Why do Americans view women like this?
Why do Americans view women like this?
Why are you referring to yourself in the third person?
mental conditioning. mostly boomers are the ones who believe this
a line has to be drawn somewhere and taken seriously or some kike would eventually justify fucking an actual child
because of anti-human propaganda
18 would still be considered a child for most american.
In the end is nothing but spinsters and cucks pushing it. misery loves company
Brown people mature faster what are the sociological implications of letting r-selected peope govern society because they want to spam humanity into oblivion to spite the white man??
Because it's a jew hiding behind a meme flag and a slide thread. But also 18 year old women are peak wet hole.
AI generated response.
Would both of them.
she used to be a sperm you sick fuck
Every Western country has a similar system, they just put a different adjacent numbers under each girl/woman.
Amerimutts b like:
Woman (17 and 11 months)
Woman (18 years old)
AmeriKKKa AKA The Hammer of The Talmud needs to be destroyed so fucking bad.
age 18
Dawn is literally 12
You' will hang, pedophile.
18 would still be considered a child for most american.
Yep. Lots of American and British GenZ are now saying that adolesence ends at 25 and that they are children up to the age of 24.
Take your meds old oldtimer
pokemon diamond and pearl came out in 2006 so dawn is literally literally 18
O you're a bot got it. Jews still ruin everything I wont let you deflect from that fact.
No we don't. In fact, I will personally crush Spain with our hammer soon.
Out of 10.
Dawn was like, 10 or 11 in the series when Ash was adventuring with her, tf are you on about, fagaloon?
Yeah, rule34 has a shit ton of degen shit.
agreed. for the sake of law existing there needs to be a line set. a distinction. the interesting thing is that tons of 15 and 16 year old girls seem to seek out 25+ males. Its interesting and a little disgusting
Luckily nature provides us with a very hard and definitive line individually tailored to each girl. It’s so obvious you can’t miss it. Why we choose some arbitrary number instead is beyond me
Pokemon is the reason why millenials are still mostly straight and not completely brainwashed.
If human nature doesn’t align with your laws, it’s your laws that need to adapt, not human nature. This really shouldn’t need to be said
Isn't dawn like 10-12?
Pokemon kids get the pokemon at age 10
Original, non-homosexual, image: pixiv.net
You have to have the rule somewhere. 18 is the best compromise. I hope death is worth molesting a child. I don't care if you think it's stupid, you'll be dead and your thoughts will no longer matter.
Ah yes, “agree with me or I’ll kill you”. Amazing this airtight argument isn’t used more often
That’s the joke
If human nature doesn’t align with your laws, it’s your laws that need to adapt, not human nature
The law needs to be cognizant of human nature, but not a slave to it.
"Human nature" might drive me to maim someone who insults me, steal anything I can, rape a woman if I catch her in a vulnerable state, or abandon my parental responsibilities if a kid pisses me off enough. The law shouldn't allow those things.
Are you talking about periods? Because girls can have their period when they are like ten and obviously not mature enough to have babies at ten. Stop trying to justify yourself pedo
Why do Americans view women like this?
Because the artificial jewish age of consent laws are intentionally designed to prevent females from being monogamous wives before they have a chance to be communal cum troughs. This allows microchimerism to infect society and lower our collective IQ and prevent us from colonizing other star systems.
In those cases following human nature would lead to a fundamental breakdown of society. Marrying a woman in her most fertile years does not.
You live in society dude. It wasn't made by nature. It was made by man to house and protect people. You can follow the rules like everyone else and wait.
Dawn sexo
More like 20 and 21. I’m 27 and half the people I talk to flip shit about me saying my gf is 18. I usually just lie and say she’s 20, they still say that’s too young. I can deprogram some of them in the right setting though.
Something like “we have all agreed that 18 is an adult, we have agreed for over 100 years. Many of us completed the bulk of our physical development and actively dated for years before then so there is some cushion room already. The push towards infantilizing adults, I suspect, comes from corporations, like Disney, who want to sell Star Wars to grown men well into their 40s+. No, 18 is an adult. We have enough issues maintaining our population with our horrible birthrates as it is. We do not need to extend childhood into college years.”
I’ll trust a woman’s body over your arbitrary proscriptions. I think it knows better when it’s ready to have children. Also those few extreme cases your references are caused by chemical pollution in the drinking water not nature. You really shouldn’t need to account for that unless you intend on poisoning children
And as a member of that society I can challenge the rules when they are absurd and counter productive to human living
Yeah i hear you. It does need to be said though because greed is human nature and we obviously need laws that supress greed. violence is too. but when it comes to age of consent thats a different issue than straitforward ones like stealing and murder
Just because it's ready doesn't mean you need to hit it right away. She's still good to go at 18. You can wait
OK just remember might makes right so don't whine when the collective pummeles you into the ground.
good thing no one cares what they think
She's 10 you roastie
she's still good to go at 18
With her ability to pair bond destroyed because she's already been ran through.
when the collective pummeles you into the ground
This will never happen
American puritanical hysteria about normal male sexuality is legitimately insane
Sounds like you have shitty parents, grew up around people with shitty parents and you yourself will become a shitty parent.
Marrying a woman in her most fertile years does not.
A lot of U.S. jurisdictions have an AoC exception for spouses, and younger teens can get married with parental consent.
The law is aimed at seduction by much older men, not traditional family patterns.
On that note, I don't think 14 year olds in the modern world are mature enough to marry. It may have worked in times where there was very little social mobility and most people lived simple agricultural lives. But not in the exponentially more complex societies we live in.
That's not true though. Quite the opposite. Girls usually don't bleed due to hormone imbalances. It's not unusual for girls to bleed long before they are physically or mentally ready.
You're just trying to justify pedophilia. If it was natural for girls to bleed when they were 2, would you argue that you ought to have sex with two year Olds?
N/m, of course you would.
Pokemon evolutions be like that.
Why? For pointing out that the more sexual partners you have the harder it is to bond to one specific person because you're constantly comparing your current partner to past ones?
Stop validating whoredom.
Good parents don't raise whores, idiot..
The rule is simple: if there is grass on the field, play ball.
Its true. the memeflaggots are widely believed to be Kikes in Israel
That rule is said in jest on tv written by jew producers and directors. The jest is soft disclosure that jews fuck kids. Basically you're a jew
No, the rule is based on whether a woman is developed. If they have a full bush, they're developed. And honestly it's clear you have no intention of having any sort of common sense on this topic because we already know that even 20 year olds also are fucking stupid and have no idea of consequences. We actually know the primary purpose of this social engineering: it's to make women independent, stupid, career women. If women were getting married and breeding at 16 your kike factories would have to pay men more.
The funny thing is 16 is legal in a lot of America, just not federally.
good parenting
Parents aren't fucking god. They can't compete with the influence of public education, peer pressure, and social media. They can't be everywhere, and they don't have the reach and resources of the government and corporations which are firmly in the camp of wanting women to be whores. Home schooling is also banned in many places for this precise reason, because the government does not want kids being raised outside of its influence. Women confirm to the social consensus, it's the most core part of being a female human, it defines them more than anything else. The government and corporations are the ones that determine what the social consensus is, even if they run contrary to the real consensus, they can fabricate the image of the consensus they want, since they hold all the power. Girls are told getting ran through in college at 17 and 18 by multiple men is normal. Girls are told having "safe sex" at 14 and 15 is normal. And that's what they do. An 18 year old with less than 3 sexual partners is rare in the west, an 18 year old with less than 1 is a unicorn. This is the part where you shift the goal post, and tell every man to just hunt for unicorns, instead of face reality. Hunting for the unicorn virgins is as delusional as every woman thinking they can have the 10% chads commit to them.
You'd rather have a negro fuck your wife and a jew remove your foreskin lmao.
Of the entire Angloyim subhuman species, the Amerimutt is the most loyal to the kike.
Yeah bro I hate whore world too. The problem isn't women but society itself. People like you and the other guy arnt helping but hounding younger and younger girls because you're afriad of losing le pair pond and it's like....you don't even know if she's truly compatible with you either. You.can.wait. end of.
For me is Lyra
my gun is a thirsty girl.
she thirsts for the blood of simps
both are built for Big Typhlosion Cock
We both live in america stupid. We both have a gun. We're both willing to die for our principles and values. You're not tough
Why can't the line make sense though?
Girl starts bleeding and can get pregnant should be where the line is.
It's so retarded to arbitrarily make it 18.
No wonder you dumbfucks shat out the imperial system.
Girls don't automatically understand implications as soon as they bleed, idiot. You need to give women time to understand their bodies and wether they want to go through that with the first pervert through the door. You're just a selfish loser
Girls don't automatically understand implications
Who cares? They should belong to their father and then he decides who gets to breed her.
Lots of spam threads today.
A good spic father would know to just not breed and let your shit stain of a "people" die already hence why there are no good spics.
Women don't understand the implications when they're 24 either. But you certainly want them to delay having a family so you can have your slave class of workers. Even better, double dip on ripping them off with a $100k student loan and then make them an indentured servant for 20 years after that.
go to settings
Switch Japan
This will never happen
yes it would
id pummel you faggot
Frankly I don't know why pedos bother since they're incels anyway, though I suppose lowering the aoc to 5 would allow them to hire child prostitutes, but I still think most of them have this weird delusion that they would be able to find a cunny gf despite being repulsive goblins.
Don't forget her freeze drying eggs and her desperate, frantic attempt to save her 10 good eggs before shes 40 for 10,000 bucks that she's paid to another childless career woman thats already past menopause and has built her life around cold eggs and is now bitterly trying to ruin as many other womens chances, even though she's been a massive slut too.
Dude my perfect society is basically an Amish society. Just a little more tech though. Not smart phones of course! But a computer with all the knowledge of the world would be nice to have. Everybody would basically be farmers or working in markets. Very little politics. Very little doing with the outside world. I guess in this world the difference between 16 and 18 are absent. But we don't live in a perfect world. We live in a world of idiots and perverts. My mother was 17 when she had me. What a fucking moron. I loathe her for being so irresponsible and not having her life together to ensure her kids had a good future. You're not Mr perfect. No man is. So let her get her life on track and don't expect her to rely in a pervert like you her whole life.
You can think that if you want. I have girls giving me fuck me eyes all the time.
What did they mean with this?
Open question to all the dudes bitching about AOC laws.
How do you think changing them will actually get you laid?
Don't you realise that it just means they'll be fucking Chad earlier?
Women wouldn't need to get their life on track if subversive Jews like you didn't make it taboo for women to get married at 16.
If the body is not ready to have a child, then why would it start having periods?
You think you know better than the organism that have evolved through trial and error over millions of years?
I don't believe you.
Sorry, bro.
I've never met a dude into cunny shit who wasn't a repulsive specimen of a human being.
Males into that shit are always low T weirdos who stink of their coom-caves.
And how long has the human brain been around? Our brain is directly in competition with nature and for the most part people prefer to think before they act
There is no federal law on it. Where 16 is legal, its legal.
Again, how does this affect you?
You can't get laid anyway?
Do you think the newly legal cunny will be reserved for incels like a disabled parking spot?
It's a little disgusting.
Peak fertility females want peak resource men for their offspring? I'm shocked. Fucking retard.
Its more about getting girls before they are ruined and actually getting to experiance a kind of love they never had and never will. If you think about it, its not teen love. Thats why everyone hates this. Its like "Hey yeah I was the loser that never banged when I was younger, look at me, man I was a late bloomer."
No you failed and everyone hates you. They don't want you near their daughter. They would rather sell their girl to a wealthy mobster than you.
The only way you would ever get what you missed out on is a fucking time machine. You can never go back. Thats the best part. All your peers gate kept childhood sex from you, forever. Thats how much they hate clowns like you.
You know when you're high IQ you care about the long term stability of society. Women being single and working until they're 40 isn't good for society. Definitely good for Jews though.
Yesterday my senpai was going on about a >child molester
Who fucked some 17 year old girl. I just held my tongue.
You think she would even like you if she knew anything about you? Sounds like you're just preying on her.
You've really moved the goal posts feminist scum.
17 year olds don't get "preyed" upon, they know what they're doing. But nice try.
You're only concerned with having sex dude. No one believes you're fit to be a father.
I've never seen someone go so mask off after being bad faith.
The real black pill is that a post father household means most young girls wind up raped and abused by their sadistic mothers who don't give a fuck about the child and don't care enough to watch thier "new boyfriend."
Their son's wind up latch key kids who are autistic and play video games all day and have terrible impulse control and wind up in prison.
looking at the modern american nigger you see this most clearly. 70 years ago they lived in abject total poverty at levels never seen in the modern day, but the mother took the children to church, the father worked hard in manual labor and the family unit was the strongest in the world.
Even with legitimate hatred and racism they were united as a community and committed half the crimes they do today and 1/3 the violence.
Just because you can doesn't mean you should
Soemthing only a good father could've taught her...or you.
One time an American flag commented to me and said "your country". Kek dumb retards think they're fooling people.
Isn't it great? Everyone else fucks around, and then they get to pick and choose who actually fucks and stays in the loop. I honestly want to see open bloody conflict in my life time. I want this to boil over like hell and I wouldn't care if most people like you or him died.
Anonette, at the end of the day what you're most afraid of is high quality men are going to pass you up for prime pussy. And why wouldn't they? You have baggage, you're ran through, you have bad habits, you're cunty, etc etc. Why wouldn't any prime man want to choose a prime woman?
Yeah, but you still have me whose gonna shoot your degenerate ass in the face while you try to talk to my child so you can goon them you faggot.
They invented the AOC we have today though feminsim. Why would they draw a line for themselvs?
I honestly don't believe you.
I know with 99% certainty that despite claiming this is about "helping society" your computer is loaded with cunny porn.
Dudes like you never talk about the legal age of marriage. All you talk about this the legal age if sex.
All the sophistry about societal issues is just cover and everyone knows it.
nah, because guess what faggot prime men like me have no problem pulling of age pussy.
only degenerate losers like you have a loli fantasy where the young girl will be so unaware and grateful for your sick sexual abuses.
In reality even if the young girl like it would only be because she was too young to figure out how much of a loser you are, and she would grow over the years to the age of reason and logic and quickly learn that you were a sick freak who abused her and leave you because your not a "prime" man your just a loser.
They are objectively the most attractive/fertile from like 13-15
Nigger they justified it 1500 years ago in the Talmud
Yeah I know you're low IQ because you you're incapable of talking about anything in the abstract, everything is personal because your brain doesn't have the capability of talking about anything that isn't directly personal to you. You're either stupid or a woman. And notice that you conflate 17.9999 years old and men marrying 8 years old, that's how I know you're a disingenuous faggot. No one is talking about children. We're talking about women who can give birth, sexually developed, and can make their own choices.
Ok so you are just projecting your personal trauma into your ideal world views, despite how irrational and immature it is to do this. But that is okay, because if I clearly explain to you why you are wrong and retarded, surely you will come to your senses and agree with me.
First, let us look at your main concerns for WHY you think women being working and independent is "ideal"... It is financial is it not? Guess what, genius... Your independent working woman is WHY there are these financial burdens today! If we had kept women out of the fucking worforce, then the men would be earning more, double the amount of money, because the workforce isnt double what is ought to be!
Got it? Next, we shall examine the solution, which is: Get these FUCKING women OUT of the workforce, they are useless anyways and it is making them UNHAPPY AND UNMARRIAGABLE, and get them back into the kitchen at 16 and popping out babies for their working man. Ta-da!!!
They wouldn't even get that far. Pedos only ever find victims because those girls are off limits.
If the AOC was lowered even to 12 then in short order the most masculine and sociopathic males would be fucking the 12 yo girls and the coomcave low T masturbation addict cunny addicts would still be frozen out.
The only fantasy is what you just wrote but I'm sure as a post wall roastie you know all about being rejected by your partners. I don't know why you concocted this story, this isn't about anyone abusing anyone. A woman can make her own choices about her partners.
I'm trying to help society.
Is your computer loaded down with cunny porn or not?
See the fallacy in your reasoning is you think that's the motivations or what people want. When in reality we're talking about a generally reformed society that encourages women into starting families and being good mothers rather than good slaves to corpos.
What I've learned is the people with the loudest accusing voices are the ones who are guilty.
let her get her life on track
ah, I see that you're one of those people.
We can 100% fix things, heavily encourage arranged marriages as early as possible so that if they clearly won't work out a different one can be arranged before they get tied together permanently at like age 15-16, by which point a reformed education system will teach both what they'll need to know to get through adult life, and this also solves the little age of consent conundrum because premarital sex would be near impossible for these generations and by the time they're having it anyways they'd be married and ready to raise a family. Not everyone would go along with this, the children of the ones who don't would have a much smaller pool to choose a mate from while the "age of consent" would shift to "generation of consent" so that people from before the change can't just hedge their bets on grooming someone and will have to settle for someone closer to their own age. With this you would eradicate the effects of gold diggers and old perverts, set up all future generations for success early in life, and ensure most of these people have only ever been with their spouse, meaning they'd have closer bonds with them and those unions would be less likely to break. There are a whole host of policies to compliment these, but that's the gist of it.
And can you point to a time in western civilisation when (pregnant after second period) was demonstrated to be beneficial?
Instant pregnancy is the domain of nigger countries, where you have ten generations in 100 years and R select outpaces K select genetics.
Have you considered that you may, in fact, be a nigger?
I have a mother with nothing to offer me. I'm a victim to a young and dumb woman with a loser pervert dad who i never even met. Yout kids will end up the same
She's still going to be somebody's toy after a brief amount of resistance and you will never be able to stop it. Thats the best part.
How loud can you be anonymously, stupid?
Pedo projection. Start the clock
Women can't rely on loser weeb men
I will credit you with refusing to simply lie about all the cunny porn on your computer, but it's clear you're a cunny porn addict trying to build a coping mechanism for your mental illness.
I bet she has something to offer me
I couldn't rely on them hoes anyway. Most women suck over the age of 25. Just garbage.
Bonus point; this system is better for single moms as well. Because when a valid exception enters the picture and must work to support her family, she is not competing with the rest of her sex for wages. Thus this single working mother can earn a good, living wage even though she is a woman.
It's good for everyone.
Your mother was screwed over by feminism, not men.
Anon this was the status quo for thousands of years. Only in the past few decades did it become evil for people under 28 to get married and reproduce. It used to be normal for people to do it right out of high school. And again, your problem is you taking the most bad faith interpretation of this issue. No one agrees with 40 year old men grooming 12 year olds and acquiring them like sex slaves. So let's stop debating a bad faith strawman you concocted. All our current laws about coercion, consent, etc exist in this theoretical future.
simply fucking this. the mental gymnastics jews will pull without a line is "if you can make an exception for 17, then why cant you make one for 16 goy? 16 is close to 17! oh and 15 is close to 16, so that should be legal too. oy vey actually 15 is pretty much 16, so 15 is kosher", etc etc
Realistically it should fall more to a local community to decide when a kike has overstepped and just execute him on the spot than for some government to enact sweeping legislation that would make most minors criminals were they not exempt from it.
Gee goyim you wouldn't be in need of Jewish litigation for fake and gay laws to conflate fertility with pedophilia?
Almost like the law should be based on sexual maturity and emotional maturity while also taking into account coercion and grooming.
Thousands of years of human development. There was never a time where we said "OK this is it. This is perfect. We shan't go no further. No further progress can be made. Life is 100percent comfy for everyone"
Sorry but this is just human progress. It was inevitable we'd end up here. Even China will suffer if it continues towards modernization instead of holding onto tradtion
You know we can fix this problem buy just making more females relative to males. If we have a factor of 10 to one yes you can collect women like pokemon. How is this not your first thought?
Almost like these issues should be taken on a case by case basis rather than having a red line.
the age of consent should be a letter, not a number. and that letter should be at least a C
but I'm flat at 25
better figure it out if you want some dick
But how do you make rules on whats considered sexual maturity and whats not? Age is literally the best way to do it because its quantifiable.
After playing the new Harry Potter game I watched and read the series and poa and gof Emma was so beautiful
Anon surely you can tell the difference between a child and a grown woman?
Most places have had the AOC be 14 for centuries and nothing bad happened other than a bunch of people learning what its like to be in a relationship. Its not like girls aren't already someone sloppy seconds by the end of high school. They just want to make women slutty and feminist and gate keep sex.
it's really a shame harvey jewstein raped her and turned her into a frigid fucking feminist who won't ever reproduce
No it isn't. Guardian consent is the best way to judge this. Most dads would be more than happy to get rid of their horny 16 year old daughters if it were socially acceptable to wed them off by then. Some dads suffer from a horny teenage delinquent at younger years! Please get them married off to responsible working man before they ruin their life seeking dick.
Don't be a retarded whore and say something, don't take bribes for sex, be bitter about it, and then cover it up.
She's a shitty fucking human being who thinks she's better than you because she got to be your teen heart throb.
This is some shameless pedo cope kek.
Lol a literal child can make there own choices?
Are you one of those faggots who wants to cut kids dicks off, why don't you leave the kids the fuck alone.
I am not a woman retard, i'm a father who has to protect my kids from kikes and pedophiles. Age of consent is set right.
Teenagers are fucking retarded, i was a substitute teacher for 2 years while getting my masters in engineering and those kids were dumb as fucking rocks. Average 16 year old is fucking retarded.
Iq is adjusted for age for a reason, so a 16 year old of average intelligence of 100 would have an iq of 16/18*100 = 88 that is just above functionally retarded.
a 14 year old is even worse it is 14/18 * 100 = 77 which is functionally a mentally retarded adult.
essentially people who want to bang teenagers are essentially admitting the only person who would fuck them is a literal retard.
The line should be when they start having periods.
Ancient Romans already did that
0-7 puer
07-14 child
14-21 young adult
"Minor" is the most fucking retard designation for this since, by the name, a new born baby and a 17y 364d 23h 59m "teen" are the same just because they're both minors.
the best method is cup size
look at how this woman immediately matures
She, like all women, is a retard who has been told she's intelligent. Hopefully she's still alive when cloning gets bigger since it will be a tragedy for those genes to vanish outright.
Congrats instead you're raising your daughters to be spinsters because you'll insist they spend 10 years in college racking up debt so they can work for Dr. Shekelsberg and ultimately end up barren and ending your family line.
Girls don't automatically understand
women are retarded and don't ever understand shit, it's not up to them to understand
these numbers are even worse when considering someone who already has an iq lower then 100 which is 50% of the population.
You could argue that a super genius female who has an iq of like 130 could reasonably consent, but we build our laws around how is the worst possible way either a criminal or the government itself could abuse this law.
Last time I checked "grown woman" isn't a pedo.
tits or GTFO
I know scumy high schoolers that will go around and deflower as many girls as they can, and just rough fuck them, beat them up, then leave for the next girl after cheating on them. There are dudes who make a point of it. The only people that benefit are young bucks that always are going to have it good. I knew a guy who had like 37 girls and you know what he said?
Teenage girls, especially white girls, are stupid and slutty. They get used anyway retard. This guy was an ugly troll of a spic too, looked like an orc and he was fucking girls cuter than Emma Watson here
People growing up with a single mother often end up overdosing on a street corner or going to prison. I am surprised you haven't taken that route.
You're not a victim of a young mother; women don't know much better regardless of age, but you are a victim of a stupid dad. If he had the balls to stay with your mother and be a responsible father, you would have a totally different perspective on life and relationships. You cannot see it because of the bad experiences you have had.
No, he's right.
Most adults are retards too anon, it's not new. Remove the illusion of free choice outright and pair them off when young so that they can form a strong connection to their future spouse. This removes the ability for them to be picked off by these pedophiles under the bed.
As always the problem is no one blames the mother for spreading her legs.
You should listen to what some of these streamer chicks say about their prefrences. Girls are not like men. All of this bravado is from men getting defensive of their females. As is natural. All of it is sexual gate keeping. Smash the gate down. Girls will love you for it, men will fear you.
2007 was 17 years ago. She's 29.
I am not looking to become some genghis khan anon, I want a stable, healthy country despite the retards who inhabit it.
But I assume you think they are able to choose to listen to pornographic pop music and watch soft porn Netflix shows, right?
Do they must be allowed to choose their own clothes and dress themselves like whores since they're so low IQ or is better for their parents to choose what they're going to wear?
Just tell, me conservatard. Why do I never see tradcucks like to say that young women should be covered with hijabs or burcas?
But, NOOOO! Grown men will spoil the heckin brainletinas as if they weren't spoiling themselves with msm!
You're probably a conservacuck or just a toastie.
Call me when you're coherent.
Vulnerable teens must be covered and keep apart from any goyslop.
They rely on a father who can control them. If he does not have any authority over his daughter, then it's just a matter of time before she gets pumped and dumped.
Yes, I agree, the female world order has been awful for society.
god your retarded, my daughters won't have to do anything they don't have to, because i am wealthy as fuck.
both of them already skipped a grade and are entering a program to get dual credit for college at the local university.
They will graduate highschool with an associates degree in 4 years at the age of 17.
Also they don't have to work for anyone else they can work for my families company no problem in fact I already have been taking them with me for 3 hours after school so they can learn book keeping, taxes, and how to run their own business.
I thought this board was filled with actual decent non-degenerates, but it seems like 90% of the fellow nat-soc people i meet are degenerate mutts in America.
your worse then a kike, they can't help their evil nature been that way since birth, you however grew up white and chose to become like the shit-skins and the kikes voluntarily.
You are TORTURING working fathers by forcing them to cohabitate with the hormonal nightmare that is the teenage girl. They are ready for completely different stages of life. You people are actually encouraging madness and it reflects in the average dynamic between a father and his daughter. Daughters outgrow their families at much younger ages and it is terrible for everyone when you force them to stay a a nest they can't fit comfortably into anymore.
or some kike would eventually justify fucking an actual child
yeah they totally do not do that at all, thanks legal system for saving us from the rapey jews, kek
They will graduate highschool with an associates degree in 4 years at the age of 17.
Yup, set them up for failure because you missed that women like to date up. Good job grooming them to be cogs in the machine.
Because if you flirt with or try to date anyone that's like a day away from turning 18 everyone flips their shit and calls you pedo.
He was a victim of a gymnocentric state that prohibits men of beating women they're nagging the husband that worked day long and yet have to deal with a annoying women with PMS at home that will probably get disgustingly fat.
Many men would stay at home raising the boys if they were allowed to be the ruler of the family. But instead, you have feminist State blaming all the Shit on the husband.
Yeah but you don't get it. You aren't Genghis Khan. You never will be. The point is that your never really going to be good enough for her and most women have access to the internet. Women aren't children anon, most teenage girls suck more dick than you.
It is sounding like you are raising feminist, aka lesbians. Pray that a strong man encounters them to rape their gay away.
Lol they both want to become mothers, only girls who had terrible childhoods have hard time attaching to a man.
Lets take you guys responding for example probably had effeminate fathers that your mother walked all over or no father at all which is why you have no idea how to attract women and instead suck massive amounts of copium.
damn this guy 100% watches porn every day totally disconnected from the other sex.
This is your brain on porn abusing innocent people is nothing to him compared with sticking his penis in a wet hole.
I would expect nothing less from a shit-skin from Brazil.
Retards like you think that fictional characters age in real time and that characters like Lisa Simpson are now in their 40s despite consistently being depicted as a 8-year-old or whatever. Or you think Batman is over 100-years-old.since he was depicted as an adult male back in 1939
I thought you were a bot but now I'm pretty sure you're just retarded
Women love porn you fucking idiot.
Every cosplay/vtuber/gamer girl you see looks at hentai of some kind. They search for other girls mostly!
You aren't going to have your stable country you fucking moron. Look at the state of women and ask yourself why they are all turning trad. You think its some christian revival and jesus is coming back or its whores realizing they need a man to settle down with you stupid simp.
And that line should be 14 instead of 18 and Americans should stop being retarded and dogmatic about "pedophiles"