What does the AF movement even stand for?
What does the AF movement even stand for?
Giving Nick Fuentes money.
Looks like complaining and acting smug all day.
AF was always a honeypot and I'm glad its becoming more apparent. It's pretty sad though how many lost white boys fall for it.
Such a bullshit argument. Having white kids is not the solution. It's what happens on its own after the solution is carried out.
literally a gay spic who worships a jewish rabbi. what do you expect honestly?
He's literally a spic, what more do you need to explain
it's not a movement, it's a gay club where they all simp for Nick Fuentes
it's Anon Babble for right wingers
There can be no stable marriage again until instagram and the dating apps are destroyed
women can't resist FOMO
1 proxy away from gassing jews
you dont know how in danger you are op
Africa First
Having a wife and family is gay. It's more based to knock up women and walk away. Or better yet knock up another man's wife and make him take care of it.
Sucking nigger cock. And they're quite good at it
woman fucks niggers
ready to settle down
has white babies
"we're saving the white race"
Still pretending Nick "the veganistic meal supplement" Fuentesis part of MAGA
This, people just don't want to deal with what the actual solution entails
American Fags
I'm fine with passivism and homesteading and whatnot, but the 1,000 white babies it produces over a 5 year period is not going to outweigh the 10,000,000 immigrants brought in during that same timespan. The longer we wait the worse the civil war will be. There is no political or passive solution. Violence is the only way out.
they hated him because he spoke the truth
the type of fags to be like hurr the greeks were ackshully gay putting my dick in men's assholes is trad
Jews are behind everything prove me wrong, you can't
Migatards don't hate women, they're the ones putting pussy on a pedestral and suffering from the Women Are Wonderful Effect.
I will do anything to marry a white woman and pass my mutt genes so the white race can't be saved
There is no political or passive solution.
Idk mass deportation works pretty well
LMAO tradcucks literally took the original blonde blue-eyed femjak and replaced her face with the lesbian hapa wifejak bitch. This is a new low, even for tradcuck simps.
You guys don't fool anyone, we know you're all gay jewish feds
You guys sound really gay you know that?
Wifejak suddenly sprang up as a meme in like 2 hours a few nights ago, QRD on it and where it came from?
People are saying it's glow niggers but I wonder how much of it is the nofap/noporn redditor shills mad that all their campaigning/shaming here was netting them nothing but ridicule, so they're switching up tactics.
Psyop being astroturfed clearly. Just like 'woke right' means aware of the JQ. Its being pushed by the same people.
Buttsex in Botswana.
Just that smug drawn face alone outs you as a russian VPN faggot.
This meme muddies the water. The red hat is indicative of maga but the person is meant to be a groyper.
Who knows? They can never even answer when America was great.
It's just vibes, lil bro.
Astronomical Faggotry
Getting married today is gay but not for their faggot reason. There is nothing in it for a man getting married. Bitches today will leave as soon as things become a minor inconvenience. Alimony and absurd high child support. Good chance your kids aren’t your because they made sure maternity tests aren’t mandatory. Recently divorced anon and it was the best thing to happen to me. Never getting married ever again.
No that shit has been around for a while
Wojaks are so goddamned cringe
It doesn't matter if you have sex or not.
Funny how planned parenthood employee turned federal agent provocateur narc feduentes says all the things fed’s & adl shits want to hear if he’s not an informant.
But he is. Obviously.
groypers now dropping the mask about being trad or christian
being subservient to a woman is worse than getting fucked up the ass
Theres nothing subservient about being married to a woman you stupid faggot.
What does the AF movement even stand for?
-e-celeb drama
-giving Nick money
-manosphere brainrot
No, you fucking nigger. Demographics is the ONLY thing that matters.
Or you think that when the whites realize that all problems are because the Jew but now they are 10% of the population, what do you think will happen?
the white race
le white race
all of my politics are centered around the white race
If you think politics is about or can be about the white race you’re just a retard.
How does fucking get rid of spics and pajeets? No retarded neoliberal can ever answer this question.
A groyper would say this since most of them aren't white.
just shitting out some kids isnt going to do anything unless you "plug the leaks" first. it's like scooping out water of a sinking boat with a spoon. It's cope, like praying to a kike
It has?
There was a flood of threads saying it was causing a lot of seething even though I’d never even seen it before
It’s just shills repackaging cuckservatism for the umpteenth time
marriage is dead cause its an anti-male scam
men are set up to lose everything, men dont even have rights to their own children
you will get divorce-raped and become a slave paying alimony and child support - or you get jailed
change the anti-male laws before you advocate for it
We just need to reprod00ce harder!
imports 10 million niggers to your state
Good luck out reprod00cing that, goy retards. Thanks for playing house for 10 years and doing nothing to oppose us.
yeah we might actulually have to bleed to take our countries back, no wonder people just cope by fucking and praying
this quote
Just because you aren't White doesn't mean it's White people's fault for your misery man.
They don't even realize they're dropping the mask, gays often don't know how gay they look, they have no self awareness
no. do both. If you cannot do both, do what you can.
It's literally not even a midwit tier filter. If you don't understand this, then you are just a literal retard.
You should try to find a wife and redpill her and have children and redpill them. You aren't going to be able to singlehandedly deport 10 million illegals. You can redpill a woman and wife her and impregnate her by yourself. It's within your power.
Seriously anyone stupid enough to fall for this shit deserves it
you just going to ask millions of invaders nicely? you think zognald will do it for you?? Goddamned normies man, fuck off my bored
Nothing real. It's just about being a chucklehead and doing gay-ops online. Still better than being a maga american.
anyone stupid enough to fall for this strawman deserves it
You’re jewish
looks like michael jackson in a wig
Whites will breed and jews will go the way of the Dodo mark my words. They had about 100 years of fun and now their race is over, no psyop or subversion will work again
Who are you arguing against, retard? Nick never said don’t have a family. He has only said that cuckservative faggots like yourself are useless which is true.
AF stands for "ass fuckers". It derives from when nick was dating catboykami.
More proof that AF stands for "ass fuckers".
Oi vey fall into the trap of modern marriage with modern women without dealing with the kikes and traitors first that has failed to up the birth rates in the first place
You wouldn't be trying to direct White men back onto some Jewish plantation would you?
Kill the thieves squatting on our grandfather's society first and then the whole population issue resolves itself. Notice the National Socialists didn't just sit around telling each other to marry up while doing nothing. They took power THEN forced whores to become housewives.
It’s true, what america first really is, is just Re moralizing “goyim” just in time to go die in another world fiction banking war while robbing everyone blind and getting surveillance technology into the human body to fully enslave humanity.
“the us is an international bankruptcy note corporation
Benjamin franklin was the first post master of America AND Canada.
In 1750 england changed its name from endland to england.
The word english used to be endland, it was changed to english to take advantage of people during contracting via parse trickery.
In 1775 Benjamin franklin changed the word endland to english in america as part of his contractual trickery.”
you're being replaced therefore you need to just give up and not get married or have a family
I am further being convinced that groypers are a glowie backed jewish psyop.
Kill yourself then. You being a salty woman hater on the internet isn't going to change the system.
Dude just do this impossible thing you can't do because I'm making it impossible for you
Why kill myself when killing the likes of you would actually help fix the problem? If garbage like you were dead you wouldn't be in my way, and we could do something about the hard barriers keeping me from forming a family
You won't do shit besides shill for a literal faggot on Anon Babble. Let's get real here.
nick the spic is an attention-seeking faggot and is promoting faggot ideals as he grifts off of his audience
musk is going to AI video games: polnewscentral.com
remember to catch Lu and Bo talking about Anon Babble threads every night at 8pm est pnnamerica.com
You deserve death if you have sex with another man's wife. So does the wife if she consented.
Ok achmed.
You won't do shit
Cool projecting fag, keep posting on here and telling people who physically can't get married under this system to get married, you're sure accomplishing a lot. Keep victim blaming and telling them it's their fault while offering no solution
victim blaming
Get over yourself tranny.
That is true, but the problem is that Nick and his followers pretty much alienate everyone they come in contact with. How exactly will he be in any position of power if he is just hated by everyone else?
Ass Fuck
If you don't simp you're a tranny
Lol. You just really don't want to get it through your head that marriage is physically impossible for men now and that major systemic changes have to happen first, but go ahead and keep name-calling people who are smarter than you
I'm not a Muslim, you social liberal piece of trash.
you picked a fight you can not win because you lie
OP = Psyop
We know the solution kike and it's 6 million graves, were coming for you too and all the race traitors.
Were not dying for Israel.
I hate Nick Fuentes but he's right in this case/ Simping for women is cucked, and having white children while our governments are dedicated to white genocide regardless isn't helping much.
I mean sure if you want have white children, but unless you guide them perfectly they are going to end up corrupted by this society and maybe even burn coal and what will you have done for the white race then?
No, until our society makes major changes in terms of border control, racial politics, expulsion of jews, etc its not going to get better.
Good to see some organic pushback to nick fed and is merry gang of groypers.
Everyone else is kind of the problem honestly. Everyone else henpecked me to wear a mask during covid. Everyone else can't figure out we're being lied to. Everyone else keeps ignoring the untenable divorce court system that's hard stopping men from getting married. Everyone else just keeps falling for the same bullshit jewish tricks over and over and over again.
Nigger reproductive strategies dont work for white people
Keep reddit spacing you fucking retard and suck on a shotgun while you're at it.
Actually Fags
It's pretty funny though how many lost brown boys fall for it.
fixed that for you
As fuck.
People don't even want to deal with the definition of the problem itself, you'll get violent reactions to even stating the problem out loud. It's just too unpleasant to think about for the hyper-distracted and drugged-to-oblivion western mind
it's deluded retards who consider themselves chads working towards the wrong solution instead of trying to prevent white genocide. TKD is a natural result of preventing white genocide and we already have the template for it, it's called national socialism
Nick spends most of the time fighting other right-wingers, many of whom didnt do those things and are not to blame for them
Again he alienated everyone that doesn't follow him.
leave it to zoomers to turn "having children" into some political hot topic, this is embarrassing on many levels
having white children while our governments are dedicated to white genocide regardless isn't helping much.
How is that an argument to not have a family. What the fucking are you on about? You are literally trying to tell white men not to get married and not to have kids. This has all the hallmarks of an anti-white jewish psyop you know that?
No, you fucking nigger. Demographics is the ONLY thing that matters.
The most lasting artifact of warfare is demographic change. When you see demographic change occurring against the will of the populace, you are at war. There is no other explanation bar cataclysmic natural disasters, and even those only have a fraction of the demographic effect
Duhhrr how is the anti white system forcibly stopping you from having a family an argument for not having a family durff durr
A maternity test determines who the mother is. Do you mean a paternity test, or did you somehow mange to sneak the egg from another woman into your ex-wife?
It is financially
disastrous to do so it is political
The truly redpilled groypers know this. This whole split in beliefs is Jewish divide and conquer. They tried to do the same to Hitler with the sa and their leaders turned out to be fags. My spirit animal is Heinrich Himmler
just deal with it chump, and no financial entitlement and incentives are for foreigners ONLY now pay up.
That's not what the family court and western laws think. No fault divorce, and no punishment for adultery, make this the optimal male reproductive strategy.
Nick spends most of the time fighting other right-wingers
Because other right wingers keep refusing to be pro white and keep ignoring the root of the (((problem))). Other right wingers keep telling people to get married under a broken system that they don't want to do anything to meaningfully repair,.and guys like Nick are just pointing out "hey men should have the authority not women" and getting called gay for not being a simp
Lu was sucking the spics dick a few months ago talking about how much he loved him.
And white people not getting married and not having kids is going to defeat the jews how exactly?
I would never listen to a spic who fucks little boys
planned parenthood employee
What? Details of the accusation?
Why do you keep playing this game and talking to people like not getting married is a choice they're making? What part of forcibly prevented is your little walnut having trouble wrapping around?
Arrogant Faggotry
literally "no such thing as white race" meme
Jesus christ how can they not hear themselves?
How are they on this fucking board?
What game am I playing? I am asking you a serious question which you keep dodging. What is the harm for white people to get married and have kids?
You're the bad faith groyper that is unable to answer a simple direct question.
serious answer. Tax revenue and deficit fodder (citizens to levy national debt against without any benefits) for israel. Simple stuff really, now say debt inst real.
and getting called gay for not being a simp
Groypers are the worst people in existence
All groypers are dick sucking faggots
Always Faggotry
groypers aren't married
making sound logical arguments that cannot be refuted, so angry kikes pay shills to issue ad hominem attacks and thus expose themselves
You are referring to Fuentes. Fuentes is a cocksucker who changes with the wind, glows neon government, and is actively hostile to the movement mostly via subversion and false flag.
exactly this
kikes promote white families
You are so far gone and too stupid and stubborn to see it
I see you too are a man of culture
desu i think its just boomer mentality to just “get with the program” so any narrative that isnt “everything is great” is to be attacked. unfortunately for boomers they totally destroyed the country first so they don’t have any claim to the bully pulpit lol.
He's asserting simping for your wife is gay. All the data and intuitions behind women is evidence that simping for your wife is not only gay but dangerous to your wellbeing.
This forced meme really thinks they can just memoryhole all the divorce statistics.
Disagree, Nick has a lot of positions that are wrong themselves.
He has signaled against eugenics (either you have it or you get global africa when it comes to IQ), he got mad at Trump for opposing a national ban on abortion (he would get destroyed by Kamala if he did that), he gets mad at Trump for focusing a lot on economics, when that is one of main issues voters worry about. He doesn't have good political instincts, but he gets mad at those who do.
I agree with him on some issues (Jewish power, war with Iran, etc), but he absolutely alienates other right-wingers whenever there is a disagreement.
He doesn't have good political instincts, but he gets mad at those who do.
the good political instincts in question: sucking off jews and being their shabbos goy
everyone who bashes nick sucks off jews!
says some dumb gay kid
Lmao you faggots are LOSERS
can you show us some non-jew worshiping good political instincts in America?
Calling any man gay who doesn't bend the knee for the interests of females. Something that occurs often in the black community. Typical longhouse strategems.
Not a coincidence it's happening with this forced meme.
To be honest you have to a complete retard to take advice from incels on Anon Babble
definitely the boomer mindset
just shutup and toe the line
good fucking goys.
And made a jike about someone being cheap "damn thats oretty jewish lol" retard flipped his shit and starting saying "don't ever fucking say that" i've rarely ever heard him drop the fuck word. What a faggot
My guess at this point is that it is the white nationalist "The Colbert Report". Like it looks like political punditry, but it's actually satire.
All I really know is I'm sick and tired of hearing about it. Stop making threads and it goes away.
he's a jew and nigger lover and self-hating white. why did he have to be my father?
I still remember when I was a kid I heard my dad lament "I wish I was black, blacks are so cool"
I mean, wtf man?
Getting married and having white kids is one half of the solution. The other half is stemming the tide of immigration, but even if our government is too corrupt to do such a thing or only does a half-assed immigration reform, having white children is something that is in your control. Reproducing with a white woman is always going to help and never going to hurt white demographics. So yes, get married and have white children you idiotic groypers.
You’re not going to outbreed the jeets. You’re going to have to kill people, sorry.
Even so, his messaging is horrible, his intentions questionable, he is most definitely a homosexual, and he is poisoning his few correct opinions by association. His simps are even worse
this meme format was created by a troon chaser and you wanna talk to me about saving the white race and the importance of women and reproduction.