Can we talk about booze?

I am a recovering alcoholic and I was 3 months sober before yesterday. I was invited out to see a friend from overseas and we ended up in a bar around 2pm. I stupidly started drinking and by 7pm my memory is a complete blank, but from what has been relayed to me I became extremely belligerent, started trying to start fights with anyone in sight, including my friend, and then my friend (and his friends) had to leave me there because I became insufferable. I remember none of this. I also have a sore jaw which I can only assume is because I either fell or was punched. Again , I remember none of this. I have alienated probably the only friend I have and I feel like absolute shit.

I have to ask, how many guys are feeling something similar today. Waking up wishing they were dead because of alcohol? This is an absolute garbage drug. It is literally demonic. I'm not saying it should be outright banned but there needs to be more oversight or something.

Stop being a bitch and have a drink.

It is your alcohol anon. That bottle you posted is full of black mold which makes you ill. I drink Black Nikka Special and the worst that can happen to me if I drink too much is I will fall asleep. I don't even wake up with a hangover.

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why not just drink beer instead of hard liquor?

Take that chunk pussy liquor and shove it up your ass, homo.

I hate bastards that can't handle their alcohol and want to fight.



Based as fuck.

Kys faggot. You and OP should go suck a dick like you’re accustomed to.

Getting drunk is an extremely destructive and pointless activity.

Alcohol doesn't even feel that good. It just makes you feel sleepy and feverish. Then you awake with an awful hangover. Was it worth it? Absolutely not.

Alcohol felt good when you were 20. You got a deep buzz and lowered inhibitions. Lots of dopamine release. It stops doing that in your 30s.

Dont drink if you can't handle it. Plenty of people that just can't drink alcohol because it changes them for the worse. Nothing wrong with knowing yourself and stepping back from alcohol. And I say this as a fairly regular drinker

Stay completely sober Anon. Some people have different biological tolerance for booze. Just stay completely away for a better life.

It should be treated like any other drug. Or at least, treated like the type of drug that it is. Alcohol is more dangerous than heroin by every metric once you get past the socially imposed criminality that comes with heroin.
Tell your friend you are sorry and make this a learning experience for yourself and your social circle that alcohol is not for you. When you start showing up sober and have a better time without drinking, other people might even stop drinking along with you.

Hollywood jews memed the get drunk shit face "cool" culture.

Its poison to civilization, and alcohol ruins 10x more peoples nights then it improves

shove it up your ass, homo.

What's with the homo erotica??

I am an aspiring alcoholic but that shit is too expensive, yo

What's with the homo erotica?? Do you like feces on your weiner too weirdo

I only started drinking at the age of 45. That shit you posted is swill. Good Tequila has a happy drunk. The alcohol Jew will ruin your life. Alcohol and sportsball are the reasons why pol will never do shit, and normies are happy being operation mockingbird retards.

Gave up 10yrs ago, fuck the demon mong juice.
You don't need it.

no one relates to fucking faggot op

woah shocking

Stop projecting you faggot. You know you love to swallow man cum by the liter.

Canada : Such an extreme level of dystopia, even being a drunkard is impossible, lmao.
Don't worry anon, France makes me wanna kill myself every day too.

I usually drink half a bottle of whisky and a couple of beers daily. I wake up just fine, last time I vomited from alcohol was fifteen years ago

Your alcohol is not just garbage and poison, but it shits up the whole town in which it is made. The entire town is coated in poisonous black mold,
It covers homes, playgrounds, street signs, trees. But it only started in the last few years.

By sheer coincidence, Jack Daniels is now going to torpedo their DEI inititiatives, because reasons. Now you know why you are sick and stupid. Stop drinking Black Nigger whisky, drink Black Nikka whisky instead.

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Learn why we greentext dork. You're doing it wrong. Tons of new kikebucks here clogging up the board with retards

Alcohol barely have an effect on me. I guess it works differently on different people.
I often drink beer, wine or whisky with food though. Mostly because I think it is tasty.

Still with the homo talk. Wow such a filthy mind.

from what has been relayed to me I became extremely belligerent, started trying to start fights with anyone in sight, including my friend, and then my friend (and his friends) had to leave me there because I became insufferable

This is an absolute garbage drug. It is literally demonic

Yes, blame the alcohol.
It's not that you're fundamentally a piece of shit human and that disinhibitor you bombarded your system with merely enabled you to enact your true feelings upon the world, it's that you were demonically possessed. Lol. Lmao, even.
And before anyone thinks I'm defending alcohol, I'm not. It's a retarded trash substance for retarded trash people.
Q.E.D; this fucking thread.

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I've been there. It's incredible how your body just goes into autopilot at some point and just guides you home no matter how fucked up you are.

I've always binged drink ever since I touched alcohol and knowing I'm about to get fucked up for the night is the best feeling ever and I think that's what enhances the feeling of drinking alcohol for me. Although getting drunk gets more boring over time that's why I switched to drinking like a handle of liquor a night rather than 4% beers they sell out the stores. I've never was a social drinker and I can't handle drinking like a few beers a night like some people do. It's not fun

Liquid jew wins again over WEAK goyim.

black out drunk slobs

ever doing shit

Your dick doesn't even get hard anymore. Have another drink, eunuch.

I have to ask, how many guys are feeling something similar today. Waking up wishing they were dead because of alcohol?

Lost my gf of 4 years and the only person I talked to because I got shit faced at a wedding and woke up in the drunk tank. There's 2 types of blackout drunk nights - most types where you just either puke, slur words, and pass out peaceully. Then there's what I call the "demonic possession" nights, which is what you and I had, OP. This happened to me a handful of times, and I'm not entirely sure what the connection is, whether it's related to sleep, hydration levels, vitamin imbance, nutrition deficiencies on said given night, etc... but there were some nights where I just became a total unhinged lunatic, when I'm very calm and try to be respectful and giving as a person. People would explain the things I said and did, and I literally could not belive that's who I was in that moment. Idk about your religious views, but some people say dark spirits can use your body as a skinsuit for a couple hours when you drink, and my experiences make it hard to disagree with that sentiment. It's safe to say my life went 100 to 0 in the span of a few hours.

Anyway, that time was the last and never touched a drop again. Some of us need to hit rock bottom like I did to really get it. It was 2 years ago now, down to 0 gfs and 0 friends, and I can't say my life has improved much, but at least this piece of shit liquid can't hurt me anymore than it already has. Just never drink again man, the awful experience you went through is convincing enough.

As opposed to goyim who is strong enough to sober up and get to work on time.

*taps watch*

By sheer coincidence, Jack Daniels is now going to torpedo their DEI inititiatives, because reasons. Now you know why you are sick and stupid. Stop drinking Black Nigger whisky, drink Black Nikka whisky instead.

Unfortunately for Jack Daniels, they have PERMANENTLY fucked up their whisky operation. They cannot simply put the genie back "in the bottle" so to speak. It takes years to age whisky. They've ruined a decade of product with their nigger hires, and it will continue to infect future product until they cut their losses. They don't appear to be willing to do that, so expect more poison mold whisky from JD for the foreseeable future. It's over. Niggers ruined Jack Daniels forever and there's not much anyone can do about it now. Stop drinking that shit forever OP. It's the only way.

fpbp. /thread
Life is only tolerable when drunk

I rather drink it then liquid Fish shit in, enjoy your fish shit drink, weakling.

TL;DR: Niggers ruined another American icon. Goodnight everyone. I hope you enjoyed my blog.

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be me

have anxiety my whole life

get drunk a few times during teens

love it

turn 21

become completely unhinged, get blackout drunk 5-6 nights a week

this goes on for another 6 years

finally find the woman of my life and Jesus

spent the past year cutting back dramatically, still struggling occasionally

Alcohol is the biggest fucking curse. It makes me feel relaxed and outgoing but at the cost of the most hellish anxiety and brainfog the next day unless I drink again to alleviate it. Rinse and repeat.

Godspeed OP. You're better than that shit.



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I think that some people become addicted to alcohol or other drugs because it's a coping mechanism to deal with trauma. When a baby sees a clown they cry because it's an overload of information; their little brains can't handle what they are seeing and they cry. The human brain is weird; if something really bad happens to you and you aren't able to process it then this can build up and turn into addiction problems. Depressed people aren't laying in bed because they are lazy, it's because their mind has been overwhelmed and they can't process what's happening anymore. The defence mechanism kicks in and you forget all about it. You forget about everything.

I smoke weed 24/7. One of my friends was the same but got a job where they do drug testing and he stopped and switched to alcohol. Not good at all. If you need a crutch weed might be better. You will at least be able to stay in control of yourself and not get into trouble. I'm not saying it doesn't have bad effects on the health or that there are no drawbacks but I think it's much better than being an alcoholic when that's the choice. Hope this helps. If you apologise to your friend he will forgive. But you can't drink anymore if you want to keep any friends dude; I have lost friends over alcohol belligerence, who needs the hassle?

the most important thing with drinking is that you should NEVER drink alone. this will solve almost 99% of trouble people have with it.

The liquid Jew.

Op here (my IP is dynamic so might be different id). Thank you for these posts guys. You're literally hope that God might still care about me and I'm not condemned. Pic related is a photo I took around 10pm by myself. A likely existence brought about by booze.


Get back up soon and make yourself not do it again it's all about habit and self control

Why can you fags never just drink in moderation.
Have a beer next to your meal and then leave it at that.

Beer = be
Alcohol = all company girl Loser
Weed = woman 443
Marijuana = marry Jew ah nah

So by the names, weed makes way more money as a cope. Because weed isn’t as dangerous. And also because weed causes psychosis and panic attacks, which most likely helps you survive. Beer must be pretty great. I havent been drunk in like 15 years. I just never liked the taste too much. They always make the good things bad names, because the good things are never as profitable.

Checked. I do love a cold one on occasion but wine is the sweet spot. Literally just finished off a 21 barossa grenache and it was beautiful. I only trust tequila, bundaberg rum and isle of islay single malt plus maybe a few others when it comes to spirits. I understand the ops plight but mine is that i need to stop drinking to get old man abs. Annoying as fuck. Do i just keep the extra fat that will melt away after the prolapse anyway

You said it, a friend of mine started out like that too, it was OK for 7-8 years, then suddenly he became unemployed because the company went bankrupt and he ended up with his alcoholic friends, who also became unemployed and he couldn't get out. Now he's in a mental institution because of a class action lawsuit. In the end, under the influence of alcohol, he even attacked his own mother with physical violence.

God let me drink some wine in my dreams a week ago. The night before I came on a girls face in a different dream. I don’t like dreams because theyre free tv. I keep my tv unplugged on purpose. Yes I do want real wine and a real face. Dreaming makes me feel like such a loser.

Those are called alcoholics. You don't know what an alcoholic is. It's like saying "I hate dogs that try to bite you when you kick them"

more oversight? how about you just learn your limits and stay within those limits. why does the taxpayer have to fund a power grab government agency to micromanage our lives even further in a nanny state government just because you don't know how much booze you can hold.

My friend who has free week once every few months from work always ends up piss drunk calls me 24/7 and wants me to drive him to a mental institution in the middle of the fucking night when he’s off work

Did it once, he came out stinking of booze, we get there and then he says he wants to leave again, then he just enjoys chatting with the doctor who sends him home again so just drive him home

Next day get a call again to do the same, told him I couldnt then I got sweared at as being a false friend bla bla bla

Absolutely insufferable

Managed to estrange himself from everyone by spam calling his entire contact list too

The problem with that is that if I get blackout drunk with someone else, that person is in danger

God cut a bush outside my house so it casts a shadow in the shape of a star where I smoke every night. He also cut a giant tree I can see from my house into the shape of goatse a day after telling me he would. Last summer he somehow trained different birds to chirp funny things near my house. Maybe 5 different birds. But he doesnt let me cum anymore. So it all feels painful like he’s harassing me.

It is by far my favourite thing to do in this world and its fucking killing me
Nigga lay down the weed i can smell your psychosis from here

I don’t remember what he trained the birds to say. Hes actually been giving me concussions to remove my bad memories which were influencing my speech and manners. Thats if I believe him. I use to just have sex. But now I don’t. What did I really gain?

Psy(fake) co(company) s(satan symbol it looks like a snake) is

Is psychosis real? Maybe. Hard to say. Hes actually right here and has replied to me on Anon Babble with dog pictures a couple times tonight. I have ptsd from dog pictures. Not a meme. I actually get extreme pain from seeing them. Which is what happens when somebody repeatedly gives you concussions while calling you a dog.

Alcohol is a heavy-handed hard drug that will fuck you up if it gets a grip on you.

One of the hardest things you can do is forgive yourself man. Self-betrayal is the most difficult crime to forgive, because unlike everyone else in your life, you're the only guy who's there from beginning-to-end. One bad night can destroy your self image, and once your opinion of yourself goes, that's the truest form of despair. It took me a long ass time, and I'm guilty of kicking my own ass, but I'm finally coming back around to optimism slowly.

Kino loner pick. For me, it's a walk in the bush with nothing but me and the wind.

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I'm almost 20 days sober and feel great. Get right back on the wagon dawg. Slip ups happen just don't let yourself fall back into it everyday, cut your loss and make today day 1

alcohol is literally the only thing that keeps me from killing myself

Fuck are you that faggot who constantly talks about how god is torturing you? You scare the shit out of me

I was drinking alone every fucking day during the week at 430 after work, and then Saturday and Sunday starting the moment I woke up. Kek. I'm 32 and becoming an alcohol snuck up on me real fucking quick. Now I know it's better not to touch the stuff.. getting out clean without any serious health issues or DUIs

Yea because you dependant, and eventually it will make you kill yourself. You should taper off, get sober, start lifting, and find hobbies and meaning. If alcohol is all you have to live for you're fucked

I also own a huge castle filled with workers who pay me tithe. And have several cities named after me. But I don’t orgasm anymore. I use to cum. The way it looks. It really looks like god just names shit after me to fuck with me. Yeah there’s a graveyard in my town. And he told me to break into the place at night. And the first tombstone was my name. Except it had the last name of cuck. It’s not that funny. It was weirder when I discovered I owned a castle. It’s a huge castle. My name is right at the top. I live here in the castle. But I own the whole thing apparently. Nobody alive would question who owns it. Not unless they destroy my name from the thing. Alright im being fucked with by somebody non human. Hes been showing me images in my mind of perfect 10s giving blowjobs while I write this. These images are very bright and impossible to ignore. It looks exactly like a jpg. So it’s called sexual torture. I don’t know why he did all this to me. I was a good guy who worked a job and had a girlfriend. Now I have nothing.

Well I do own a castle. So it’s not that I have nothing. How many people own an entire castle? It’s the nicest castle. But without orgasming. It’s just a reminder. When I see my huge castle. I just remember how unsatisfied it makes me. But, funny story is I would not trade this castle for a low quality woman. So what that means is this castle actually is pretty good.

Japanese know their nigga whiskey

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needs to be more oversight or something.

yea by you
go to AA
t. 8 months sober

Alcohol is a dirty drug. Russian and British glowies have been known to use it for decades. An age old tool or manipulation and misery. Best avoided.

just drink slowly and eat a big meal before you start. and eat snacks while you drink. it ain't that hard nigga.

We tried prohibition, bad idea. People have to be led spiritually to a better place, inside, that's why they drink too much. You have to lead the broken soul to prayer and obedience for the healing to begin.

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Why would you try to save someone from the bottle if you didn't care about them?

If you were okay with someone dying you'd tell them to drink up as much as they can.

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You have issues with yourself you need to sort out. When is the last time you let yourself be undistracted? I bet its been years. Sound of your own thoughts sends you mad. Better but some talking heads on.

get drunk coward.

mi mi mi alcoholism

just stop being a pussy

start lifting, and find hobbies and meaning

All of those things are better drunk though

What is this thread actually supposed to say?

alcohol and fructise directly harm and suppress your mitochondria, y'know the energy producing cells in your body that keep you alive. What could go wrong?

eat a fucking weed edible retard that shit is legal now

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This anon knows.

T. 33 and put down the bottle a while back because it's just not fun anymore. Not to mention expensive.

trust the digits. Just taper it off and add some beer instead of too much hard stuff.
Also be honest with your friend, like you're being with us now. I'm sure he'll understand and his stay will help you in the end.

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This, I fucking hate retards that can't handle their liquor. Don't drink if you get fucking retarded. I had two friends who I would go shot for shot with. After 8 or 10 shots, they're already fucked up and then don't remember anything the next morning. They would constantly destroy things, start fights, or just do anything crazy that comes to their mind. I dropped those bastards from my life completely. Some people should not have freedom.

How do you even get that way from drinking? I've gotten rip shit drunk many times and I never got violent with anybody. The most I did was hit on people I shouldn't hit on or feel sorry for myself.


Typical "functional" alcoholic.

dark spirits

People like to imagine things like that to absolve themselves of guilt for their drunken actions.
Your honor it wasn't me man I was someone else at the time!

Fucking newfag

Alcohol becomes the source of anxiety after a while though. And then being sober is a very peaceful and calm sensation, well after you get over the withdrawals.

Haven't been there in a while, but I remember for a time having to check my knuckles and phone every time I woke up from my weekly bender. First to see if Id hit someone or thing, second to see who I had sent fucked up texts to.
The day I decided to change was when my girlfriend came over to wake me up and break up with me. Still to this day not sure what horrendous shit I said to her but she told me no one had ever made her feel so bad in her life.
Now its about 8 years later, Im married, gainfully employed and if not happy, satisfied at least. Quitting booze wasnt a one day journey but it definitely has lead to a better life.

/thread + OP is a pussy faggot.

Bullshit. People get drunk together and fight all the time.


My advice comes in two parts that I learned here in my safe space.

Don't be part of the problem, be the whole problem.


Do unto others then split.

Obviously you should have been practicing your drinking leading up to the trip that way you wouldn't be such a pussy. Buck up and get back off the wagon. Whiskey is a big part of what Americans great in the past. Men drank and didn't give a fuck about faggoty gay muh feelings shit.

Alcohol tastes like shit and ruins the flavor of food. I'd rather have a soda as a rare treat.

Just stick to beer and smoke some weed alomng with it. I cant imagine fighting someone after i smoked. Usually confrontation is avoided at all cost in that state of mind

Why do half the posts ITT look like AI gibberish?

I drank two Tom Collins last night and feel
like a fucking champ this morning after a good nights rest. You’re probably of non aryan origins and can’t handle the fire water.

Das rite wop wop the Henny muh fugga

You made the right choice. Ive seen and heard many people say the same thing. Lots of people have quit alcohol, and its for the same handful of reasons

I think its really sad that almost every drug is illegal but we get this disgusting violence-inducing, physically toxic shit

You're right. I have mold toxicity from living in a moldy house for about a decade, and occasionally it flares up. I am sensitive to mold and can easily tell when I'm drinking something with mold in it; couldn't before. Beer too. Jack Daniels is one of the worst. Wine and coffee can be bad too.

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Because you’re fat.

If you consider two tom collins a night drinking you simply do not comprehend a real drinking problem.
Come back after you have beer bonged an entire bottle of vodka and fallen through a plate glass window, see how the next morning feels.

I have never had a drinking problem because I’m a man that is quite aware of his limits. Why do other people not have this awareness? Are they retarded?

I used to drink almost daily. Now i have maybe one beer a month.
I feel so much better. Honestly I recommend not drinking to everyone.

I agree that its insane that alcohol is legal, I often wonder about how much better my life might be today if I hadn't had access to a vice as damaging as heroin but as commonplace as bread.

If you would take 20 different drugs right now theres a good chance you would "click" with one and it would ruin your life. Sadly for us it clicked with the shitty drug alcohol and its basically everywhere all the time.

huffing paint thinner lower physical harm than bupe

is this a troll infographic?

The fact you’re able to say this to my implies you’re equipped to work on it. Wont be easily but I believe in you. Do it for yourself. You’re worth it

Are they retarded?

Yes, in the sense that some people simply lack the inhibitions to stop drinking and control themselves, it took me several years of practicing self control to get to the point where I can now have a single drink at a wedding or social function.
As a young man if I had one, I then proceeded to continue drinking until unconscious or arrested.

Thanks <3

Well I quite enjoyed the way meperitabs made me feel after my wisdom tooth removal but I knew once the script was done, I was moving on without that fantastic fuzzy body feeling. I grew up around many severely addicted druggies as a child, perhaps this is where my restraint comes from.

You either live for food sex or drugs. At least 99% of people

don't mix booze with meds.

Not to discount people addicted to opioids, that shit is fucked.
But with prescriptions, at least it would be something you would need to work to continue abusing.
As an alcoholic, your poison is literally in your face at all times, every party, every dinner out, every sporting event.
And because people like yourself tend to not understand how those of us without strong self control interact with drinking it can go downhill fast, just like in OP's original post. It starts as one or two friendly drinks, and then the magic line crosses over and you've broken your best friends nose, cheated on your wife and shit your pants.

I drink heavily. Every day. Have been for the last 20 years of my life. I travel the world and get my fucking work done and guess what? I don't care if it kills me. Bring it.

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I feel you but be prepared for a slow and very painful death

Yeah that is pretty horrendous. I do know some guys like that who are 20-30 years sober and won’t touch the stuff. I worked for a guy who had to attend all our sales summits and top sales banquets and there was so much alcohol consumption occurring but the poor bastard just sat through it completely sober but nonetheless still quite clever and quick witted to not be a drag on the revelry.

I dunno but you chose an EU flag which makes me think less of you.

just sat through it completely sober.

You can get to a point where this feels like the best option, even if it can be completely boring at times.
Its better for people to maybe see you as a prude or stuck up even, than the alternative. Sounds like he can keep in good humor though, which is the best way to avoid relapse.

I drink heavily. Every day. Have been for the last 20 years of my life.

That is obviously not true. Heavy drinking for 20 years simply does not work.

agreed. I can't stand being hungover and it doesn't seem worth it. Although at this point in my life I'd probably be smarter about general hydration which sometimes could be of issue.

Heavy drinking is a subjective term, he probably means he has three or four beers a night.

Same thing happens to me after 2 bottles of wine, I turn into a demon. I haven't drank or smoked in a while.

I’m lucky I’m a lightweight, anything past three beers and I will just start puking and feeling like shit, I don’t get hangovers the next day, I get them that night. Still I think that my 2 drinks I have every now and then don’t cause me any good either. Not going to lie I think one of the most based things about trump is that he doesn’t drink.

This is why the posters here are always pissed off, they are all alcoholics.

1((shitty recycled))pbtid

There wasn't a time where people didn't use drugs, sadly.
You have to get burned by the fire to fear it.
For me, it was porn. I can drink alcohol just fine because I drink it rarely and I drink it in groups. Some people can watch porn just fine because they didn't watch it like I did, for hours.
In general drugs suck when you "take them too far". However if you're thinking about "limiting" them it's already too late, just cut off whatever you have an issue with.
I am not for restrictions. They don't work and are rather invasive.
But alcohol is immoral drink, it makes you more aggressive, leads to problems at home, leads to car crashes, etc. On the spectrum of drugs it's a pretty bad one.

No one gives a fuck about you or your problems


The black mold has nothing to do with quality control, there is nothing you can do about it

t works in industry

I have been drinking at min a liter of whiskey a day since I was 17 and I am 38. I don't care. I probably make more money than most people I know and do a job I love that allows me to drink all day.

do a job I love that allows me to drink all day

Does not sound like a good job desu.

entertainment isn't for everyone

I quit about 2 years ago.
Just get back on the wagon and keep going.

It's literally demonic.


Can we talk about booze?

Why, yes. Alcohol threads on Anon Babble always get to 300 replies so of course we can.

I'm sorry to hear that you relapsed. You can learn from this and recognize what made you cave so you can anticipate the triggers a bit more. You're likely a bit more anxious about this than you will be a week from now because when your brain recovers from a binge, it always makes you feel like the guiltiest piece of shit there is. Whiskey makes a lot of people belligerent. Don't be overly apologetic, but make amends and don't drink around those people again.

You can learn from this and recognize what made you cave

Nothing made him cave, he made the choice to drink. You always have the choice to not do something.

it always makes you feel like the guiltiest piece of shit there is

Because the "shitty guilty feeling" is just brain's way to get you back to the bottle.

I know what you mean man.
I got drunk and begged my wife to sit on my face and she passed out on the couch instead of communicating ti bed.

I get that drinking is bad for me. Trust me. I feel it every day. But if I'm unable to slow my brain down it's fucking worse. I'm the captain of my own ship and I'm keeping this shit afloat, and that means I drink every day. I literally don't care. If I die early so be it. I am better off.

I feel that I love it when girls sit on my face as long as they are showered and don't stink. You ever been with a chick that just never showers and never smells? That's some weird shit man I have witnessed.

Annoyingly the very reason people drink, to be disinhibited, becomes the reason they regret drinking. They drink because they want to relax and act more impulsively, but then they say and do stupid shit in proportion to their alcohol consumption. Then there is always a certain point in the night that they're drinking more to chase a buzz that has passed and can't be recovered, and that's when they get sick or go full retard like OP. Drinking, at best, is a tight rope act. Consumed in the correct amount it can enhance an experience, like a nice aperitif after a meal, but you've got to know when to stop.

But if I'm unable to slow my brain down it's fucking worse.

But wouldn't that be counterproductive given you work in the entertainment industry?

On the spectrum of drugs it's a pretty bad one.

Ok, what are the good ones?

Nothing made him cave

Not true. Right when you're dry, the alcoholics come for you with a wink and a smile. It really is supernatural.


Oops I meant digestif. Got my pretentious words mixed up.

You always have the choice to not do something.

Yes, but I think you'll find that every choice you make is influenced by a host of factors. You can learn to recognize these factors to avoid making bad choices.

unironically a you problem. your body just doesn't react well to alcohol. i never had a problem with stopping drinking before i became shitfaced. i never had a memory loss. i never became violent.

Can we talk about booze?

A drunk mans asshole belongs to no one.

Ancient Brazilian Proverb

my last girlfriend would only ever shower with water, no soap. her ass and vagina somehow smelled intoxicating. i’ve been with girls with bad puss smell but she never had that. also she was 16 so maybe her youth helped

All her toxins were under her candida skin, you were dating a succubus.

somehow it helpe I don't know how to explain it. is what it is man

I drink hard liquor (a lot of it) every night because I worked third shift for so long it's the only way I can fall asleep at night now. It's been years. I get up every morning a little groggy but otherwise fine and just go to work and have a normal day. Rinse and repeat. Idk. Don't drink while the sun is up and make sure you go to bed rather than drinking until you pass out. Honestly I would recommend just not drinking at all but melatonin doesn't work on me so I'm sort of stuck with this.

I've experienced this with women in their late 30s

Ok, what are the good ones?

I never said there's a "good" one as all drugs are pointless, however drinking too much coffee isn't the same as overdosing on meth or getting wasted on alcohol.
I know, because they're insecure about your wish to abstain and they feel bad about it.
That's why the first post is "stop being a bitch and have a drink". They cannot fathom someone doesn't want to.
And by the way I'm drinking alcohol and say this. Because I know alcoholics drink for pleasure, I really never did.

Yes, but I think you'll find that every choice you make is influenced by a host of factors.

You can learn to recognize these factors to avoid making bad choices.

Yes, basically. But all desires to drink are because of pleasure.
If you want some pain gone, or whatever, you know damn well alcohol isn't going to do it, it's just going to make it worse. In the end everyone drinks for pleasure and because he likes it. Just like any other drug really.

that's where I'm at bro, these guys don't get it

Smell is correlated to what you eat most of the time.

Glad it's not just me. Cheers fren.

I mean, why do you want to slow your brain?
What does being slower help you in the entertainment industry?
Alcohol does in fact increase creativity and help focus in low doses. That ofc calls for increasing dose due to tolerance and, that's the really bad part, begins to disappear increasingly because of you butchering your brain away with high-dose alcohol.

Yea after about 32 I lost all interest in drinking booze. Sometimes if I get a fancy steak I'll have a glass of Pinot noir or Bordeaux but I don't even finish that lately. I used to be a lush in my 20s I look back and consider that time wasted.

Being an alcoholic is like being a tranny, just assuming some inherently abrasive identify because you think you're le different

how often are you fellas drinking? i go through a 750ml bottle of johnny walker black in about 4 days.

i hate to say but im more concerned with the aging effect it’s having on my face and body rather than the number it’s going to my insides

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if you can't drink without becoming addicted you are a subhuman

if you can't smoke cigs without becoming addicted you are a subhuman

if you can't smoke weed without becoming addicted you are a subhuman

if you can't do coke once in a while without becoming addicted you are a subhuman

only reasonable addiction to have is opioids, meth or crack, anything else is just you being a pussy ass nigga. just use moderation you retard.

Took me 20 years to realize the best way to drink alcohol is to get a slight buzz and not completely wasted. Then you can actually have a decent time instead of being retarded and blacking out.

do you get horny? that's the issue with me, I get really horny, and since I'm wasted and texting my wife's sister and some random women on facebook. I even masturbate, fuck my wife and I'm still horny. That's the only issue why I hate alcohol

Hair of the dog works every time, prost.

Another goyliquor victim

Not my problem.
PS: you're voting for with your wallet the wrong way, kike supporter.

Nah, if I get a slight buzz, I'm knocking back the shold bottle. I can only not drink.

This just in, society at large causes addiction to chemical crutches to cope and seethe with society at large. Later, water is wet.

Tldr OpenAI was hacked by Russia this week. It is insane.

The commies will hide devices in your walls, they are crazy. Found one in the wall, it is Russiak

Lemme guess ... the machinist inside was dead.

I absolutely know what an alcoholic is. My dad is one of those drunken bastards that couldn't drink a couple of drinks without becoming plasterd and wanting to fight. If you can't drink without acting like a fucking fool, then don't drink.

I also have a sore jaw which I can only assume is because I either fell or was punched.

Yeah it's because you fell...

*zips pants*

Blaming alcohol for the fact you're a violent asshole is such pathetic cope it's unreal. YOU are demonic, all alcohol did was remove the cowardice that stops you from speaking and acting the way you always want to but suppress. You're literally no better than a chimpanzee and deserve to be in jail (which I hope happens soon). You have absolutely no right to exist in any society, even if you never drink another drop again; your chimp nature has already been made clear. You should be forced to atone via unpaid prison labor that benefits those of us who can behave like thinking, intelligent human beings. I've been an avid alcohol enjoyer for about 15 years and have never once behaved like you, despite countless times where I went too hard on accident and lost memory. Not once did I initiate violence, puke or piss anywhere I shouldn't, go out of my way to verbally hurt a friend etc. I hope whatever retarded shit you did last night results in the cops knocking on your door to take you where you belong.

mold toxicity

I grew up in such a house, I was there for 15 years. Are we fucked? What symptoms do you have?


Because I have problems.

I greentext anyway I want

I love this nigger be'usin' straws.

my life would be so fucking good if booze had no calories

It's not black mold

almost 200 replies to a 1pbtid memeflag blogpost.
you newfags are even stupider than niggers.

i'm just funny when drunk. never understood agressive types. has probably something to do with your general mental state.

t. forever acting clichés

That's a bad habit, i guess.
I've recently seen a documentary recently that suggested the reason for such behavior or crude humor in view of the horros is it being a way to simply cope with the horrors of reality. It's a rather bad cope, i guess, Anon Babble revolves around it, though.

everyone in this thread is drunk

Hey, it wörks!!

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