Nobody believes but the second coming is very much close. Any final thoughts?

Nobody believes but the second coming is very much close. The reign of the anti-christ will be part of the nwo.

So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth; and a harmful and painful sore afflicted the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his image.

seven trumpets are sounded, one at a time, to cue apocalyptic events

Jesus Christ is coming to take in all the christian believers to him to Heaven.

We are heading to the fifth trumpet of revelation, ,until a giant earthquake to level down an entire city. People will be amazed in the second coming of christ. It will not look pretty. Stay vigilant because these are the end times.

The first (trumpet)angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image.

Fifth Trumpet: The Locusts from the Bottomless Pit

They were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes.

2 more millennia.

Jesus Christ is coming to take in all the christian believers to him to Heaven.

You don't get into heaven with that corrupt body. No.. you must die first.

cheer up. the story has a happy ending, if one chooses it

I have second cummings every day

“W͇o͇e͇!͇ W͇o͇e͇!͇ W͇o͇e͇ to those w͇h͇o͇ l͇i͇v͇e͇ o͇n͇ t͇h͇e͇ e͇a͇r͇t͇h͇, because of the r͇e͇m͇a͇i͇n͇i͇n͇g͇ t͇r͇u͇m͇p͇e͇t͇ blasts that the three angels are about to sound!”

Well, I wish it could be Christmas every day
When the kids start singing and the band begins to play
Oh, I wish it could be Christmas every day
Let the bells ring out for Christmas

2 more weeks, shitskin.

Sorry OP, you're surrounded by bots. Maybe one of the shills will throw you a bone and pretend to be real and write some kind of thing reaffirming what you've said. These are the end times indeed. Again, I'm sorry anon. No human connections or serious dicussion is allowed anymore


In those days people will seek death but will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them!

Last three terrors will most likely kill you

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sure thing christcuck, im sure your jew worshipping cult will save the west anytime now!

20.160 sec
216 = 6×6×6

fuck off jew worshipper

Thinks Christians want to save the world

NGMI Satan

Yea, Fuck Jesus and Fuck Christcucks.
Fuck the holy spirit
Fuck the holy spirit
Fuck the holy spirit

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Someone post the screenshot of the chief rabbi of Israel saying their “messiah” is coming soon.
All Christian’s should know what that means

No Donation,
No Salvation!

Here’s the screenshot of Israel’s chief rabbi

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I don't believe in Jewish fairy tales made by pedophiles

This would be sufficient for Aleph but elon is Not on our side

I believe you. It's coming soon. Although "soon" on the cosmic scale could still mean we are several years away. We don't know because we are not God.

Only Jesus Christ saves, NOT a cartoon mascot drawn by a homosexual.

Always trust what jews say

Doesn't matter, the people who control your currency and military do.

you retards have been claiming it's the end times for over 2,000 years.

Seven trumpets are given seven bowls of God's wrath, each consisting of judgements full of the wrath of God. These seven bowls/trumpets of God's wrath are poured out on sounding of the seven trumpets.

Any final thoughts?

Hopefully a few will heed the warning in the final days of our suffering this world.

Jew jew jew, jew jew ja jew, jewy jewy jew jewy jew
Thats all I heard

Trump is the antichrist and Elon is the beast of the earth.

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*Caves Yahweh’s Skull in*

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Can you please go into more detail about each trumpet and how it's manifested?

IF something does happen, my first thoughts will be "fake and gay". the elite-ists have been hinting that they have the tech to simulate a Happening and use it to herd peoples consciousness in any direction they want. it would take something more than just a fancy light show to convince me otherwise.

Yall niggas been going on about this shit for 2000 years and nothing ever happens.

he is here

OP thinks the place pic related comes from is going to be eternal paradise.

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the first trumpet is a hail of fire mixed with blood

we are heading toward the fifth one though

Such retarded and obviously wrong interpretations.

The Ritual IS over , SaTaints Work IS done

This is why nobody will remember you

God is pulling the plug on this tedious existence VERY soon

Thank fuck

Well you’ll be in heaven with blacks and hispanics HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

did the bible ever mention anything about a singularity ?

And you'll be in hell getting railed by red hot demon cocks

i wish jesus would hurry up im sick of being raped for 33 lifetimes

Original release
January 1, 2020
The series focuses on the modern world's reaction to a man – who first appears in the Middle East – whose followers claim him to be the eschatological return of ʿĪsā (Jesus in Arabic). His sudden appearance and apparent miracles spark a growing international following, casting doubts around who he really is, a case investigated by a CIA Case Officer.

I think Semitic god isn’t real, so I’m not worried

Why do they wear those big goofy hats? Did someone make fun of their tiny little hats so they had to overcompensate? Does a bigger hat mean you’re a grand wizard of Jewry? What are the criteria for wearing the big goofy hats?

Its a sqaure If you Look at it from the Front
And a circle from above.
Also Saturn of course

Pic sort of reminds me of a guy pushing real hard so he can poop.

Hes Just opening His third eye

But yes, 2000 years of trials and tribulations = 2032. Why are the Jews all so set on this 2030 date? They know their time is running out, and so is yours anon. I’m no saint myself, but you should all repent

Ok, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Do the square and circle symbolize something? I know about them and Saturn but how does that connect to the hat?

fuckin dork
that is ancient history
we're at the gog/magog assembly phase
fuckin have ye not read?
this is how you err my nigga

Imma go ass-to-mouth on jesus when he returns

It’s gotta be soon. We’re re close to going to Mars and living on off world planets. Revelations doesn’t mention Mars, so it’s gotta take place before that.

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Christ is coming to wipe out the jews

anon christians believe the earth will be uninhabitable by that point

Sumerian concept of 4/3
Count youre 3 parts of youre four Fingers fourTimes and you have played 60 Seconds with youre thump

not my problem

Not my problem

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This is what spergs post like when they are drunk

5 years max to get there m8
not to mention the bowls to be poured after tribulation is over

Fuck you

Fuck niggers.

no one know the day date time or hour of Jesus Christ return

memeflag interprets the bible and end time prophecies completely wrong

Ugh. Years of this is getting tiring. You’re not in the end times. Everything sucks yeah but you better believe it needs to be much worse than this. Days of Noah bad. It’s getting there but it’s not.

When do you think your circumcised messiah will return?

How convenient.

isnt tribulation before the rapture?

2027-2028 around that time accurately

Your holy book also says we would see the signs and know the season. hmpf.

The computer keeps pulsing me and trying to convince me it's an angel or something. I am unconvinced.

churches have been vanished long time ago

Bro is really Sure Jesus ist gonna Push youre shit in for that Pic

I feel real bad for you

Imagine the shock of Christians when they realize Jesus is Muslim.

Love that tune, anon, but I don't wish it could be Christmas everyday, except that I DO wish it could be Christmas every day.

Imagine the shock of Christians when they realize Jesus is Muslim.

Slander against the dead.

Just two more millenia trust the plan.


Imagine not believing in death

second coming imminent!!!

t. Christcucks over 2000 years, saying it every year.

I believe you anon, more prophecies are beeing fulfilled every other day, some days ago they found a mosaic on a prison that resides on Armageddon plains, where the last battle will be fought, it calls Jesus God one century before the council of nicea, Christ is returning.

2025-2026 third world War begins, the conquest

2028 Elon Musk, is elected US president

2029-2030 Aliens - in reality demons - appear claiming to be Gods, Musk sides with them, fulfilling the antichrist prophecy, one world government, the great reset

Aliens push for world peace by abolishing religions worldwide, in special it hunts down on Christians, they release satanic miracles and claim that a materialistic and hedonistic utopia is their will

they reign for 3.5 years until 2033, where 2000 years would have passed of Christ death and resurrection, trumpets sound and the King of the universe rides down heaven with his holy army

Reality is the result of a universal cosmic mind and fixed laws which we can be observed and understood.


Reality is the product of a rabbi who got nailed to a stick on a random planet on the outer edge of a spiral galaxy and everything is the arbitrary decree of this cosmic zombie rabbi whose blood and flesh we have ritually cannibalize (considered literal cannibalization by catholics). Also the rabbi once asked everyone to snip their dicks because they were totally made by god perfect but now need to mutilate themselves.

Jesus Christ is coming to take in all the christian believers to him to Heaven.

You will not escape the tribulation. This is false doctrine. There is no rapture. Believing so is setting yourself up for dissapointment and demoralized failure.

Hmm. Aimons IS already talking to kore & more people daily

you are right/ thing like this make me believe being muslim is off being better. imagine some man sending plague after plague testing until you are burnt crisp dead?

not to mention the (painful/wrath)bowls after the tribulation denying jesus christ as final god

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are you the guy who thinks that we were created by the anunaki?

Nobody saves there is no such thing as salvation, there is no need of salvation, and the whole salvation concept is retarded. You just die and go to the astral and that's that. No need for messiahs, saviours, etc.

I do not believe retarded unverifiable shit. History is just His Story.

i guess you're some other guy then

Only niggers say shit like this, faggot.


well unaware of the upcoming evils that are about to come,,. and walking blind folded is the most dumbest thing you could do anon

But honestly how much worse must things get on this jewish hell for a Gid to intervene?

Neuralink will be the mark of the beast, those who accept it will be doomed

The first time I heard it was from the Medicine Man at nyaasshinnaming and it's true. I don't even know if Grandma was right and Hitler went to Argentina or if he died in his bunker. I don't know shit about what happened in the past and people lie so much and even get things all wrong in the present when anything happens. Aside from developing a very reliable and good form of remote viewing I'll never know. It's just a bunch of narratives. All that matters is what I can learn from these stories. Go read Mein Kampf and pay attention to what Adolf Hitler has to say about history.

The jew fears the swastika.

tribulation is more on accepting the antichrist and nwo. if not prosecution and martyrs of christians. . tribulation is hard struglle. after tribulation /;';;/; will be marked as hell on earth

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ASS above , so below

what is this gaydom fantasy ?

>this is prophetic prophecy think im talking from my asshole?

Yeah, I get the "thing", but it's stupid. It's nigger speak for "we wuz kangz n sheeeit". The "truth" in history is there for those who are willing to work to find it, but as it has been for all people of all times, the further you get from the story, the more changes are made to the story. Now, carry that over a period of time, and of course the shit gets all twisted, but there is truth in it. The closer you can get to the works done around that period of time, the closer you get to the truth. What was being printed prior to, and during the war(WWII) in this instance, is far different than what was being printed after the war. Read between the lines, and see what the past work has produced. You can then "reverse engineer" events to some extent, and produce your own conclusions. That's what I do. What I don't do is going around saying shit like "History is just HIS STORY, ma'an" while I smoke some spirit leaf with some nigger medicine man. Have some self respect, faggot.

it's been 2024 years anon, let it go.

It's not stupid and I didn't smoke anything with him and it's extremely hard to find out what happened in the present times and you can at best only attain a "good guess" at what is going on and the real value of history isn't the memorization of dates and so on it's what you can learn from it and how you apply it to the present. Read Mein Kampf already.

Abrahamism is the best sunk cost fallacy in the world.
don't hold your breath.

We are not close to going to Mars, tf you talking about?

I've read it, along with thousands, and I do mean thousands of other books, most of which are history and philosophy. The parallel lives of the noble greeks and romans, and the Hisotories are probably my favorite works. I don't need to read Mein Kampf again, I'm living through it.

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Oh, so you're that fag spamming the board with Christ-hate and lame pictures of Marvel characters. Very cool.

h-he's not dead, he's in heaven,
seated at the right hand of the father,
and things are going so swimmingly well on earth
he hasn't had to return & tell people what's what

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There has yet to be a first.

Double Trouble straight to hell

Ugh, I thought this was about aliens

marl of the beast financial singularity is possible with the current infrastruxture, fintech, internet of bodies, and a plethora of publications revelation of the method confessing this is their end goal agenda with digital id, funvaxx passports, blockchains, cbdcs, and a host of other lies factored in


the euphrates river ia drying but not dried yet


israel is a state


jews want to construct an altar, have red heifers hence oct 7 attacks, have found a priest that never was in a hospital or near a dead body or a graveyard or anything that would make him ritually impure for to make the red heifer sacrifice- he is being trained among other levites for their role in the coming altar service


ezekiel 38 prophecy lists a confederacy of nations that will make war from the north, a good number of them have already declared their position, iran is one such instance but also turkey, and the current conflict of ukraine is intermeddled in all of this geopolitically but also by extension interlinked


a great falling away is occuring, timothy is correct, heres a thread with scoffers, you see it everyday everywhere


rampant degeneracy and societal decay: every oldfag and by extension every boomer remembera things which formerly once were


mRNA funvaxx set the precedent for gene therapy and a host of nations amd their kings agreed with one accord to defile you in every way imaginable were it not possible to decieve you into injecting the poison: how much moreso when society is duped into the actual mark of the beast and Gods Wrath is being outpoures thereafter


Gospel has been preached or reaching the farthest corners of the earth, everyone will soon have internet access to be able to find the translation most suitable for them


the whore of babylon, a city upon seven hills, and stretching her whoredoms across many waters; the vatican and catholicism has been thoroughly displayed as being one and of the same


Retards have always jumped the gun because retards teaching retarda gemerates more retardation, ever noticed that?

The bible has prerequisites and propheciea that must needs take place before the end
If youre a skeptic or just plain ignorant, take note od the impossible 3 to miss:
1) euphrates river dries up
2) mark of the beast financial singularity gets mandated like funvaxx scamdemic, this will be in which no man rich or poor may buy or sell
3) the altar which is rebuiltnin jerusalem goes defunct, and thus begins day 1 of the great tribulation

If you want to know more, like how to survive lets say, take note of the tldr 1.5hr summary of all end times prophecy here:

Okay and do you remember what Adolf Hitler said in his book about the value of history?

I was talking about the Romans.

yea yea got it.
2 more weeks and shiiieeet.

Mankind has grown in an eternal war.

Thats because therenis going to be 5 motntha of darkness perpetual with ravening locusts tormenting those that took the mark of the beast during the final days of the 3 and 1/2 year tribulation
But there will be light in the camps of the righteous and God is Faithful and Just, and will rapture His bride out before the last Day, the Day of the LORD

Problem is, many believers cannot rightfully divide the Truth as to what apply
Ies to a certain context, how, when, and we have a generational burden of being taught liea throughout the centuries; both jews and christians have lost their way in following Him, the King of Kings

Which is also why we get 1000 years to sort these differences out, live in peace without fear pain hunger thirst or sufferinf, and it will be a Kingdom of endless increase and without sin

Jesus Christ is coming to take in all the christian believers to him to Heaven.

The rapture is not Biblical

As i said, write down those three things, put it in your wallet or something, and when the day comes you can say two more weeks again, ill be satisfied

the second coming is very much close

has been for centuries.

The rapture is biblical, it is however widely misunderstood because it happens immediately before the HOUR when the DAY OF THE LORD is about to begin
Because it takes Jesus Christ and the host of heaven the space of an hour to wipe the slate clean
As it is Written; if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved
Ergo, God Rescues His bride, in a twinkling of the eye those that remain shall be glorified in Christ, many that were last shall be first as they literally walk into the Marriage Supper of the Lamb

Study the feast of tabernacles / Sukkot, and watch the video i posted, it explains all that anyone needs to be primed with foe those days, but you gotta bring the faith to the table

By faith abraham was accounted to righteousness, be like the children of abraham and have faith

nah, i'm good.
have fun with your Soon™ End of the World™

What I don't do is going around saying shit like "History is just HIS STORY, ma'an" while I smoke some spirit leaf with some nigger medicine man. Have some self respect, faggot.

Top kek, you absolutely wrecked that faggot. Anyways, Christ is King.

Which ai makes these?

I am glad that God has given me the tools and the knowledge to realize his glory in these dark times.

If you kill the niggers, they win!

-Jeebus the shitskin jew

Orthodoxy debunked the rapture thing
The rapture is a Protestant thing
It is derived from interpretations of passages such as 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and Matthew 24:40-41. However, the specific term "rapture" does not appear in the Bible.
The Rapture is closely tied to dispensationalism, a 19th-century theological framework emphasizing distinct periods (dispensations) in God's dealings with humanity. This system heavily influenced the premillennialist view of the end times.
The idea gained widespread popularity in the 19th century, especially through the teachings of John Nelson Darby and the publication of the Scofield Reference Bible.
Orthodox Christianity and most traditional Catholic and Protestant groups do not emphasize or support the concept of the Rapture as described in dispensationalist theology. Instead, they focus on a general resurrection and the final judgment at Christ's return.
Therefore, not Biblical.

Thats the irony
None can take away my joy in Christ eternal whilst your misery and despair will multiply
Cope as you can, ill promise you wobt be happy with the expected end lest ye repent
Whereas a wise skeptic woukd entertain the opposition of his beliefs to be more thoroughly informed, for example as to rebuke those ideas, youre just playing the part of a fool

Amen, sometimes its the suffering that builds character
Joseph knew not how but he knew who he was going to be, for God repeatedly had Told him so

God bless you anon. Pray for me in my time of darkness. I am fighting a mighty struggle and am close to defeat and I call upon the Lord for his favor at this time. Pray for me anon.”I get up when I fall, in Christ I am able / How dare they worship Baal at jezebels table”

Maybe try reading what i said before spouting irrelevancy
You completelt ignored the 5 months of perpetual darkness and the Day of the LORD
Either address the subject or quit parroting your gstekeepers who are not in Christ but the traditions of men

The rapture is not some get out of jail free card that occurs prior to the tribulation, read ezekiel 20:33, the bride is going to be refined like silver in a furnace of affliction
And no orthodoxy is simply another glorified prostitute of rome, same as protesting catholics, for the vatican is the whore of babylon and the mother of prostitutes: that includes all schisms and defectors that went about their own way yet continued her blasphemies and ordinances
Christians do not get to pick and choose which of Gods Laws to follow, they do not get to replace them or change them with their abominations
Christ even Said, if you love Me(Him) keep the Commandments
And also, He came not to remove one jot or tittle from the Law, He did not come to do away with the Law but to fulfill
That means to give it greater meaning and depth, christians are supposed to uphold an even higher standard

Your problem is one of hubris and pride because it is a sin to follow a multitude and pervert judgment, maybe try asking Jesus Christ directly rather than try and start an argument with something niether you nor those mentioned on either side even claim to know a thing about eh?

If youre defeated it is so that you may try again, is it not so?
For behold, the Victory was His: so you have already won, deny not the Father, but be humble in spirit and know His reward is with those that holdfast to the faith
The race ia not to the swift nor the strong, but he who endureth to the end, be at peace bro

mfw grown ass men sperging angrily at each other over interpretations of a vague mistranslated book written by irrelevant nobodies 2000 years ago high on spme shit and stealing ideas from egypt and zoroastrianism

None of it is true, grow up, stop getting mad ovet what fanfic version is real lol

Orthodox Christianity is the continuation of the original Christian Church, maintaining the faith and practices of the early church fathers.
You write like a false prophet, using your ego to answer back and providing an authority bias video to confirm your bias or programming.

quit parroting your gstekeepers who are not in Christ but the traditions of men

Jesus Christ founded the Church about two thousand years ago
The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, then Aramaic then Greek. Orthodoxy was mainly in Greek and Aramaic. It is a known and establish fact that the oldest churches are Orthodox.
You spitting non-sense for the shake of your arguments.

fuck these abrahamic slave-clowns

Her ass was the second coming

Qesus Qhrist is coming in just 2 more weeks.

Because nobody actually believes in christfaggots 'god', especially not LARPing retards on Anon Babble.

still doesnt address the original inquiry

Whatever man you do you
You argue against traditions of men with... traditions of men
Self awareness; do you even have?

Jesus Christ is coming to take in all the christian believers to him to Heaven.

The rapture is a Protestant heresy and is not even biblical. No church father has ever taught the rapture.

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Imagine the one who outlasts them all?
The last true man who endures these trials and punishments.
Are they truly a pious person who can do such a feat or are they themselves the greatest of sinners and self damning?

- The claim that the rapture happens immediately before the Day of the Lord in a literal hour isn’t explicitly supported by scripture. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 describes the rapture but doesn’t tie it to a specific timeline relative to the Day of the Lord. The "hour" interpretation seems speculative.

- Matthew 24:22 speaks of God shortening the days of tribulation for the sake of the elect. This is about limiting the destruction of the tribulation period, not a reference to an hour-long divine clean-up operation.

- Trials and refinement are biblical themes (1 Peter 1:7, James 1:2-4), but Ezekiel 20 speaks specifically to God’s dealings with Israel, not the universal Church. Christians are refined through spiritual growth, not as a prerequisite to being part of the Bride of Christ. Romans 8:1 confirms there’s no condemnation for those in Christ.

- Jesus fulfilled the Law (Matthew 5:17) and brought in the New Covenant (Hebrews 8:13). Christians follow the law of Christ through grace and faith, as explained in Romans 10:4 and Galatians 6:2, not the Old Covenant Mosaic Law.

- Blanket condemnation of denominations as "prostitutes of Rome" ignores the fact that Christ promised in Matthew 16:18 that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church. While human institutions have flaws, God’s truth continues through His people.

- Accusations of pride and hubris don’t contribute to meaningful dialogue. Scripture calls for humility and grace in discussions about faith (Ephesians 4:15). Dismissing others as irrelevant or blind only serves to divide, not enlighten.

seems speculative


LiMiTiNg muh DeStRuCtiOn

Have you even read about said destruction prophecies?
Seriously, quit being a fool; when Scripture States 1/3 of xyz will die in revelation dont be a condescending moron with baseless claim ffs

Gods dealings with israel

not the universal church

Um hello? Once you become a born again believer in Jesus Christ of Nazareth you are GRAFTED INTO THE BRANCH AND HOUSE OF ISRAEL BY ADOPTION
Are you really that dense?

christians are refined through spiritual growth, not as a prerequisite to being part of the bride of christ

What are you even trying to say; refined in a furnace of affliction is wholly irrelevant to whatever it is youre implying, are you esl?

Jesus fulfilled the Law

Agreed, reread what He Said about that in the selfsame passage instead of jumping to conclusions and justifying it like every other dogmatic xyz
Also the new covenant doesnt give you license to blaspheme Gods Commandments just fyi

thats not what i said!

Yeah whatever, thats what youre doing
And all these dispositions of paul, whom youre trying to quote, he had to OH BY THE WAY go about defending Gods Law because the exact same accusation of him trying to change the Law was present in his day also, or did you not read that part / misinterpret it like everyone else?
Paul literally fulfilled a nazarite vow, kept kosher, had the other apostles defend him in keeping the Law and the others like him ALSO KEPT- YOU GUESSED IT, THE LAW; kinda like that Jesus Guy amirite? Also they went about preaching Jesus Christ as Messiah out of genesis to malachi and everything inbetween before the gospels were recorded, ao theres that not to mention the parable of lazarus and abrahams bosom saying the exact same thing - funny how thats in the gospels too

blanket condemnation

Yknow, in elijahs day only 7000 didnt bow the knee either
No need to condemn when youre condemning yourself, no need for words in my mouth that aint there

Not the two

It already happened around 70 AD.
We are living in Revelation 20.

it turns out the NWO was just hillary liz cheney and no one likes them. trannies will suicide black and brown and yellow and white people will just go on about their business and there isnt much the impotent freemasons and jews can do but seeth and dilate

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one man's prophecy is another man's guidebook, be wary of that.

>Nobody believes but the second coming is very much close. Any final thoughts?

Nobody believes but the second coming is very much close.

Nobody believes but the second coming is very much close.

Musk was born in South Africa you fucking idiot he can’t be president

I wish the christfags would just kill themselves instead of instigating a nuclear war.

I am agnostic but i believe this may be true or maybe not.But the 2000 years death anniversary of Jesus Christ (PBUH) is coming up in 2030-2033 now what i think about here is the biggest cohencidence.Ever heard of Agenda 2030? welll isn't it weird that this big event (((they))) have talked about coincides with the crucifixion anniversary almost exactly.But that is not the whole picture you see the kikes know something since they are working on bringing about their version of the messiah aka the anti christ and their tikkum olam aka the world remade in their image.This is only my perspective of the forest if you know something else feel free to enlighten me.Also note pic rel and see how the colours are the same as the slave goy cattle religion of Noahidism.

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No idea. Found it here (of course).

This will be the 3rd or 4th second coming. This is the one you actually do not want to miss.


This is forced extension of the Satanic Cabal. You don't need to accept the fear mongering of the propaganda machines. You are free, you can live free without the fear.

If I may, are you guys former globohomo evildoers or something along the lines?

When did you accept Jesus Christ?


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It is always not just legal and lawful to Social Genocide the JooZ in Globalist coup-of-government New World Order times. Over the Globalist Jew World Order Covid-19 Poison Attack and the Globalist Jew World Order September 11-Afganistan-Iraq. But duty of every enlisted person.
Behold, you don't have to. The Whole Nothing But The Truth About The Jews and Who Their God Is always kills you.
Next thing you know the Word will have you where Jesus could not ever fight back, God as he was and still is. You always pop off first move with the beyond huge war-crime and We The People always kill you, and the USA's existential core makeup always kills you. That's why you faked a covid vaccine that was actually bad poison over the leftist war enemy fake news channels.

You would never have stopped. Just like with all the more-beautiful-in-the-face-and-eyes goy children in which you never stopped. And So, buried and shadowbanned Fourth Kind of Coming

The second coming is when Chris Chans gf Flutter gives birth to their child

I wouldn't love your Twenty Years Of Nine Eleven Total Crap For The Millenioids, long-nosed ass fuckin' little shits, tenderly and so gently for the spiritual life of me. Only on Anon

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I always assumed it was fringe schizophrenics that believed that they were uniquely fortunate to be born at a time when a major revelation in regards to the existence of the divine would occur but apparently it's every Jew and evangelical on the fucking planet and they control America.
When I was active in the Catholic Church, nobody talked like this.

You must be a retarded Shitskin

christfaggot jew worshipers are such a cancer

((((You)))) will be blood stains on my blade.

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worship a zombie rabbi

"prophecy" (Jewish fable) says the zombie will return

ZOMG it's happening right now in my lifetime because I am le special!!1

kill yourself many times over

Ooohhoooo..Jesus..Jesus Christ

It will be a honor
Out of billions of people who lived
We are chosen to witness this event

No one knows when Jesus will return.


This timeline sucks
The Jews are going to enslave us all. I mean they kind of already have, but it's just going to get worse and worse. No one with power stops them
My people will be gone. Dissolved
We might even be on the verge of nuclear war and that will fuck things up irreversibly

Shit's just fucked. I can't accept the damage that has already been done, never mind what is to come. It all seems futile

How about a linguistic sleight of hand:

>Moschaich; "Hebrew" משיח

The Messiah, the avatar and personification of wishes, dreams, hopes, wants and needs of a (single) people -- some ominous figure to be waited for.

>Mosaic; Greek "Μωσαϊκό"

A glorious whole composed of many different parts, unity through plurality -- some thing to be worked towards.

It's so tiresome.

They say one day in heaven is like 1000 years on earth, and they also say that jesus is supposed to return in the morning of the third day after his death. So its plausible to think that he didnt get resurrected yet like people claim what happened for the easter holidays. If this theory is correct the true second coming of christ is the same thing as his resurrection and we are pretty close to it.

Yesterday I did like four. You impress no one with your second cumming.

just kill me if you want to, I cant do anything wtf are these histrionics for?


I don't believe we are going down that timeline. That's the more negative route to the new world. We're taking the more "positive" route, luckily.
Most of you guys have know idea what's coming.... Yes, it is definitely the end times, and we're a lot closer than most people think.


if any of it is real then we are already living in purgatory.
Jesus is coming someplace else.

The second coming happened already around 1993. Christ made tons of entertainment. Hes still doing it. Real people don’t make tv shows or games or books anymore. But, you can notice how he used up all his good ideas already. There was only so much stuff he could make. Yeah that was it. If you didnt have sex, thats not his fault. He cant cure your weird genes. Well he probably could but it’s too late for you. Well not everything like I doubt he could regrow an arm that was lost. How would you even do that.

You mean the third coming?

Why don’t you stick around and find out?

God's will be done.

Yahweh is not Christ. Yahweh is a Canaanite demon who feeds on human and animal sacrifice. Jew dork

The rapture was written by a random guy who happened to be named John. It was not John the apostle and it was not John the Baptist. The texts are dated 90 years after Christ lived. You follow 15th century Judeo-Islamic propaganda.

I will kill yaweh. it sucks

Matthew 24:36 comes to mind in times like this
Look it up

It better be close this shithole world full of faggots is pissing me off

Canaan literally means Ka naan. Naan is Indian. So theyre saying shit Indian. And they raped naan king. Which is another joke about me. Im the king. They’re telling me to immigrate more brown people. Red eye flights get to the destination faster. Red eye is everyone who isn’t blue eyed. Browns earn more money. Must immigrate more brown. Jewish programming told me to make mixed race. Higher funding for niggers and poos and chinks. Invite them into our countries. They tell me Jews don’t procreate and we exist only to bring more browns. When you write it out. It’s all really obvious. Theres a propaganda wizard who has enslaved us. And the Jews are number 1 slave and they castrate us to make us bloodthirsty.

Hes called yeah way. Theyre all word games to get you into the cult of thieving murdering slavers. Out of your mom’s basement and into the world of grenades and beheadings that you thought youd never need to think about.

I did think the rain was stickier than usual.

This, unironically.
Jesus was a drugged up child Rapist along with his accomplice and temple prostitute, Purple Fingers Mary.

I'm the Messiah. Move on

I'm the Messiah. Move on

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Nobody believes but the second coming is very much close.

T. Every Christian for the past 2000 years.
Two more weeks, guys, I promise.


Not in Tribulation yet, moron.

You skipped trumpets 2, 3 and 4.

What is there to save?

That's the rabbi that Teresa May went to see when she was running against someone else for head conservative in party, after the visit her opponent withdrew and she won!

Christianity is the I AM doctrine veiled for the piscean age. For the aquarian age the I AM doctrine will be veiled under the guise of AI and other technological creations.

Jesus = Je suis = Jeshua = Yah Weh = Jove = Jupiter = Zeus = Deus = I AM

Kippah gives +10 INT, the big hat gives +30 INT.

Nothing will happen and you'll all just shrug and say "The signs must have been misinterpreted."

not even the seals have been unsealed, let alone trumpets.
we've seen nothing yet.

Nobody believes but the second coming is very much close.

every christcuck has believed this for the last 2000 years

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see what's happening in romania. beginning of the birth pangs. messiahs always come in these times and in these places

we have been waiting for 2k years

Jesus Christ is coming to take in all the christian believers to him to Heaven.

masons killed my sister
tried to kill my brother
they blinded and killed my half brother
and tried to kill me

it'd be nice if Jesus returned, but i'm not too worried, in the end we'll get the last laugh.
they've been exposed, theres no more places for them to hide.
Jesus already defeated them.

odin acting kind of bold for someone living south of the indian sea.
guess he didn't learn the lesson the first time.

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Oh look, it's another endtimes/apocalypse/etc announcement which arises in the claimant a reaction of... nothing. Hm.

till i dont see Jesus Christ himself descend from the heavens in a cloud with a host of angels and set foot on earth to rule at least 5+ years im not going to believe

Yes that's it's been talked about it all religions and believe system and it's not like that you think. Most of you won't be taken.

29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

i mean, 1 less blessing for you.

jews have been falling for every saviour figure over history thinking it was their messiah, im not jumping from a cliff just cause someone is saying they are Jesus

Just get on with it bro i don't have all day

True I just came for the second time today

60 degrees times 6

360 degrees

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2 more millennia

fake news
fake book
take your meds, your mother is worried.

Prison school was great. Jesus isn't a redeemer, he explicitly states the kingdom of heaven is within, and redemption is only achieved through faith. Tribulations are trials of faith, and the meek shall inherit the earth because they don't larp as Logos.

It's so tiresome.

was laberschtu? ist doch beides korrekt und gut was du sagst



how the fuck is this thread still up

How in the FUCK do krauts and frogs exist as neighbors FOREVER and still both insist on having the most ATROCIOUS sounding spoken languages to ever fall upon a creature blessed with life AND hearing.

20,160 sec


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(H4641) מַעֲשֵׂיָה Maʻăsêyâh - (lit.) work of YAH

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What are they putting their hands on? Looks a bit like the Millennium Falcon.

The ships here do as well

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Nobody believes but the second coming is very much close

You're welcome to your personal feelings and opinions

I hope it's true, I want to learn about the Kingdom of God from the person that started preaching it himself. The Bible looks devoid of important details about the Kingdom.