Wife guy is a male feminist. Prove me wrong.
Wife guy is a male feminist. Prove me wrong
Why are Spicholas and Tate interacting what timeline is this again
You think bringing a screencap of e-celeb banter is helpful?
feminists don't have kids, don't reproduce.
If you have kids, you can be whatever the fuck you want and nobody can say shit to you
Being a tranny Anon Babble grifter is also gay
Converting to islam like Tatecuck is also gay
2 brown fagits
Lol, I love how this meme makes browncels seethe.
make women afraid again
You can love your wife and not caring about her opinion
If you can't lead your woman, that's gay
I actually understand this. I’m engaged but my fiancee’s not THAT amazing, if she didn’t have big milkers I’d probably have dropped her by now
irrelevant retards being fucking irrelevant
what's new
it's two fucking morons manipulated into talking about waman instead of the jews and banks enslaving them
Pretty good for them to keep saying dumb shit
buy an add faggot
Another meaningless argument? Making a mountain out of an irrelevant molehill? Say it isn't so Nick and Tate.
IIA stands for "Interactive Internet Activities"
IIA is an online psyop tactic to create interactions and discourse that never go anywhere, in order to never foment an effort at the grassroots level, online.
In other words, when you watch Alex Jones, David Icke, Nick Fuentes, Tucker Carlson, CNN, Joe Rogan, IRL; when you watch any social media influencer of any status, always keep in your mind the concept of IIA Operations—limited release, or, limited hangouts, controlled release, information suppression, narrative containment, redirection and misdirection of information into meaningless, manufactured, online issues, arguments and circular dead ends that exhaust and confuse. -Brendan O'Connell.
You should break up with her
Once she has your kid you wont be satisfied with them anymore
Is that "Traps aren't gay" Tate? Is that "surrounded by women but women are gay" Tate? Is that "you should hustle and grind all day but I'm playing with my cars and yacht and partying" Tate?
Just telling men to get married is not enough. In this age that comes with a whole lot that they won’t be prepared for. Rather than celebrate wholesome idealised images, trads would to better to give practical and realistic guidance in a world where laws are against them
Nick is still in his "girls have cooties" phase
Having a wife is gay because you are basically being a cuck to a single woman. A REAL man and the BASED thing to do is to have sex with as many women as possible and impregnate the most women you can.
So pretend I'm not one of you faggot, shitkin eceleb fanboys, and explain what "wifeguy" is.
B-but I love my quirky chungus wife, she's my best friend!
T. A nigger.
Not surprised the famously in the closet gay retard thinks having a wife is gay.
peak mental illness
it's not just that you're mentally ill
mentally ill like you now have a disproportionate voice in societies thanks to the internet feedback loop and "social medias"
congrat you're an idiot
you could have played an extra in idiocracy without acting
Forced meme with grifter haters? Sounds like a false dichotomy to trap retards.
I love my wife because she's just as racist as me. Maybe spend more time finding out yourself instead of caring what ecelebs think.
Imagine taking marriage advice from a literal faggot
ok, not really a long term plan for real life tho is it? just one of your manic fantasies. want to know how i know you struggle on the daily with modern life? lol
This comes across as sour grapes, because having a wife is still considered a status symbol by a lot of men provided she's not a landwhale of course. Hence the term "trophy wife." Whenever a guy is gushing about his wife, he's usually attempting to humble brag and elevate himself in the eyes of other people.
These guys need you to be a single sexless loser who will never have children so that you keep consuming their terrible Anon Babble regurgitated content.
Theyve been friendly for a long time
Why would I care what bisexual men of color believe?
Have sex incel
Why doesn't he call it "cringe" or some other related term? If you have a wife that you're attracted to, it is objectively not gay, no matter how big of a simp you are.
If thats her defining trait you might as well marry any guy off here
No, I will continue to love and respect my wife and raise my children similarly.
They're both glowies seething
it's true, i have friends that need to ask their wives to go outside lmao
The gay gypsy and faggot Fuentes aren't exactly the ones to ask about this issue.
Do men normally walk around saying "I have a wife and I like her?" None of married friends talk about their SO's unprompted. Why would they? What business is it to strangers or friends?
It's fucking gay.
two gays without kids want straight men to avoid women so the gays can have a chance
Gay and Jewish.
Ok so post that in the X thread or actually put effort into making a thread here you fucking faggot.
anyone's who's experienced with woman...
If you surround yourself with whores and sluts you're gonna project that on all woman.
kill yourself
Wife guy
I think they are referring to those guys, almost always American males, who are the types who have their balls in their yfs purse. Many such cases.
This whole forced meme is happening because married simps can't just say "yeah my wife is fucking dumb, she's a woman. What did you expect?".
You guys should definitely spend your finite time on this Earth debating this.
So many fucking pseudo intellectuals on the Right, I swear.
fuentestards aren't on the right
they're zoomer liberals
serbshit malding about Islam
Say that to Tate’s face you little limp wristed cuck
If you don't fight Jewish psyops they start infecting everything.
Find a woman with both parents still married is a must. If she's a virgin and she doesnt care if you aren't, thats good but not great. Any virgin worth marrying will have enough self respect to look for the same standards she holds herself to
The white race literally dies without white women. No amount of snarky irony posts will change this intractable fact.
'Groypers' will amass an army of sexless shitskins to kill your wife and daughter and married men on this board will cheer it on
another spic fedtes shill thread
Looks like I need to post this again: m.youtube.com
Go back, broccoli head. I am taking a noble stand against all anime watching pedophiles (groypers) such as yourself
The problem is that white women no longer want white men. White women are mostly attracted to Black and Hispanic men which leaves whites in distress. We need to teach white women a lesson and I think white men need to do a boycott on white women and only date and marry Asian women. Eventually the white women will come running back.
Fucking pathetic holy shit. I wish people could actually SEE what gay worthless shitheels you are
Im not being selected...
it's cute seeing two queerbaits agree on what they think is gay
The problem is that white women no longer want white men. White women are mostly attracted to Black and Hispanic men which leaves whites in distress.
LMAO says some giant zoomer cuck. Holy shit you guys are fucked. Very low self-esteem. Many such cases
defending ZOGGED basedciety lol lmao
I think most of them had single whore mothers.
It was a Anon Babble meme for years you dolt
don’t get married and have a family
just be alpha and have no friends
also heil Hitler Christ
E celebs are so gay and retarded
Cool porn addiction self report
being a cuckservative in 2024 is based my goys
just look at this 1950s cartoons
You’re jewish
See, this guy's mom probably fucked a bunch of niggers. Now he thinks all white women fuck niggers like his mom did.
So? They are whores for Russia, the apple does not fall far from the tree
Imagine being White and listening to these brown faggots.
two homogayfags talking about how a man marrying a woman and having a positive relationship with her is a bad thing
The gay agenda sure is going strong
muh indivualism
I thought you niggers left after the lolberts got BTFO’d. The society is sick, nobody cares about your gay pseud psychoanalysis, retard.
I’m starting to come to terms with the fact that women are a real drag. They literally make your life miserable for being so stupid as to get attached to them.
words words words
their SO's
Leave. Go back.
They are right, to some extent.
You said you believe all white women fuck niggers. So, it stands to reason your mother was a nigger fucker.
Anytime you talk to incel faggots like you, they usually had shit moms.
I’m sure you love to imagine being white, Moshe
Andrea Tate is mad
Pathetic. Although good job on fucking Peterson's daughter.
Mexican twink
British nigger
Truly a future of white race. Incels listening to these faggots and sucking their cocks off instead of working on their social skills to be able to breed white women.
Our first just turned 1.
We're already planning our second.
This Thanksgiving between what was just us 3 brothers mom n pops had now grown to 25 people.
Family is the only thing that matters.
can’t read IDs
instantly thinks interracial sex
Spergy kike go back to plebbit.
Having sex with dudes is also gay, Nick.
Calling them "femme boys" doesn't change the fact that it is still gay, Nigg.
having a wife is gay
They are part of the demonic inversion of reality
All they fucking do is talk about their wives, or talking about what their wife "lets them" do, or "lets them" buy. I can tell you don't have any friends, you fucking faggot.
You are less than a 'pseud' and don't even realize it. You are nigger tier. You walk this earth as a tortured, retarded, angry faggot who thinks he's 'smart' and/or 'based'. You kid, are neither.
You literally aren't even smart enough to be called a midwit. Go back
You defended the anon with the nigger loving mom, so you most likely had a whore mother who fucked niggers as well.
But, prove me wrong. Did you have a good mother who was loyal to your father, or was she a degenerate whore? Whore mothers create incels like you.
muh cat boy
Do you have any new material, tranny?
because having a wife is still considered a status symbol by a lot of men
Kek everyone knows wifeguys are locked away. They can no longer hang out with the boys and are beholden to their ball and chain. Married men change. You can see it. They're no longer free and sovereign. That's not status. But that's how pussywhipped married men cope.
So, your father was a cucked faggot too?
seething this hard
Lmao butt blasted trannies.
“The Individual Ready Reserve, which stood at 700,000 in 1973 and 450,000 in 1994, now stands at 76,000. These numbers cannot fill the existing gaps in the active force, let alone any casualty replacement or expansion during a large-scale combat operation. The implication is that the 1970s concept of an all-volunteer force has outlived its shelf life and does not align with the current operating environment.”
The Russia-Ukraine War is exposing significant vulnerabilities in the Army’s strategic personnel depth and ability to withstand and replace casualties. Army theater medical planners may anticipate a sustained rate of roughly 3,600 casualties per day, ranging from those killed in action to those wounded in action or suffering disease or other non-battle injuries. With a 25 percent predicted replacement rate, the personnel system will require 800 new personnel each day. For context, the United States sustained about 50,000 casualties in two decades of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. In large-scale combat operations, the United States could experience that same number of casualties in two weeks.
Large-scale combat operations troop requirements may well require a reconceptualization of the 1970s and 1980s volunteer force and a move toward partial conscription.
Lmfao, you're an actual groyper.
How old are you? All you can do is pivot to thinking about someone’s parents having sex with niggers. Fucking tranny, you’re a laughing stock meanwhile Nick had 180k live viewers during the election. Must be hard seething all the time.
Imagine spending time on this or having a view so distorted you think Anon Babble is the demographic they want to draft.
Nobody wants you to die for israel. Maybe get hit by a bus.
Yep, and you sound like an emotional woman. Must be the hrt.
No need for new materials.
Nick sucks cock and eats ass and gets fucked in the ass with cocks and eats cum.
He will never live it down.
It stands to reason. If you think all women are whores then you must think your mother was a whore.
Was she?
All I did was infer that you shouldn't be allowed to call anyone else a
Or even a
It's hypocritical
Is there a section of his audience that enjoys his "Closeted Faggot Hating On Women" content?
I don't know why he doesn't just give the people what they want and continue naming them.
nobody wants you to die for Israel
Trump purges all trannies and fags from the US Military
German Army Militarizes German Economy
Sweden issues pamphlet telling citizens what to do in WWIII
"Col. Raymond said reintroduction of the draft would be a valuable tool in terms of protecting U.S. security interests and building a workforce capable of narrowing racial and class divisions.
Preparing for the Possibility of a Draft Without Panic
Official Selective Service account says US is now 1936 Germany and that "you wont escape the draft"
Think Tank Center for New American Security releases plans for Military Draft
Pat Ryan and MIke Waltz both endorse the military draft on Face the Nation
Rishi Sunak Prime Minister of UK announces Mandatory Military Service
US removes marijuana and some drug restriction for military recruits.
US Introduces automated selective service. All 18 - 26 year olds will automatically be signed up for the military draft.
MI6 Chief openly endorses the Military Draft
“We would strongly recommend conscription,” Mr Karins (Latvian Foreign Minister) told The Sunday Telegraph. “We are developing and fleshing out a system of what we call a total defense involving all parts of civil society.
NATO soldiers quit en masse when faces with the realization of war "It’s no longer so much about recruiting new soldiers as it is about persuading existing troops not to quit
Denmark begins conscripting women alongside men
General Sir Patrick Sanders calls for a military draft in the UK
Weird fantasies, moshe
US Army begins to scrub all ads with niggers and fags
Sweden issues Ominous warning to citizens
Kamala's Largest Super PAC endorses Military Draft in the New York Times
Swedish Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin Declares War and Military Draft
Germany brings back the Military Draft
Every military branch in the US misses recruitment goals
The Hill demands American Blood be spilled
“we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia”
t. Lloyd Austin (Secretary of Defense) on 12/06/2023
Now, think about how high it’s going to be in national treasure and in American blood if we have to start acting on our Article Five commitments.
t. John Kirby (Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House) on 12/09/2023
Massive WWII style buildup of weapons manufacturing on US Soil has begun.
Major General Dennis Laich and Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson openly endorse the draft
“There’s been a significant reduction in patriotism among some of the younger generations, even to the point where, again, they don’t even believe in the United States as a country or in democracy. There’s definitely that factor at play,” said Maj. Corey Lewis with the Utah Army National Guard’s executive office over the battalion’s recruiting command.
The Council on Foreign Relations is openly calling for a draft
The US Army War College is openly calling for a draft
Major General Bob Dee openly endorses a military draft
spic and mutt said
Next you'll be telling me that a nigger, kike, jeet or chink has an opinion.
Honestly, I got the idea of it, as I saw some threads. A child asking will you fight for her, and her mother. Its a Classical propaganda trick. Although I hold my judgement until I see glowies forcing it more.
Lol, imagine following a homosexual spic. Are you brown too? Or just gay?
Oh. Well, Trump does, sure. Maybe you shouldn't have voted for him
Things that don't exist
Straight groypers
Epic own. Too bad you can’t get updoots here my dear redditor
Women are the real Jews you stupid boomer faggot
implying votes are counted and that elections are real/legitimate
depends on the wife. generally true
also true
OP is a faggot for continuing to post twitter screencaps. seasoned
Keep the seethe coming, sweetheart
imagine taking either of those "men" seriously
Go back, broccoli head. Get off MY board
I know you were posting on his behalf here less than a month ago roach. You won't live it down
I'll take that as a yes, your mother was a whore. That explains why you look up to gay brown people.
Time to log off you dumbass FOX boomer. Nobody buys your faggot cuckservative dogshit anymore.
Femdom female led marriage is heckin based bros. A few months after you get the vasectomy she orders you to get, she'll announce she is pregnant.
It's a honest to God fact.
The way you are defensive about it, makes it seem like you followed your leader.
Wifejak must be pretty powerful if it managed to pull ZOG's top grifters to try and shut it down.
Just post tits already. You’re getting boring.
loving your wife and family is gay
Whether its feminists, ecologists, "intellectuals" or "alpha males" it always end up with not having kids. all e-celebs end up with one final message. DO NOT REPRODUCE
Lmao hahahahah. Keep using redd*t talking points.
Btw go back, anime watching pedophile. All groypers are pedophiles
Yeah, you are on team tranny like.
is that way, fag boy.
Responding to Darren Beattie
Most Banned Man In America | Jake Shield's Fight Back Ep.9
I am VINDICATED on Dave Smith
Candace Owens and Dave Smith are Muddying the Waters
Israeli Minister SUPPORTS Raping Prisoners
Analyzing Netanyahu's Address to Congress
It's Time to Tell the Truth about Jewish Power
The Fake Controlled Right Wing
Group Chat Leak EXPOSES Jewish Bribery Network
Tim Pool is Controlled Opposition
Nick Fuentes x Keith Woods x SNEAKO
Nick Fuentes x Cheesur Stream
Nick Fuentes vs Gavin McInnes | Zionism DEBATE
thinks I watch tranime
lol lmao. That’s an oldfags thing though?
two brown homos seething over White people getting married and having kids
I’m starting to think shitskins hate White people and want them dead
Why? You don't even like tits, you Mexican homosexual.
This, I wear a tophat and carry a cane. Hell people think i'm neat, now all my kids dress in a similar way. Everyone is can sod off into the gutter, my family is all that matters.
fellas, is it gay to like your wife?
lmao groypers and tatefaggots just keep taking humiliation rituals
Every single one is a pedophile faggot how much more obvious does it need to be
Damn, Nick living rent free in your head. Really did a number on you with the your body my choice didn’t he?
Exactly. These astroturfing faggots are so obvious.
thinks I watch tranime
Yes. Most groypers do. Fact: 99% of groypers watch anime, live with their parents, and groom kids on discord for sex. Own your identity, chomo
Yeah, breeding my wife and getting my dick sucked by her is beyond gay. Not sure why I’m so in denial about liking dudes.
spam thread
Kuck Fuentes
Cuck worshipers.
yes, it is. it will never stop being cute how normgroid tourists come here to get their brainlets blown but this fact and proceed to can't even
Nick literally calls out zog while Zion Don kisses Jew ass. Wifejak is a fed psyop and you suckers fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Good goyim.
i think that's a good thing actually
You're right
Lol, I've never even heard this little faggot speak. But, you sure do love sucking his cock, don't you, you brown tranny faggot?
I can't even imagine how pathetic you must be to actually call yourself a groyper.
someone post the original meme, i'll be the judge
Sounds like your friends are all just deeply closeted homos. Makes sense why you and them get along so well.
Based. Nick Fedtes and all his fans are infantile chomos who jack off to animated CP
marry Asian women
Can you even go a minute without your disgusting race mixing propaganda?
gypsy fag's discord clone was hacked by trannies his opinion was already worthless but now it's double worthless
New material
Does that mean that you're really willing to overlook the fact that the same 5'4" hispanic twink who is telling you not to get married ALSO spends large amounts of time hanging out with homosexual male sex workers?
You're getting psyopped into being a fag by a fag that is trying to grow his own dating pool.
entire thread completely full of fucking seething miga nigger golems gnashing their teeth over everyone being gay and sucking cock
Yup, its circumcised dick sucking miga nigger time.
Rural homesteading.
White women in sundresses and wheat fields.
All this fucking online right wing "trad" LARPing needs to fucking DIE.
wifejak is a BASED meme because it promotes natalism and traditional marriage to save the white race
Memes do not "promote" ideology. Wifejak is not some epic cultural movement that is influencing society to become more trad. That is pure fantasy. It's just a retarded unfunny meme that online right wingers circlejerk over.
You are no different from leftists. Leftist memes are not funny because they're meant to be preachy propaganda pieces. Wifejak is the same fucking thing, but right wing.
It is not funny, it is a dogshit tier "meme" that retards defend to the death despite being unfunny because it reaffirms their "based" and "trad" ideology and their romanticization of domestic family life that simps crave .
No fucking clue what these clowns are talking about..
It's a correct observation:
guy calls his gf a wife, despite not being married
acts "lazy", lets the girl decide things domestically, will concede space in the house as long as he gets his "mancave"
will drag his girl to every social event
let's himself get infantilized by his girl, will act like a wholesome chungus reddit dopey sitcom husband.
will bring up his girl in conversations that have nothing to do with her
never has any time to do anything if you're planning something.
I've stopped hanging out with guys that turn into these boring, domesticated turbonormalfags.
It's fine if you love your wife, whatever but I miss when people acted more reserved and kept the details of their intimacy inside of their house.
I don't want to hang out with someone who is joined at the hip with this wife.
You're using the word wrong. Astroturfing is what Spic Fedtes fans do when they shill that unlikable broccoli head endlessly. He's gay and cringe and so are you. That's all there is to it.
In summation, you are just some dumb gay kid who is a fan of the literal Jack Doherty of politics, and most rational people would agree
You're thinking too small. It's not just Anon Babble. Shit is all over X too. I assume other places. Although Anon Babble is not the origin point for gayops anymore it still amplifies the message to other platforms.
New jewish psyop/false dichotomy dropped.
Either you fall for the new fake and gay meme (pic related) or you fall for the ones in OP's pic related who are also fake and gay.
Either way, with jews, you lose!
The correct response, as always is fuck niggers, fuck kikes, and fuck jannies!
It's funny because the psyop is to get men to shut the fuck up and just marry a nauseating blown out roastie. Because married men are placated men and not a threat to the system. Not only that but they want to start drafting men to die for israel once zion don enters office. Married men can be more easily shamed by their wives to fuck off to die in some far away shithole. It's about dismantling MGTOW and getting men to fall in line to become obedient wifeguy simps. This cuntjak being their latest machination.
I'm too autistic to let my gf get away with that shit. She probably gets tired of being ranted at sometimes but whatever she can fuck off if she wants. She won't tho because I take care of shit and help her when she needs it. Never be afraid to take control. Not only is it what's best, it is your moral and biological imperative.
The only time any rightly married man talks about his wife is to bitch
Wifejak is male feminism but right wing.
Wifejak is for faggot men who saw this pic and decided to make it their life goal.
Yeah you lost me. Everything i do is at least for the idea of a woman. Take that away from me, i dont care about self improvement or bettering the nation or anything. It can all burn then
encouraging marriage is a psyop to dismantle MGTOW
Do you faggots even think before you type?
Yes real men hold nothing but contempt for their wives and mothers to their children
No, these idiots think the jews are trying to trick them into having white families. They've been psyopted by kikes and are too dumb to realize it. Some of them are probably actual faggots and troons though.
It’s almost like their grift depends on young men staying alone and miserable so they can keep profiting off of it.
h-hes unlikable
Shut up you whiny bitch. He had 180k live viewers. Meanwhile nobody wants to listen to your faggy opinions.
Not getting vaxxed
Not voting
Not fighting faggot jew wars
Not marrying a nonvirgin (if at all)
fucking idiot, it is literally the stated mission of the new shabbos goy israel worshiping secretary of defense to adress the recruitment crisis. ever since twitter, where this slop got cooked up by jewish academics, has been bought by Elon Musk the federal contractor, it has become a de facto arm of the department of defense. Expect an increasing number of psyops of this kind.
Lmaoo but he is absolutely unlikable and thus only dumb unlikable broccoli heads are fans of spic fedtes. Only retarded goblino mutts like him
No rational adult gives a fuck about your gay idol
Based sign tapper.
Truecels do not fight for zog.
This was meant for
No, the kikes and liberal tranny Democrats have been pushing degeneracy, homosexuality, transgenderism, and the destruction of the white nuclear family for years. Now, the pendulum is swinging back and you trannies are raging over it.
The kikes are pushing white families
You are one dumb mother fucker, do you know that?
The system and elite want men to be married. That's why MGTOW and incels are so relentlessly attacked. It's a threat to this pozzed system. Married men are shackled down and not a threat. Having a large portion of the male population unmarried is a threat. These men are free and have the opportunity to cause widescale meaningful change that threatens the integrity of the current societal order. They'd rather have men be locked down in a marriage then be like Nick or Andrew. Women are tools that subjugate men and the elite knows that.
you are a dangerously stupid goy
israel is like 7 million jews and cannot defend itself
In english, what does this mean?
They want us dead, not breeding more whites. You incredibly stupid bitch. MTGOW was the kike psyop and your retarded ass fell for it.
Seethe feminist
If you honestly believe that 2-neuron-Tate genuinely converted to Islam you are as retarded as he is.
you are a dangerously stupid goy
You're worse than a kike. Get it through your head. Traitors are worse than enemies
How can I hate you if you're not even a man?
no, they want you to be tax cattle and to fight for them
Well I'd love to reply more comprehensively but I just saw a really compelling basedjak that made me sign up for the military, gotta go! Wish me luck boys!!!
Fucking women is gay.
Huge happening
17 pbtid
Sounds like you're the one seething champ
Combined inferiority complex and insecurity. The only real thing they have in common.
It's why they're both narcissists and only have a cult like following
meanwhile intelligent self sufficient people don't care for them usually
Whatever simp
White people letting themselves go extinct is a threat to the system goy just listen to our brown faggots
No thanks moshe I’m happy with my fiancée. Incels faggots won’t fight for anything because they have nothing at all that they love nothing that is worth fighting for. You see it all the time here they are nihilistic losers just happy to watch everything burn around them they don’t fight they maliciously watch from the sideline
kill yourself subhuman
This is the most non happening ever.
Who gives a shit about a shitty twitter wojak meme?
two gays talk to each other
no fault divorce still exists, domestic abuse laws still exist. a dumb jewish meme does not wash them away
Good post wtf
S()ycattle aren't men.
Women haven't been invented yet.
I can't breed because I'm not allowed to beat up women
It’s literally the same thing.
The Daily Wire and the Jewish funded conservative network wants you to be a good goy who submits to women just like the Left. This is all designed to kneecap revolutionary/radical political thought
wild gynocracy simp pops up
Why does having a white wife make mutts seethe?
A wife is a tool used to get new pussy.
both of those dudes are on the DL
does it really surprise you they’d be antiwife?
Some real retard shit here. Men with 3 kids or more are even exempt from military service in Ukraine. They aren't drafting fathers, they're gonna draft incels.
Why do gro(y)pers love groping little boys?
Then pick a good chick learn to make things work because you are a team learn to lead her to your ideas and way of life and then have confidence in your judgement. What a pussy thing to be afraid of a divorce? Big deal as if women are not all easily replaceable. Stop putting pussy on a pedestal you bitch
post more wifejack ryona
The whole Musk-twitter thing is obviously CIA and think tank directed, yes. Right wing morons flocked back to Twitter and handed over their passport to be verified.
the 50th iteration of pull yourself up by the bootstraps
any day now you'll convince the youngsters with this slop, pops
Incels faggots won’t fight for anything
and you'll be dying for jews in the middle east
check your gayfriend (having a girlfriend is gay, she's just temporary living fleshlight at that point) by asking her if she hates the jews
if she doesn't, let's see if you have the courage to dump her
NoPOoOooo if you fuck white women and raise happy white children you're doing what the jews WANT!
God anyone seriously taking any relationship or life advice from these retards deserve aids.
you shouldn't be living for a woman that's gay
Pull yourself up by the bootstraps it’s god tier advice and the boomers were right about it you little half nigger. I know niggers don’t like accountability but who the fuck is gonna fix your shitty life Tyrone? It’s not gonna be your e daddy.
kill yourself
retard fuckboi e-celeb surrounds himself with whores and sluts
is then surprised that the whores and sluts are, in fact, vapid whores and sluts
Wifejak is just boomer humor using the wojak formula.
i can't live in a world where women don't have infinite freedoms
Reminder you have to have sex with white women to have white children.
another one
ask her if she hates jews, if she doesn't dump her, let's see if you can do it faggot
the majority of women date and marry the same race they are
regardless of what ever your porn addicted brain and X screen caps think or say.
no boomer humor was shitting on their wives. millennial subhuman simps get euphoric over their fat cow wives instead
Boomer humor is "I hate my wife"
being with a woman who thinks anti semitism is morally wrong is like signing a death sentence for yourself
They already are.
Unless you believe anyone else would shill for s()yciety?
Every remotely pro s()yciety thread got hit with the Anal Devastator 9,001, so the best they could do is something already hard countered by an ancient meme.
*hits pipe*
Your fefail will jump on strange dicks while you die for your jewish masters.
Nothing says "preserving the white race" like a manlet spic who is a faggot telling you to not have a wife and to vote for Kamila am I right Nick cock warmer?
MIGA am i right spic cum dump
He's right though
Most women are fuckng annoying as shit. It's really difficult to like someone that hates you and chooses to be around fags until they want an actual straight gay and they are still acting like a fagget they hung out with
a women needs to concern herself in matters for men to solve
She is apolitical for the most part she thinks it’s horrible what israel is doing to Gaza and that is all she really needs to know because she is a women and she is never going to be interested in politics. She had me fill out her ballot because she didn’t give a fuck. If you want a women that likes politics you want an autistic tranny.
dying for jews
Why would I ever go die for kikes? Do you think because I have a healthy relationship and a good life that means I’m cattle to die for the kikes? What kind of absurd logic is this?
didn't answer his question
does she hate jews?
man quit posting stale X bullshit. either post it within hours of it being posted or just dont. how am i supposed to respond and talk shit to these retards if its days after the fact?
this is who entertains the forced "wifejak" meme
it's forced like putting liberals in crystal meme (but not the jews) or the nafo meme
I was a neet for 12 years you know what helped me pulling myself up by the bootstraps it actually works I know you want gibs tho nigger I can’t fault that tho
so fucking true
if she's apolitical she's ready to be brainwashed by the jewish media
introduce her to the talmud casually
Tranny jannies really hate it when you expose this psyop.
They almost hate it as much as they hate the fox poster.
She hates spics and she doesn’t like what jews are doing in Gaza but that is not her concern because she is a women and politics is the domain of men. Her concern is tk have my kids take care of our animals and to look cute and be happy.
No women that are into WN things are insane cunts that always start trouble I like my happy go lucky girl that doesn’t care and just listens to anything I say.