okay now this is based. see that's literally me on the right, my wife on the left, and the kids in the back. much endearing. based.
Okay now this is based. see that's literally me on the right, my wife on the left, and the kids in the back...
Looks comp'd
Death to all glowniggers and their terrible marketing teams!!
normie memes aren't funny.
make one of the kids a frog
I’m back on team frog after wojak became pozzed
I still don't understand the purpose of this meme. What is it supposed to be saying?
fuck you you kike glow nigger, we know your a fucking kike trying to get us to die for Israel.
She looks comfortable in her nurturing role
I'm the frog in the back seat getting bullied by my sister
The incel wishes he was a boring, average beta male.
I say shoot for the stars, not for mediocrity.
Kids have bigger jawline than their dad. Something's not quite right.
Demons to some, angels to others
Take your gay normie meme back to xeeter.
It’s a family of Americans minutes before the father was murdered and robbed by a pack of niggers and the wife was brutally raped. They stole their car to slide on their rival nigger gangs.
They are horrible at propaganda it’s crazy to watch and see how terrible it is
It’s hilarious that pol is that much smarter than everyone that they had to resort to the bot spam too. That’s a strong W for /pol.
kike control of media
endless nonwhite invasion
Either she is jewish or a paddy. Why red hair
Back in my day anons would have took this meme and photoshopped it into something super crazy.
That’s what that Jew that used to post here did to the ben garrison cartoons. He was a funny Jew at times but also should have been given the electric chair for the shit Goldberg did.
its literally the black nationalist murder white men rape white women meme
but with a latino conservative in the place of the black nationalist
They are too alive to be wojaks, the Nigger that did this shit has no memeMagic
okay now this is based. see that's literally me on the right, my wife on the left, and the kids in the back. much endearing. based.
We really need a new meme/character holy mother of god things are bleak lately
You niggers forced the unfunny plapjack meme literally designed to demoralize so this is what you get. Stay angry.
you mean slopjaks?
Five Little Chuddies
Youtube Kids friendly
marriage and reengagement of men into society psyop. it's not the 1950s anymore, and you can't just pretend the last 10+ years didn't happen:
hookup culture
snapchat sexting, instagram dms
hoe phases
every girl going on tinder during lockdowns
marriage/divorce laws still the same
marriage rates going down
median age at first marriage going up and highest ever (28f, 30m)
you can't just post a meme and pretend everything has been fixed. there's still no incentives to participate in society.
Is she giving him a foot job?
Why does wifejack piss off the glowniggers and unironic incells so bad?
Tell us that youre married to a landwhale without telling us that you are married to a landwhale
fuck off demiurge.
no more paws and batteries for you.
Playing with you dolljaks faggot?
Either she is jewish or a paddy. Why red hair
Because red headed women are the sexiest by far.
So what's wrong with having a wife and 4 kids?
Good wife is a happy life.
Yeah it would be cool to be rich like that.
I want to stick my penis in all of them
She's 5'4 and 95 lbs.
Plapjak is hilarious and relatable to many
This shit is unfunny and inorganic as fuck
Because red headed women are the sexiest by far.
This shit is so gay. I hate women and I hate people
Who was it relatable to?
wojaks were shit to begin with but you all couldn't stop and now it's just fasebook humor
God damn I am so happy I don't have kids.
It's normal behavior yet anons are putting the cart before the horse
Glowniggers have made things so obfuscated they don't even know what the purpose of their psyops are anymore
Built for the BBC: Bog Brazilian Cock!
10 years ago
I'm not jewish my mom has red hair she's Irish.
Red heads are hot.
I should really go to Ireland and get a wife.
Youre not a Man If you never plaped. Its a rite of passage from childhood to manhood, It proves that you like to sitck your Dick on pussies no matter what.
Mid ass dudes who have to resort to fat chicks to get their dick wet like me
nothing, except it is not possible for European Americans, you genocided them. Use spanish or hindi for your memes.
this meme is about as funny as a tumor on my own asshole. the feck is wrong with you stooped faggots.
wtf I don't know if I should laugh or cringe
maybe both
Every man see
You realize you’re posting a jew, right?
Gross. We are not the same.
Does anyone actually use that shitty, glowing fucking platform?
Reminds me of road trips when i was a kid. Have no interest in being in the drivers seat now though
LMFAO it was meant to shame anons who fucked fat whores, how is that demoralizing? Wait.... you fuck fat whores don't you?
MIGA is the loudest anti J6 voice now
Literally upset some people didn't get arrested for protesting on behalf of Trump
Love watching you people go full circle, bend your dick between your legs, and fuck yourself in the butt. I cannot differentiate a modern migapede and a 2020-era liberal who were arguing J6 was a terroristic insurrection.
No she doesn't look like a jew I can tell. I know what a jew looks like. The women look like witches without green skin with wide ass mouths and huge nasty grins and slopped foreheads, and that's without looking at the snozzle they usually get plastic surgery to fix.
In fact I don't recall ever seeing a jewess with red hair. I know jews have it but I often see it with boys.
Never the women really. I can't even think of one jew red headed actress.
There are some red heads in Hollywood but they're not jewish.
they get wrinkly so quickly
Yeah, im a Man youre a child, but you Can become a man. Remember fucking the largest landwhale on earth Dont turn you gay, unlike fucking the most passing trannie of earth.
No they don't.
the glowniggers want white people to get married and have children
Whatever this meme is it is absolutely mind raping groypers into becoming incoherent apes.
some anon makes a meme suggesting the radical notion that you need A WHITE WOMAN to make White people
jannies say shut it down
melon husk sys shut it down
spic fuentes the catboy says shut it down
demoralized zoomers immediately assume the jews are actually trying to trick them into breeding somehow
Just a light bit of mischief.
So the meme is average people getting the most that they can out of well balanced lives
It is supposed to err into absurdity, in the sense that this perfect life is literally outside of the normal behavior for normal people but yet offer the fulfillment of life we all seek
It is meant to demoralize you into degeneracy, because yeah lmao normie life fucking sucks dude are you retarded
You'll NEVER know full and complete happiness until you're driving towards a hotel through the countryside, roads are empty, it's dusk and about to be dark outside, your kids are asleep on the back seat, your wife is quiet and either snoozing or watching out the window, you got your coffee/drink next to you and it's all just perfect
not wearing seatbelts
Well you are a gay friendless loser like all groypers so that would make sense.
homosexuals hate this because they know
A - they'll never be women
B - they'll never be loved by men like women are loved by men
C - they'll never be loved by their children like children love their moms
D - they'll never have a good family like this
they are in a seethe fueled meltdown over this its hilarious
For people who lived before the internet this was a normal experience we all had. It's very nostalgic.
American television and chevy chase meme'd traveling in America to be extremely cucked and stressful
You're supposed to stop believing your lying eyes, goy. The emperor is not naked, patriots are in control, modern women are wonderful, the economy has never been better, the upcoming wars are definitely for your benefit. Just marry a post wall roastie already you fucking chud incel. We need you to renege with the system. You need to make surplus by working hard to provide tax money. You need to provide for the women who are an economic drain. You need to be invested so that you don't frag the draft officers. And you need to make a modern, unstable family that will get destroyed by divorced, so the kids can be raised on government worship, while their mother goes back to chasing chad with the economic safety net the government gave her (your net worth).
E - Man Will fuck landwhales and wont fuck man's buttholes
Whys she on the phone
Make her more engaged in next iteration glow bro
But it still won’t grab because it’s not organic
These memes are funny solely by virtue of how they make dead-end losers gnash their teeth with rage. I hope they keep peddling it, should accelerate at least a couple of groypers toward their inevitable transitioning.
Hey a redpilled leaf cool
The family unit minimizes tax dollars they need everyone to have a studio apartment and a job
Travelling is pretty stressful. But with kids it's a mix of extremely stressful and pure bliss.
heckin' wholesome and based and trad!
kill yourself
White guys are still at the top of the dating totem poll. You can settle for an asian or latina chick really easily as long as you are not obese.
qrd why people hate the wifejak?
Something like 50% of working adults under the age of 30 have to live with their parents because they cannot afford an apartment. Most of them are white. Do you think this meme is somehow meant to motivate them? Clearly our CIA doesn't think we're ODing, blowing our brains out, or drinking ourselves to death fast enough.
This is cute, I'm looking forward to it. I only have one baby and he can't even talk yet, but he always makes hand signs asking me to sing Incy Wincy Spider.
No, plapjack was made to shame landwhales, plapjak is always ashamed of what his doing, but he still doing it. It is supposed to send the message that landwhales are cumdumspters, i Think feminista call It "body shaming"
Absolutely based, the tranny fears the famjack
Nip artists upload their stuff there and it's not like this place isn't crawling with glowies.
I believe I know this ginger and she's a mega coal burner
kek I love how mad this meme makes jews.
You kill yourself, you kike faggot fuck
get married chud
have you changed the woodchipper divorce laws?
picrel remains in effect.
You're not allowed to discuss or post examples of the meme, only to have extreme opinions and arguments about it
race mix goy
What do you think it's about pal, it's about le Stunning And Endearing™ women
"memes are supposed to be funny"
I love this shit meme is being recycled again years later as if they don't do two steps forward 10 back nonstop
It's a modern reimagining of the white feather movement, less stick more carrot. This time the system is dangling the carrot in front of all the young men who've opted out of the system, in an attempt to coax them back onto the plantation. They need them to get reinvested in society so they'll have a reason to fight their wars for them.
It's exactly the kind of think tank spawned psy op that the "Tap the sign" meme was warning you about.
Jannies REALLY don't like the daughterjak and wifejak memes kek
Fuentes (pbuh) hates women and Trump winning broke his mind completely. Most white women voted Trump yet he blames women instead of minorities for everything wrong with US politics.
Now his followers, the brave groyper mujahideen, embark on the righteous jihad which is drawing and spreading torture porn images of wojak families because having children is jewish but fantasizing about torturing children is not.
all I see is a prostitute advertise her used up passed herself around body being a degnerate slut using her whore body to lure men in. oops sorry ladies you cant be proper respectable females and keep your bodies covered so I will just continue to view you as you present yourselves
Do you still have to ask?
Glowniggers hate it because it display the nuclear family in a positive portrayal, in direct opposition to what they've been doing in shows and movies as part of their anti birthrate propaganda.
Incels hate it because it's a sour reminder that they haven't found a woman that will tolerate their self destructive behavior enough to date them, let alone marry them.
Are you guys retarded? Jewish women have curly black hair, redheads are of Scottish and Irish origin
reddit and twitter is forcing wifejak again
Groypers inate hatred for white women stems from them being mostly Mexican
queers dont get to dictate the lives of straight people
i'm groyping my pecker right now
Yeah okay that's not going to happen and i can't imagine some manufactured meme is going achieve anything like it.
It's reminding us that kids are still able to be innocent and truthful and that there are some of us who can have a happy life with a wife and kids. It's a memory of how things were and should be again and a call to be who you're supposed to be. Also, kill all kikes. This isn't a psyop, railing against it is lmao
I hope to see this image in real life one day...