She was a freeloader who appeared on season one of Sam Hyde's internet reality show "Fishtank". She acted as a doppelganger of Violetta, even sharing an identical biography. She entered the house on May 16, 2023 and remained there until May 19.
previous thread recent thread activity:
seethers are still doing coordinated raids.
betty hasnt been posting.
skull thinks he is dating sam's ex girlfriend.
deject is pretending to be his own ex girlfriend and posting itt.
treefingers is still blocked and in critical depression - send good vibes.
be nice
why is this 4/10 whore spammed so much? are you losers unironically orbiting this 4/10 thot?
she is what i imagine angels look like
I like her poom poom
fucking kill yourself you tiny white pecker cuckold subhuman
thats it seethers got to me i cant like betty anymore.
all the gross videos posting and bad stories and pointing out what a cuck i am. i just cant do it. im thinking of joining the hippy commune at the local campgrounds and just spend the last of my years busking for drugs. i didnt know it was like this and how it would be. i tried so hard but my heart just wasnt strong enough and i failed every test. she hates me and doesnt want anything to do with me. nick fuentes is right im not a man and women will never love me because i am weak. seethers are right that i am a genetic dead end. this is my final post i wish you all the best.
its just too much for me,
Channing is a princess and I as her strongest soldier will die on that hill but not before taking a bunch of you knuckle draggers with me. o7
This bunny is pretty cute
im not really the person i seem.
it turns out all the things i tried to hide about myself is actualy what betty likes in guys and all the things i tried to make myself out to be to impress her or because i thought it would make her like me more is actually most of the things she doesnt like about me.
i was never very spiritual i didnt believe in zodiac or read tarot i dont really care about having social media. im not a real artist and i dont know how to be funny. its all not real. truth is i was just a racist nazi chud nick fuentes follower i hated women and e girls and thought jesse lee peterson should be president. i say the n word a thousand times a year.
i think this was the universe teaching me a lesson about being myself. even if myself is a bad person. i thought maybe i was being guided to be different but thats probably cope.
the truth is im an imposter and i have paid the price. this twisted lonesome fate. god have mercy on me.
i dont know who i even am now but the only thing for sure is im not a man or anything a he should be. i deserve to be exactly where i am. i will walk alone for eternity.
i must go now please speak of me no more
Welcome back, Treefaggots
I don't even like Letty but she mogs Betty in every aspect, she's not even trying. Props to her for making Betty seethe for days a week ago
It's not a matter of intelligence either. There seem to be serious problems whether the person has a low IQ or is of normal intelligence. According to Streissguth's study, children and adults of all ages along the spectrum of FASD report a history of the following sexual behaviors (starting with the most prevalent):
Sexual advances
Sexual touching
Masturbation in public
Obscene phone calls
Those with an IQ under 70 tend to get into trouble for inappropriate sexual touching and for masturbating in public.