I am a recovering alcoholic and I was 3 months sober before yesterday. I was invited out to see a friend from overseas and we ended up in a bar around 2pm. I stupidly started drinking and by 7pm my memory is a complete blank, but from what has been relayed to me I became extremely belligerent, started trying to start fights with anyone in sight, including my friend, and then my friend (and his friends) had to leave me there because I became insufferable. I remember none of this. I also have a sore jaw which I can only assume is because I either fell or was punched. Again , I remember none of this. I have alienated probably the only friend I have and I feel like absolute shit.
I have to ask, how many guys are feeling something similar today. Waking up wishing they were dead because of alcohol? This is an absolute garbage drug. It is literally demonic. I'm not saying it should be outright banned but there needs to be more oversight or something.