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Support Zelensky
Everybody supports The Heroes
Not since Trump won and America was saved from warmongering imperialists.
Trump is president ELECT.
Two more weeks and neonazis get supply starved
Like trump wouldn't love more dead russies
He wouldn't, we're the allies we helped him to get elected by bombardering US media with news from ukraine making american populace absolutely sick of hearing about it.
Now they Americans want it annexed so they would stop being annoyed at news about ukraine (they hate hearing this word now)
No they don't. russia is losing and trump hates losers so he's going to support Ukraine.
Nobody believes your schizophrenic accusations.
Does this thread looks like it is one and the same person to you? You asinine retard!
I am a Communist, I don't support neonazis, not even ironically
well well well
well yeah, he was pro-peace candidate.
That's why we attacked, if peace was achieved mit Ukraine and Donbass, we'd lose Donbass eventually
I think the CIA and the Azov faction of Ukraine threatened him after he won or a little bit before that.
source? never heard of it in Russian internet space.
Source is my personal opinion, he was in fact a uniting person before he became president but something changed right after he came to power. I mean when you take in consideration that BlackRock are involved that's what makes sense to me.
I think the Azov were propped up or rather helped by the CIA to recruit and train.
By Huang Lanlan and Cui Fandi
Based global southerners exposing western neo-nazi connections and imperialist white supremacist tendencies
I mean even globohomo news media is starting to admit it
They are nazis, that is true.
This is why we're working on exterminating any notions of racial motivated hatred in the world in tandem with the global south.
I don't know what point you're trying to make here, dutchtroon is a known white euro supremacist, posts muttjak all the time
My point is that if America wasn't involved far less people would have died and there would be peace in the region.
America shouldn't have involved all the way back in 1991. They dissolved USSR, then promised protectorate to the nations that never needed to be protected in the first place, they were already protected by Moscow.
Now shits fucked, baltoids are dying and trooning, ukraine's full of neonazis, poolaks warmongering attacking Byelorussia, Transnistria tensions.
America is evil, more news at 10
Yep, now if a peace treaty is reached it's going to be the thing Putin wanted to do 2-3 years ago and everyone who supported Ukrainians dying should be fucking shamed and beaten.
These were the terms:
In Russia's vision, Ukraine was supposed to “recognize the independence” of the so-called Donetsk and Lugansk “republics” - and within the borders of Ukraine's administrative regions (as of February 24, 2022, Russia controlled only part of these regions; by the end of 2024, it still does not have full control over these territories).
The authors of the Russian document believed that it was Ukraine that should bear the costs of rebuilding the Donbass infrastructure destroyed during the war launched by Russia in 2014.
Russia also demanded the lifting of all sanctions - both Ukrainian and international - and the withdrawal of all international lawsuits filed since 2014. In addition, Russia insisted that Russian be granted state language status and that all property rights of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate be restored.
The authors of the agreement demanded to “cancel and no longer introduce any bans on symbols associated in the states with the victory over Nazism”, i.e. to legalize Soviet and communist symbols in Ukraine again.
To the document they attached a list of Ukrainian laws, which they called examples of “Nazification and glorification of Nazism”. The laws “On Commemorating Victory over Nazism” and “On Rehabilitation of Victims of Repression of the Communist Totalitarian Regime” fell under this category.
checked and true
now when that eventually happens...
do you accept these terms?
I just didn't want so many people to die mainly. Yes the terms seemed ok.
Kek I just hate eurocucks that's all. Wanted to highlight my hatred of europe by takign a nickname of an anticolonialist article author.
It's a good name. I don't hate Europe I hate the UN and the European Union and all the Merkel's and Ursula's and Boris Johnsons of Europe.
it's the european people who elected all this trash.
Can you imagine Muslim people voting in libcucks? Me neither. So if we replace all NATO coutnrie's population with somebody more reasonably conservative, we can guarantee total eradication of imperialist activity on the planet.