
Italians behaved worse than fucking niggers in 1900-1950 USA.

I can never respect them because of that.

did you mess up your VPN, you american nigger?

It was the South Italians saars. Specifically Sicilian and Calabrian. Northern Italians are civilized.

Every Italian deli in new york:

my nona and papa came over here illegally and built this here now establishment!!!

I am not allowed to hate someone, because they behaved like niggers in another country?

Do you know? Must most of commie tatics now a days are based in Mafia tatics.

They look and behave same way as gypsies. When you have this image in your head you cant take mafia hollywood slop seriously.

more like 1900-mid 1990s but true

No. Organized crime is diametrically opposite random crime.
You can easily prevent being a victim of a mafia. You can take no measures against blacks except flight.
Protection money being the one exception but this was far rarer than one would think because it turns the community against the outfit and they would make more from their other illegal dealings.

Why were most mobsters jewish btw?


this guy thinks mafia movie are real lmfao


american nigger

Blacks have organized gangs, they just pay off the street rats to keep things in check and scare away normal people.

The mafia did that back in the day too. It's just that the over all social culture was different.

Their violence was real, they just weren't the elegant gentlemen kikewood potrayed them as. They were violent, ruthless subhumans who would cut off your balls if you refused to pay them protection money.

Really not that different from niggers, except a little smarter.

The "organized" part of the mafia organized crime still consisted of degenerate drug abusers, rapists and drunks that at the drop of a hat would act just like any other nigger dipshit. Stop believing kike hollywood propaganda.

Italians behaved worse than fucking niggers in 1900-1950 USA

They didn't. Their criminal activity was usually planned out and targeted at criminal rivals, the rest of the community tolerated them because having 1 undisputed gang in charge made everything safe. People in mafia-controlled neighborhoods didn't live in fear for the most part, the mafia was just part of the community. Niggers, on the other hand, spray glocks into crowds and kill children regularly because some other nigger stepped on their shoes. You can't even go outside in nigger-controlled neighborhoods. Or inside, they'll just shoot you through the wall by accident.

The Sicilian mob was as based and wholesome as crime gets. Maybe also the Yakuza, who are tolerated by the community for similar reasons.

It's okay, now they just put on stupid accents when talking about sandwich meats to show off their heritage

Most gangsters were jewish. Look it up.

You watched TV.
Shut up Poo.

Kosher Nostra

Italians behaved worse than fucking niggers in 1900-1950 USA.

What's your source there Hanz?

What if it was jewish gangstas and the spaghetti niggers were just the muscle?

Name one nigger thing they did

wow, its true

Italian gangsters were small-time and were just used as muscle by the Jews.

that not a Hans, dumbfuck
thats an american

Whatever you say, Franz.

What's your source? Some 1970's dollar store godfather movie?

It was quite different, I guess you could pass through an italian neighborhood or even live there without issues, even though the mafia would be present. Try that in a nigger neighborhood. Also niggers will do random stupid shit all the time, there's no planning whatsoever.

The Jewish mafia brought Heroin. The Italians and the Irish thought that was too much.

im playing the godfather 1 again
its still the best crime game ever

Im not OP
there are no germans on this board

Wrong. Italians were heavily involved in heroin trade.


posts two jews

kikes love making highlighting the fact that the Italian ethnocentric mafia was shut down because they were always better at it, and their zionist eethnocentrist mafia is thriving.

The mafiosos were jews, the few non jew Italians were hired by jews.
They used Italians as skinsuits to distract you.

Why do you think jews made movies about it?

Where are you leaving neapolitans, nigger?
Also northern italians are the biggest shabbos and the reason these goons exist as they are, fuck em.

Mafia neighborhoods were always the safest in NYC.