How does one quit porn forever and why is porn actually evil?
How does one quit porn forever and why is porn actually evil?
How does one quit porn
stop watching it
why is porn actually evil?
why watch porn? just get married and have sex with your wife.
I can close the tab once I'm done, can I do that with a wife?
Thinking porn is evil and horrible for you is part of the reason why so many people watch it. Your death drive is in your subconscious and it will make you do things that are bad for you. Everyone does that. You have to change the way you look at it first before you try to quit. Don't go in there thinking you're going to do something to better yourself that almost never works.
Switch to hentai. No human beings are hurt making it.
you can tell your wife to make you food after sex then rub your feet. can you porn do that?
I rub her feet bro. I rub em good.
it can do things
so can't close the tab, got it
porn perverts your mind
Sincerely ask God for help, say yes to Him
commit tp Never looking back
just get married and have sex with your wife
obviously, and itll never happen
What do you suppose is more evil?
Masturbation, or creating an artificial reality for people to subject them to involuntary operand conditioning for what is perceived as entire lifetimes 20-80 year stretches by perception?
What's more evil, doing a bad thing and being mostly ignorant?
Or facilitating and fabricating a context and environment under which bad things are both trained and encouraged and perpetuated intentionally all the while knowing?
Once you are 40+ you won't need to look at porn because you won't get that 'itch' viewing it.
I don't look at it.
But if you do TRT, you might start viewing it again, I don't know because I don't do TRT.
How does one quit porn forever
Become a hermit.
and why is porn actually evil?
It's mostly a temptation, unless:
1) It makes you spill you seed (wank to it) Then it's venial sin.
2) you pay for it, and corrupt the person who sinned to make it. Then it's venial sin.
fpbp /thread
I can tell you were raised by a single mother.
How does one quit porn forever and why is porn actually evil?
porno is communist political propaganda intended to inspire commuist political praxis of alternative lifestyles, but because a normal lifestyle is impossible, it falls flat as propaganda except for weird fetish bbc/incest bullshit. consequently porno is just degrading towards women, who need the degradation. but looking at porno is a waste of time and every time you discharge you lose zinc and arent satisfied because you dont have a satisfied woman in your bed
Porn is addictive and alters the mind.
Excessive porn consumption leads to degenerating interests in more immoral perversions, it also greatly damages your ability to pair bond reducing your capacity for marriage and social life. It degenerates the mind in both senses of the word. Some in the ancient world also observed that societal chastity gave men strength and martial prowess, as was stated by the Romans of the Germanic tribes in several historic records. Further some evidence suggests masturbation can damage fertility in the chemical reactions from women, it's not a large detraction by most studies but it is a detraction.
To stop it is best to remove methods of access or at least make them more difficult, build discipline, find other activities to fill the time, work out, play a game, or do something else when the itch comes. Some also use a reminder, like a ring or necklace, to remind one's self physically when slipping to resist. Set goals you can accomplish in pushing it bac and review the progress. General addiction advice should help.
spot on, daddy left
BROS! they banned gaymaletube in my state? What do????!
ctrl+f 'jews'
0 results
Easy, just don't watch it. You have self control don't you anon?
Don't really know why I have to explain this to you since you have literally thousands of years of information at your fingertips but here we go anyways. You're biologically hardwired for sex to be a highly rewarding and pleasurable form of not just reproduction but also pair bonding. There's information exchanged during sex in the form of pheromones and you communicate with your partner on a subconscious level in ways that could very well impact the expressed genes of the children you are producing. These are just a few mechanisms we are aware of and have studied. Porn highjacks that natural system. It gives you the highly addictive pleasure hormones with none of the other benefits or effort. Key word being effort. If you had to work your ass off to jerk it things might be different. However bypassing your natural reward mechanisms never end well. Porn, sugar, high (plant oil) fat foods, ect, all hit your biological reward system with none of the hard work or seasonal conditions normally applied, leading to addiction, obesity, laziness, and a host of other negative consequences.