"I'm so sick I can't get out of bed"
work: go get a doctor's note. See you tomorrow.
why are jobs like this?
"I'm so sick I can't get out of bed"
work: go get a doctor's note. See you tomorrow.
why are jobs like this?
Why do some employers want you to go to the doctor for every benign sickness? Wouldn't it be in their best interest for you to go to the doctor as little as possible to reduce health insurance costs?
You guys don’t have doctor on the phone? Seriously? It’s taking 5min to schedule a call in app and they always extend your paid med leave to at least a week.
They need to know if you're in no condition to perform work duties. I should know. Doctors notes don't lessen the absentee penalties here. Get 5 absences in 6 months and you're let go automatically.
subject yourself to slavery
get slave treatment
pikachu face
why are wagies like this?
It's not slavery.
need a doctors note to call out sick
offer insurance after a year
been at the job 9 months
go to urgent care
pay $140 for the doctor to tell me I have a sinus infection
ask for a doctors note
receptionist ask me why an adult would need a doctors note
i fucking paid to have a sick day
This shit actually happened to me.
Not being a neet in 2024
Wagies deserve it
Good goyim
Yes it is.
It's not the year 6000 where a paycheck comes with every meal.
Cuz we live in hell. Everything is about wringing the last drop of work out of people now.
Under the Trump administration doctors notes will be mandatory across all companies, gotta keep America working. Elon might kill HIPAA and make your health records directly accessible to your employer to streamline it.
Our paychecks don’t even afford us housing and quality food. Nigger slaves in 1800 were housed and fed. What is the difference between you and nigger slave?
Our paychecks don’t even afford us housing and quality food
Depends what jobs you do.
Nigger slaves in 1800 were housed and fed.
What about plantation hands and sharecroppers after the abolition of slavery?
What is the difference between you and nigger slave?
I'm not black.
what job is like that? My job only requires a doctor's note if it's more than 3 consecutive days and even then they don't actually enforce the policy unless you're already a sketchy employee
See, the only difference you could think of is that the nigger slave is black. You are a slave, nigger.
Sorry. Not a slave. You most likely compare your momma begging you to take the trash out to the curb as "slavery". Fuck outta 'ere.
The sad part is walmartnigger isn't even the equivalent of a house nigger. He's a modern day field nigger who still loves massa more than life itself
Reminder that breakroom admitted the other day his entire online persona is an act he shares with other people
your paid med leave
just show up and lick mr shekelberg's stapler or something
In 25 years I've never had sick or vacation time pushed back on.
If a manager ever tried I would instantly go over his head to try and fix it and quit if it was not handled properly.
I notify you when I'm not going to be at work, I don't ask.
What? I took a week off lately because of terrible hungover. I wanted two days but doc was very based
implying I want to be homeless, hungry, and addicted to fentanyl
You're close to catching a charge.
No. I've always been the head writer for the walmartanon character. If you have an issue with it then take it up with Anon Babble Culture Committee CEO, GM, and Head of Creative Perry Caravello about my multi-year contract extension.
That's allowed?
When I worked at Walmart, the system would automatically write you up if you didn't take your break on time, and my manager wouldn't let me take a break. I mentioned that I needed to clock out for my break one time and he started screaming at me and called me a baby.
My first decade here was like that.
I had the same problem. there's an automatic discipline for unexcused absence. but then, I found a walk-in clinic that gives free notes for nothing and now I can take any day I want.
Only fat fucks get sick hit the gym lard ass
That's allowed?
By who? Wdym allowed? You are adult, you feel bad, shits liquid, etc. open app and set hour you prefer for doc to call you. Send SMS to work “feeling bad, won’t be there today”. Doc calls. “Hey doc I went overboard this weekend, shits liquid and I even puked. Zero appetite, my head spinnin’”
Doc is asking how much off you want. I say 2 days. He mumbles something about many viruses circulating right now as it’s the time of the year. “You are off till next Monday, anon, take care. I already emailed all to insurance and your workplace so chill out”. “Thanks doc, you a good man”. Text work I will be off till next week. All wishing me speedy recovery. Is this process somehow complicated? How do you do it in US?
The paycheck (or more specifically, the lack thereof) is just a more diffuse and abstract punishment for not doing what's expected of you. It is the exact same underlying mechanism behind a minor noble punishing his serfs for not working hard enough -- it's just that in this current system he does better at hiding whose hand it is that strikes you. It's like how you don't yell at a cat unless you want it to become scared of you; you look away and pretend you aren't paying attention as you spray a water bottle in its face. It's the exact same thing, just a few orders of magnitude more complex and obfuscated to correct for humans' slightly better intellectual abilities. You are the cat, and the spray bottle is starvation and death by exposure kek
Sane experience in my 20 working years. Maybe I'm lucky and never had a supervisor that was an intentional asshole. Being trustworthy is a big part too, one job I had my coworkers were required to get doctors notes but not me.
Who fucking cares. Just ignore him, let him scream into the void.
How do you do it in US?
There's no sympathy for self-inflicted scenarios where you're unable to perform. If I got a pass I'd be tearing up the streets with my Rollerblades and not caring if I broke a bone, but thats not reality since if I get injured and can't work, I'm pretty much fucked.
Thsts a lot of text to just admit you're a pile of lazybones. This shit is bizzare.
Do you ever plan on buying Anon Babble?
I work 40 hours a week, same as everyone else. Are you intentionally or just habitually disingenuous? Kek
I'm saving up for dental work.
I work 40 hours a week, same as everyone else.
Are you intentionally or just habitually disingenuous?
I'm not. I'm the most honest poster on this board.
I've been working at walmart for a few years and this isn't true at all. Breaks aren't on the clock and lunches can be taken whenever.
Because you work a no skill McJob that has no bargaining power or you work in the real world where wealthy elites have successfully squashed the unions so they get to unilaterally dictate the terms of your employment in their favor.
Depends if you're unlucky to be working the front end.
Yeah, as long as I had PTO they wouldn't care. If you didn't you where at risk for write ups without a doctors note or other proof of the matter.
Because you’re probably faking it. Sick is synonymous with “I stayed up until 4 playing league” and “I drink Red Bulls that kill my body and now my tummy hurts.”
are you brown? just be vague and don't tell at work what exactly happened. you have HIPPAA, right? no one can legally know your medical information. why are you not using this? very strange guy you are. Here in plumberlandia, We have tens of thousands strange laws here because of how much we like to abouse, overstep and stretch them to our convinience, interpret differently etc. some things are socially acceptable now in some circles as it's not technically 'illegal'. We call it 'kombinatorstwo' or 'ułańska fantazja'. Use the rules for your advantage lmao
I'm saving up for dental work.
Sounds like a waste of money.
shares with other glowniggers
I work front end. I'm a cashier. You only clock out for lunch and even then you don't get yelled at for not clocking out for lunch too late, only when you clock back from lunch late.
that's why I dont feel bad for taking extra 1-2 days off even though I could already technically go back to work. If you make me go to a doctor while I'm sick with a pounding headache then I am going to enjoy every day he gives me and they usually give you 1-2 extra because why not, he doesnt know for sure how long it will be
I had a boss that did that once so I went into his office sick as shit and started wiping my snot and coughing on his stuff. He never tried that again
are you brown?
No. Wish I was. I could bitch and cry racism if I don't get my way.
you have HIPPAA, right? no one can legally know your medical information.
Well, at least not during covid where it was temporarily suspended.
Use the rules for your advantage lmao
If I can't work i don't get paid.
Not really. I haven't gotten any real dental work since 1991.
So, if I'm not actually just writing words to excuse being lazy and if you're the most honest poster on this board... are you just not interested in defending your viewpoint, despite deciding to engage on it? Are you just trying to socially engineer the feeling of your view being correct?
Sorry. Not a glownigger. Mods: time this nigga out for 2 months.
not an issue here
comfy wfh job
get sick
send a text to boss "I'm sick, I should be back next week"
"no problem anon! I hope you get better!"
next week send and email to the hr with the doctor papers
Ah yes, the dreaded 5 hour limit...
Are you just trying to socially engineer the feeling of your view being correct?
There's no need as I'm always correct by default.
If I can't work i don't get paid.
this is the most absurd shit ever. Not your fault you are sick. They pay me 80% of my normal paycheck even if I'm gone whole month [depression --like so psychiatrist note -count too lmao]. If they would not pay me for my sick time while I'm still legally employee, we would be all already screaming angry on the street and having fun with fireworks near the Health minister's house. Some things are really done better by slavs I swear
In practice, things are far more laissez faire. While you may be protected for one specific thing, it doesn't mean they can't just find another thing to fire you or evict you or deny you insurance, etc etc etc. A lot of these kinds of rules in America are feelgood rules. In reality, holding people accountable to them requires getting through their lawyers... and they're in a position of power over you, that directly means they're richer than you are, can hold out longer in court, and generally have superior access to those services in general.
Some things are really done better by slavs I swear
Is it a holdover from the days of communism?
Because they know you're faking it. If it's not serious enough to go to the doctor, it's not serious enough to skip work. Take some Dayquil and get your ass back to work or we'll find a Haitian to replace you.
what do you mean I can't call in "sick" twice a week every week
Why are millenials and zoomers like this? I've literally had 1 sick day in 30 years of full time work.
There's no need as I'm always correct by default.
He says, as he attempts to socially engineer the feeling of being correct... kek
They're federally mandated. Why wouldn't you use them on days you don't feel like going to work?
yeah probably. but generally we are kinda hot-blooded hot-headed people. rebellious nature. we genuinely enjoy some physical fight, epic protests or overthrowing the gov. Never forget these faggots are supposed to work for you, not the other way. E.g. during covid they gave thousands of people 'no-mask fines'. Poles fined collectively rushed to court and all , i mean ALL fines were anulled as unconstitutional. The way we are, I think, is the reason they didn't dare to go overboard with vaxx mandates. out 'lockdown' lasted two weeks.
socially engineer
I don't think you know what you think that phrasing means. This is WILD.
Retard tier I bet you leave sick time on the table haha. You know that’s free money/time right?
they're not federally mandated. and who fucking ever "feels" like going to work? you do it because it's what adults do to put a roof over their family's head.
Thank god my job isn't shit.
When I'm sick all I need to do is notify my supervisor.
Depends if it's payed out at the end of the FY. I'd prefer that as I can't take much time off because too many retards work here.
Sure I do. My definition may be a little broader than just scamming people over the internet, but I believe rhetoric and other faggy attempts to circumvent discussion by force of personality (e.g. le epic "always right man" persona) certainly are social engineering. It's an attempt to leverage human factors to arrive at a desired outcome.
you're just a weak zoomer, in my day I went to work with the flu, broken bones, walked in below 0 weather, even worked weekends freely. my pussy hurts too, get back to work you lazy fuck
had 1 sick day in 30 years of full time work.
Imagine being proud slave cuckold
You are kind of boomer who don't work to live, you live to work. NO ONE will ever give you your lost time back. TIME is the 10000x more precious than money.
This. Anon is Canadian though, I've heard horror stories. Honestly that's just a result of leftoid shit.
End of FY what kind of bunk ass benefits scheme is that?
Wait, whites said they ended slavery tho
Well, they're state mandated in my state, at least. I went eight years in the infantry without going to sick call once. Why? Because training is important, no matter how much it sucks. Lives could be on the line. The civilian world is far less serious. My sick time balance is always at zero when they get front loaded. If I've got extra and it's like a week away, I just shoot my boss a text and tell him I ate some bad oysters. Works like a charm every time kek
I can’t imagine working somewhere that requires doctors notes. I’d just ignore the requirement and go get another shitty job I guess.
If it makes the company money to fire me and train a new guy over a doctors note and a day off, cool, see ya. If I was desperate and my manager was flexing on me over it, I’d consider killing his boss and stating why.
>"I'm so sick I can't get out of bed"
>work: go get a doctor's note. See you tomorrow.
why are jobs like this?
gee..... I wonder why
I guess worker laws are pretty good in Europe.
In Canada you call in sick you are fired and replaced by jeet
Oh no I don't do any of that stuff other than "being right".
Too much work need to be done and not enough people are being hired. Skeleton crew. SM gotta supermax their bonuses that exceed my annual earnings.
Because you signed a contract.
back when I was a wagie, we were such a small office team... I could get up from the office and go outside no questions asked
...because if we didn't get shit done, our boss would just know
the problem is in large businesses with 100s or 1000s of employees. you can thank your average "stick it to the man" commie fuck that will take any opportunity to screw over the very same people that gave him employment when he needed the most, that a big business can't take your word on sick days, they need some sort of proof
what if the jeet call in sick? uno reverse
There's no shortage of jeets.
Ok, well, good talk. I'll let you run whatever vapid game you're pushing on someone else because this is a pretty unrewarding interaction.
shouldn't have taken the vaxcine retatd
I only play tetris and pacman games on my stream.
Based but
For me, it’s remote work
i refuse to get a doctors note. it's a humiliation ritual. i'll take finding a new job over goign to the doc when sick 100% of the time.
Isn't that an admission of feigning illness to not work?
same. its a waste of doctors time, taxpayer money, etc. to need a doctors note. humiliation ritual.
no, i was sick. i'm not dragging my sick self into a medical clinic on short notice like its some fucking emergency just to get your note and maybe spread sickness to immune compromised patients in the clinic etc. when there are waiting lists for doctors fuck you. this entire scam is costing lives by creating stoppages in the healthcare system. how many humiliation rituals plebs are getting their goy notes and clogging the system it's obscene. fuck you BOOMER NORMIE
when there are waiting lists for doctors fuck you
Oh yeah I forgot that.
If your job makes you get a doctor's note you don't have a real job
Does anyone else just take random days off for no reason just to mix it up?
Only if they're approved in advance.
Sadly there's not enough real jobs to go around for everyone...
If I have a flat tire, should I hire a tow truck to drag my vehicle to a mechanic to change the tire, or should I just do it myself? I only go to the doctor when I need to (which is extremely rare), not because some kike told me to. I can change the tire myself, fuck you very much.
That's how you get Covid 19.