Why do women have so much power in society when they're not much more but biological pleasure devices?

Why do women have so much power in society when they're not much more but biological pleasure devices?

Answered your own question there, bro.

How much better could an average woman make your life vs an average man? How much would you give for 24 hours of a man's time vs 24 hours of a woman's time?

You answered your own question. We men are simply too weak to resist it.

you are a jew

Ever heard of jews

seems pretty obvious to me

I would rut in her until my eyes bleed.

no tats

based trad roastie
hopefully she becomes a good mother to strong Aryan children

It's why I fear beautiful women. They hold so much power and they know it. If they can't hurt you they'll get their army of simps and chad boyfriends to kick your ass.

women give sexual pleasure to good boy toy goy golems

They don't have...retard.

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Because jews and women have perfect symbiosis, and have both reached conclusion that they need to parasitize and exploit men.
The jews prompt up women with feminism and create conditions in which they have infinite attention and simping readily available to them, and men are forced to toil away in kikeconomics for a shot of getting a whiff of that pussy.

Why do women have so much power in society when they're not much more but biological pleasure devices?

because jews and their white lackeys discovered they could manipulate them through media and have a gigantic quorum means that in turn, they, can do what they want.

You want to reduce the population? You make more whores and therefore neither men nor most of the whores want to have children

You still think that's not enough to reduce the population? Then you make women insufferable and vain to the point they are not suited to be pleasant to us, men.

Built for the BBC: Big Brazilian Cock!

why do you think you deserve that power when you're a low value male

This is just manipulation...if you were a handsome TROON OR GAY(or an ideologist)...you too could get an army of simps to kill for you.

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Brazilians can't meme, they can only steal other's memes and brazilify them.
Many such cases.

I would probably pay quite a bit for 24 hours with a man who can help me get my life back on the rails.
I would only give anything to a women if she stays by my side forever.

How much better could an average woman make your life

The average woman is abysmal in almost every aspect, therefore she would make it worse, if anything.

How much would you give for 24 hours of a man's time vs 24 hours of a woman's time?

For the above reason I'd always choose bros before hoes.


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this is literally what happened in the garden fyi, there were many ppl there. the fruits were philosophies

Is it weird that from the file alone I know this poster is Ukrainian?


The sad thing is that a really hot chick just collects friends and boyfriends and dudes like us who should have a little black book ourselves are so left out most girls don't even get it. Listening to these hot streamer girls who are the perfect type of girl for some dork like us will tell a bunch of incels that she actually feels bad, but at the same time she's going on a vacation with her new sugar daddy or fuck boy that donated 1000 bucks and sent a moderately attractive picture in the DMs and the entire time she's just seiso and pure, fully knowing she hasn't been pure since she was passed around her friend groups, and now basically sells herself.

If you are trying to get with any woman that has had more than a few boyfriends you may as well stop trying. She is going to keep going until her late 20's then try and settle down. She still likes fuck boys, she will just want an older, stable man having basically been gang banged in the past.


The CORRECT ANSWER is that women control about three-quarters of household spending, so advertisers direct their messaging to women. Since the business of broadcasting is to deliver an audience to advertisers, programming tends to be targeted toward women.

White women are the swing voters.
Other demographics tend to be more set in their voting patterns, so it is white women who determine the outcome in national elections.
Obviously, the political parties invest a lot of effort into reaching this tie-breaking demographic.

Democracy is when women and weak men vote against strong men and everything goes shit.

women exist to

reward men for wageslaving for society and its masters

pay masters in gash coin for protection

queef out more wageslaves and masters for society

she looked better before the operations

Yeah but you know what? Weak men died alongside strong men in bloody battles, to remove tyranny from power.

Men marched for their right to vote in the front lines. Women marched for their right to vote, on sunny Sundays, on man paved roads.

Even now men are blasted to pieces by the thousands in war, while the women flee to richer lands.

Who’s the fat chick? She needs to lose 14 pounds ASAP!

Cause weak men worship them.

what wars have you fought in

that's a man

Nigga you’re thinking specifically about getting your benis wet.

This 24h thing could really backfire about 2 hours in, and then you’re just stuck with a woman that’s going to criticize you for the remaining 22 hours

Yeah, but they aren't going to change. Like usual, most men will shoot their shot on a girl like this and get absolutely shot down, while she is full on selling herself, or just giving away to other men. Women share themselves with the right man, not everyman

Based on hypergamy even if we had 10 billion young women they would be fighting for chads semen and your money.

Any war that comes up, retard.

Men have declared spiritual jihad on women. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.

Don't talk to women, don't help them, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends. You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks.

If men can't display a modicum of power over society, this world and women, then I guess they don't hold much power at all.

If there is an American culture it could be summed as cumming and consuming. Women are the devices in which we cum and products are what we consume to make economy go vrroom.

Women only have as much power as the Jew chooses to lend them. Without the Jewish court system, they can't divorce rape you. Without the Zogbots they can't have you dragged off for false rape accusations. So called "powerful women" can't even get elected or appointed to their posts without Jewish financial support. Behind EVERY exercise of so-called female power is a Jew.


What lofty position do you have that you can declare 50% of the species as nothing more than a thing?
My dentist is a woman, some of my profs in university were women.
What qualifications do you have that you can consider yourself superior to them?
Surely you're not some jobless useless teenager who spends most of his time playing computer games? It would be most amusing if such a thing tried to criticize its betters.

If you get provoked that is a you problem.

Nice shitpost pasta, but its more that men have finally responded to the spiritual jihad on them since forever.

This is a Satanic age and also the Age of the Whore.

You're not OP

Thicc body

no bush

Into the trash it goes

kek lainey roastie detected. All women who were pushed into positions by male taxpayer money and keeping other men out of the profession via feminism.

For what its worth, if a woman likes you enough she'll whatever hair you want wherever you please. My ex tried doing the clean shaven thing one time and i was like, yeah, you better bring that jungle muff back or we're having problems. never shaved again while with me.

And this is achieved how? Please be specific. I don't think my dentist earned her diploma because of le feminism. But you can certainly prove me wrong.

Because they're half of humanity and biologically speaking essential for the survival of the species.
Also, we have these weird notions of human rights that have to be either taken as universal, no exceptions, or there's gonna be some hard questions regarding who gets to decide who gets said human rights. So it has to include everyone, including women. Weird, right?

Obviously the women YOU hang out with are.
You do realize when YOU make such broad statements, it is a reflection on the type of people YOU attract?
And why do men mock and belittle homemaking and child-rearing when it is the one thing they so desire?

Men are compromised by their hypersexuality, ego and their penchant for violence. There are good men, but that is MAYBE 1 in 100,000 today.

Men have a near-monopoly on:








serial killing

mass shootings

animal fighting


It is no wonder men long for war.
The Y chromosome is looking more and more like a form of retardation.

I don't expect a reply from this 1pbtid slide thread memeflag OP.

Sans muh internets they have to go outside and work for it
I'd grudgingly give it up to put them in their place
Much as I'd miss all (you) faggot-niggers


If we had to survive on female contribution to economy we’d straight up die, we’d all starve

It’s 90% a fake economy

even the medical industry sometimes is just about selling you pharmaceuticals rather than curing you

Not difficult at all actually.

Human rights only belong to men, by and for them.

Your notions of human rights and womens biological essentialism are incompatible in practice.

I used to not be a fan of bush. Then my wife and I had two sons, and she's a milf. Now I like it more than clean shaven. Odd how things can change, fren.

women have a monopoly on sacrificing their children to moloch thoughever

because they are the stgonger sex

If we had to survive on female contribution to economy we’d straight up die, we’d all starve

It is doubtful. Women have always participated in farm work and factory work. You would likely starve for being a useless mouth, yes.
What is the message you are trying to get across with your fantastical scenario?

Because of honkaloid simps like you

Just need to build a robot of that and most guys would be plapping away


what does this mean?

Isn't it funny how no men give a fuck when young terrified men are pitted against each other on the battlefield (for international banks' profit) experiencing horrors beyond imagination (whose gore pics are then bandied about online), only to die in vain at a cost to many?

But then men somehow give a fuck if a life is ceased at the cellular level, affecting literally no one but the two people that created it? and no one else would have ever known that life was ceased either, not even itself?

Men are fucking devolution and once they came into existence, is when the expiration date for humanity began.

Good morning.


The soil is rich with matriarchal societies that died and went extinct. It just doesn’t work.

Even with a solid patriarchal starting point, look at the effect of women in technology, politics, economy. If women had their way, whole thing would be diluted by unchecked immigration, no ID voting, LGTB indoctrination on children, 0.1 birth rates, abortions, death.

And you know I’m right!

Tbh porn is a jewish manipulation to make men weak.
A real men who wants to settle down with a family will never marry these whores who show their body on the internet for money and clout.

From all the generational hardship a person is born and he/she decides to show her/his private parts in the internet. Think about your grandparent and great grandparents, will they be happy to know that you're an internet whore?

Women are okay worker bees. They follow orders. They're not made to give them. And the message that matters is that worker bee is taking a job from a man. Bitches only entered into the workforce en mass because men got drafted and went to war in 1 and 2. Time for that shit to end.

Men are fucking devolution and once they came into existence, is when the expiration date for humanity was set*.


Because woman-on-man rape is downplayed by society.


Do you mean fag incest?


Downplayed by society again. Dating a 17 years old as a 30 years old is pedophilia, but getting fucked as a 12 years old by 28 years old married whore is "being introduced into manhood".


Monopoly on getting killed, fucking great.

You didn't mention the monopoly in inventions, (meaningful) scientific careers, heavy physical labor, etc.

But in the end you sound like a trolling faggot or just a very delusional, pathetic cucked faggot.

I am 100% convinced if Hollywood stars shifted completely and started speaking against abortion, you’d become a staunch anti-abortion activist.

My body my choice is a horrible campaign. It should be difficult to convince women their child in her belly isn’t alive. Even if it wasn’t alive yet, women should refuse to believe it.

And yet, all medical science points at there being a heartbeat brimming with life, its own DNA, with a full life ahead (if circumstances are kept normal)…… and somehow women deny it because they are bad bitches? Kamala brats? That’s what you’re going for?

Honestly an atrocious campaign


is this AI?