I need a new obsession
I need a new obsession
How 'bout russian dota-rap?
No I already went through the Dante league of legends hardstyle era
It's actually cringe, I used to make a lot of unstable explosives like TATP and NG but I keep pushing out the melt casting of the caps I wanna make from TATP to test a directional fragmentation sheet for the drone interceptor. I kind of just got scared making it in bigger amounts out of the blue. Really strange psychological shift
obsess over bringing vlad back to bant
If he is alive (extremely likely) he is already posting with proxies like he always did but at the moment probably occupied playing the latest gaymerslop like stalker2
he would never betray me and play that disgusting atrocious videogame
What's so bad about it I thought it's the latest gaymer trend
there's nothing bad about it but there's just nothing good about it either and it completely lacks any soul and i don't see why anyone who's not a youtube content creator would choose to play it over literally any other game in existence
Ah, Vlad, he had so much sovl he played a gazillion hours of dark souls
dark souls is a sovlful videogame franchise though or at least it seems like it, i personally haven't played any of those games
Me neither, I only play, or rather played OSU, obviously I am superior to everyone else because of it
ain't no way blud only played osu in his whole entire life
That and hacker vs hacker minecraft servers where edgy teens could compete on who skidded the shittiest autocrystal skid. Counter strike I never got past silver 2. I guess I suck at shooters
it's okay to suck at any competitive game because nowadays all competitive are occupied by sweaty teenagers that live by these games and unless you want to devolve to their level you won't be having much fun playing against and alongside these people
OSU is kind of highly compeditive but I just play it for the cool music
i'm pretty sure in osu you play to get the highest score or complete a level as fast as you can which is a bit different than fucking over other people and denying them from having fun by killing them over and over again so it's not the toxic kind of competitive
Oh if that's what you mean, yeah sure, you can enjoy the game on it's own it's basically single player. But you keep getting compared on leaderboards etc. It just has a cancer steep learning curve else I'm sure more people would play it. I mostly do obsessive research and read useless papers nowadays when I'm on the pc. I'm literally speedrunning becoming a boomer, I can't even enjoy anime anymore but I'm also 50% sure that's because the quality has dropped so far
Why not Warhammer? :(
I'm not autistic enough I need something to occupy my brain (overload it)
i generally find it hard bringing myself to care about videogames in my adulthood which is a good thing since once you stop wasting your time on absolutely pointless things you start wasting your time on a bit less pointless things that will at least reward you with the sense of self-validation and self-fulfilment which you absolutely cannot get via playing videogames unless you lack any form of self awareness
This is true, it's always important to be able to feel superior to others
as a rule of thumb you shouldn't feel ashamed or discomforted about sharing your hobbies with people and if all i did all day was playing videogames and browsing social media i would feel extremely fucking shameful about telling that to anyone, especially when it comes to speaking with someone of opposing sex
He actually talks with you right? I live and work in NYC right now. I get paid more than I can spend (don't have to pay rent or something). I'm willing to pay you if you'll help me. I was thinking of inviting him here in winter, I would pay for his ticket of course and would also rent a place for him, just for a week or something
I'm completely serious
You don't need to be autistic even little bit for Warhammer. It's pretty normie/mainstream hobby. But still there are lots of interesting and great things in it
I barely have contact with the opposing sex and mostly despise them. Boring individuals without much substance, it's no wonder that mentally ill girls are so attractive to males because they at least have an interesting trait. I generally hate humans though and unless it's autistic discussions about chemistry or other similar stuff I will forever be stuck in my post ironic biterness that this site has drilled into me and I will never get rid of which makes me extremely unlikeable as a person. Luckily my social skills are superb so I don't really have troubles coming across as likeable when it matters.
PLEASE don't take this shit to my threads PEASe
It's just fiction without substance, it's hard for me to get into. Not like an anime that's thrilling to watch or similar
Warthunder :)
i'm gonna be serious for a moment and actually answer you and say no simply because there was a moment when i genuinely wanted to help you and at least give you an advice or two but you kept being a pisscel and kept calling me out and kept shittalking me and kept being unhinged and retarded and so just as a matter of principal i won't be helping you and this is the last time i ever acknowledge or address you and even if wanted to help i don't talk to any of these people outside of fourchan anyway so try your luck buying connections somewhere else
finding a person that suits you so well you're basically like a pair of clones is ultimately the goal of this life in my opinion and actually achieving that is essentially random so it's okay to think that most of the people you meet are dumb and uninteresting because that's true and you shouldn't try to bond with everyone you meet and as a human you're fundamentally not built to interact with this many people so i think actually the less friends you have the better it is for your development as a person because you won't get stuck in this echo chamber of safe opinions and toxic positivity, you need to get your reality checked once in a while if you don't wanna have your ego grow so brittle that any stray opinion would shatter it on the spot
Man I'm really sorry, I made mistakes. Why do you have to hold grudges and act like teenage girl?
I seriously want to help him, I have a power to help him, I'm not asking for anything in return
Be a man and seriously tell me why do you act like this.
I'm not here to act like pisscel. Lots of things have changed in my life, I'm here for a seriously talk
Continue reading hxh then you fag. Also yes I won't touch your threads if ruski doesn't start acting like a "pisscel". I don't want to throw tantrums. I simply want to tell with him. Wtf am I doing wrong man? I'm doing everything to improve the situation
dumb and uninteresting
I'm not on a high horse like that, honestly I am fucking envious of people who go out drinking and partying with the same friends every second weekend or so and seem to be genuinely happy. Also I hate myself so if there was a clone I'd hate that niggy like you wouldn't believe. It needs to be someone better, smarter and mostly importantly someone who doesn't like me. Or at least doesn't look up to me.
He will be back just relax and enjoy your time in NYC while it's still somewhat resembling a city. snusjsnanjakajiajsbdhwjow
Read it nigga. We are waiting for the leaks right now
Also I'm just angry how cruel some people act here. Yeah I made some mistakes but that doesn't mean you should act like that, I'm sorry
i wouldn't go around telling people that they're dumb and should fuck off and die either because that's just pointless and making normies mad can result in something undesirable so i just boycott anyone i don't like and don't interact with them for more than needed and i would never go out with a person i barely know and i wouldn't want to know them better even if they're the best person in the world i just don't fucking care anymore and i'm fine on my own and i don't care about drinking niggerhol or engaging in all the other socialisation rituals that only exist so you can waste your time a bit more efficiently and cope with your shitty life and cope with being surrounded by shitty people that you probably don't care about that much either, but yeah i guess finding someone who's better than you in every way yet still willing to endure whatever you throw at them is also a goal but people like this are all probably already taken
You unironically need a boomer to talk to
This person doesn't exist but it's what I idealize a father would be
uhh you mean you wish your father was like that or what
Or an older brother whatever
Unironically if you browse /bant you probably know more about me than anyone else lol
not really because i can only remember things about people when i talk to them daily and using bant this often is extremely degrading and bad for your brain's health
This is true
xe's dead...
You wouldn't reply to his threads anymore, that was the last straw it's true it's true