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Giant Bee Tee Cee gains brought to by Konata edition

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we dining ladyboy

I can feel it coming in the air tonight

This shit's fucking boring, can we just Make America Great Again already? Like for real, I can't believe we have to endure another 2 months of this shit, at least 4 years ago Trump was kicking and screaming, and you had that Q anon dude posting skitzo shit.

Family are visiting

Wanted me to come with them to see Gladiator 2


Bought tickets for IMAX

Curiously checked review scores

A fucking 7/10 already on IMDB, and its not even out for a week

Review scores typically get lower over time, but that low that fast...

Fuck my life man, I gotta sit through a few hours of shit today.........

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Make America Great Again already?

Let's make campaign slogans real! Cause that first 4 years changed nothing.

SOXL reverse split when?

was hoping is wasnt going to be shit

I will be a 23yo virgin. I think I am giving myself ED from my chronic masturbation and porn addiction. What do I do?

Say what you want, but those first 4 years were the best 4 years of my life.

It’s probably the CGI. *icked did double the box office numbers for the first week.

My cousin's twice-removed step-brother(blood related through incest) works at the Federal reserve, he says Jpow is raising rates again

try to limit to once a day. then every other day.

Femboymaxx and sell yourself to old men to maximize profits.

I regret to inform you gentlemen that this will be my last toastpoast as I am currently experiencing supply chain disruptions in the raw materials I use to make my toast.

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Cut it out cold turkey, block porn, start exercising, get some sunlight every day. Just fucking do it and don't give me any dumb ass excuses.


i am one of those. it's just like being a 22yo virgin but slightly older. no biggie, for ED just stop touching your weiner for a couple days and do pushups instead, loser faggot.

hehe no one knows who I was in the last thread

I bogled yesterday.

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get one of those things with the vaginas in them, and see if it can make you get a big ass boner

Trump and his FUCKING tariffs...I'm so sorry...


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That's good. My whole 42 year old life has been a shit.

do this but it's impossible to quit porn if you're lonely, you need to talk to girls

Market makers heard I was slurping BOIL and decided to dump another 2.5% just to scare me

come on, you got to go to school pre-columbine, see the birth of the internets, and even got to watch baywatch while those broads were still in their prime.

sometimes it goes through my head that my broker is making phone calls to MMs to get me to lose on margin

First how bad is this chronic masturbation? Do you ever go a day without it?



Bored, but let's see what these suckers can do.

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Workday, Symbotic, Dell all shitting the bed today

What the actual fuck is going on bros

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I never watched Baywatch. Went to school in a bad area, so the shootings didn't change much. We had metal detectors before it happened. They just changed it from every other person scanned to everyone.

what about the letterboxd autists

need to talk to girls

yeah but i can just talk to the internet and make it through the twice a year suicidal ideation by masturbating

Laughing Bobo posters make me so fucking mad.

That IMAX chart

I saw it
It's fine, nothing special. Not as good as the first film, but there's nothing really wrong with it. It's just... fine.

Why did IMAX get 9/11'd?

Gelato got me numb, I can’t feel my tongue. Counting all this paper nigga I just cut my thumb.

We had metal detectors before it happened. They just changed it from every other person scanned to everyone.

Nevermind actually there were no changes. Columbine happened in 1999. 2 or 3 years before that is when they went hard on metal detectors and checking all the bags.

The early highs were established during the QE era amid the hype of new technology. Chinkenpox heemed it in 2020.

my grandparents are saying I dented their refrigerator and have to pay for it. How can I jew my way out of this one?

Pay for the fridge but sneakily damage triple the dollar value elsewhere. Don't do it right away, do it over a few years.

sorry I'm retardo, I was looking at 9/11/2000 and it has a big crash, not 9/11/2001, probably dotcom related I guess

remind them you are physically superior and can kill both of them with your hands within 90 seconds

haha same
but you have to talk to girls if you want to be a sex haver with a healthy social life and a loving family. It's absolute bullshit but it is what it is

so how's everyone doing today, I am..-0.05%

what a boring day, tempted to do something stupid but I don't have any plays to throw money at.

Is it worth buying a new Honda with 0% interest or a 3 year old one?

Why were you a NIGGER to their fridge? Let this be a lesson to CONTROL IMPULSES.

I'm down 2.4%

i should buy more $hood. im probably not bullish enough.

Buy PFE calls?


most of my picks are green today. i pick winners it's my culture.

Skip the Certified Retard Vehicle, Honda and Toyota aren't what they used to be but especially Honda. Mazda is just as reliable, not as expensive as Honda, has a nicer interior, and will drive better.


murricans are incredible to me, imagine jewing your grandson out of money because of a dent in a refrigerator. My italian nonna could not give a rat's ass about such kinds of things, except for scolding the fuck out of me.

Moana 2 is out

Already got 72% on Rotten Tomatoes

Short review from twittertard

Moana 2 was… a movie. You could tell it used to be a TV show, because it gives off “plot of the week” every 20 minutes. It has an interesting concept which I don’t thing they utilised that well, and the main villain is possibly the worst I’ve seen in a Disney movie. Post credit scene also annoyed me, again, felt like it belonged at the end of a TV show, not a movie. 5/10

I fucking knew it man, like YEARS ago. It was supposed to be a TV show at first, but since Disney has been getting heemed financially(thanks to pieces of shit like Wish and Strange World), they had to scrape it and repackage what's left into a 'movie.

That was the same bullshit they pulled with Atlantis Milo's Return; Originally a tv show(you can tell from shitty animation quality compared to the movie), but movie bombed in box office and they could only use the pilot episodes for a bargain bin movie. Disney never ever learns, giga bearish for Disney stocks.

well shit, i guess you're fucked and life is only going to get worse from here. sucks to be you.

last movie i saw in theatres was the blade runner movie with ryan gosling. hollywood is completely dead and that's a good thing.

thank yu, based

day 1166 of gold and o&g stocks being cheap

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I'm gonna step away for shower hour. Nobody crash the market while I'm gone (or drive MCS below 23.62).

full recovery confirmed


the last movie i saw in the theater was super troopers 2, but i plan on going to see the new trailer park boys movie next week.

you're really bitching about a cartoon made for little girls? Get help nigger


crabbing so hard today

Based on my mom's Mazda I'm going to disageee. Honda is still superior in every way.

Did everyone died?

just bored, I am almost completely flat on the markets today

Most people are wage slaving right now.

if i dented my grandma's fridge, i'd have caught a rolling pin on the backside, or a slipper to the side of the head, the slipper was one of her favorite weapons, but if you fucked with her kitchen, she might use the rolling pin. she was the best.

Mazda is just as reliable

Nope. There are a few mazda5's in my fleet. They fall apart. Toyota is still most resistant to abuse. Honda is probably similar but they're more expensive. Ford drivetrain is pretty good but the interior stuff randomly breaks for no reason all the time. Like infotainment screens just die out of nowhere at low mileage.

I can't remember the last one I saw. Long time ago.

I think I need to stop buying and exercising commodities contracts for garlic futures. For some reason... garlic investments don't fit in well with the rest of my portfolio, and leave my brokerage account..... uh... unbalanced. It always leads to a surplus of natural gas futures. It's even worse when those get fulfilled and I receive rapid unscheduled physical deliveries of natural gas at the least appropriate times...

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The CR-V is what I want. Going to save up next year to buy one. Figure I need 16k down.

Company is named ZoomCar

They don't make fast cars

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new trailer park boys movie



I should have bought the buttcoin dip

MSTR is heading to $2000. Buy before its too late

Alice in Wonderland unironically gave me giantess fetish. I got my first boner at 6 years old watching Alice in wonderland growth scenes. I will be forever grateful to Disney for that.

i was at a social thing and I heard a bunch of women and normies gushing about bitcoin and all their gains so I'm just gonna stick to shorting it

Bubbles forms a band and goes on tour.


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The book was like reading the work of a psychotic.

I'm having deep fried turkey tomorrow
I would've only bought it as a quick flip

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why is mstr up 10% but mstu only up 15%? isnt it supposed to be a 2x leveraged position?

I think Thanksgiving is a scam for the Turkey vendors to sell their piece of shit birds. Like seriously Turkey is one of the worst forms of protein. If I could I would categorize it as a vegetable and rank it equal to tofu,

vanguard, statestreet, and blackrock litigated by 11 AGs

however many days I go without it is how many times I end up doing it in excess of once per day. eg, if I go two days without masturbation, the third day will be 3-4 times. So basically every day.

Do any of my fellow traders care about anything any more? Like when you watch a show or movie do you watch one and think it was okay. Like nothing is great anymore. Same with everything I do. Feels like just going thru the motions.

dunno im eating pizza/burgers tomorrow. same as any other day. turkey is basically inedible tier. stuffing is also retarded and disgusting.

Is it true that the author is a lolicon and described how sexy Alice is?

I can't say I'm experiencing what you are experiencing. Maybe you need to take a break from your usual routines and try something new. Pick up a hobby or something.

looks broken. MSTX tracking properly. i read somewhere that there weren't enough swaps and these funds had to go into the options market to buy calls to meet the advertised leverage.

8 times per a day is excessive, once or twice per a day is normal. If your having ED problems you should talk to your doctor/ Large language model.

I don't recall it being that avert. Most of it was just her in this weird chaotic world.

I'm having deep fried turkey tomorrow

Nice, just started my turkey brine, will smoke it tomorrow morning

I make a good stuffing, but that is only because it has sausage in it.

OK, I'm DINGing myself here. Like +0.8% on active trades and a new yearly high. Good progress undoing the damage from yesterday.

Laggards: BKTI, ROOT, AMSC
Bought: HIPO (added more), LUNR (added more), MCS, PGNY, SBBCF
Sold: DXYZ, MCS (lol), SEZL, XMTR

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

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I like to ride a mountain bike but it is too cold now to bother riding. Still I didn't ride much this year. Just need more money so I don't have to wage slave and I can move to someplace warmer.

Something new anon. If nothing is stimulating anymore, try a new kind of stimulus.

im not getting hard and then masturbating. I am masturbating then getting hard. I am making myself hard to jerk off. I cant think of the last time I had a good boner. my boners arent as strong anymore.

no idc about anything but money/markets. i never really cared much about living to begin with though. never had any interest in relationships or sports or team activities.

That's a medical problem there.
talk to wizard 8x22b if you can't afford a doctor consultation.

That is just psychology 101 babble. There is no new stimulus.

Happy early Thanksgiving anon

You just don't want to try. Enjoy your bleakness or whatever I guess

What would you describe as a new stimulus for a person?

CTM is an interesting play. I sold because I don't know how much more a generic, no-name cybersecurity company is going to grow. However, if you're brave, you can buy and hope it keeps pumping.

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Doing something you haven't tried before.

yeah the author was very cultured.

This is called depression. Let me ask you this: is it difficult to remember the last time you were happy? When I was asked that question I immediately understood I had been depressed for years.

That's easier said than done. For example in those books you see stuff like see a new movie, go to a new restaurant. You been to one restaurant you seen them all. The stimulus isn't different enough to be new.

No I can remember being happy. I'm not depressed. I'm hopeless. The difference is I see no long term solution that will make my life better.

doubt.jpg but ok

How about trying to do something new instead of consuming something new? Rack your brain a bit, think about some things you haven't done or tried before. You'll think of a lot of things I'm sure. Sometimes going somewhere you've never been or hanging out with new people or challenging yourself to try something you've never been able to do can be very refreshing

Again these generic suggestions are useless. I've done stuff like that. I deadlifted more weight than I ever have this year. Who cares. Just meaningless, back to waging on Monday!

lifting more



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Started taking metamucil regularly

Know that I have a big shit to look forward to everyday

Always happy now

It was literally that easy

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cook it slow, retards

holy based.

Your problem is that you keep just going through the motions, running that same treadmill. You're not really trying to engage yourself or the people around you, and deep down you know this to be the root cause of your problem. I can't make you do things differently but you said it yourself so you at least understand the issue. Now it's up to you to do something about it if you want to. It just doesn't seem like you really do want anything to change.

i'm reminded about the post how scandinavians always sound like women when typing in english

That's probably true. When you are as old as me you get set in your ways. Also try to avoid people cause I don't really trust them. Given we are all in competition with one another.

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I don't give a fuck how you cook a piece of shit, it's still a fucking piece of shit retard.

is there a way to filter all images? like there is so much fucking porn

Like I get a whole flock of turkeys that come through my yard like every fucking year, and I'm entitled to two free turkey permits every year. The only reason I let those bastards live is because I'm not going to eat them.

maybe you should also remind yourself about which countries are Scandinavian.

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block i.4cdn.org
no I will not tell you how

Return to the blue board if you can't take the porn. One of the reasons this place exists is we can mostly post what we want without getting banned. Or just block all images and use it as a text board.

browsing from work as well I see, use one of the Anon Babble extensions and there's an option to disable images

or just hide thumbnails in the 4chin setting in bottom right

Hold your hand over the left side of the screen.

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Even if you hide images Anon Babble ads are often not safe for work. Just leave.

wow there are settings in the bottom right? how come nobody ever told me about this?

I have an ad blocker. I should probably quit Anon Babble but I am addicted to social media. plebbit, threads, instagram. I need my supplmental socialization. I delete accounts and make new ones now.

Don't you just use 4chanx on desktop? Mobile settings are at the top. Given most of these wagies are worried bossman will see their porn.

Yeah just don't browse while working. Simple as.

I second this.

im not working mother fucker my job doesnt even allow phones in the building


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What happened to that turkey rally? As I said before there is no Thanksgiving rally. It is only the Christmas rally with black Friday sales already started.

eh, I'm at work right now, but I am using a vpn to browse from my home PC and I work by myself in my office so I am fine.

I'd be upset if my employees weren't browsing pornography. It's good for their moral, and happy employees make me more money, while pissed off employees usually cost me money.

Than what the fuck do you care if you see bobs and vagoo?

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What are we drinking tonight? Me? Skopsko Dark.


my job doesnt even allow phones in the building

say more glownigger

i can't stand this crabbing


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I was thinking for a second am I surrounded by new fags? Guess not.

inb5 we close green

Hose offscreen

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cook it slower next time

bitcoin crossed $97k again

See the majority of porn that gets posted here (aside from my own) is just absurd or disgusting. hardly even counts as porn honestly.
NO. Cookin up some mumu's for tomorrows' feast.

Kek jaguar probably spent millions for some shitty marketing team to come up with this bullshit.

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I have gone though hundreds of hours of webcam footage of this woman and I guarantee you that there's no hose

it also looks like joouor from a distance. which on a vehicle is going to be the primary viewing experience. I'll make a better one for a mere 500 grand.

turkey trot more like the fat shit you take the next day

She just had to really pee.

No way they're changing the logo...

shouldve just changed it to fag-you-are

The jury should note that the defendant failed to produce actual evidence for his claim.
Also possible.

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Implying there will be a next time

fuck that, if I ever have to cook the turkey, we're having prime rib instead.

if you think Turkey is bad then you are cooking it wrong, just like how everyone used to think Brisket was a shitty cut of meat

Some retard borrowed my LUNR to short it, is getting heemed, and paying me for the privilege.
Lol, lmao

reminder to use your doordash credits if you're a Chase Sapphire Chad
i just got 5 bottles of oj for free and it was ready in the time it took me to walk from my car to the register

I don't much like turkey and I've had it all the ways you can cook it. My brother used to deep fry it. I'll occasionally eat a turkey ham BLT that's about it.

Thank you you actually reminded me I have Dashpass for free for one year

LUNR is heading to $100. Buy before its too late

kick ass, BLESSED

Umaru chan is cute and funny and she's my wife now.

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What the fuck is that anime even about?
I see it spammed all the time now

Objection, I can't post hundreds of hours of footage that I have deleted. However you'll get a clearer view with this one: files.catbox.moe/342xzl.mp4

RKLB is going to beat it. But still a good choice. ASTS is another one to look into.

Is NVDA going out of business?

After what they fucking did with the trannies I will be buying land rover from now on.

It's about a 16 year old girl that lives with her brother. On the outside she is a perfect student and an excellent athlete, but at home she's a spoiled, very lazy, likes to play vidya and eat junk food, and is basically a NEET.

She looks like a darker skin version of Skylar from Agents of Shield. That room must smell of piss (and perfume).

I don't even like the smoked turkey legs at the fair, I only get them for the novelty.

holy enshittification

Seems like a thin concept to base an anime around, but ok thanks

I felt that way when I first had fried oreos. Regrets after burning the hell out of my lip and tongue.

Hope you're just baiting. It's the same company...

They will back to $150 soon enough.

not sticking exclusively to restoring old International Scouts


There is more to it than that but it's a must watch.

also true


fried oreos

I swear Americans will deep fry anything.

and that's a good thing

Idk... I used to watch a lot of anime when I was younger, and looking back recently I realized that most of it was a waste. There were really only three series that I truly enjoyed, and maybe a fourth but it's been too long to be sure. So idk... I generally shy away from trying new anime anymore. Maybe I'll give it a try at some point.

I wasn't good. The breading didn't pair well with the oreos. Like corn dogs seem to pair better with each other.


Will the defendant acknowledge the fact that both the duration and volume of the alleged squirting in the second video are much less than that which ostensibly took place in the first video?

Which are you three favs?

Azumanga Daioh, NGE, and Cowboy Bebop. The fourth would be Gundam Wing, but haven't seen it since the 90s.

8 minutes of power left

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No, but people are waking to AI being mostly a scam.

As evidenced by the numerous drops of liquid on the subject's skin at the beginning of the second video it is evidence that this is not the subject's first squirt and therefore a lower volume is to be expected.


do you think we'll get an appearance by the green bastard, from parts unknown?

Wel if you don't watch it, it's your loss.

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women are such weird creatures. what could be the purpose of these functions of the body

You mean pissing?


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How did it go today?!?!

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In the absence of the full video, it is impossible for the defendant to prove that the droplets on the subject's skin were produced via squirting.
The jury should also note that the ability to squirt a sizeable amount of liquid is not a universal trait among women, and the ability to do so multiple times in a single session is even rarer.

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-1.01% according to Fidelity, which means I undid my clean +1% from yesterday and then some.

Guess I'm not hitting that new round number today...

I was -1200 unrealized yesterday and today I'm -700.


Double top, RSI bearish divergence

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-1.06%. I am stuck bagholding SOXL and MSTZ.

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I told you yesterday that SOXL is never hitting 30 again. Get out now before we're back in the single digits.

it's over

crabby day

+1.5% thanks to Giantess pump

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i'm fucked

Eyewitness testimony confirms that the subject did indeed squirt multiple times in one session and this can be confirmed by viewing more of the subject's performances on other website. This performance in particular confirms claims of squirting unassisted by means of a supposed tubular water dispensation apparatus.
spankbang.com/80ocq-f39g1j/playlist/cute eli

Don't think that was me. The person I talked to yesterday told me to hold because it was a temporary downturn. I wish I'd talked to you because I bought in at $28.82. Down -6.4% now.

were you the one in Dell?

Fuck. This is just another example of why, contrary to my mother's assertions, I couldn't be a lawyer.

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MINOOS 0.01 thanks to a failed BOIL scalp attempt but was worse before a successful BOIL scalp attempt.

no, i am trying to kill MSTR via MSTZ now though (it won't work)

up about 0.7%.

You have lost a case yet gained the knowledge of feminine big cums

my mom used to say I would have made a good lawyer, too. But I'm pretty sure that that was just because I argued about everything, and I think she meant it as a backhanded compliment

kick ass, BLESSED

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Down 0.71%, but still up for the week so far

why was the ability to feel pleasure given only to women... its not fair

Down like 7%. Fuck me for hoping KODK pumped. Sold off some non-performers and went 60/40 on RKLB/TSLA.

I am going to kill the SOXL_shill. Not in Minecraft.

The absolute state of bongland

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lad is autistic too as I understand it.

It's quite amazing to me what these little Zyn pouches have done is such a short time. I'm a 20 years smoker and I literally quit in 3 weeks by introducing Zyn's in to cut back. Now I don't even want to smoke a cigarette anymore.

enjoy thanksgiving, faggots

similar experience. i don't even think they have any real risks of oral cancer. can also get fucked up more on them with less effort. great invention.

They are just nicotine salts, so there is absolutely no carcinogens or anything in them. It's a blessing.

Greetings, fellow retards!
I kneel.
In my case, it was because my parents filed for a restraining order against a guy who tried to strangle me (I fought back using moves I learned in Uncharted). My lawyer said I was smart and did well in court, which pleased my mom.

Also, why does DING DING DING post have so many replies? Looks like market top to me.

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Ive tried them and Im not completely sold on them. I like smoking something and getting a little head rush.

a guy who tried to strangle me.

Elaborate please.

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I'm just sitting in my long term holds now, feels like the Trump rally has run out of steam and we need a pullback

I started out that way, but there is so much nicotine in these pouches that it basically makes smoking worthless. I usually ended up putting out my cigarette half way through.

To me it kinda looks like a repeat of 2021 euphoria. Back then we also saw tons of pump n dumps + crypto going up and people chasing after all kinds of vaporware. I don't like this. Right now I just hold S&P, GOOG, MAIN and KKR, but I probably should rotate into S&P only.

women are such weird creatures.

women wall so hard by 23 these days

no I wasted my day by looking at charts and ended up 1% down

Yesterday a whale call to push MSTR from 344 to 390 was announced. Today a whale call to keep MSTR below 400 was announced.

Most of my port is eth :)

We wuz emporers and shit

This is the pullback.

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very gay bear posts. i think spys new floor is 5.8k and bitcoins new floor is $90k.

I was playing rec soccer, and one my teammates started talking shit about my goalkeeping skills and took my gloves. After he conceded a goal two minutes later, I made a snarky comment and walked away, but he threw the ball directly in my face and then strangled me.
I was 13, and he was 18 with a record of bad behavior. Their lawyer tried to pay us off with $100 to drop the case because the result was inevitable.

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I'm not a bear. I'm just considering how to position myself. I rotated into value stocks in 2021Q3 and I don't regret that.

Would you like me to find the chud, kidnap him, throw him in my dungeon, and take his bussy while scoopsies is forced to watch and smell?

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See just like. Everything I watch is always like this. It was fine. Okay even. Would it matter if I never watched it. No it wouldn't. You are now aware that all of life is like this.

down $500 or so
sold off $30k of QLD yesterday because I was expecting a pullback though

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while scoopsies is forced to watch and smell?


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He's spirling and won't make us a video.

I'm just lounging around watching Himouto! Umaru-chan. Trying to decide if I should order out for dinner. I don't have to be to work until next monday.

won't make us a video


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I told them I was making one this weekend and they are being impatient.

I'm just lounging around watching Himouto! Umaru-chan.


Trying to decide if I should order out for dinner.


I don't have to be to work until next monday


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You said the same thing last week. And maybe the week before that.

said the same thing last week


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What is everyone having for dinner?

I'm making rotini. Sauteing mushrooms and onions now.

that pic

Fruity ass nigga

I'm thinking taco bell. Don't feel like cooking the day before Thanksgiving.
I know but I'm serious this time.


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Could use a hand here.

have 100,000 in cash

buy 200,000 of stock in margin account

I used all my margin today and I'm up. Why am I being margin called? I thought that 100,000 cash was the collateral. why did they let me borrow max margin then margin call me when i'm up?

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Just close your browser.

just walk away from the computer and close my eyes, of course. thank you my brother. didn't realize it was so easy. i'm going to make so much money!


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That Pedro guy looks like he smells and the other actor looks too brown. The movie just gives me thoughts of smells, no thanks. And Denzel for dei? I am good, thanks.
Maybe a HD stream online.

That's what I'm here for.

depression is setting in

There is this screen on your account that will show like how much margin is available and clearly you went over it. It also depends how risky the stock. So like they may let you 200% Disney, but not SAVA.

No thanks, this looks like indian food
Pretty sick of indians desu
20 years ago, reading Harry Potter, I had no idea "patel" was an indian name. Now, today. these subhumans are the highest percentile immigrants to North American

muh new FAG FAD

I quit cigs cold turkey years ago and that was that. No FAG replacements needed. Just stop smoking is all you have to do. You don't smoke another cig.

It did a google search for life sucks. One of the websites the first thing they asked the person (who said life sucks and how to improve) was what did they do for a living and how much money they made. It was very savage.

No reason to be a chud. You should be happy for me. Let me guess, you also drink your coffee black?

do push ups or lift weights until your body hurts so much you cry about that instead of your gay brain sadness

Unironically yes I do. Great Value Columbian. I am sure that's what they drank on Little House on the Prairie.

Sounds like some shitty wes Watson scam

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what did they do for a living and how much money they made

50% of Americans less than 45k.
In my online games so many people talk shit, but 50% of Americans make less than 45K and the average European networth is 45k.
And some guy, the same guy, every guy would say

but but my college roommate is a 1% and he depressed

And I just say, he is young, once he hits 30, he won't be.

Some dumb fucks in my online game keep telling

money does not buy happiness

At that point, I don't even know what to say lol

Boy look at them FUTURES going down even moar

Stocks for people who are too retarded to trade stocks? Asking for a friend, of course.

money market funds until after THA GREAT HEEM TO COME then start DCAing into SCHD and SCHG

bald people with beards make me icky

found it. sold what i needed, i think. the warning went away. never had to do that before.

wtf is wrong with yall niggas

-0.01%. I slurped the bottom today which was nice

slurped the bottom today

gay af

slurped the bottom today which was nice

sus af

Anons are taking 2:1 margins on risky stocks

Cashbros, can you say generational top signal?

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Its pretty rough down here too, I understand why large tech companies are so profitable. They import indians for all jobs they can't send overseas and these immigrants don't care if they're paid like shit because they just want to be here. I've seen a previously white area in the south filled with them, not long before the whites flee.

not to mention

the day before literal WWIII starts so that everyone is sad and angry during Charlie Brown then the JEWS take profits during JEW ONLY HOURS and GOYIM markets gap down 42%

you are such a retarded nigger just ask your broker to enable AH

wtf is wrong with yall niggas

its real lawya hours, who da fucc up?

t. faggot top slurpers who make no money

youre polish

Just got back from taco bell. Literally took 30 minutes to get through the line in my small town of fucking 10 people. At least the employees were nice and even wished me a happy thanksgiving. My dad is making smoked brisket, turkey breast, smoked sausage, and pierogi tomorrow. Pretty excited.

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wtf is that recovery

didn't look at the market since the dump. Tech got up quite a bit. And now 1 1/2 hours ago SPX also just did a jump as if it is something compulsory it has to do

the bottom

Let's hope so

Glowies couldn't kill trump, couldn't rig the election either, so the only thing left for them to do is tank the markets. We will be in a recession 1 year after trump takes office. Cap this.

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Are you going to make a video about it?
If not, then your prediction doesn't count

How do the people in the land of the free live with this victim mentality? How can you mock us europeans for being unfree when you literally make up theories about special power structures? We know that the EU isn't perfectly democratic and it needs an overhaul. But I don't think there is some kind of organization behind it all that pulls the strings. How would then Germany for example act so different compared to france and other countries? "Old" Parties not doing big moves is because of reasons of stability and them wanting to be elected again. If newer parties like the Greens in germany try to do change, look at how they instantly receive hate

/smg/ is getting worse

enshittification comes for us all

every smg is the worst smg ever
dont make me tap the sign

Absolutely flat

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im nestled in to my AMD all-in position. hoping to go into a coma to outwait the tank

Mercedes Benz SLK

This music is bad whereever you are it seems

I have 700 intel shares, 60 Google, 30 MSFT and 30 AMZN. What the fuck do I buy next week? Have 50k cash deposit on monday

So now there'll be 2 days of just futures moving.

It's literally in your name.

These types of songs are the best ads for Mercedes, Rolex, Prada... Insert random luxury brand.

Probably something that complements your tech heavy position like consumer defensive or even a market etf. Although that doesn’t look like your cup of tea so probably buy more of what you own and throw in some NVDA. But why take advice from a poor fag?

what a loser lmfao

i like $hood $wmt $mstr $ba and $lunr

What goes through their minds when they make this music, why is one dude chilling with a bunch of other dudes lmfao
what a fucking loser
dont rich people just fuck off and chill? Why you want to be around other people?

Do they get the memes wrong on purpose? Are they really that dense?

idk I guess I don't understand the knee surgery meme. That's the first one I've seen that makes me feel like an out of touch old man.

Have 100 NVDL, forgot about it

What's up with those sweeney sydney eyes by bongs?

Aren't markets open on Friday?

why is one dude chilling with a bunch of other dudes lmfao

You're cool if you're in the vidio.

I made some spicy ketchup with tabasco sauce
and i think i might have made it too spicy

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i think i might have made it too spicy

If your anus burns while pooping in the next 48h you probably did.

You have the WEF, literally the yuropoor version if glowies.

Shares of Dell and HP each sank about 13% after both companies issued downbeat outlooks that cast doubt on an AI-driven market recovery for PCs reut.rs/412rPxV

Meanwhile the Nasdaq is still up high, with companies like TSLA (shitcars), AAPL (china demand crumbling), Marvell (Lol lmao), AMD (KEK), Aspen Technology (wtf), ARM (and a leg)

Even Intel's price is more rational.

Meanwhile SMCI is about to be delisted and the stock is up 100% in a week.

the covid tech boom is just over. dunno why people are still bag holding soxl and whatever else. your average tech stock unperformed the s&p index this year.

can you even call dell/hp tech companies anymore? like, personal computers have been a thing for over three decades. Hardly in the same class as shit like nvda and google. Microwaves are technology too. GE if you want to get loosey goosey with what it takes to be a tech company nowadays. they're more of a consumer goods company now.


Why take so many risks when 100k is a good foundation for 500k and then 1 million?


doesn't mention MSTR

MSTRmigos we're so back.

But what alternative do companies use? Also, they sell stuff that they buy from NVDA.

Yeah, for SOXL it's over.


it's so boring

i upgraded my PC and my oled is on the way so i can keep my mind off ai dashcams while it does nothing

i got a lg c3 early this year and use it all day every day its great.

quit your job and come fuck ladyboys with me faggot

But what alternative do companies use? Also, they sell stuff that they buy from NVDA.

they have always bought and sold stuff from nvda. I am talking more in how people think about tech companies. people mean innovative technology companies. New tech being made. dell and hp have sold the exact same shit for twenty years. laptops are not any different. desktop computers are not different. servers are not different. they have slightly better specs but that is just how goods progress. people buy new computers like they buy new sneakers. Its functionally the same shoe. it does the same shit. it's not "new technology." just like we dont call car companies tech companies because they release "new" cars that have "innovations" such as a big ipad in the center console and a slightly better miles per gallon than last years version. they didnt create new techology- just like dell and hp dont create new technology. it's just a new-er iteration of the exact same shit from last year. they arent tech companies. all goods get more efficient as they always have.

okay, but only if they’re children

did you get banned again?
never change, scoops

another dead german company.

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do you have a child sized penis? they're asians, get a 4 foot tall one that's already done growing. Google Tiny Miu

I wonder if germans know how close they are to having a smaller gdp than commiefornia

But they are trying to sell computers as something new, as "AI-Computers". There is at least the attempt. Same with EV that caused a hypepump as they were a new technology.

Americans killed it, unironically. Or let's say the CEO who bought an american company to add into the portfolio did.

Hey scoops I got a video you might like. I dont' want to link it, but go to YT and search "kalinka before:2009 after:2007"
It should be one of the top few. You'll know which one it is.

And the same will and shall happen with VW that invests not just 5 billion, but now 5,6 billion USD into Rivian while closing down plants here and breaking contracts etc.

You cant turn 100k into a mil withou taking risk

It would be absolutely hilarious if Thiel sucked Trump off so hard that Trump declared a BTC reserve and then China pulled the plug on Tether and caused a total crypto meltdown. What are the chances?

More parcels to arrive tomorrow by ALIBABA. God bless Shenzhen. 1 week delivery

the covid tech boom is just over

friendly reminder:
"previous bubbles never pop"

if the tether fud was real they would've rug pulled by now. i think more corpos are going to get into crypto grifts as long as it proves profitable. there's obviously still lots of investor interest in crypto.

i would love if they just handed over the government to thiel/musk but they probably won't go full into it since the average normie still thinks bitcoin and the stock market is a scam or too complicated. would make people like me tons of money though.

Their logistics system is insane, if you're there in a big city you can get grocery delivery within the hour and ship across the country in a few days. Not surprised if Meituan's earnings continue to grow despite their economic slowdown, lots of newly jobless people also work for them by being delivery riders.

bubbles just cool off and typically reignite some years later.

that was pretty fucking tame, my man
I was expecting a nudist family documentary or some shit

New thread

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I would say that you should take measured risks like waiting and stacking cash for the inevitable "big dip" next year when the yen carry trade totally unravels for real, but then I'm going to buy a bunch of shit like MSTU on friday because it looks like bitcoin will have a fat liquidity pump and I want to make 20,000 bucks in a week on that move so who am I to judge?