Wtf actually was the Ark of the Covenant?

jewish bedtime stories.

You could just read the Bible.

jewish bedtime stories

incorrect, it was little more than a solar camp stove that focused the beams of the desert sun upon darkened stones that radiated heat back onto the gold lined walls within it,

Right after the Bible says no graven images, the Bible describes how to make the covenant.
Protestants read the first part about no graven image, but then ignore the second. That's their way. A strange religion, Protestantism; they throw out half the bible, and believe the Lord gibbers irrationally about rocks.

Pre-flood relic. Been awhile since I've read the old testament but I remember something about being exposed to the contents of the box was akin to extreme radiation poisoning.

the wings are supposed to completely cover the box. none of these pictures do; the wings are supposed to protect the box.

have you heard of dolmen?

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Which version?


God only knows but divine infused Kingdom of God device.

I wouldn’t call it technology per se.

Which anonymous gospel writer told you that?? Or was it saul the kike?

An allegory. This is why the Church didn't want retards like you reading the bible.

wrong swede, it was nothing more than some a jew stole and nothing more fantastical than pic related

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Or were they scared that their bullshit will be exposed? lmfao.

Matthew copies mark who wasn't there whilst claiming to be a disciple 50D chess moves right there. Christians are the biggest retards on the planet.

Aarons rod, and the ten utterances and a jar of manna.

Why the fuck isn't the pot black so it can absorb more energy from the light and therefore get hotter??????????????? retard mutt ffs kys foreskinless rat

Before oil and gold and other desirable resources were a thing , religious doods in power traveled the world and seeked to plunder "holy" and "magical" things.

Humans. -_-

Why the fuck isn't the pot black so it can absorb more energy

It is, you blind motherfucker. That's an insulating container for the black pot within it. Here's another design from a better angle.

i think it was writings from their "God" or lord, who died. as for which person it was? after the flood there was Noah and his three sons and their wives. and his sons and their first generations of children were the various gods from the pantheons around the world. and every nation around the world ended up worshiping them, either some exclusively or several. but many tribes had only one lord, their patriarch or forefather. so we are supposed to believe that the God of the Jews is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. i have reason to speculate that the lord they truly worship, the bull or calf is representative of Ham, Noah's son. who was known as Zeus, Ba'al, Moloch, Marduk and list of other names. he was the king of the gods after the flood when he succeeded / overthrew his father. and i'm sure Noah had his own written language that he created, and his children and grandchildren also formulated the first languages like cuneiform and hieroglyphics. i believe Noah created the norse runes.

so the Ark of the Covenant is also known as the Mercy seat where the spirit or light of God was supposed to sit. or, the memory of that lord.. the idol essentially. and within the covenant was probably his writings, laws, something of his story and the instructions he left for his people. but thats also who "Lucifer" is.. and thats why the Hebrew alphabet looks like flames, just like Moses saw God as a burning bush. was it the one true God though or Satan?

my other theory is that its a battery. and Ham was the one, once again Zeus.. lightning, electricity.. who understood how to generate or harness electricity. and the ancient Egyptians used it to power light bulbs that were at the capstone of the pyramids. once again more Lucifer worship. the people were lied to and convinced that light was divine or was coming down from the stars where the gods went after death, and the phaoroah or priest in the ceremonial chamber would receive that light, spirit and power.

they scared that their bullshit will be exposed? lmfao.

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im really convinced it was a battery. thats why masons and luciferians play stupid about the pyramids and egypt, how it was all built and what they pyramids were for. it was a secret back then and they keep it a secret still today. it was partly how Ham tricked all the "mortals" into really worshipping him, or continuing to after his death. it was a big secret that the light was being created by electricity generated inside. and how was that achieved? probably mulitple ways as to create a synergistic effect in the overall mechanism. but they used the friction from flowing water and wind to generate static electricity which was then stored in large batteries. those are not large tombs but the casings for batteries. and the copper wasn't just for making tools.

and so when the jews left egypt they might have taken some of that "technology" with them in the form of the Ark of the Covenant. it contained their "god" or that light.. or lucifer. and it could be used like a psyop to freak out any enemies.. like watch out! we got the power of anime and God on our side! and everyone would just run or bend the knee because they had no fucking clue what it was.. it seemed supernatural to them.

also, the reason why people would die if they opened it is because they'd get electrocuted LOL.. man like a bunch of moths or insects just gathered around a lightbulb. retarded cult bullshit. fuckin Ham really did a number on this world. hes literally "the devil" and what is described about Lucifer applies to him and what happened after the flood. Noah was God or El, Anu, Odin, Ra, Cronus.. and Ham exalted himself above his father's throne. and the Hamite tribes are the child sacrificing cannibals.. the baby eaters. and that cult is still alive today. illuminati is no joke. look what they've done with his knowledge.. its how we are using Anon Babble right now.

it was a fancy box
if it ever even existed at all

A superconductor that made the great pyramid of gizeh work and distribute electricity all over the globe


The ark was the box that contained those things.
It was destroyed by Babylon thousands of years ago

All you can do is laugh it off retard.

What did they remove?

see the Old Testament was written to explain what was going on with those cast out of Gods presence.
in order to still live and be with God the ark was given so that even in a fallen state man could seek out God.

but after the birth of Jesus, the blessed son of God, we were given the opportunity to return to God, and in the process, he no longer dwells in temples made with hands, nor is he in the ark, but in man.

mankind is now the temple, and the ark indwelling.

the problem that jews have is that they have no ark nor God indwelling, so they are lost without direction or hope, till they repent and find Jesus.

their loss is in our favor and that of the world, since it means that the kingdom of heaven can be populated still by gentiles, but once that door closes, hopelessness will be the only thing gentiles know.

wrong, the wings were supposed to cover the flame (i dont remember if it was blue or green) that's on top of the box

the box itself had other ornaments.

based KJV enjoyer.

one of the passages removed states

"And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."

which has always stuck with me, since that specific passage is pretty important in sound Christian doctrine.

here's a list of the removed passages.

theres also passages that have been altered.
consider the following passage


Deuteronomy 32:8-9 When the Most High apportioned the nations, when he divided humankind, he fixed the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the gods

the "gods" it mentions in this version of the bible, in the original hebrew it actually says "according to the number of the children of israel"

so there was some subversive attempt to equate israel to gods when the text explicitly says israel

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It was destroyed by Babylon thousands of years ago

nah, God took it away.
when he returns he'll bring it with him.

It's the bajillionth self-insertion ridden fanfiction of greek myth: Pandora's Box.

It was a fuckhuge high voltage battery. Outer layer of gold insulated from an inner layer of gold by the wood box. The cheribim on top are the negative and positive terminals. Don't touch it without proper attire to avoid electrocution. The space between the cherubim is the "mercy seat" where YHWH appeared (an arc of electricity).


doesn't know the definition/origin of the word kike

Show flag, kike.

Bit of a dry read. Just ask chatgpt.

It contained God's presence at one point, the new Ark is the Mother of God

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Almost posted what I know

Another meme flag

Another 1pbti

Why do these threads always get so much traction and why do jannies allow them to stay up?

Some kind gay relic that ancient shitskin jews worshipped.

they cherry pick what they like to hear

Protestants are correct about that thoughbeit.

It originally held the tablets with the ten commandments jews didn't gave a shit about.
Later it was used to smuggle kidnapped children for sacrifice.

Images, clothes, altars = okay.

Worshiping images, clothes, altars = not okay.

Statue of Mary = good.

Bowing before a statue of Mary = bad.

It's not that difficult to understand. What is difficult to understand is the way EOs and RCs look at potential Biblical contradictions, then rather than trying to make sense of it, and see if maybe its not a contradiction and that there might be additional context that differentiates the two practices; they instead just accept that its a contradiction, randomly come down on the side that is explicitly condemned by God, and then attack Protestants for not going against what God tells us to do.

It's baffling. Genuinely baffling. They seem more motivated by their hatred of Protestants than their desire to do the will of God. They do not even try to understand the Bible, and they then go so far as to attack Protestants for trying to understand the Bible and follow God more closely, all while they are explicitly going against His commands.

As to what the Ark of the Covenant was, my understanding is that it was a symbol of God's presence, containing His law in the form of the 10 commandments. Rather than it being some super magic box, I believe that like many things it was chosen to help us understand. We humans are like children, and are often foolish. God never desired Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, yet the story demonstrates that it is right to put God first, and that God will provide and care for us and make our paths straight when we do. If we put anything else first, we will find only death, and those things we sought to cherish and protect will die with us. The ark of the Covenant shows God's power. You are not supposed to worship it, but you are supposed to worship God.

but they bowed before it

Yeah, that is difficult to understand. My best estimation was that as God told them to create it as His ark, it's a bit more excusable than if they were to bow before a man-made and man-designed object. Certainly difficult.
Considering that we are told not to bow before graven images though, and that any depiction of God is not allowed, and that they do not bow before anything else; I find it baffling that EOs would take this one exception and run with it, and start bowing before all manner of statues and objects.

That’s not what it is. It’s located in Ethiopia and you can spend a decent amount of time reading about what effects it really has on people. None of it is electronic, but all of it is radioactive

Rather than it being some super magic box, I believe that like many things it was chosen to help us understand. We humans are like children, and are often foolish

Just to run with this for a little bit longer.

I think we are supposed to understand the story of the Ark of the Covenant as showing how important it is to stay close to God at all times. In this case the physical manifestation of God in the Ark helps to demonstrate that point. We aren't supposed to learn from the story that it is right to bow down before a box, or that if we make a nice golden box it will win battles for us; we are supposed to learn that it is most important to keep close to God, and that if we stay close to God He will look after us.

Let's look at another story to help emphasise this point. Let's look at the destruction of the walls of Jericho. God told Joshua to march round the walls seven times, once a day, and seven times on the seventh day, and sound their trumpets, and that if they did this the walls would fall.

Is the lesson here that walls are no match for trumpets? Is it that if you follow specific patterns of seven, that your enemies will fall before you? Or is the lesson: obey God, and you will prosper.

Clearly the lesson is: obey God, and you will prosper. Likewise with the Ark of the Covenant; stay close to God, and you will be prosper. The lesson is not: make graven images and bow before them.


This video made me a full ark gravity weapon schizo

Rumoured to be a fallen extraterrestrial object. Appears many times through bible history. Probably helped power the pyramid.Probably helped in lifting the stone to build the pyramids.Rumoured to have ended up in Ethiopia. Probably why the Nazis helped them in the Italo-Ethiopian war. Probably ended up in Antarctica. Probably what is being reverse engineered to create anti gravity craft.

They definitely don't want us to know our history, and I think it's a big part of why.

Hope we learn in my lifetime

It was just a box containing some uranium.

It was a giant conductor box made of gold. Any electrician will tell you that the instructions to build the ark are nearly identical to building a conductor box. That thing naturally collects static electricity in the air. Sometimes enough to kill or maim people. That is why even a pious priest got killed by touching the metal part instead of the wooden poles to keep it from falling over. But a rebel who tried to steal it was only maimed. There was too much juice in the former and not enough in the latter.

People who built life sized replicas have said that thing is dangerous. Replicas not the real thing have harmed people. And that is when they didn't rub it with wool as instructed for the priests to do.

Moses also makes a bronze snake of healing. It was in the temple of Solomon until King Hezekiah destroyed it. The Bible has detailed instructions on how to build it. And therefore, instructions on how to repair the rotting wood. I think they built it with stolen Egyptian gold. But they used an Egyptian design. There is that conspiracy theory that Egyptians had electricity. Moses was part of their elite.



You would know, Shem.

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Protestantism is all about the money. It was founded as a looting operation to raid monestaries and charities. It remains so to this day with its phony TV preachers.

Protestant distaste for images is ultimately about not wanting to spend money on worshiping God when they could put that money in their own pockets instead.

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There is radioactive gold. You can't wear it or handle it for long.

It's water. Lot of.

The "Bible" is a collection of books and other Holy works that were compiled into a single volume by the Council of Nicea.
There were many congresses, in which some writings were discarded for questions of authenticity or because they did not fit the current narrative of the church.
Some books that were included are to this day believed by some to be exaggerated, altered or counterfeit.

Related note:
Ever wonder why the Bible covers the birth of Jesus but then skips to 3 decades later?
His childhood was covered in The Infancy Gospel of Thomas but was rejected for inclusion because it showed Jesus in an undivine light.
Specifically it recounts 3 times when Jesus committed murder, once was out of simple spite.
2 of these individuals he later resurrected, one he did not.

You could have a look at it in Ethiopia. That is if you make it past the machine gun wielding monks.

probably just some mundane jewish religious bullshit like scrolls and carvings and shit
nothign ever happens and never happened

Jesus is Lord you filthy Kike.

I have the Ark of the Covenant in my garage. It's the only tote I have large enough for Christmas decorations.

chatgpt is God

Who was doing the buy your way to heaven scam? And how humble is the vatican?

made by aliens yeah
saw it in a documentary

They let it stay up because its a bunch of retards arguing about jewish fairytales as if they're real.


Old Testament.

The Ark contained concentrated levels of OP’s farts that were released upon enemy combatants.

Wtf actually was the Ark of the Covenant?

a jewish religious artifact. not the most holy artifact. it's lost

the most holy object in the jewish faith was a room in the temple where the priests would talk to god

This is what Christians argue about, who’s paying which Jew and how

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checked and agreed.
There's 2000 different species of protestants and they only have one belief in common; they hate Christians and call them "Catholics" as if they were just another "denomination".

It was a stolen Egyptian portal shrine. They were common.

some protestants are all about money.
Some are a social club.
The Lord spoke against both of these.

The Bible was defined at the Council of Rome under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, anon.
Your KJV, what is that? Some scribbles of men who rejected the Church created by Christ.

Martin Luther was a false prophet.

Wasn’t this shit just a glorified box that carried the stone tablets of the commandments?

Jesus Christ is Our Lord and Our God, King of the Jews, you filthy kike

you live in Brazil
fucking subhuman

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Not consistent with the Christian religion of 1545 tho. Mary became a sinless, pure goddess after Gregory XVI took out a Rothschild loan to fight a war to defend the Papal states.
Literally sold the faith to the devils.

remember, before Gregory XVI, the church treated Marion apparitions quite differently.
Those who perpetrated these frauds were routed out and burned as wicked heretics. THAT is the faith, not Mary worship.

Jew here, yea this is the most likely. Other theories about it being stolen egyptian supertechnology are less plausible if you really believe in God. Also its so cute how you goyim believe we’re extinct that you talk about our customs and heritage like we don’t exist. That is called erasure my friends and it is a heckin racism

muh christian identity we wuz israelites ur really esau

muh replacement theology supersessionism

Cringe larps i dont wanna hear em

why do jannies allow them to stay up?

seeth and kvetch, kike.

Bowing before a statue of Mary = bad.

Left knee only for Bishops and Saints.
Right knee is reserved for the Triune God.

It was full of BBC cum from BLACK bulls. White women would drink from it and give birth to powerful black babies.

Jesus - one of the very, very few things he explicitly forbade were divorces


King Hank #8 fell off his horse in a joust and went a little bit crazy. Started to murder his wives if he couldn't give them a baby.
Rather than murder them, he wanted to divorce his wives.
Pope said no, cuz Matthew 19:1-11
So, King Hank #8 declared himself Pope and sent his army out to murder priest, rape nuns and loot Churches. This is the origin of the Anglican religion. And people believe it.
I'm just... how can they? They obviously don't take the bible seriously.

Idol worshipers sticking the bones of saints up their rectories

Fancy box full of rocks.

The statues were used for teaching of illiterate peoples
The Bible is used for teaching people who can read
Some poorly catechized Christians worship the statues.
Some ignorant protestants worship their KJV (e.g. "Rev/Pastor" Steve Anderson)
Some people are not as bright as others. Don't use that to smear the entire faith, that's pretty stupid and called a "broad brush fallacy".

didn't even address the worship of finger bones


It's a pre-flood relic. An ancient reactor of sorts.