under what circumstance should you ever give a whore a second chance?
Under what circumstance should you ever give a whore a second chance?
If she genuinely loves me
Idk ask your dad.
Good fucking god I feel bad for that child.
I'd bet a thousand dollars her future will a catastrophe, and a million dollars his life is hell if it's a boy.
These two are actually just evil.
If she's rich af, like Riley is
The guy is a Russian from Latvia btw. Daugavpils.
If they gave me a billion dollars and I could leave them the next day..
Hey I thought Anon Babble said roasties have leftover nigger DNA in their bodies. Why isn't that porn star's baby all chimped out?
he's leaning into her
Why would she have to reclaim her self respect? I thought selling your body was an act of empowerment.
It's fucking child abuse. I bet the sick Russian bastard went along with it.
No WAY that kid isn't going to find out.
whites are a cuck race
Teeheehee I made millions now erase my content goyim
I'm happy for her. Redemption is always possible.
Anon Babble said
I wonder why? It's easier to say "all women are garbage and poisoned forever" and hide in a hole than admit you're just too lazy to find love.
I didn’t know 20 nigger cum could make a white baby. Did we solve the white genocide crisis?
You can find any race getting fucked by any assortment of dicks for $$$.
Not like spics arent getting railed by niggers or there isn't an enture fetish genre of "muslim wifes" or "Jewish girl with arab man", "British guy with Indian wife"
Well for starters 1 kid isn’t good enough
Cuckoldry is part of your religion, chaim.
modern humans expend so much effort chasing fulfillment by doing literally anything except for the one thing that actually brings fulfillment to your life. at least she eventually figured out, lots of people never will
He clearly has black features in him due to telegony and microchimerism.
The guy is a Russian from Latvia
Stop lying, Latvia outlawed being Russian.
That baby has at least 250 different fathers because microchimerism.
There’s always a guy that’s willing. It shouldn’t be you tho
Those nostrils are pretty wide..
Are the Russian guy's nostrils wide too? Hmmm
cope lativacuck
great, now I wanna fap to her old vids again..
sigh *unzips dick*
Every time
The notion that sex tarnishes is brainrot, eliminating it eliminates the concept of "whore" which eliminate your silly question, without those concepts you wouldnt even think to ask such a stupid question
Expectations are chains.
Also the post itself is cringe as fuck, she should feel no shame of her past, theres nothing shameful about it.
This is how trauma and mental issues are born. Is interesting how many people end up traumatized by therapy instead of the events themselves, because they generate a concept that they didnt have before, that somehow what happened to them is horrible, shameful, and traumatizing.
This is how trauma happens, social expectations and concepts. Reject the normie mindset and morality, the only thing that is objectively wrong and evil is to hurt others, and even that has exepctions.
Everything else is nonsense.
oh this will be quite easy
remember the unflattering Beyonce photographs?
they're gone from the internet forever and no one will ever see them again
this is only fair
more liek Daug, plis
Reminder a French Jew created Blacked.
Filthy cuck country!
mfw a nigger cumpdumpster can get a happy family life meanwhile I suffer in an endless loneliness void even though I am a pureblood virgin high value INTP engineer
Here's another one. White men will literally fuck nigger's cum dumpsters..
Do it at your own peril...once a whore, always a whore.
virgin high value
a virign dude is the opposite of high value lmao
you have been unable to convince a woman to have sex with you
therefore something is wrong with you on that front
nobody cares about your INTPs or ABCDs lol
that probably means you're a socially withdrawn, no charisma, no spontaneity, no adventure, can't make a woman laugh
no wonder they don't want to fuck you
Riley won, Remifags on suicide watch.
even if she stops for a while, she'll be back to it
proverb say:
nature calls the wolf to the forest
Remy absolutely plowed into the wall. It's unreal.
Yeah, everything's fucking inverted in this clown world. Stupid fucking bitches get exactly what they want because they are stupid fucking bitches.
I grew up around white women and I can say for certain that every single one of them is a whore. If you want to marry a shameless whore, marry a white woman.
No she didn't. Women want [real] men.
No self-respecting man bails out a roastie.
src: I once dated a neighbor/stripper, and it's impossible to be a step-father when momma is out of control.
Just like trampstamp tattoos, a porno lasts forever, Sweetheart.
I do not recommend ignoring major red flags.
that probably means you're a socially withdrawn, no charisma, no spontaneity, no adventure, can't make a woman laugh
True, but this is due to being Finnish. Southern Europes are the complete opposite.
It's normal for nordic europeans to be introverted, socially awkward and less social though. Although any brown immigrant that comes there can get women easier than you due to that.
1 post by the tranny
the 4chang pedophile moderation will ignore it
not because they don't see it
because they're actually paid to enforce it
The problem here is that a whore can cheat on you and have another man’s kids And divorce rape you to take your stuff. This is different because you can DNA test your kid, she married you and is a multimillionaire, so if you divorce you win. Divorce laws are also getting more fair in the sense that both parents can spend equal time with the kids.
russniggers love slurping 2nd hand nigger semen
she actually looks kind of cute when there's not sperm all over her freckled little face.
white men
HIVbelters apparently
Its not repentance if she kept the money. Not that I give a shit about some busted whore but you can always see who people really are when money is on the line.
Is there a way back, anons? Surely you could forgive and forget some slight experimentation, right anons?
The report would be a mile long
Westerners too
Lmao, repentance is a male concept. The majority of women in the world truly feel they never ever did anything wrong in their lives that cannot be justified for some bullshit reason.
yeah, I betrayed him with his best friend and the son isn't his
but he wasn't being nice to me!!
He had white kids so he won
Every picture of this guy there's endless pain in his eyes. Is she blackmailing him or something?
i think everyone deserves a second chance
i'm happy for them
what if that child someday finds out that his mom was once an only fan toilet that got ran through by niggers god forbids ...
dude probably went for the money
she just wants a kid for now
when the kid goes to school, she'll be back in porn because she'll miss the attention and "stardom"
tl,dr: she's just on a break
I remained consistently single throughout my high libido phase
I did not deceive or trick anyone in any way through emotional manipulation or with unreasonable and unfulfillable promises
I understand that entering a proper relationship means total exclusivity and am fully ready to faithfully commit to my partner
I am an unstable and untrustworthy person with a trail of dozens of broken hearts behind me
I freely used my social expertise to exploit and gain leverage over other people
A relationship is nothing more than a mere suggestion to me. I will freely cheat on my partner if I ever grow bored of him/her.
Complete social ostracization and rope.
b-but anon she will always think about other men's cocks and stuff
b-but what if one day you take a DNA test and your child turns out to not be yours
b-but [insert any incel argument here]
All of these insecurities stem from the automatic assumption that you are already in a relationship with a Type 2 person. Sex itself is not the problem. Complete and total lack of most basic decency and society never holding pieces of shit accountable for their actions is.