I found moldova's pictures on facebook few weeks ago. haven't posted them here yet

I found moldova's pictures on facebook few weeks ago. haven't posted them here yet
I must say that he is lot worse looking than vlad, even korbo mogs him, he is truly subhuman of Anon Babble
No wonder he was in a long distance relationship with a lesbian girl for years

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i don't care

Why would you reply then?

Will you post it?

Probably. I asked him if I could before creating this thread, he has been ignoring me for 2 months so he'll probably also ignore this question
They are group pictures from university. He is studying botany btw

did I ask

are you georgia

Yes, United States of America even

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Just post it with asking anything, He won't recognize you your flag is so much common

Wait wasn’t that the guy who used to post these elve girls

Well who else would have his pics except me? Also he knows it
He looks especially ugly on this one. Yes I'm doing something wrong but wouldn't be doing if he answered me. Also I'm afraid that Vlad may be actually dead, if that's true then his days are counted

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He looks especially ugly on this one

no he doesn't

Defending his erp buddy

Moldova fucking lost. Soon I'll visit him myself and break every single bone of his.

Blond-brownish long hair

dead fish eyes

Bant phenotype

it's a blurry low res pic but he just looks like a normal guy
he isn't horrifically deformed or morbidly obese or anything that i would call especially ugly

play along!

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he isn't horrifically deformed

Not yet

He wouldn't even like being called "normal guy" though

He looks like just a normal man

Hello United States of America poster, well from this low res pic he seems like extremely ordinary guy that just grew out his hair to have something going for him desu but you are undervaluing him as a cope I get that

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Wait, What are you implying...

it looks like he takes care of his hair and i guess he has clear skin but like i said it's a blurry image so i can't tell

Damn I got ambushed, knew this would have happened on enemy territory
I'm joking, I know that he isn't that ugly, can't wait to gape him

You aren't bantroon but I guess I'll put you on my gape list as well
I would say that all of you niggas are like him and that's why you are saying that. I mean I think that was mycrofts pic a few days ago. I knew he would have been some ugly subhuman behind those cute pics but didn't expect something like that
That thread actually inspired me to post this
I'm going to be at him and then lit his face on fire

Calling in backup right now btw
Bant will be destroyed in no time

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this is a bombshell

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Why do you have woman tier standards
Right, you are obese

I don't. He was the one that talked about how much he dislikes "ugly" people and how beautiful he is, so I expected him to look really cute and beautiful, to look like truly elvish.
Also If it would make you feel better I find you extremely cute

by bant standards he's a supermodel lol

But what the freak did you expect
He actually looks exactly like someone that would post cute anime pics on tranime incel website since its no longer fat balding men in their 30s doing that

he looks like “They stand behind me I protect them” kid but grown up

Vladdie did the same, but it's fine for him because he's cude?
It's SO over for us ugloidcels

Vlad, swiss and ritsu are lot more cuter twinks, they legit are. I think you are thinking too highly of him now
I mean I expected him to look better but I guess that wasn't even him. Whatever that guy was cute and lots of bant posters are cute.
Don't you remember how melf acted. And now Vlad may be dead. I'll have to make him pay.

Yes because he's actually cute and beautiful. I have yet to see another guy like him

I would cum if he called me "ugly tiny pecker shitskin"
Being called ugly by him is privilege chuddy


Pipe down lil bro

I know. That's why I like you. I always liked taller twinks. That's why I liked Vlad and melf who's nearly 6'1

He looks fine
Now post yourself faggot

We should make a bant tv show called twink or not twink. Users will dox images of a certain poster and the viewers will bet money on if the person is a twink or not

I have done it few times faggot and I don't think I'm really good looking and don't go around calling others ugly
Yawn why so much seething about a joke. Bant is truly a troon hugbox

This asian hapa? Looks too fat to be a twink, definitely not twink

Joking of course

and don't go around calling others ugly

He looks especially ugly on this one.

he is truly subhuman

So you didn't mean he was ugly when you said he was ugly?

I don't think I'm really good looking

Well thats a given desu but post your face anyways since we're sharing pics


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We should lock all circlejerk boys into a house together and make a reality show like fishtank
We hide cameras all over the house and see what happens

I would guess it would take 1-2 weeks max before Someone bashes someone else head in or they start fucking

That was a joke so, I understand, Sorry for ruinning it

if i was locked in a house with other bantoids it would take 1-2 minutes before i bash my own head in

Georgian chad will slay the vile ugly moldovan with his righteous sword and claim his righteous princess vlad for himself.

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this but viewers get to vote on who lives and who dies

„Keeping up with the bantoids“
That would be a good name
It would take 1 hour max for you to start hitting on people there you skank

I vote die on everyone. I'm gonna vote die on you.

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I would ruin everyones sleep by pounding ritsu all night to hasten the process of mental degredation of the rest of the house.

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i'm not a skank and i'm terrible at flirting and i don't think i would hit on anyone from bant because they're all weird and scary

Yeah yeah I said those stuff, who are you even, how new are you, have you never seen me and him interact? I'm always like this with/about him and sometimes opposite.
And here's one archive.palanq.win/bant/thread/19103860/#q19104437
But like it's a good thing, you have lots better body than those twinks, you have cute fat ass, nothing bad about that
I was joking about you being fat of course
We would be like a family, I would be a husband and others would be my wives

you can't vote die on everyone or the show will end after one episode
it's normally the person with the least votes who gets kicked off the show

Male only house
The strongest will force the other ones into submission and will then have multiple boy wife’s

That’s how nature works I suppose

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Thanks for the compliments, but stop saying my ass is cute and fat.
Save that for Vlad
I'm gonna steal votes from you. Or... Idk if being in the show is worse than not. Fuck

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The strongest will force the other ones into submission and will then have multiple boy wife’s

Wtf then i can't participate it would literally be too easy

I don't know who you are but I've played some games with the Moldovan. Pretty sure he stopped playing with my because he realized I wasn't a girl.

Or we eliminate the voting system and it would just be like keeping up with the kardashians
Ya know just locking them all up for a few months and everyone kinda gets assigned what to do in the house based on skills

that's not how nature works outside of fujoshi fantasies
nuh uh everyone would vote for my charming personality and good looks
i've never watched keeping up with the kardashians or any reality tv idk how any of this works sorry

You will be assigned to clean the toilets for the entire show.

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He is my rival, our rivalry has been going for few years now. Can't believe that you don't know who I am
Read this message, from him to me
Well Moldova was kinda my first love, my first obsession but soon gave up, just wanted to be friend with him later but he kept fucking over me

if it's based on our skill i'd probably end up cooking because most people here are terrible chefs
i wouldn't trust most banters to cook for me because i'll probably end up with food poisoning or maybe just regular old poisoning if they don't like me

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Post your food.

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He is my rival

Why? You could easily make more money than his entire village.

Can't believe that you don't know who I am

American flags all blend together into one blob of mutts

Read this message, from him to me

I can't tell if hes being serious or not since its so retarded.

but he kept fucking over me

How so mister Arab?

i've said this a million times but i do not have a camera or a phone or anything
i made inari sushi with a few days ago and it was tasty
it was actually pretty tricky to stuff the pouches with rice without ripping them

holy discord vomit
I hope vlad is actually dead so he doesn't have to witness this

I'm Georgian who just came here in us, 2 months ago. But I was actually born here, just grew up in georgia. I have actually sent him money 2 times.
I have been using proxies for year or 2 so you still may not know me if you are new
I have written about this about million times
I came here from Anon Babble, didn't have any friends irl or online back then (2nd year of uni but everything was online because of 'rona).He was really nice to me and I became obsessed. He used to act gay but later stopped. It turned out he's a huge chuddie and because of that he didn't help me with something and ruined my life
He used to call himself femboy, acted all cute and nice, talked about how he crossdressed and how he would date another guy
But later totally changed. Become narcissistic and egoistic retard who only talks about how great he is

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He's watching over us from heaven. My angel.

That's cool and impressive. I have never made inari sushi before or any kind of sushi to be honest. You should get a phone. Then you can post your face and body so bant bully you for years like they did me :)

I don't make food often so I wouldn't say I'm good, but I know how to use a knife properly. Pic related is apple pie I made a year ago or something.

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This is Kino
Huh are u the one who obsessed over the Moldavian?

so you still may not know me if you are new

I was born and raised on Anon Babble and I've only been on bant for a couple of years.

But later totally changed. Become narcissistic and egoistic retard who only talks about how great he is

So you wanted to date him back in his femboy era but now that hes straight you must destroy him? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Yes, I'm also the one that told him to come to you, heh remember that? When him and you talked a few months ago? I was the one that did everything.
and also it's 6:00 here, haven't slept yet and have work in several hours. I think I'll sleep now. Goodnight

Answer me first

wow nice pie looks tasty
i normally bake cakes but it reminds me of when i used to help my grandparents bake pie things when i was young

Then you can post your face and body so bant bully you for years

the intrusive thoughts are telling me to steal a friend's dslr camera and spend £500 on a lens with a soap bubble bokeh so it might happen idk

So I loved another guy, Vlad. Romanian emo. That Vlad also likes melf and was kinda only person who he talked with
After making a mistake I asked melf to help me, help me get closer to Vlad. Well at first melf didn't even believe Vlad was guy despite him saying that himself few times. And after a while he started telling me how he hopes that Vlad will stop being gay. So he didn't help me because of it
Site he could have have stayed as closeted fag and I wouldn't have cared but he also wanted others to be like him
He said same stuff to me, told me that I should marry some women from 3rd world shithole, that it doesn't even matter if I love him or not

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*Love her or not

Pie is good and you can make lots of different types of pies. So definitely nice to learn how to make just 1 type, since it can carry over to the other varieties.

the intrusive thoughts are telling me to steal a friend's dslr camera and spend £500 on a lens with a soap bubble bokeh so it might happen idk

Even if everyone found you attractive it still wouldn't be worth it. Later on they might change their mind and trash on you for it. People are extremely biased.

Okay I do know who you are
You can sleep now

i'd probably just post pics of the food i make
or maybe of weird flowers or mushrooms or buges or froges i find outside

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That's good. I'm gonna head off to do some other stuff now