OTK & Company / Twitch Gossip

"I'm sweating all the way to level 25". So the goal is trying to group with Emi tomorrow most likely. But I think it's gonna fall short a bit because it's gonna slow down at 20 with at least 2 hours per level. They could still group though

Anything interesting happened so far?

He's not making it to 25 but he's on pace to end at 22-23

What's his goal did he say it?


Oh so they're definitely duoing again then (miz and emi)

As long as he is within 2ish levels with her they can still group

Hope this character makes it since its name is miz it’s perfect. He’s on good pace rn

Isn't this kinda weird to see emi completely MIA when miz is active? I swear i think i never saw this lol usually both are active orome of them shows some sign when the other one is active.

not really

On wow? Maybe because she's waiting for him?

Maybe im just thinking too much about it

No it happens all the time

People said she's on her period, for all we know she could be sleeping all day

Maybe a little odd if she doesn’t log into wow today. But nothing wrong with having a day away from her pc.

#mizkif alykitty_: @itswednesday247 shut up ur clueless
I think she physically can't, this is what aly said to a retard saying Miz is not letting her play

So sick, blind or not home lol

"you made emi stop playing"

She did log in a for a little bit yesterday I think

Last thread people said she hinted at being on her period

I think she physically can't

must be period cramps.

Yeah she pretty much said she was and starting to get sick. She’s probably took a couple days off to get right.

She did, still was willing to keep playing for longer before Miz died. It's not such a big deal, it's Emi, she just going to take any excuse to not stream, waiting for Miz and not feeling good it's better than her usual. Last time she was "addicted to stream" also skipped a bunch during Miz 2 weeks break.

If he dies can’t he just delete and remake a miz?

Not sure. Esfand had to pull some strings to get mizkif idk how he got miz

Did aly say she physically can’t or did you? If she didn’t then nothing implies that

you are right, emi is waiting for miz. but it's not just because miz told her to wait, it's also because she wants to. and those simps know it, which is why they're crying is he's chat

Jesus oro and aly love mizs chat they’re always in there nowadays

he did

Can you read?

is it the same new accounts who've only followed him the past week. that's what it mostly was last time they played. Seemed like just some weirdo on alts.

"he" lmao

holy shit, almost died again

bro he is so fucking lucky LMAOOOO

jesus that's what I see as soon as I tune in, Maybe I stop watching.

actual 0 awareness

B also says I have a large cock which I know isn't true


He literally said he hasn't talked to emi about it ...
twitch.tv/videos/2312509188? t=31m20s

Damn he deleted before I could tell him to kill himself


Are you clicking enter after the question mark?

he may have talked to her last night, probably over discord. said he chatted with a girl about a game.

He literally says he hasn't talked to her

about the podcast situation specifically.

So he was chatting with emi but somehow the main thing tying them together didn't come up? Use your fucking brain

Everything is about miz and emi to these retards

i mean yeah, why not?

What do you mean why not? Do you understand that the only reason they talk is because of the podcast?

that the only reason they talk is because of the podcast?

this is just not true.

i used to think i was retarded until i started realizing some of these people werent baiting and actually believed the shit they typed

Yeah man, their podcast is in a precarious position right now, but they just decided to chat deliberately choosing not to talk about the very volatile situation

That's not true, they talk about games and stuff as well, they both have said this before. They're friends whether you like it or not, but the whole her hanging out with him last night is a stretch.

They are work friends because of the podcast, there's a reason they don't hang out otherwise

can you name any other girl asmon has mentioned talking about games with other than emi? because i cant.

They are work friends because of the podcast

once again, you are wrong.

Yeah over when they are at the steak and eggs set

Why wouldn’t he name emi now? He has no problem mentioning her lmao

im just asking what other girl does asmon talk to or hang out with in austin?

Asmon has IRL friends he hangs out with every weekend btw, he often shows pictures too lol stop making everything about Emi and Miz

Can you explain why he wouldn't name emi or why the podcast situation wouldn't be brought up?
Nope, I'm literally right

They’ll argue that “nobody mentions emi” ignoring the fact that everytime someone talks/hangs with her, they run to their stream and tell everyone

You seem well versed in asmon’s life, you must know his personal friends

i'm so glad that podcast is over. i like emi but i hated tectone so much some of it leaked to emi. i'm so happy i no longer going to hear that fucking obnoxious voice again

I remember a huge asmon shipping surge right before kaise came. Not everything is about emi

speaking of, I see he didn't stream again today what happened to that 24hr time limit for an apology

Not saying that it can't be emi but i'm sure there are plenty of women in OTK/MM/Mythic that he may have contact to because of the business, emi is just the only one people know of because he does on air content with her through the podcast. But nobody knows what the fuck asmon is even doing off stream

Should've never said anything, maybe one or two tweets defending himself but that stream was awful

Couldnt bully his way out this time

i don't know and i'm glad i have the option to no longer care. he is no longer on otk and will never collab with miz again(i hope so). i'm so happy.

i'm so glad that podcast is over.

What did I miss? Is this real? Or theories?

Yes S&Es is over, they could rebrand and replace Tectone but they haven't said anything

but they haven't said anything

So it's not over.... Jfc just wait for an actual statement stop theorizing in absolutes

I read here that emi implied the podcast was done when Knut was talking about doing an episode at the gym

yo, completly cut myself from emikif a month ago, last time i was here people were having a funeral, wtf happened for veryone to be back on the ride again ?

S&Es is over, Tectone said on stream he's not doing it anymore

They got back together

Emi went over to Miz's (was on the cat cam) the night she got back from Japan and everything has been peachy since

Yeah and they are playing wow together too

is that all from the last 2(?) weeks or have there been hints of them going to sleep at each others ?

The night she came back from Japan she was spotted at miz's house

Well on 1 day she had to wake up to go to San Antonio with exem, for always on her show with exem, they started stream coming away from miz's house and towards emi's house, emi said exem picked her up and that she picked her up at 10am, miz also had discord mobile logs at 9:30am he hadn't had discord logs that early in weeks since then, also people also have emi's approximate address as well that's how we know she came from miz's that day.

She slept at his house after friendsgiving and the next night too when she came over to play LAN wow

Yeah basically back to normal since she came back from Japan

This was also her on cat cam picking up food at the front door at like 1 am after Esfands Friendsgiving stream. Also likely EE picked her up from his place the day of the "Always On" drifting stream.
Also before the friendsgiving stream she accidently ordered food to miz's house on her stream meaning his address was probably her most recent used. So she ordered food to his house at some point before what you see in the webm.

Delivery.webm - 508x784, 929.13K

They were basically coming away from miz's towards emi's house

and thats all it takes ofr everything to be back to normal, one instance ? i mean sure, happy for my emikif brothers :)
not going back in the rabbid hole tho, hope everthing stays well :)

Did you choose to ignore all the other replies on purpose? lmfao should've seen it coming

didnt see all the added answers*

nice :)

They were playing wow together and miz told her to come over in the middle the stream lmao

sorry im not a baiter i swear :(

Are you trying to convince yourself?

IMG_2678.jpg - 1290x816, 376.94K

Read mine I put so much work into it :(

It's not him, I remember french anon

fuck i meant anyways, im happy :)

what was "todays incident" ?

Playing with emi on Monday

Wrong thing it was her coming over

Did emi type in her chat today?

thats wild lol

goddamn that nigga is gay asf

Anyone know why Noman got banned?
Emi typed "Awk." seconds after she banned Noman

Said Awk. after banning notorious paypig and complainer noman7997

Yes she banned a long time tier three sub for talking about her being lazy not streaming but being on other peoples streams.

What time?

10 min ago

So maybe a stream?

I think that Emi went home to Kansas for Thanksgiving today and tomorrow while Miz catches up in levels. Those chat logs today were from mobile (The capital A and double spacebar punctuation)

that guy did the same level of complaining as people like dave_byte, groovypls, and several other offliners. they should get the ban too, all those people do is complain. annoying mothafuckas

Or she's just in her bed

possibly. hasn't she gone back for Thanksgiving the past couple years?

No. They were playing WoW on Thanksgiving last year. I specifically remember them going live late and Miz being very grumpy. Maybe she made him talk to her family lol

I think it's possible, but we'll find out tomorrow I guess.

Classic Kansas

Ah ok, do you know what the second part of the sentence means

Didn’t aly hint earlier in mizs chat at Emi not being able to play?

no he is right
"reddit is Anon Babble's kid and Anon Babble isn't for kids"

Didn't emis mom call her onstream a week ago and emi said she will call her later? What if she actually went to kansas it's not a far reach desu

it was a sunday and she got back from japan it is a reach

Anybody got the exact timestamp when emi and miz show up for Thanksgiving?

On Saturday she said she was going to stream yesterday, I really don't think there's any kind of evidence of her being on Kansas. Unless she decided to go after Miz died since she knew he was going to be busy for a couple of days.

Also doubtful she would be in chat banning people if she was at her parents'

ya if anything she ditched cause she was sick and on her period. didn't she say in the begging of her alt that she was starting to feel sick?

the aly msg is interesting do we think she actually knows why she ditched on Tuesday or is she just guessing like the rest of us

she knows

She is talking like she knows.

What did Aly say?

#mizkif alykitty_: @itswednesday247 shut up ur clueless

itswednesday247: you made emi stop playing

They dont show up together do they ?


It would be funny if Emi doesn't stream tomorrow and instead duos with Miz all night

she'll just do that on stream assuming miz can get close to her level today

Probably get to level 23 today

im not hopeful after seeing what he just did lmfao

Like in person? It would be amusing if Miz starts stream and she's already sitting in the background ready to play

He doesn't realize it's the tank's responsibility to see if everyone's ready before pulling since they're the ones engaging.

Pull up some purple clothing and be Wendy Testaburger for the South Park theme

he's so bad holy fuck

just rage pulling everything

pffttt.png - 423x411, 73.08K

Miz is genuinely bad at warrior

I don't think that one was on him.

it was, he charged in and pulled everything in that room. then ran backwards and pulled a patrol.

He pulled but didn't realise

at least his character didnt die but jesus fuck, never let this man lead again

What happened? He didn't die?

Miz pulled the pat, but they played that terribly.

he got to like 40 health or something, got giga lucky with aggro coming off of him

he got someone else killed, basically
rest of the group lived

I think Lirik pulled the mobs from behind

Thank god he lived idc about anyone else lol

Nvm Miz pulled everything lol

Same but he really is bad. If he does that again he will die

And he kind of made sure to run before announcing it to everyone else. He really didn't want to die lol

It's not about class skill, he doesn't get into these situations all the time because he presses sunder armor at the wrong moment or something, it's because he is impatient and loses all awareness easily. It took 20 minutes into the dungeon for him to start pulling packs while ignoring that his group isn't ready just because it's not going quick enough for his adhd

this is why he shouldnt lead anything lmao, let a patient and competent person do it

Did that show emi online when he pulled up his friends?

Just has the launcher open,

Miz once again proving hes the content, while further cementing himself as the worst player in the guild

Also want to add that his ego doesn't help im either in that matter, the more people call him a bad wow player the crazier he wants to go with his "gameplay", he also didn't mind to rewatch the situation to actually learn what he did wrong

You guys think he’ll reach 25 before midnight cst

Maybe not tonight

I genuinely think he dies, hope I’m wrong but he plays so wreckless

i have not faith in him. he'll probably die

He's only 19, if he does a 24hr he could

hasn't he also only slept like 3hrs in like the last 30? lol

Something like that

I assumed he started so early so he could do a 20+ hour stream

He said 12 more hours 6 hours ago, so probably off at midnight

Unironically this Sardaco rp is better than how he was playing before, fucking retard

Yeah he’s playing way better

Emi active on twitter now she's probably going live soon

I don't get understand the logic of some anons sometimes.

I can explain my logic.

She didn't stream yesterday.

She was inactive until now (besides a ban and Awk.)

She is going to stream today

she wont go live now, she will just be chilling watching Miz level

Oh god he wasn't even trolling

Was she watching miz at all today?

you should explain this to a psychiatrist lil bro

cant tell with chatterino up

Theres no way of knowing, but i like to assume she is lol

He said she was in Kansas earlier lol guess the twitter activity meant she flew home too.

i changed my evaluation after the twitter replies

she just replied to the girl miz killed on twitter. luxx.

Miz called mary emi in that dungeon lol

She follows her on twitter

Emi replied to a girl asking about the necklace and tried to play it off with a "honestly I just forgot to take it off *crying laughing emoji*" as if we wouldn't have noticed she hasn't taken the thing off for a month and a half straight at this point with or without her cosplaying. Gift section under 'For Her" and she's wearing it like its a part of her

Bit of a coincidence she replies to her while she is in call with miz

She replied to a lot of people to be fair.

Agree it's weird. Think her finally acknowledging it means she and miz might be done for good and she's not wearing it anymore. Otherwise why draw attention to it with a response


Do you think you've fooled one person yet?

Might be taking the chance to give an excuse for it publicly, and Miz brought up Emi in a few jokes earlier in the stream with a smirk about her maybe hiring undead assassins to kill him in dungeons he they are fine

anyone know what vivienne westwood necklace that is btw

Also yo ID guy

You responded to the id changing guy


Top of the 'For Her' section in the Gifts category when I looked, right beside the matching bracelet

I knowwwwwww


there it is

baiters in shambles

He was messaging someone on discord for a while

They can they're a couple levels apart? I'm clueless in wow btw

He just did a dungeon with a 24 and emi is a 25

They probably won't, she's too high level.

Yes you can, they won't really benefit from it since they're so far apart in levels other than just better gear I guess.

Just won't be much if anything for her to gain xp or gear wise, but helping her duo level up to hers is a gain

Yes but it's worthless for Emi

They can do deadmines even tho 25 is a bit high for it, but no way they quest together with a gap of 5 levels

Miz just asked if theres anything he can do with Emi

more fun for her than just waiting, but probably will get irritating that she will be potentially risking her hardcore character without much benefit for her character

So he really did set this up so he wouldnt fuck up his sleep schedule while levelling up to catch Emi

good pussy made a nigga stay up 24hrs and level on wow emi really is a succubus


What did chat say

and good dick made a bitch come over to his house after a long flight from japan. it goes both ways for them <3

no (because he kinda cant shes 5 levels up)

Now we know that everything's cool, odds on that clip of a car noise leaving/near Mizs was actually Emi and they hung out for a few hours before he went live ?

my favorite pair of retards


You're gonna anger ze German

I don't know what clip but yeah most likely they hung out before he went live

That car was loud as fuck and right in front of the house, but I'm not a log guy and don't remember shit so I just won't write it off

Should be able to when he gets to 23

Can't get me out of your head :)

what are yall talking about. there was a car noise today when he went live in the morning?

It's fine even 22, they quest together in the same zone and he catches us

Wait this is news to me, when did this happen?


What time was it tho? Right after miz started?

4 AM

I'm so nervous he's going to die. We are so close to getting another emikif duo stream

its very possible if he's doing solo leveling while tired/distracted

They will both die multiple times the next few months, just enjoy it when it happens

I want them to both have deaths so it's less one sided between them, but Miz would get shit on by everyone and crashout again so maybe not worth unless she dies to random high level npcs or some shit when they are separately prepping for a duo dungeon

I think that's emi's car

If he dies, its funny, he gets mad and goes again. If she dies, she actually gets upset, then goes again. Her dying is way less fun

So like an a hour apart from him going live ?

Unless simpkif comes through with the suicide to level with her again organically to preserve vibes and duo content


she's made up 2 excuses now?

i forgot to take it off

it's hard to take off by myself

I doubt he does, but soda might let him level a alt to heal her

lol Knut exposing t10Klat

Hey guys, Testchar here.

Shame the thanks giving meal wont be live streamed tomorrow

Look whose fucking there lmao

The twitter one is a dead giveaway if you pay as much attention as we do, she adjusts that necklace to show when she has a sweater or hoodie over it, she faces it the other way when her cosplay or clothes clip to it so on so forth. I'm never gonna buy that she doesn't pay attention to it, along with all the other context clues alongside it

Wdym? Are they together?

Testschar doesn’t want miz to die lol. He started playing careless and he showed up

idk. He was just saying how Arrav was simping for Nat and wanted to make sure he was at miz's the other night when she came back.

He is starting to run around in autopilot and just read a chat message that said the stream is boring, let's see if he is still alive in an hour lmao

Miz confirming again he plans on duoing with emi all the way

Btw miz just said that he will still be playing with emi at level 50, i guess they completely commited to the duo now

Good duo

Hmm why only 50?

he read someone in chat saying he wants to see him and emi die together as a duo at 50

He said that's the point where it will get scary for him and emi, because then they actually can easily kill each other with bad plays

Oh lol

He just said he is playing with emi this stream lol.

Yeah another #ad first idk how he's still up.

I think he’s just baiting her for the ad

Idk it's still 8pm

didn't sound like bait. And earlier in the stream he was asking chat if there was anything he could do with emi right now. (at his level)

"I'm only playing solo" btw
What changed?

they stopped being petty about cosplay pics and resolved their issues it seems

They made up after their fight. Would have been too weird to completely go back on that straight away so they waited a couple of streams before returning to the original plan of duoing.

Miz's autism really is on full display when someone gets him a gift lol twice today he looked like he didnt know how to react

tbf that was pretty crazy gift by Jay kind of out of nowhere. I would feel weird taking that in the same situation too just because it was a guitar that you know probably has a bunch of sentimental value for him.

He has always been the speechless at gifts kinda guy over the years, so it's nothing new

guitar that you know probably has a bunch of sentimental value for him.

The guitar is an insane gift, all the signatures and everything on it was for Miz. Jay said he'd been working on the idea since the last guild. So its not sentimental to him, just a gift hes put incredible effort into

so it's nothing new

I know, just something that was made very evident today with it being b2b gifts.

Damn he got all those in the past year? Okay I stand corrected then.

It was pretty clear there was something going on between them when they had those plans

Those plans were that emi didn’t want to play

Miz said she didn’t even know if she wanted to play wow two weeks ago, I think he said it during the first day they played together

I’m sure she had her reasons, whether it was a fight with Miz or she thought it would flop or she was unwilling to put in the time. Im not trying to glaze him but Miz doing the LAN first day was a good idea to get normies to get interested in the guild

Yeah, the full effect of his south park idea showed the next day when the people who saw the posts on twitter flooded the stream at normal people hours. That just shows the potential of that kind of idea when executed well

She has to be stupid to doubt Miz and Soda at this point, I don’t believe that would be a factor

Seemed like she was planning a lot of content with Nick after the Miku shit. Maybe she planned on those collabs and normal games to carry her through. Then changed her mind after Miz got back from LA and they talked

Was she? Haven't heard of this

only the cosplay collab iirc, maybe people thought they had collabs lined up since they were talking more than usual (as far as we know)

She said they had been talking about doing more collabs, but only the cosplay one was actually locked in.

Nick was bragging about it a LOT. he would talk on his streams about being with Emi then Emi said she only went because of/for Extra Emily.
Nick was originally the first person who mentioned Emi not playing in OnlyFangs

Odds on Emi being one of the people Fanfan said "dipped their feet in"

Nick was bragging about it a LOT

Never seen anybody talking about it here, only the cosplay with Arther and Nick, do you have any examples?

Nick talking out of his ass as usual lmao

He wasn't really "bragging" about it, it was more like he kept mentioning her hanging out with him.

Happened twice and emi specified she was just there because of emily lmao

That's not what I asked lmfao a guy said they had a lot of collabs planned

one cosplay equals "a lot of content" apparently

maybe this dude just really really likes cosplay

a LOT.

He made that hottub comment the day after the first of the two times she was there, I don't think he mentioned ever again. The rest was just him talking shit about OnlyFangs on his discord.
You people really need to stop going to Anon Babble, just like this "Now we know that everything's cool", like what the fuck do you think happened in two days? Emi skipping a stream like she does every week?

Some anons just like to assume the worst now because of the miku incident, but yeah also too much Anon Babble seeping into their brains too.

"Now we know that everything's cool", like what the fuck do you think happened in two days? Emi skipping a stream like she does every week?

Oh wow I didn't even catch that post lol, yeah some of the people in here are hilariously insecure

"Now we know that everything's cool"

thought he was talking about the miku shit lmfao that's crazy. letting those shitters get so far inside ur head is crazy.

I didnt think anything was wrong, maybe i just worded it poorly. I was more trying to see what people thought after it got completely shot down by baiters last night

by baiters

So /b? You basically proved anon's point

Half the Anon Babble threads is shg posting on cooldown, if something bad really happens you're going to know, Emi can't hide her emotion at all.

No in bant//. Baiters got a little brave because it was clear miz was home all day so the car sound got shot down instantly. I asked again now because baiters clearly arent here rn

Nobody ever talked about the car on /bant afik

They did, i got the link from the archived thread

archived thread

Not archived but a tab i hadnt closed

I might be blind but I don't see it lol

For what’s it worth, I think emi liked the group content Nick did but when it slowly turned into shipping with both him and Arther, she decided to stay away

What level is miz?


It's fine, I don't think you were baiting, I'm sorry if I single you out. Just don't let retards get into your head when there was zero evidence of anything being wrong.

Aly removed a bunch of the gaming gauntlet emotes that shittywatercolor made

aly added it back
AlyKitty_: actually
AlyKitty_: we can keep that one

highfive.jpg - 902x478, 56.24K

This one carries over and isn't tied to the gauntlet which won't be back for a long time if ever

I mean, doubt they ever go back to it. Hopefully he makes some cool wow art surprised he hasn't yet (unless I missed)

Does anyone have the clip or timestamp to the paraphrasing "You didn't know what to play 2 weeks ago"?
Because when I heard it I thought they meant which class she plays not if she played at all. Might have misunderstood

How long is this sponsor?

its over now hes just handing in the quests before logging out

Honestly wouldn't surprise me if he's a little annoyed that they squashed the whole challenge after he made that art for them, especially since they never organically got to show the victory art he drew for if they beat the entire thing.

No, pretty sure he straight up said Emi didn't want to play WoW at all
Nick did 2hrs

When did he say emi didn’t want to play?

Not today weeks ago

Don't remember, I think they were "arguing" and he randomly said that

a month ago, he's not talking recently

sponsor over miz opening wow right now

Miz getting back on wow

he's just doing his professions

It was like 3 days ago

Oh you guys are talking about the chat bait with "nick said emi isn't playing" to which miz replied?

Wasn't it literally a few days ago?

It's for the best, he looks barely awake, he already confirmed he's planning to duo with Emi at lest until lv 50 anyway.

yeah iirc he made some comment about that during one of their play sessions recently

I forgot he talked about it again, he first did in the LA stream about her not doing it at all. I don't really remember all he said the other day to be honest

I think that was the bait he was reading when Emi said she wants to try solo a day later. Also it was always in her schedule and planned her events around it

He said Emi told him 2 weeks ago that she didn't want to play

What I can picture is that the South Park idea was around for a while and they wanted to recreate it and there's no girl playing. Meanwhile have Emi level solo to prove herself as a story and then duo after

i dont really think all of the wow duo shit matters most people already know these retards script certain things to hide the fact the fuck like crazy

yea that's why i'm trying to get to. Since Miz admitted to it in his rant last time. "We tried to act angry with each other"

So is he gonna wow with emi?

He's fried and gonna at most fix his professions he said

Yeah he's fried

Miz said next stream Friday Guild shit and he'll continue trying to catch up to Emi since she lvls slower

playing offline to catch up or no

Doesnt seem like he will. Got thanksgiving stuff tomorrow

"emis going to level a little slower than me" suggests shes going to be levelling still which most likely means she will stream

Well if she doesn't and she doesn't show up to w/e knut is doing, She may actually have gone home for the holiday.

What is knut doing?

Why are people ignoring the fact that she's sick and on her period, is this an elaborate troll?

Knut is going to cook thanksgiving dinner for both houses but the actual dinner is going to be off stream because wake lost his parents and wants to experience a real thanksgiving

Seems like an early lights out for Beepo

he said he wants to start waking up at 11 instead of 2, so we'll see how long that lasts lol

he said his new years resolution was to start getting up at 11:30, which is the same one hes had for the last like 5 years. Its never happening