Wifejack serves as a great demarcation line on the political right between people who are legitimately invested in the future via families and have a positive view of traditional feminine/masculine dynamics, vs closeted homosexuals cosplaying at right wing politics on behalf of the feds to sabotage genuine right wing cultural influence while grifting off collective misery.
Wifejack serves as a great demarcation line on the political right between people who are legitimately invested in...
ok but who asked?
I’m married with kids so the reactions to it for me have been jarrring to say the least
My word are you going to report it to the constable?
obvious forced meme is obvious
I just don't like her face.
Women who shave off their eyebrows and paint them back on should not be trusted.
this parasocial obsession with fictitious illustrations has gone out of hand
We saw the tweet, Nick. We get it. Basedcucks bad.
I just don’t get the hate I guess. It’s not a good meme but the reactions are so over the top it’s becoming really funny.
kys faggot
Guys you're grown men, you can just play with dolls if you want, you don't have to keep posting about it.
Yea wifejak is good. Fuentes trannies on suicide watch.
We already have a wifejak you faggot, her name is Aspie. No I won't share pics of my wife. Enjoy your roastie you albino nigger.
Wow this is retarded
Wifejack serves as a great demarcation line on the political right between people who are legitimately invested in the future via families
You faggots are not on the right and youre using textbook glownigger gaslighting debate tactics. You are creating a strawman. The "incels" on Anon Babble are not against making families, we are just against becoming slaves to women and jews under the current judeo-matriatchy.
Revoke womens political rights since and then we can talk. And im not debating with you. Im TELLING you how we think. No more compromise.
closeted homosexuals cosplaying at right wing politics
They don't call them Gaypers for nothing, lol.
"This is Sparta" kick wifejak into a spike pit
Please stop you’re scaring our new friends
ok I agree that Spic Fuentes is a fag but just because I am fed up with female bullshit doesn't make me gay. quit being a fucking simp
Im TELLING you how we think.
Who cares what you think.
You don't have a future, dead end faggot.
Your shitty ideas will die with you.
It’s just a fucking cartoon, bro
Heyy gurll fren
that does explain why they spaz out about it
i dont think you should be allowed to run in politics unless you have children, maybe even vote. theres no more stable of a gurantee your interests are in the future of the country, and in something other than yourself than having children.
Wignat ideology is centered around roasties. They have rallies for roasties. They have a 14 word slogan for roasties. They worship pagan idols of fat roasties. They post pics of roasties in wheat fields. They watch propaganda movies made by roasties. They build lebensborn camps for bulls to impregnate their favorite roasties. Their idolize the nazis who were cucked by the millions when their trad roasties opened their legs for Russian cock. When you say "White Race" they're not thinking of the men who built civilization. They're thinking of roasties. Their stormfront forums are completely overrun with roasties crying about asian women. Their men sit around posting about how great roasties are while their "reformed" tradwives sit around watching nigger tiktoks. They worship "based" roastie e-celebs while attacking the misogynists who actually built their country before roasties took over. They watch roastie feminists whine about trannies and celebrate when the roasties win because those roasties are true red blooded trad roasties. They will tell you how much they hate roasties and how the wignat simp meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love roasties but the evidence speaks for itself in that wignats have always been and will be a group of roastie loving roasties
Women should be scared of men, in fact women get violently angry when there are no dominant men around.
honestly i wish i had a wifejak
Who cares what you think
You faggots trying to consensus crack Anon Babble to be pro-woman clearly do.
yea i dont understand people seething at it
its just a cute woman doing cute things
i imagine the poeple seething at it also think anime is for tranies or whatever gay shit they say about anime now
Surely you could do better than that angloid slag
The fact it looks like an offbrand Murdock Chan raises red flags that it's been engineered after observation of this place.
it would be great if you could kys op
thanks in advance airmen
Which discord channel are you faggots organizing in?
stop spamming this dogshit
crack Anon Babble to be pro-woman
i'm straight
i love daughterjak
Wifejak is women stealing mens innovations (wojak) for the umpteenth time
Post tits
i'm a nokid nojob virgin incel artistic loner, i'm telling you
Nobody cares you doomed useless faggot.
Just stop. I am so neutral about this fucoing image its unreal. It won't make me joinnthe army nor become a catboy, I have better things to spend my time on.
You're a hecking incel
Lol go back liberal.
Nobody cares
cries into her pillow
This is some chatgpt tier crap, or a woman
You obviously didn't have younger sisters.
All I see is...
"Mooooom, anon won't let me play Mario!"
people who are legitimately invested in the future via families
Men are perfect, women deserve less
your right anon i didnt have sisters at all
mating press
Lol, why does wifejak make glowniggers and faggots seethe so much?
You want to have a wife an children? Pfft, what are you? A fag?
Seriously, they aren't even trying anymore.
Why are right wingers like Nick Fuentes seething so hard over this meme on Twitter? Its not just him read the replies from anyone who posts it. They want to harm or kill a meme it triggers them so badly.
The problem with wifejak is that she’s not hot. She looks 30 and older with that “Now I can get fat” look.
I’m not going to date or marry a woman over 30.
Is Islam you get double points from Allah for having a daughter. Because it's such a humiliating but necessary burden to bear
The truth is, incels don't want sex. If they did they would hire a hooker, easy. They want someone to love them. Most don't want meaningless sex. They want a wife, family, kids, a home, a loving life.
We've had lots of female wojaks already. We had the unobtainable tradgirljak, the slutjak, plapjak, that pink haired one, none of them have caused this amount of anger as the simple normal wifejak. Because, that's what incels really want. Not sluts, not fatties, not pink haired whores, not even unrealistic virgins in blue dresses, they just want a normal not whore wife who loves them and will give them some kids.
The wifejak struck a nerve.
Im married with 5 kids and Ive made shakshuka. Stop being so lazy and get over yourself cunt.
This shit is fucking cringe man.
Why are right wingers like Nick Fuentes seething so hard over this meme on Twitter?
Why are right wingers like Nick Fuentes seething so hard over this meme on Twitter?
The only ones seething are you organized shills because we IMMEDIATELY identified your inorganic forced meme, so every effort youve made has been wasted. Youre still trying to force it but its already dead lmao. We killed it in less than a week.
Nick Fuentes is a fed. Anyone shilling for him is either a fed or a retard. Simple as.
No, it represents you being a simpcuck
Nick and his bumchums hate this because growing their inane “ideology” requires men who are demoralized to the point they want society to collapse.
When men start having hope and wanting to procreate, it directly threatens Nick’s ability to grift off his followers.
He never wanted them to succeed. He never wanted them to be happy and have families. Every single thing he did was for his benefit and his alone, trying to amass a cult so he could become kingmaker.
Unfortunately he forgot the most important and basic of rules: the price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
When nobody can pass your purity test, when you can always name what you’re against but never name a constructive alternative or viable, electable candidate, you’re not a critic.
You’re just the peanut gallery:
Because he's a fed running a honeypot and a fag and his glownigger handlers are angry an organic meme is being spread. The current goal is to demonize righ wing men to women and wifejak is proof the right dosent see women as meat.
Feds can you at least tune your bots a bit better
So, it's your sister's fault that you are an incel?
I have never watched a single Fuentes show. You shills are pathetic and anons can easily spot it.
what if she was blackjak and she was a nogress
Because he's a fed running a honeypot
Thats exactly what the wifejak meme is.
make one where she is surrounded by amazon boxes
The wifejak meme seems like the kind of wife you had to settle with because there were no other options. Like marrying a former slut past 30 who wants to settle down and spend all your money at TJ Maxx and name your son Jayden. It’s not the best representation of an ideal wife.
Feds can you at least tune your bots a bit better
Heh, nice try cocksucker.
I love these super organic memes
But atleast this one has a decent message
There hasn’t been a single organic meme since Christ is king
I'm 5'4 and will never have a wife, so why should I be anything but an accelerationist?
wifejak is a glownigger Premium Meme™
its so blatantly inorganic and so obviously attempts to deboonk signtapposting that its honestly pathetic and sad
I mean is that the best billions of dollars of meme research can buy?
meanwhile, sign tapping Chads see through it instantly and even utter faggots like fuentes and tate (rightfully) denounce it
It's definitely not organic
Your girls are by far the dirtiest sluts ever seen, you have no room to talk here
this meme is like 2 years old now why is it getting spammed these last few days? what are you all livid about?
The leaf has been looking too strong lately so I approve of your absolutely abhorrent posts in order to rebalance the Anon Babble hierarchy.
"Wife"jak was created by a fucking literal dyke in her likeness from R*ddit
Because accelerationism is regarded.
It’s like living in a big beautiful house that you discover has a rat infestation.
Your neighbor, whose house is not as nice as yours and has always envied you, suggests you burn the house down to deal with them, with yourself inside it.
Why would you do that, when not only will it harm you but it won’t even get rid of the infestation?
It’s an extreme reaction to a problem that has a thousand more sane, rational ways to solve it,
Lesbian meme
Guys who were never going to have sex are mad at guys who either do have sex or will have sex for being positively invested in the future of their race and bloodline.
Correct, boomers and gen X literally directly subsidize their daughters to not marry their sons.
My uncle for ex told his daughters bf "don't even think about marriage until she has her BA degree, pal"
Cuz ofc all men are evil alcoholic wife beaters and she needs a plan B in case he is a deadbeat nigger like the niggerballers they worship
You must be new here, lurk more to learn about generation and gender dynamics
Yeah it comes from a good place. Unfortunately it’s informed by boomers in a bunker somewhere who think we can have 1950s relationships with 2020s legal system. Roll back womens rights and we can talk
She looks like a mix between Irish and Jewish. Like someone named Rebecca. This is why the meme doesn’t sell well to me at all. It’s just not an ideal wife in terms of looks.
Hell, a blonde into riding boots and pumpkin spice is a step up. Not a gen-X woman into Nirvana and watching Law and Order.
Nah, nick fuentues was at the January 6th protest and encouraged people to go in with a megaphone. Plus the whole "your body my choice" meme was just a way to ruin relations between the right and women and wifejak stands against that. If wifejak is a fed honeypot why did they ban the creators account but let nick fuentues tell women he has the right to rape them? keep seething nigger
Who cares?
Enjoy your beekeepers, Mohammad.
le sign tap
The sign of being fully demoralized is refusal to believe things can get better.
I fathered 4 blue-eyed white children whose mother is staying at home so she can take care of them as long as needed, you demoralization pajeet-tier IQ monkey. You are stuck in a neverending teenage romance with some anime girls which populate your jobless life. You are in no position to tell anyone anything about any shit. Neck yourself.
This is the truth.
Curly hair
Ew. I’m right.
Nobody cares about the spic, you sound retarded nigger
except your example is flawed
it would be more like you have a very nice house but the government decides that your house is simply too big just for you and forces you to take in a bunch of niggers, poos and rapefugees in; then when those same shitskins start shitting the place up you are not allowed to kick them out, when they start abusing you you are not allowed to fight back or protest in anyway, when they start stealing your shit you are not allowed to steal it back
it is impossible to evict the shitskins out and the government also does not even allow you to move out and build yourself a cuckshed in the backyard away from the now nigger infested mansion
in that case burning the whole thing down is not only the rational course of action but also the moral one
And what about that is unnatural or unexpected, boomer clown?
go back to twitter with your gay drawings and gay memes, conservative cringetard
This is also the truth
You know you're going to die alone and unhappy and no one will care.
Revoke womens political rights since and then we can talk. And im not debating with you. Im TELLING you how we think. No more compromise.
Best post ITT
Destroy foids.
The conservative right is regressing
yes goyim, here is a good wholesome kosher meme of a poorly drawn wife. It’s good for you to focus on that, and not “da jooos” which are actually your greatest ally against the woke leftists
Is that why he's been plastered all over the news and women won't shut the fuck up about him? Shut the fuck up retard, he's obviously being pushed. You think the fag spic made it this far on his own?
The sign of being fully demoralized is refusal to believe things can get better.
For me, signtapposting is not about being blackpilled or demoralized. It's about accepting that no matter how good things become (or seem to become), it's all only illusory and temporary and that no matter what, no matter the incentives or material benefits, you will still refuse to die for the system and especially refuse to die for Israel
and THAT scares (((them))) far more than anything else, especially in these trying times
it came from reddit
that is all I need to know
This shit is so forced and cringe
I can not fathom why someone would spend time pretending to care that other people care about a stillborn meme; other than financial compensation.
it is impossible to evict the shitskins out
Have you tried?
What have you, personally, done to advance the causes you claim to care about?
in her likeness
We've hijacked the bitch's meme just like we hijacked Pepe from that faggot Matt Furie.
There's nothing you can do about it except masturbate to catboys, lol.
I see more people pretending this is causing others being mad than actual people being mad at it. The real psyop is pretending people give that much a shit about those memes to make the target profile seem like hysteric lunatics.
The only people talking about him is you and your spamming friends, literally nobody gives a shit about nick Fuentes but you
Conservative right
Nobody cares about the spic, you sound retarded nigger
this booger-eating manlet was getting shilled non stop after he said "your body my choice, forever", yeah people do care about him for some reason
I will NOT breed with a souless ginger, go fuck yourself
I don’t see him at all. It’s mostly /ptg/ that whines about his grifting ass.
I have a trad setup
Yeah so did every country until the moment the laws allowed unilateral divorce.
You're acting like you discovered some new method lmfao you retarded solipsistic kafir faggot XDDD
The entirety of human history is 80% of males living miserable tortured lives for the reward of no pussy and no money just to provide safety for the parasite called woman to live in safety with a roof over her head complaining about petty shit. This is the final revolution. All females should be viewed as one of three categories: Sex slave, breeding sow, lactation cow. Any other worldview is completely pathetic. Females are pure evil. Man has always been the force of good. Woman has always been the devil that hides in plain sight that uses her beauty and her association with innocence and childbearing for plausible deniability so she can enact her true aims which is maximizing male suffering. You should view literal female babies as future sex slaves. It's not like your mother ever gave a fuck about you as a baby when she strapped you to a table to have Dr. Shekelstein slice off your foreskin. It's not like your mother gave a fuck about you when she shoved amphetamine pills and SSRI's down your throat as a boy because Dr. Shekelstein told her to. What does the devil called mother nature love and reward? Violence, rape, and deception. What does the devil called mother nature hate? Males with integrity that value the truth more than violence rape and deception. This is a literal cosmic war. It's a spiritual war. It's the devil that is mother matter/nature/matrix vs the God that is father pattern/sky/spirit. Hating the material world and females is not good enough. Being eternally sadistic towards the prison of materiality and the prison wardens called "women" is the only true good their is.
I feel the rats in this instance are the Jews. Jews should be expunged and exterminated. Kill them all.
jews mad
Can’t wait for this globohomo glownigger meme to go the way of the awful NAFO fellas shit
Leaf with retarded opinions
Opinion immediately discarded. Im probably talking to a street shitting jeet.
This. I believe the sign tapping meme, but I still see it as a small window for opportunity to capitalize on. I’ll take the rewards it has to offer then dodge the war.
Think of a fish that takes the bait off the hook and gets away with it.
heavy metal
a fucking cat
lmao get fucked with your brain rot
long winded "change human nature and the entire social structure of society or I'm not having sex"
Could have saved some time with just
im not having sex
no matter how good things become (or seem to become), it's all only illusory and temporary and that no matter what, no matter the incentives or material benefits
It might shock you to hear this, but lying down and letting your enemies win in the vain hope that the sky will fall, or that they will somehow get tired of beating you doesn’t exactly have broad appeal.
Telling yourself you’re hopeless just comes across as a way of excusing yourself for not doing anything about the shit you claim to care about.
Based homeschooling
Notice how the ewige Boomer has a female nigger mind.
Like when I told a girl that apps have a height filter now, she said "why do you care tho, you're not short." Uh maybe my best friend is, and I'm thinking beyond myself?
Literal "but u did have breakfast today tho" LMFAO
I see more people pretending this is causing others being mad than actual people being mad at it.
Except you can see the proof right here in this thread.
Keep seething and coping and projecting, faggot.
Or maybe your memes about black dicks just aren't sufficient to overcome millions of years of evolution telling men to like women.
Can MI6 agents type nigger?
Let's see if you're a real muslim
Here's the problem with this meme.
Men already brag way too much about their whore wife who took miles of cock before they met.
They already brag about the 200 pound landwhale they are plapping as if that makes them any less of an incel.
This meme is just cope unless your wife is traditional.
I took it as more of a satire of the kind of wives too many modern feminist influenced women are, over 30 feeling like they settled for their husband no passion or devotion to anyone. The indifferent wife, you see it a lot.
I need more daughterjak dropping truth
vs closeted homosexuals cosplaying at right wing politics on behalf of the feds to sabotage genuine right wing cultural influence while grifting off collective misery.
Or just bitter incels who want to convince themselves that the grapes were sour anyways.
with signtap in mind, the correct way to interpret wifejak (and the unspoken implication of women suddenly being programed to be sane again) is to take the wife but dodge the draft anyway
kek I love that jannies are so mad about this
you are using effeminate talking points. be a man.
Gender dynamics and family are not political topics
Good job mods
You don't agree with me
That's circular thinking, you are not human, you are a bot that will endlessly contest this.
Thread didn’t go the way they wanted so they pretend it never happened
as soon as the sign tappers start gaining ground, the thread is moved to Anon Babble
fuck kikes fuck jannies fuck glowniggers and fuck glownigger jannies
Based janny for once
There are so many fucking shill threads against the daughter and wifejak meme its hilarious. Jannnies hate anyone talking positive about it as well. I get some on here being anti women because fuck most of these whores but the idea of based kids and a family is a good thing.
That's circular thinking, you are not human,
Yes, anyone who wants traditional dynamics between men and women and is not a faggot Gayper incel is:
1. A fed
2. A Jew
3. A tranny
4. A woman
5. A bot
someone explain wtf this wifejak shit is about. it wasnt anything at all 2 days ago and now its spammed everywhere while you all hoot and holler and seeth yet dont explain anything to people going what is this about?
do none of you know and you're just running on your npc scripts? explain this shit
Yes, you try to be smug about it about how you collect haters with these memes, but its just spam and you equate people being annoyed by spam with
Its so dishonest and agenda pushing like a fed.