will still be up.
maybe it's not the best investment, but it isn't too bad, and you can live in it.

I blame

Yes we know, do-nothing faggot

Now math property tax, closing costs and income tax upon sale. Then math buying a new home after you sell the old one. Buy a house, die there, leave it to a favored child. Preferably buy enough land for multiple dwellings

Now math the 40 years you're not paying rent. $500/yr in property taxes is smaller than $2000/mo in rent, don't you think?

yeah we did that in middle? high? school math decided right there i would never get one.

not that it amounted to much given no one can afford houses anymore

Not the point of what I responded to.

Guess you should've done the math beforehand, huh?

Dumbass jewprey.

but its not gonna change

About that time again
Youd hope itd be different this time
Nothing new under the sun

You don't pay capital gains tax when you swap houses. So you're still wrong.

Society is not going to start being prosperous again until decent-though-small $300/month single occupancy living arrangements become available, that put an acceptable ground floor on the housing market. The current situation is untenable. A person should be able to fall into something livable for that.

Single occupancy is key here, as terrible events have made this a low-trust society, and the poor dream of living safe and alone. These may not be the people who would buy homes, but they are the people you do not want drifting, afraid, and miserable even though they try to do so much better.

This will make the housing market better for all.

Yes, it is incisively right and smart to build the housing sector of our economy on a foundational intrinsic affordability and ubiquity of a workable, endurable living situation (studio or one room apartments for $300/month would be one example). The only people who mind this in theory are land speculators and people who want everything anyone ever called "an investment" to constantly appreciate in value for them because they are spoiled brats and don't understand how functional economies consist of moving parts and social currents, not tantrums.

just build your own there is wood everywhere.

But did he choose to be a vampire in the end or not?

In France? Burden maxxing.
Be a litteral nigger. Break into someone's house while they are on a vacation, get an electricity subscription and change the locks. Three days later, the house is officially yours to live in. The owner will have to spend dozens of thousands and wait for years and years for you to be forcefully evicted. If you play your cards right, you can drag this shit on for at least 5 years.
Once the police kicks you out, you repeat the process elsewhere.
I don't give a shit at this point anymore, fuck this country, and fuck every single one of its inhabitants.
Everything is mine to take, including your homes.

There was a dude in Germany with a weird mustache who was against this but you retarded cattle had to fight him because he was racist or something.

Have fun paying.

Mortgage = Death Pledge

Excluding down payment, taxes, insurance, etc etc... paying a 30 year loan minimum payment every month for 30 years:

Interest rate of X will cost you:

5.3% you will pay double
9.4% you will pay triple
13.1% you will pay quadruple

Once the bank forecloses on you, and they get a lien on your house, you get evicted too. Renting ensures you have enough flexibility to move according to changing economic circumstances and can seek job opportunities anywhere. Why be tied ball and chain to a house in today's uncertain economy? Also it becomes a nightmare in case of divorce. I do not see a single advantage of homeownership other than emotional gratification. It's a joke retirement asset like annuities foisted on people by sleazy agents.

If you invest the extra money you will usually have more money in the end. But not always, and it feels bad to have a debt, but it's worth doing the math and considering the possibility.

yeah I did, I max out my tax advantaged accounts and have 3 taxable accounts I play around with and one of them I put $500/mo into for the last 8 years and it has hit $140k now

It's obvious cowardly goyim animals Re never going to lift a finger against kikes so better to buy now before they triple again in 5 years

Kill yourself kike

My point is to show the basic math for people arguing over side-issues. Yes, usury is a sin and yes the people who constantly fail at fooling God are to blame, but I just wanted to show readers what people are actually arguing about.

So, pay your shit down fast as you can. Make double payments and you save a fuckton of money. Shit, even making one extra payment a year takes a huge chunk out of the interest payments.

The real jews to concern yourself with are property taxes and insurance. Those disappear into the void and never equal their value. But I dont care to argue about them as I know these are unavoidable unless you want to live innawoods and dont care if your house is randomly destroyed.

If only we could do it in l'Elysée.

You don't pay capital gains tax when you swap houses. So you're still wrong.

Lmfao yes you do retard. Primary residence to primary residence has exemption of up to 250k. Anything above that is taxed. Also remember that all personal taxation exists to create convolution in your payment of said taxes in order to turn everyone in to a criminal and backdoor prosecutorial misconduct

You didn't notice this, when you took out the loan? How old were you? 17?

One of these days, people are going to figure out some kind of cheat code to housing and, when they do, the cattle are going to seethe so hard and demand it gets restricted. Like, a hypothetical flying house, house suspended in low-earth orbit, or some real science-fiction type shit where you create a portal to an uninhibited place off-world that that you freely come and go to with supplies.

in b4

van life

There's just no security in that and it's so small that you'll go insane.

Anons are actually proposing we come up with pocket dimensions instead of just putting nooses around kike necks

Truly ridiculous

just like in Spain, and you don't even need to break in. You can pay some gipsy a few hundreds to do all of that for you.

The buying of the house two more time is because you have to pay interest on the borrowed money twice. You see, what happens is that you have to pay rent on the money, that much is expected, but you forgot the mortgage is 30 years long. Between the begging and the end of the loan, that $1000 you borrowed is going to be worth a dollar, and the person who extended that money to you, needs to get paid back that thousand dollars plus interest.

And so that's where "The whole second time you're paying rent on the borrowing for a whole house" is coming from.

A second idea that makes it all okay, if you think about it: Renting is even worse because you pay the same amount and at the end of the term you don't have the final asset. Also remember, the final asset you have will be worth ten million dollars, so it doesn't matter that you're paying 300 thousand dollars three times over thirty years. You're left with a ten million dollar asset becuase houses are a money, and the Jewish Talmudconfetti isn't, so your leatherscrip has to fly orbits around our star to "catch up" and "keep pace" with a real money.

Also the last half of the loan you're paying back the mortgage with dollars that are worth 95% less than the first half.

You forget that you and I are in a Weimar nearly double digit Hyperinflation.

pocket dimensions would solve everything. I would never need to stay in one place, I'd just wander the world and when I get tired I could just enter a portal to "my home," place where all of my worldly possessions are and where I am free to work on projects and rest without needing anybody bothering me and without ever having to pay rent.

Because the Jews borrow money from a Jewish bank before they Jew you with an interest rate which has to cover the overhead of having to hire 6,000,000 DEI niggers.

This is America.

Sucks to suck. If you would like to avoid this in the future just save up until you can afford to buy the things you want outright and you will not have to pay someone for the privilege of using their money.

I live in a uhaul truck. It is what it is.

All you kike rats are going to die screaming and begging

okay then buy the rest of the house in cash

You mean $300

Everybody who says to not participate in money lending or borrowing is a Jew.

Suit yourself loser. Literally nothing forcing you from buying shit with money you don't have.

I did the math we're paying for the house 3 full times.

Once you see what the house is going to be worth at the end of the term, you see that you're not paying for the house three times. Your goal post is in a false place, at the beginning, you forget Hyperinflation in America is double digit monthly so you have to pay to make the banks whole again on their Currency counterfeiting. You're not only paying the original amount and the fixed-rate percentage of it per-year in a distributed way, you're paying for what the thing will be worth at the end, which is at minimum 10x more than what you paid, and optimically, 100x or 1000x times more. So you're not paying for the house 3 times, yo'ure paying for between 1% and 9% of the house over the 30 year term. To make you feel better, shift the goal post to the final resting place where you can rent out one of your rooms for $35,000/month to some immigrant and he's gonna pay you that.

Yes it sucks to be a slave in America, but the alternatives are worse. And if it's so bad, then rent it out. You get paid to receive the house. The tenants don't know they're flushing money down the toilet every month.

What makes it okay is you can say: "No" as soon as you're ready to stop being a slave, and just borrow money and spend it and never pay it back. That's how the Jews get rich. Your problem is you.

Even if the bank forecloses on you most people's house will be worth more than their outstanding loan. Rent is and always will be burning money. Houses at worse are a shitty savings account.

I support this
just do this and sell everything and even strip the copper piping/wiring
cement the drains and smear shit in the walls before you get evicted

the only way you could make this cooler is if it’s some old faggot who sold your future and you kill him and forge his signatures to sign the shit off to you
AI voice will do the phone-call part for you

not my society not my problem

Youre delusional if you think society can survive that level of hyperinflation, we will be killing each other in the streets long before that

My stake is also raised, hehe

hurr the prices will never go down

We're in a bubble that dwarfs 2008. What the fuck are you tards talking about?

News flash, house prices also recovered from 2008. You're only fucked if you have to sell because you're an absolute monkey with your money.


You overestimate your ability to organize and underestimate the glowie's ability to strike you all down instantly with a million shard lightning bolt if you so much as take a single step to bring your plants to fruition.

That being said, the solution to your problem is in the oven and the timer is set, this Jewish check kiting, pick pocketing, and paper hanging problem is its own solution and it's what the 2nd book of the Bible is all about.

The people responsible will have to live in tents wandering the desert dunes for 40 years, in search of new white goyim idiots to fleece.

This monster is a trillion times bigger than anything you can throw at it. Don't be a hero and try to prick it, it will destroy you. All you can do is go along to get along, you're not the first one to see this, we've been discussing this problem since 2004, and you are only becoming aware of it now.

If it makes you feel better, the Yids acknowledge you, that what is going on to you, is Cruel and Unusual (their words). Start listening at minute 8 since it takes 8 minutes to get past the 'you are listening to me talk in a video' boilerplate:

It took 2 fucking years to recover. What kind of retard buys high?

you were only underwater for 2 years

Wow, but explain why this matters when you have a fixed rate mortgage for a house you wanted to live in for more than 2 years? This only fucks flippers and niggers.

Also, Blackrock et al. buying all the houses and driving up prices is a nice one-two with property taxes, 'zoning', and inheritance taxes
I bet people who have money put their possessions in some kind of offshore eh? 'tax haven' so maybe do that too
I have nothing to my name so I haven't tried this yet

With houses you often don't get a choice

You're in your late 30s and have a kid, are you really going to wait another 10 years to buy a house?

We can't just print infinite money and hand it out to someone, because if we do that beyond a certain tolerance, then "the someone" that we hand it out to will run to the everything-store with his box truck packed tight with $100 bills, and immediately out-compete the other man who worked 20 years to save up $10000 [his retirement] and that person will feel robbed because he was robbed, by the Government, Viciously and at the point of a gun. The person who didn't receive, who saved up money for himself finds that he's been saving up nothing but cups of thin air from his enemy. If that happens, we will have a full Goy Rebellion on our hands from those people who are supposed to be teaching their children to "enter the work force", and then "Work for paper with our faces on it", and then they will discover the power of their unity, and viciously murder all of of us Government Skellies here in our 666 warrior-Klan crystal fortress and break our USD currency counterfeiting machine and get between us, and the power created by this paper-4-labor wire fraud provisioning system. TLDR: We can't just print infinite USD, because it will break our cozy little Sodomite Mafia and we'll have to call it Communism and murder half the population in order to reboot it.

Over the course of the loan I'm not just buying my house I'm actually buying the bank TWO MORE houses

No, the bank is loaning you money so that you can buy a house that will be worth significantly more than what you paid for it, and your monthly mortgage payments will be easier and easier to as time goes by due to inflation.
Being able to get a long term, low, fixed rate loan to buy an appreciating asset during times of high inflation is one of the best possible moves you can make financially.
Getting a mortgage to buy a house is typically the biggest contributor to a person's lifetime net worth.

Inflation, anon.
A 150% mortgage is cheap when inflation's 200% as it has been.
Unless the banks have jewed inflation adjustments into the mortgage contract and can raise interest percentages to accommodate inflation.

That’s retarded. You can default on a loan. If you used all your savings you’re just fucked if something happens

"Paying for the house 3 times"

Use what we know and think about it this way. In the last 15 years alone, and typically since charter, there has been 1 order of magnitude (aka 1000% increase) in price inflation every 15 years.

And so teleport yourself to the final half of your loan. You can calculate in 1.5 of those inflation adjustments. That means your fixed rate amount going out to the bank, measured in USD as a fixed rate, shrinks by that fifteen hundred percent.

And so yes, your first mortgage payment, it's like you're paying for the house 3 times, but teleport yourself to the final payment. Your final payment is about 0.00001% of the value of the house. How are you submitting a final installment a loan with a payment that is only 1 one millionth of the value of the house?

The "I'm paying for my house three times at the beginning of the mortgage" is counterpointed at the end by the: "I'm paying for my house zero times at the end of the mortgage".

And you get to rent one of your rooms out to a shit skin Jewish Invader.

Deep breaths, you are all very late to figuring this all out. You're like babies. big noise, no father to teach you how to wreck your enemies, Don't know what to do.

Homes are a depreciating asset.
By the time a $300k property has risen to a $400k market value, you've spent $150k on repair, remodeling and renovation for sale.
Debt isn't taxable, which is why the billionaires accrue all of it, as much as possible.
You can make a stock transaction and gain a product using debt as payment, on the premise that at a guaranteed later point (for example dividend day) you get the money that fulfills that payment after the fact.
Essentially borrowing from your own future.
It's what a mortgage is as well. The bank loans you the money before you've made it, using your future as collateral.
That's why mortgages and their interest rates are downright criminal. There are no guarantees about the future, and contracts can't force a future to happen.