/ftl/ Fish Tank Live #2324

josie edition

When Josie Stream? @sheep_xing on youtube

monday regular/Wednesday membership/friday regular

fishtank Season 2 tv links


What is Fish Tank?




Season 1 archive Days 1-42 + the full motion capture archives


Thread template if needed


believe in the wosie

guys my shirt arrived early
way to hot rn to try it on but the quality is nice
seriously it's so fucking hot
i'm a happy boi

i meant hoodie not shirt, brain is overheated




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Josie is dating Van

Wtf this is fucking ugly as shit

nooo she can't have male friends

This nigga so far into the friendzone like you wouldn't believe

30 dollars for TTS

and its some contrived gayness where you have to play along

and all the fish just pretend like they dont know what's going on or that it's live

havent tuned in for ages but this shit is just plain gay, how the fuck do you retards tolerate this shit?


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just had a cold shower and my fan is on lvl 3 and it's still fucking hot

southern hemispherebros...

maybe she hates us and hates streaming and doesn't want to do it anymore

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don't doom baker, bish is just on holiday
shit happens she'll be back

Anon Babble is next door, bud. Btw guys, check out new ig story story.

erm rare flag hello lithuania bro

Yes she can't have male friends as they will undoubtedly try for more.

Holiday from what? She only works 9 hours a week

how many hours a week do you work? be honest, but i know you won't be


Hello. Jobie stream this week, God wills it.

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u right...

What a horrible feeling it must be to fly out to Japan to hang out with her and her boyfriend steinful is there. Hearing them fucking in their room is rope worthy. She did van and the cord niggers dirty.

no more cuckposting. no more pornography. be good and post wosies.

Q4L was a creepy faggot I’m glad he got run off the only difference between him and hotdog lips is that Q4L was a little bit better at hiding his creep level around Josie

Streamer who lives life on permanent vacation and who's job is to show interesting places doesn't stream when visiting a different country

KEK Josie is an online prostitute and very lazy.

Josie is a dishonest person and her parents failed at raising her by every measure. Josie is a bad person.

Q4L is Jet btw.

white collar professional wants to date you

Don't give him a shot

Hang out with ghetto wiggers while you pimp yourself online

KEK. no wonder Josie cried when they called her retarded, Josie is actually retarded.

MDE should stop donating and hiring view bots. After a year of streaming it's obvious Josie isn't cut out for an easy life. She had a chance but deserves going back to the garbage factory.

Extremely dishonest and lazy. Josie's parents 100% failed at raising her or teaching her anything valuable.

Which is why she's hanging out with a fashion brand scam artist and not dating a sr level white collar career guy. It's funnier because her own selfishness stopped her from getting easy access to money. LMAO.

and the larper has awoken

The same mindset works into her streaming career. She blew it and MDE is propping her up.

Josie is too stupid to realize being a lazy piece of shit will compromise the next 5-10 years of getting easy money. Just like a $10 hamburger stopped her dating a professional who otherwise would have never given her a shot. She's just way too selfish and stupid. 400 gifts, 0 thank you messages sent.

Yeah sorry I was working. I'm trying to spec new network gear for my employer. Needs a full network rebuild...again.

Just like a $10 hamburger stopped her dating

I thought the private conversation was just for advice, guess that was a lie too!

Women really like a guy that constantly lies, total professional behavior

I needed to ask her out for a 4th time because Luke was there the first 3 times and I was scared

She would have learned the truth about me directly, and wouldn't have listened to you guys lying. She's not only a coward, but stupid. It's funny. At least I try to be brave when being stupid.

she would learn the truth about a guy who posts nothing but lies and blatant harassment about her online all day every day

Why didn’t she go for this absolute bargain?

hello guy I don’t know who has threatened to kill my family, can I pay for your food so you can tell me lies about yourself and then harass me more after I turn you down for a 4th time

This is a rational fantasy in the mind of a hospital CEO

You can tell Josie's shills are paid by MDE because the shills are dishonest Jews just like the Freemasons at MDE.

You're literally paid to simp for a retarded whore. I'm paid to do real work.

caught out in another blatant lie

uhhh it’s actually you whose dishonest

Is lying in pajeet blood just like sex pestery

This is why Jews were kicked out of 109 countries lmao.

Holy shit ESL. Sam is cheaping out on shills.

Jews like Ben take joy in lying because they aren't capable of contributing to a society. They take joy in stealing from others and sabotaging people better than them. Point a mirror at Ben and he pisses his pants because your life isn't a failure like his. It's hilarious.

MDE lies by hiring people to fill the threads. The lie by paying people to worship Josie. They lie by donating to her through sock puppets. They lie about me online. They lie when I claim their Freemason buddies are harassing me IRL.

IDK how Sam Hyde the Freemason thinks his career will last on so much dishonesty. He blew his career because like Ben or MDE, he's incapable of honesty or contributing to society. So he spends his time in the Freemason club harassing people with real jobs who do contribute to society.

Let's not forget all the evidence of worker abuse that's out there. Doesn't matter he deleted his own recordings. The Anon Babble archives are out there. Plenty of screenshots and discussion of what happened when.

actually sirs it is you who is pajeet and liar bastard


Sam was set up to end his own career. Im just here to point it out.

The paid shills are only here to jerk Josie off for being a dumb whore and lie about me. They will never touch the topics of Freemasonry or Sam's personal financial liability.

Isn't there some dumb cunt these threads are about who puts blinders on and acts like the truth doesn't matter? I think she has that in common with the shills, and Sam.

s1 threads were the beginning of fishtank

s1 threads are the end of fishtank



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Scam artist prostitute wearing the shirt of a scam artist.

Could have been a mega streamer but she blew it because she's lazy and greedy. Greedsie.

Shills are back to worshipping Josie because they won't touch her being a dishonest prostitute, Sam being a Freemason, or Sam Hyde the Freemason ending his own career.

LMAO. You guys make it too obvious I'm right.

freemason's harass me for 2 years

Only so I can BTFO their dumb asset Sam and point out their selected bait is a dumb whore

Great recruitment drive guys, youre useless eater faggots and I will never join the Freemasons.

Sam Hyde Ben Taylor Cameron Williams and CryoKeen are Freemason kid fuckers.

Sam do you realize your presence on Anon Babble to recruit is what doomed your career? Every moment and workers rights violations are captured in the threads.

You can't hide what you did, even though you "deleted" your archives. At least Charles and Nick were smart enough to stay away.

Keep thinking me calling you out as a Freemason is a blurb in the corner of the internet archives.

It will be just as prominent as the other Anon Babble archives when you're being investigated or prosecuted. You guys had everything going in your favor and you still managed to fuck it up.

We love Zozie

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You guys think a rant screenshot compares to a state investigation of worker abuse? Lmao.

Aww the paid shills are ignoring me again. They won't touch certain subjects. LMAO.

your a liar and a pajeet

no your a liar and a pajeet!

Come up with your own material or it gets boring

you too mang

Why won't shills talk about Josie being an online prostitute or Sam willingly uploading the evidence to end his career online?