Why in God’s name would I want to go on a date with my friends?

Why in God’s name would I want to go on a date with my friends?

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to make them watch.

because cuckoldry is the new normal

at least you have friends

more people in the group means less social pressure on any one person. plus it means she has a friend so she feels more comfortable.

t. guy who has no friend he could take on a double date

the friend of the man dates the friend of the woman. this isnt a cuck scenario you porn brained retard

It's a filtration criteria. Low quality men can't maintain large social groups. It also selects for confidence and a love of fun, both of which make for a good life partner

I'm not just theorizing, I know this girl, she's a propulsion engineer

its a boundary weakening device. its a type of swinging, polycules, etc. new "family" configuration being normalized.

She has a whale friend that won't shut the fuck up and stop sulking when the rest of the group gets stuffed by Chad on their weekends out.

I have a friend in my pocket.

The only propulsion she knows about is the proliferation of superior BBC cum flooding her womb

This, plus, and maybe more importantly: social access. At the most cynical, not having friends means she can't dump you for your friend who she likes more. In the social climber landscape, you're a dead end, a local peak with (the potential for) taller mountains all around.

The mitts on that mitt. Christ.

Every time you hang out is like a date, you fag. The trick to not being gay is not having friends.


Sounds like you are too far gone.
I'm sorry about your coombrain

It's interesting how she got all dolled up only to take a picture in front of her commie block.

This is actually a pretty reasonable request. Unlike the roasties friend. My friend won't cockblock me throughout the date.

implying you have friends

implying this girl will bother to match with you

Just a filter to make sure you aren't a friendless autist.

Maybe now but back in the mid 20th century, double dates were seen as a way to use social pressure to ensure everyone behaved.

This is exactly what's happening.

teeeheee I don't want to hook up I want a relationship!

More times than not, these types open their legs within a couple hours. Always remember that women don't know what they want.

yep, if they like you they make an exception, if you dont like you they can say 'sorry i dont see this working long term'

Why in God’s name would I want to go on a date with my friends?

Perhaps they'll become friends with benefits.


ITT: a bunch of incels who don’t know what a double date is

No one is confused about what a double date is
And you're ritarted for thinking it's obscure knowledge

Just lie and say your friend bailed.

Friends are overrated. I’m 41 and barely speak to any of my old friends. I spent nearly all of my twenties hanging out with them, but I realized modern 20 something friendships are just emotional replacements for the family formation you should have been doing in those years. When I do talk to my old friends, I hear about their wives’ new jobs or their shitty commutes. What’s even the point? I have better things to do, and I’d rather spent that time with my son.

Why in God’s name would I want to go on a date with my friends?

he never thought of fucking his friend´s gf

low test to be honest

All my friends are dead. I miss them.

Some people do that. Usually social extrovert types.
If you’re a chad you wouldn’t have to worry about your friend upstaging you or anything, the idea is your friend is there to hang out with his date, some women also feel safer in group environments or with other women around

No you aren’t. And if you are, the moment she (an iPhone roastie) sees you (an android autist) she’ll get the ick and cry rape.

goodpeed anon, give her that armstrong orgasm

What do you think her pussy looks liek? Open sandwich or closed clam?
The ones that are closed but still have long hanging labia are super gross lookin. I hope she has a nice cunt.

Whore like that gets the cabbage trimmed.

Women are hive mind, this is how it goes in women side

'ommgg I can't find a date'

feels like a loser, but her going in dating apps without her friends know it will make her even more loser, or a slut

'Aleshya, I'm gonna create a dating app profile, for funzies and see who's out there, I can ask for a date for you too!!'

she say that and have the pre agreement with her and even include her in the whole thing so she doesn't get attacked by her later being a slut or loser who can only get a date from dating apps

That's how it goes, that's why they have many pics with each others in these apps, that's why they send voice note and all of them are talking or making her friends talk, it's all some sort of presumptive measures so she's not attacked later by her 'friends'

shes filtering friendless incels

i truly wish you can fuck her you fucking autistic sperg, i believe in you. How old is she anyway?

I wish I could set a filter that filters out





Low quality men can't maintain large social groups.

You mean Low IQ men can maintain large social groups. High IQ men can't because being around retards is annoying.

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just pick up some hobo similar size of you and promise him food and drink and give it some of your old clothes to him

dark and roast like
I fucked few girls with that type, they are obnoxious too, and fun is drink and food for them.

with my friends


My Louis Armstorng impression

she starts singing What A Wonderful World in a raspy voice


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I went on a date with a girl from hinge recently. Talked as if she browses Anon Babble, hates banks, realizes news is fake and gay, started ragging on jews. I didn’t think they existed but there she is. Got another date planned. Will likely marry this woman

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Big tits on that slampig though

I don’t like conservatives either but the fact that she “hates” them implies she’s sucking their circumsized cocks

Low quality men can't maintain large social groups

This is not high school or college, most men after that if they hangout with each other, it's either a man-only hangouts, or of a shared interests say cars or games, unlike women

confidence and a love of fun

that's typical femoids mind, their idea of fun is hanging out other others whining to each other with drinks and food, zero intersts or personality, aka your typical normie who if she asks you to go to swiftie concert you should be happy to say yes. If thats the type of girl you wanna spend your life with, go for it.
There are very few girls who conscious, not like your typical normie girl, I've met one like that when I was young and I wish I locked her in but being with a girl wasn't in my priorities back then, they are rare but out there, and from the images I can tell if she's a normie or not, and all girls posted her I usually swipe left in these apps.

She might be a fed, anon, proceed with caution. If she tries to get you to minecraft a synagogue get out of there.

Easy, just look for women over 400lbs

she wants it to be not-a-date
but a free dinner for her and her female friend
with you and your male friend
just a casual hangout, no pressure haha
but you, the guys, pay for the fancy dinner
simple as

She will be freezing her eggs soon enough.

I will stay on my toes

Some women (aka bpd) are really good at mirroring you or amplifying your interests early on to hook you into her, and they are good at sniffing what's interest you, even from your pics 'vibe'.
My advise, don't rush into anything, date her for at least 6 months before even having labels or anything, if that interests last, good, otherwise, she was love bombing you early on, usually can last 2-3 months max but beyond that you will see if they 'suddenly' lose interests and show different mindset than what they told you early on


propulsion engineer

I bet she's well versed in fluid dynamics too

Good luck with the public thoroughfare.




drinks/gin and tonic/etc.

dogs are her personality


all her pics with friends having dinners and drinks


It's to weed out friendless chuds.

pretty much, and simps think they are chads for doing that kek

Thanks bro, shes 23 im 26
She also figure skates n plays hockey n guitar. Seems pretty cool actually, hopefully i can keep it together and not ick her to death

This happened to me a month ago. Love bombing as fuck we were supposed to go some excursion next week.
We were together at her friends place (I met them) in another city, everything was great we came back parted ways kissed like never before and 2 days later she says she doesn’t feel it lmao. Was she bpd or shif like that? She told me she was going to therapy every two weeks but I never asked much. I still feel very much confused and emotionally abused just month later. (Everything finally ended around 2 weeks ago but month ago this shit happened.)

the ick

show tits

congrats, you'll now only match with trannies

Love bombing as fuck we were supposed to go some excursion next week.

The lovebombing is usually what make you believe 'this is the one!' because they agree to everything you say, share all your interests, ok with any efforts and they are rushing you at the same time for X (could be anything, but mostly commitment), sweet talkers, compliments, attentions, jealousy and everything is rushed out and then.. all vanish like a popped bubble, the more you were convinced it was love, the more hurt you will be, and the best ones at that are bpd

Was she bpd or shif like that

probably, but from my experience with those they usually end it over something silly to make it as if YOU were the bad person and thus that's why she ended it, so she can justify that to herself that she's not a bad person and you were and others are, some sort of self defense mechanism. once that silly thing happens, she will cling into it and double down on it and you are left with two options: submit to her over something silly only for her to pull the same thing again over another issue, making your life hell, or things ending and you are the bad person.

I still feel very much confused and emotionally abused just month

Yeah it hurts, I had few bad exp with bpd but one of them alost ruined my life, took me almost a year to get back and until now I still feel something was damaged in me that time. That's why my advise to the other anon to never rush, EVER, observe and go with the mindset as if she's not your girl yet and keep expectations low

This is a tricky one. Most successful marriages occur within a year of the initial courtship pairing. LTRs which go beyond this tend to fizzle out over time, and thus you get serial monogamy which seems to leave most people unsatisfied.

OTOH it is as you say. People with malignant personality types can maintain a facade for quite some time. BPDs are unstable and tend to show their true colors more quickly than others. Some narcissist and sociopath types can maintain a mask for years. Even if it slips, it's usually enough to rationalize away until they go into full attack mode. At the end of anything you can't control anyone else's behavior unless you hurt them or lock them away. The best thing a man can do is to always be on guard against insane behavior.

Like she was the one to show interest in me first the day we met. She called our first going out one on one a date a day before (term which I didn’t want to use for obvious reasons) so she set everything to be about us being interested in each other. She gave me affection which I haven’t felt for a long time I know some of my female friends told her only good stuff about me and shit like that so it was really interesting how she was acting.
Like you know talking about plans for the future quite quickly into our “relationship” just like little remarks like

anon even been kayaking? No? I love doing that maybe during April spring next year we could go on a little trip hahaha

Shit like that, then we planned some trip week before she went batshit weird to another city just the two of us. Also who the fuck does stuff like that. She was even talking about how I would probably get along with her brother and like bruh. She ended it on a note that she is le bad and something something then we went on for little over 2 weeks more and since I started acting like an asshole towards her she was acting like a bitch too we ended it one day and i told her how fucked up that whole affair was and she blocked me on EVERYTHING. She even did on some radio stuff she does on instagram even though I didn’t even follow that shit or interacted with it in any way. I won’t try to contact her ever apart maybe cordial sms happy birthday in the future or some shit because I usually do that with most of people. It’s also good it didn’t go on for too long, I was only sad 3 weeks but I still think of her from time to time and I’m a little tired emotionally but I try to keep going as I usually did. This shit really made me lose a little progress on myself lol.

kurwa jprld Kamil załóż bloga, nikt nie ma cierpliwości czytać tylu wypocin o zjebanej Julce która cię wystawiła
miej żesz człowieku trochę samoświadomości ja jebię

Sklej pizde xD się wysrac nie mogę na czanie zeby mi ulżyło

That's definitely love bombing, if she had abandonment issues, she probably decided to end it with you before but she wanted someone else lined up so she doesn't feel alone even for a week, bpd bitches impossible to be alone for a long time.

She ended it on a note that she is le bad and something something

Yeah that's a cliche it's me not you.
Usually when things start quickly with a person, you should expect them to end quickly, especially girls because girls don't rush thing like how naturally guys are, so if she was rushing, she has a hidden agenda, or she was rebounding with you after someone else, or she wanted someone to fill an emotional void in her until she find someone else, or other reason but none of them is her loving you or caring about you.

apart maybe cordial sms happy birthday in the future or some shit

I wouldn't even do that, bpd have a habit that after burning her new bf, is going through her all exes and if she knew she had a chance with you she will call you, only for her to repeat the same shit, and use you as an emotional diaper, don't do that.

This is a tricky one. Most successful marriages occur within a year of the initial courtship pairing. LTRs which go beyond this tend to fizzle out over time, and thus you get serial monogamy which seems to leave most people unsatisfied.

I agree, that's why how personally I do it now is I see them for around 6-9 months, if by that time they are still the same as first we met, I will marry that person. Some will expect labels after 2 moths and I make it clear that I don't date, we see each other and if ok we get married, that filter out all the garbage that are all in it for dates only to waste 2-3 years of your life to end it over text

Everything went from 100 to a 0 lol kek.
The thing is about this bitch is from the intel I gathered from her and her friends she had a one guy for 5 years that they broke up some 2 years ago or some shit and she wasn’t seeing anyone since then so it was extra weird but oh well I won’t dwelve on that because it ended so fuck it lol. And thanks for the advice about not texting even that HB because fuck that I would probably got fucked over once again or we would start talking. Won’t put a faith in an another hoe for a year gloink.

Everything went from 100 to a 0

If she threw mini tantrum before, it means she already moved on before ending stuff, mostly bpd. If no tantrums and just out of the blue, she's either a psychopath, bipolar, or someone else appeared and she rushed to be with him quickly.

he wasn’t seeing anyone since then

She was hooking up, jumping on dicks till she find 'the one', good riddance, she will proably have cheated on you if you ever got serious with her.

Won’t put a faith in an another hoe for a year

Yeah don't contact her ever, take a break too women never love like men, she wants something from you to add to HER, like status, money etc.

Ones for sure, she fucked up in the head 100%. Fuck women much love from Kazakhstan.