Spic hate thread
Spic hate thread
Says the fin who looks like this
Is that the toddler?
I bet either her uncle or cartel spic boyfriend got her pregnant
Once you breed that cute patite Latino girl.. they evolve into OP pic rel.. iv done it multiple times, the source may as well be my asshole but I don't give my DNA to companies because of hanging out in a sanctuary state for a bit here and there.
Do they have Mexicans in Canada?
The thing that amazes me is that it almost looks like cooking. I'd expect her to fill a bowl with fruit loops and Mt. Dew.
Spic detected
What do you call a Mexican leaf?
That's not the Finnish phenotype. Not enough bitterness and hostile intent.
are all spics just speedrunning heart disease by the time they turn 20?
You belong to a brown, stinky thrallic race with zero innovations
Finns are squatter and fatty, you're doing this wrong.
Oh look. A crying russoid fag. Kek.
Great, you're awake
who the fuck is Gloria Ramirez?
stinky spic, although i feel like that's a pleonasm
Spics have worms
That's a injun
I gave you a whole article on her. Perhaps reading is too tedious for your brown, chimerized ADHD worm brain
WTF is a wetback doing in canada?
I won't click that shit.. it's a virus
Pan jest idiotÄ…
You spics are a virus
It is absolutely astounding how quickly spic women blow up like cheese filled balloons. Shocker, you can't eat 4000 calories in cheese and tortilla wraps a day with no exercise and maintain a healthy figure past the age of 15. The men are no better. They're just shorter and work 12 hours a day so they end up being only slightly overweight.
Like you have room to talk
That's it. That's all they cook. Everything is carbs and cheese in various forms. Maybe a hint of chicken but the diet is 90% carbs.
its better than the processed shit
I agree, at least she's actually feeding her kid home cooked meals. But balance them a bit.
you could just sneak in literal down syndrome retards and no one would notice
You damn well already know that OP is not a real Fin.
You look exactly the same but brown. Spics have filipino eyes
at least she's feeding the kid real food, not fucking donuts like that dumbass in the other webm
Except I'm white and have DNA tests to prove it
Seethe more jukka lmao
Actual white people don't need "DNA tests" to know...
said by the best goylem
no u
they molest their own kids as a tradition.
Nah, I've never seen a fat spic in my life
Only happens in America
Here even single moms of 2 look like pornstars
I know you are. By american standards. You mutts count arabs as white. Here in europe you will stick out because you look like a walking turd.
What do you call a 29 year old grandfather?
Puerto Rican
Go back.
Socioeconomically, spics and injuns have an almost 1:1 correlation. Barely any need to poll them as different groups. The only problem is castizos. Since they're between 80-100% European descent, they give spics an overall boost over injuns in most metrics.
t. datafag
spic hate thread
your people are a bunch of chinks who raped ancestral aryan people on the Fennoscandian region. And i know that cause my grandpa was german, and he teach us to hate you
Spics who fled their shitholes in favor of a country built by Whites. Most american flags on pol are goblino teenagers now.
Imagine a subhuman spic thinking they are anywhere close to a noble Aryan Finns. God I hate spics so much
that nigga literally from san francisco