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Giantess foot edition

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too small


Should I sell my XIU for more VFV? Portfolio currently sitting at XIU - 55% and VFV - 45%
I'm replaying Death Stranding.

holy based

circumcision scar

Thank you for the ick

I just got finished replaying the first 6 final fantasys on my switch, well that's not true, I skipped 2 and 4, but I decided I wanted to try 12 again since I never actually beat it, looked at the save file I had 40 hours in, said fuck it started a new one.

kek you just know the roasties hate these pics
cause it reminds them they are old and worthless

Why are you defending circumcision? Aren't you chinese? Maybe you are south korean. They do it too.

It gives me the ick, cause I'm not circumsized and just thinking about it, imagining it, pains.

Mhmm. Poor amerimutts.

first 6

decides to play 12

Lol the only acceptable FF's are 8,9, and 10. Sorry, but you might be gay.

reminds them they are old and worthless

Worthless hags.

final fantasys on my switch

Found the redditor

You shouldn't try to empathize as a woman dude. You're just being a faggot at this point. You're probably the ex Anon Babble janny if I had to place bets.

tfw not $TMV gang

also not $TMF gang

Where's a man like me to go?

gotta be yourself first and foremost.

Bro, 10 was good. Like I wish it was different, but damn that was good. You spend all game thinking this girl is going to kill herself to save humanity only for the whole thing to end where the only reason she's going through all of that is because of you and the whole thing is just a mirage. 10 was dope, but 10-2 fuck it's like pretty pretty dress up with all kinds of bullshit. The damn coin number game was the only redeeming quality. We'll the job system was okay, but I think I got half way through chapter 3 or whatever before I just said fuck this.

OH OH OH!!?! OH OH !!

finOOL fantOOsy

Meh I know what girls say. They hate the fact 18 year olds is old enough for men to fuck and they hate it when men say they only like 18 year olds. The roasties say

bet these men would fuck younger if they could

Calm down simp

Men say they only like 18 year old.

Okay dude, just because you're 22 doesn't mean you know everything. Sure you think you know everything, but you're still a boy.

nigga you gay

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hate germs, simple as

woman DJ

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Germs are okay, we need germs to make alcohol.

I like Nora En Pure...

I am specifically referring to the kraut shitposting kind of germ

What do you want me to do? Gotta keep exporting something.

yeast is a fungus

Oh those germs.... we use germs to make alcohol that kills germs. Let's just use German people to kill other German people.

Is ACHR just a reddit meme?
Will RIVN getting a 6.6 Billion loan from the US govt. effect stock price?

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This is another one of these memecompanies. Is Reddit invested in that because of the name? Founder is indian or something btw.

Look gookfu gets yeast infections and sometimes needs time to kill the germs.

does she still have cancer, bags? or whatever it was

She's doing better. She's never going to be who she was, but she went from a 6 months to live to a 20 year outlook.

SMCI's loans are getting called.

Those are called turks

They had a saying on Viva Variety, "Turks are Jerks"

And they say americans are funny and laidback. Brokeback at best.

i think i had about 1700 calories today

glad to read that you magnificent faggot

lmao there are a few people over at my workplace that seriously thinks that Trump is going to cause a second Great Depression due to several reasons, from the rising national debt to China/Mexica/Canada tariffs.

I don't really know how to feel, I'm just kinda apathetic about it over the Chicken Little shit

"You cannot pass. I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadow!"

how are there so many of these images?


I'm getting an interview today with a school in Hong Kong.. not sure if I could even take it since technically if I work two and a half more years all my student debt is forgiven. They would need to start me on a 100k USD salary.

yeah but...
i dunno...
something's going on here

TGT dumping over -20% recently is fairly bearish. indicates both econ and consumer weakness

tbf Target has always been way too overpriced. You can get almost everything there for a fraction of the cost at other places like Winco and Walmart.

Now, if you see those stores dumping as well as home improvement shit like Home Depot and Lowes taking a nasty dip too, then there is absolutely weakness there.

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Rent in Hong Kong is high and food ain't cheap there

This, better off in mainland china if you want to go cheap except it's mainland china. Shanghai is nice though.

Shenzhen is 15 minutes from Hong Kong and dirt cheap.

something came up on my sloptube feed about another nigger streamer currently in my country. kikes are pushing these monkeys hard. they are like the replacement for what boy-bands used to be. i dont really understand the appeal of cucking for talent-less, loudmouth pavement apes. zoomers are gagging on that monkey dick though

this place is both entertaining and educational

Guangzhou is there in the manufacturing district and it's like dirt poor slave labor, if you can't a decent meal there for the most reasonable price you'll never make it.

yeah maybe just a localized correction. i imagine online retail like amzn continue to siphon business. apparently amzn account for something like 20-25% of all retail biz in the USA

Now that the dust has settled... does jd vance wear eyeliner? I think this is a pretty big deal that has largely been ignored.

Shanghai isn't a place you want to be unless you are accepting diplomats, the place is only for the exported chinese people. So you have all the pro CCP full blown nationalists flying out of there, it's their biggest education center for pro CCP exports, but at the end of the day, if you want to defeat China Shanghai is the last place to go, it's basically the hive mind central nest.

Baggie stfu, if you are in mainland china you are dealing with the CCP and all their stupid gay ass propaganda. Just ignore it and bang Chinese girls. When in Rome bang chinese girls.

If you believe in freedom, you're best off avoiding traveling to China. Most democrats and liberals will literally hate it so much, you need to travel with conservatives who can actually respect borders language and culture. You have to remember you need to eat 3 meals a day, and sometimes liberals will end up caught up in jail or something and you will be writing letters urging the state department to get our citizens home and missing meals.

I wasn't finished. There's nothing wrong with keeping your enemies closer, but I advised to avoid it.

No, when in Rome you fuck Italian Catholics.

And you bring a Luce plushie to watch

Baggie I wasn't literally saying bang Chinese in Rome. I was just perverting an old saying to relate it to banging chinese girls in china and not get fucked with by the ccp

Alright turn the dolls head to the wall so it isn't watching.

How long until they make Luce sex toys?

I love the smell of tuna pizza in the morning.

Well I'm perverted and wasn't messing around.

Streamer industry deserves a market crash in 2025, holy shit

checked, but in all likelihood nothing will happen.
it's only a matter of time until actual death/dying (not "torture," don't get it confused) on video/stream is going to get "normalized" and eventually monetized.
it will first come in the form of a gamification "accident" or "incident" which will at first spark outrage, but the masses will quickly become so mesmerized that it would be very un-capitalistic not to make bank from it and market the shit out of it.

and if you have not seen this coming the very first second you've seen a still image of mr. beasts face, then, well...
there were warning signs.

I get it, this is serious nasty shit we are talking about here. Getting down and dirty in foreign countries, including communist shit holes.

I was in Russia and got to fuck a Russian girl in a sauna while drinking beer at 5am before breakfast because we woke up at 4 o'clock.

Twitch is for the niggers


I want the Running Man.

Mainland China has been passing over me for interviews. Went through four fucking interviews for a niche subject that I have experience in for them to not offer a job.

The best part was, everyone knew, but wouldn't say it directly and just made passive aggressive jokes about us a breakfast.

usdjpy in a multiday free fall


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C'mon scoops, you've only now heard about SPYU? It used to be called XXXX but that name was too based.

Where is the 4x downtown one bro? Help a nigga out nigga.

It was supposed to be called DOWN.

There is a 5x by Wisdomtree in the EU. Get cucked.

C'mon scoops, you've only now heard about SPYU?


It used to be called XXXX but that name was too based



wisdom tree

sell investments to Europe, and tells people to buy asian equities

No wonder they can't hold as many assets as nigger rock.

in the EU


Your boyfriend sloorper posted about it many times

Mainland China's job market is whack now, they expect a minimum of a Master's for locals in an entry level job.


Yeah sucks to be them.

Chances for Dec cut are up to 66% on no news.
No news, cause I think they didn't really change after all the reports yesterday, but a lot later. Maybe because of the shitty earnings.

This shit was in talks in 2018, but the sec delayed tons of shit, DOWN didn't get approval apparently, but it's the first I heard it's approval, but the aum scares me. Sure 100 million is a ton of money, but 3 days of minus 5 percent. 100 turns to 80 then 64 then like 50... you can lose 50% very quickly. To recover from a capital loss like that, you require 100%

Too much investment in high skilled labour. Needed more investment in extraction labour. There's still hundred's of millions of chinks that could be commercial farmers

same, good luck

i have lost so much money in MSTU but in my defense, i only planned for hold for a day, and i would have made 10% gains on literally any day in a 2 week window besides the day i bought, including several days after

Bloomberg Economics


Auto insurance is poised to become even more expensive under President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to impose new tariffs on top US trading partners.


The chances for a rate cut are changed because of the bond auction retard. Maybe you should spend less time saving stupid ass pictures and try to understand why things are the way they are. In my judgement rate cuts should occur, but we will also see less government spending because of these bull shit pension deals, and promises that had no business being made. Pension liabilities subsidizing not only the worker but next survivor for life, is unsustainable. Look at social security, they've capped maximum expenditures, but the maximum payout is theoretically infinite, rolling bond returns into new bonds, it's infinite and the only path to proceed is printing more money. FDR fucked us.

wtf is this real. Don't they build bridges in 48 hours in China because they have so many expendable grunt workers to throw at engineering projects?

Even at 1pm EST the chances were below 60% iirc. Stfu

the maximum payout is theoretically infinite

what did he mean by this

Told you to buy TMF. Why didn't you listen?

You want social security reform, the only ways to actually work on entitlement reforms fucks someone or another. Once you effectively create a new date for pensioners or mandatory changes to the amounts taxed, it fucks some group of people, usually those closest to being ready to retire. The one way to really fix it is to create a true grandfather clause, so if your grandfather never received or paid into the system you don't get benefits. This will fuck a large group of people, but add a clause regarding military service, or civil service requirement and the people who get fucked becomes less. How much liabilities this reform will cut, well it will cut some, say it's 2% but then over 20 years it's 5%. That's like saving 500 billion dollars.

Because bond yields are going to end up flatter than your average nip broads tits.

Is it possible to turn gay through willpower alone?

You think it's going to go to 2% but the problem is the pressure for buying debt and government taking in more revenue.... we are so close to being forced into mobilization and an environment where yields spike in America to 7 or 8% just to get everyone into ww3... the only way I see yields falling hard back to 2% is if mass deportation creates a housing crisis with too many vacancies and a credit crunch on mortgages again. Don't gamble the bonds because you're assuming rates are getting cut.

20 year treasury bull 3x ETF

I unironically hope you sell now while in the green, lest you end up like the BOIL baggies. Being up 8% on such a retarded play should make you happy.

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they're probably legit up until the first crash. So I'm thinking to sell after the first flight rally. don't care if it goes higher afterwards, might only jump back in if they can actually make the flights relatively cheap.

It's worse, he's thinking this is bottom and it can't possibly go lower. Like they can't reverse split, like the fucking Japanese haven't lived through deflation since the 80s and he's just repeating their mistakes as a stupid fucking weeb with 0 understanding of economics, but a deep affinity for a desire to feel the Japanese economic pain first hand 40 years later.

mass deportation


Dr. Octavian?

We're not fucking around, this is going to happen.

I swear on my mother and my gookfu's mother. This deportation effort is going to work no problem. No more Spanish advertising and bullshit bi-lingual signs in home improvement stores.

As a reformed weeb I can confidently say that Japs are the worst businessmen and also the worst investors at this point. Every time I look at my Subaru im unironically mad that I bought it, instead of just buying a used S10 back when the prices were sane.

We are way overdue for deportations honestly. Funny they claim it was impossible to control the border until tariffs came up.

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There's no fucking way it happens. It would trigger a huge job crisis and the country would come to a halt. I can see Trump making a big deal about it but I don't see him actually deporting illegals by the millions.

implying Trump gives a fuck about reelection and won't deliver because of politics or being nice.

This will be 2 years of fucking kino Anon Babbles been wet dreaming about for fucking 12 years.

This literally happens by enforcement of laws already on the books. When the government suddenly decides enforcement... Goodluck.

30+ posts by this I'd

Get a life bro

I mean I'd love to see the meme shitstorm and have the fucking border jumpers get what they have coming, but I just don't think it'll happen. No issue with visa/greencard holders tho.

We've been doing bullshit policy since Obama of choosing which laws will be enforced and which won't. Pam Blondie will unleash the doj to use everything on the books, and after kikebook and jewtubes parent company has every piece of data on everyone, all it takes is a threat for compliance to testify against the fucking illegals, and they are gone. The fucking shit we are about to see will be legal and the best part is, after it's over we will enter a golden age of opportunity for those who want to terraform mars and shit, until we actually get into a war in space where we fight over satalites and the moon and eventually create so much space junk that the debris moving at 100 times the speed of sound orbiting our planet makes launch windows so dangerous we finally give up, but that's where we come in and make our true fortune in waste collection of space trash.

ngl, you kinda sound like a little bitch

boohoo the underpriced labor flooding the market is going to get glushed

bud, if they could fire all the H1Bs tomorrow, I’d probably be making twice as much by the end of the week

have you considered asking your boyfriend to just go out and buy you some tampons instead? fr nigguh boohoo

I'm not weeping for the illegals you fucking dumbass, I'm saying their jobs are needed and white native femboy Americans like you won't be flipping burgers.

I’d probably be making twice as much by the end of the week

Probably, so?

The H1Bs get to stay scoops. It's the ones without papers, or can't prove they were given a social security number who are going to the camps to be sorted out later.

Remember Covid, can you please explain why the illegals are doing jobs that are needed while fucking most of you jerk offs were deemed unessential and sat home? Fucking retard.

Umm, hello, yes, I would like one sexo please. No further questions.

Buy CCA C12, model after CCA C10

CCA C10 fit well, but not on ALIBABA

Also own KZ ZSN PRO, didn't fit that well, but ok

CCA C12 has shape more of the ZSN PRO than CCA C10

The nozzle also has a different angle compared to both CCA C10 and ZSN PRO

Curse you, Chinsects, you scammered me.

I don't understand your point, probably most of the essential workers (delivery, retail, cleaning, etc) were in fact illegal. All I'm saying is that you cannot just make them all disappear without a huge impact to the economy, and I don't think it will happen. I don't get why you're so rustled, faggot.

They got plenty of gay sexo for faggots like you.

going to use one of those boards for the next thread that I bake on Anon Babble



Well if your statement is accurate the illegals were more important than the teachers, I guess in this cae we don't deserve a fucking country and should let it fucking burn for a while until we figure out how to fix it.

I don't get these references, and that's a good thing.

TLDR Wilds is such an unoptimized piece of shit right now that even people with asus OC rog strix 4090 and a 7950x3D cpu are struggling to play the damn game at 60fps 4K settings.

No, sorry, I meant the comic. So, Wilds is like that Jedi game that also was a mess in that regard.

Oh. That image is just some booba shitposting about console sales between PS5 and Nintendo Switch. Also big booba.

Wilds really is like Jedi Survivor. Video game market is bearish, too many retards that can't write code for shit these days.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to invest in Palantir. The company itself is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of machine learning and data structuring most of the tech and its applications will go over a typical investors head. There's also societys nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into a dystopian high tech future- this philosophy draws heavily from Orwellian literature, for instance. The PLTR investor understands this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this company, to realize that they're not just a company- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike PLTR ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the inclination in what PLTRs CEO said when he said, "We believe in augmenting human intelligence, not replacing it," which itself is a cryptic reference to Huxleys magnum opus Brave New World. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Alexander Karp's genius wit unfolds itself on their brokerage sites. What fools.. how I pity them.