What happens if I don't go to jury duty?


it has no cum on it


Damn... anyways
Who is worse niggerjeets or niggerjews?

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this, so much this. What's the point in getting a biscuit from wifey's bf if it isn't a soggy biscuit? s m h

Bench warrant for your arrest

he looks exactly like i would expect a cuckold to

Generally nothing but maybe bench warrant if you have a white name

This is an MMM relationship isn’t it.



That is only a misdemeanor, not extraditable in Leafland

You ought to serve in a jury if you can.
You can nullify laws and advocate for white people.

They will come to your house and beat you up.

cuck gets leftovers

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this is so fucking over, like words cannot express. its over. for the west, the humanity, over.


All the people involved are always gross looking.

Nothing. Just call the number or visit the website and tell them you can not in good conscious participate in the sham that is the US legal (((system)))

that webm
fucking nasty all-around
dirty dog getting his cum biscuit

oh yeah uuuuh
shoot the judge *shrug*
justice served

go to jury duty and be a fucking prick... imagine just being some fag who wants to skip it

Don't go, and find out. Don't you have a sense of curiosity?

Execute all of them

why the universal symbol of swingers is a fucking pineapple? bunch of perverted weirdos, and worst thing- there are LOTS of em.

I never did I sent the paper I got in the mail back since they wanted to verify it was me but I filled it out all gay and they sent a SASE with the thing where THEY pay the postage so I duct taped like 500 or so pennies to the thing so it would weigh more and they have to pay for it. Heard nothing at first but one night, after work I came home and my old lady tells me they called and said that I needed to be locked up in an insane asylum forever and ever. A jury would be scary AF seeing American's disdain and utter contempt for truth nowadays. Not MY peers by any stretch of the imagination.

You get sold to Indian hiring agencies and get gangstalked as a result through multiple jobs, Indians faking being friendly to you to sell further information to their natives on how to exploit you best for Israel

super nasty gingivitis

Pineapple is the symbol for hospitality (I don't know why). The upside-down pineapple is for swingers.

A dangerous minority will go free.

You'll be put on trial

who the fuck has time for jury duty?
in my cunt they don't even have enough prosecutors and judges for the real crimes
more than 50% of crimes, including violent ones, are dismissed because they can't give the accused a speedy trial
so yeah, i don't think you're getting arrested for ignoring a jury duty letter

The one common thread among all these degenerates is their appalling dental hygiene. They were all neglected as children.

You should go.
1) It's illegal not to.
2) You can advocate for Whites while in the deliberation phase. Read up on "jury nullification".
3) Your job cannot legally punish you for taking the day off for jury duty.
4) You get paid a (TINY) stipend for your time.

Just think of it like (poorly) paid time off. Normally it doesn't even go to trial, the alleged criminal pleads guilty in the pre-trial and all you lost was a couple hours of your time and some gas. If it does go to trial, you get the chance to talk people into throwing some dirty drug addict nigger into jail where he belongs and you don't even have to listen to the trial - you're required to "vote your conscience" but there's nothing illegal about your conscience suggesting the streets would be safer with one less nigger walking around on them, even if it was something stupid like he stole a pencil from walmart: "FUCK HIM, DEATH PENALTY".

What's truly terrifying is not just one man is willing to have sex with her, but many.

Jesus fuckin Christ! i understand wanting to keep that thing out of the house at all times, but my question is. why let it in at all? fuck

He gets the leftovers, both literal and metaphorical ones.

My guess an innocent black gentleman will walk.
But if you do go he'll get the chair.

The next time a family guy fucks a prostitute, there is no shame. Just call it polyamorous urge to fuck younger and prettier polish woman!

Got a jury duty notice for the magnotta case about a decade or so ago. Didn't bother going but I sometimes wonder whether I missed out on something.

Black man? Guilty in all charges.
White guy kills black? Self defence.

Usually nothing. Most cases get pled before getting that far so it's canceled by the time the day comes anyway. For the few that do happen, the judge rarely gives enough of a shit to waste time on you if there are plenty of people who did show up.

If you aren't pimping your woman out, you're leaving money on the table. What has that bitch done for you lately?

implying all fast food doesn't have some sort of cum in it

I remember being this naive

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She is hideous. How are American men so desperate?

sharing pussy with other men for this

wtf is wrong with whites

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He has definitely bottomed for drugs multiple times in his life.

Who the fuck goes to dates and marries this monstrosity?????????

Eventually they send you a letter informing you to appear in court for your own trial. I know because it happened to me.

A lot of them are broke losers who can't afford to go to the dentist because they went into massive debt to get a useless college degree and now live paycheck to paycheck working some shitty barista job while living in an expensive city with roommates.

I have genetically bad teeth, but they look great because I'm an engineer making $160k/year while working for the government, so I also have top notch insurance. I had braces, crowns, whitening and a bunch of other work done to get perfect teeth. If I was a broke loser retard, my teeth would probably look like hers.

Can confirm, I got gangstalked after skipping jury duty during covid

I threw all mine in the trash (got summoned three times, last time was about 8 years ago). Nothing ever happened, same thing with my brother. You must have fucked up somehow.

America is a gynocentric matriarchy, especially on the West coast. As for that guy, probably has a very small penis and weird kinks associated with that.

To be honest the customer probably explicitly asked/paid for that. Love that movie scene kek

hasn't ever happened to me, and i've ignore nigger duty three times so far

How'd that go?

Maybe because the chance of us doing it in the same jurisdiction is about .00001% ?

jury nullification

They'll try to filter out people who know about that at the voire dire.

Lmao what is wrong with this bitch? That's really odd behaviour.

I got a lawyer, went to court for it. Was sentenced to 80 hours community service at a salvation army


you are the leftovers, bitch

Absolutely ghoulish subhumans with zero standards for themselves and others.

Yes. One of the ugliest bitches you will see.

pam bondi the scientologist will run you down

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I threw my jury duty notice in the trash. I also have done this for every single census that I’ve gotten.

I always ignore them

damn my teeth are ugly and fucked up

better make the rest of my face ugly and fucked up with piercings and a bad haircut

Explanations for this leftoid behavior?
Are they hoping it'll all average out or won't stand out if the rest of their appearance is repulsive?

I’ve thought about doing that and openly saying I hate niggers and jews

What happens if I don't go to jury duty?

You become a judge. Only those with moral courage and conviction are capable of becoming judges, and refusal to go to jury duty is the first step.

Is she playing Hide the Sausage?

It's going to be funny when some anon takes your advice then finds out a year later during a traffic stop that he has a bench warrant. kek

Just go. Best case it’s an hour out of your day. If your IQ is above 60 you can pick up on what the defense will ask to have you dismissed for during voir dire. Worst case it’s a whole day for some slam dunk meth case.
Who knows you might actually enjoy it. It’s what separates us from commonwealth shitholes where one faggot in a wig decides your fate, just do your duty.

Did you have to pay for the lawyer? I got summoned for a civil case but talked my way out of it. Was on my way home after about 3 hours.

I think that this guy is only allowing the poly bs because the creature is so ugly he wants other men to handle the sickening task of fucking it

Medicaid pays for everything except teeth.

I don't think it's because they can't afford to visit a dentist, dental coverage is cheap and easy to get. It's because it isn't a priority because they're not the sort to plan ahead. Also they were never taught the importance of hygiene by their parents because their parents neglected them.

thank you, taxpayers!

depends on where you live. if you live in a shit hole dem state or city, nothing, because they would have to punish all the layabout minorities and blacks every time they dont show up, so they just dont. if you live in an actual nice state with mostly white people, they'll actually come after you.
also, if you DO live in a shithole, just burn the letter, and if they ask, say you never got it.

He's not even bad looking, just shave those nasty dreads and trim his beard and not be a literal cuck, he'd clean up decent.

Way better looking than the gargoyle that showed her face.

Yeah I paid $800 for a cheap attorney. The max penalty for skipping jury duty is jail time here. Didn't want to risk it

It’s what separates us from commonwealth shitholes where one faggot in a wig decides your fate

American education


Commonwealth countries have juries too. You are not unique in this regard.

It really depends on you.

bench warrant for your arrest

society attempts to force you into jail and ruin your life for not performing your "civic duty"


your name gets crossed off the list

resume life as normal

Anyone telling you "I just ignored it and nothing happened lol" is nonwhite.

Nothing as far as I know. I was out of town like the 3 times they repeatedly tried to get me in for Jury duty over the course of like 9 months.

They threatened me with a warrant but it never materialized as far as I know.

Holy shit, you faggots really do wear wigs kek

I ignored it last year, but I also moved counties between when they sent it to me & when the date was for. Idk if that would've made me ineligible, but I never heard anything about it. I've even been pulled over since then and nothing came up.

Yeah but niggas who wear this shit are usually the highest achievers or honest you will ever meet. Its a commonwealth thing u wouldn’t get it.

These outfits are worn in school settings as well for the student council or academic awards. Its a fit that signifies total nerddom and autism.

These mfs definitely talk about star trek.

I threw mine out a couple months ago. I imagine they probably send a few notices. Or maybe I have a warrant out, I don’t really care.

it's your duty as a citizen, nigger

jfc this webm, i dont know were to start with

I just go and be a time waster down at the county courthouse. I like looking at the hot clerks and getting a layout of the facility.

I think the bench warrant for skipping it is just an empty threat in most states.

What's weird though is after my 20s they've never sent me a jury notice since.

Before you get a warrant you'll get a notice that you're being formally charged:

State of [Your State Here] versus [Your Name Here]

Failure to appear

If you ignore that letter then they issue a bench warrant

Just go, it's not all that bad. You get some time off work to sit and read and drink coffee, and if you get selected for the jury you get to hear about some nog nogging and vote to send him to the chair.

t. Someone who hasn't voted since their 20s

this is a cheese pizza
she's akshully saying she sells her kids to pedophiles and her husbands are actually the pimps

The one good perk about being a felon is that you don't have to go to jury duty. They send you a paper, you mark the little box saying I Am A Felon and they fuck off forever.

I work for the government

I'm an engineer

You're a nigger faggot

Just go, it's not all that bad.

I live in an absolutely massive county. I'm not driving an hour both ways to sit in court.

polyamory perks

going out with a guy, but taking the leftovers home to my husband

Reality is more comical than any joke i could come up with

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Nothing. I haven't responded to a jury summons in 10 years and nothing's happened to me.

That’s actually really hot because she looks kinda cute

tfw no minimum wage QT fucking herself with your fast food slop before you eat it

Why live?

I've voted in the last 4 presidential races and I believe one primary.

you earn a new warrant

She fucks dogs

This has got to be a parody

ugly chick with noserings


husband sitting in a cuck chair

eating leftovers from other men she is seeing

It has to be.

That's a man

Only those with moral courage and conviction are capable of becoming judges


not usually. Sometimes this can happen

I tried that once and ended up having to go to court for it.

I've received six summons in my life. Twice I had moved so wasn't required to go, twice I called the night before and was told my group number had been dismissed from service, once I went through the whole process, served on the jury and found a black man guilty of DUI. He was a truck driver so he almost certainly lost his CDL. The sixth time was during covid and since it was a case involving a sexual offense, I was dismissed because one of my siblings had been sexually abused as a child. I was kind of annoyed by that last summons since they required us to wear masks, which I had been able to avoid pretty much everywhere else.

I did this once.
They literally issued a warrant for me. I was pulled over, cuffed and brought directly in front of a judge. He chewed me out and they released me.

you should though, and NOT wanting to be bothered with it is part of the problem we have in this country. there's a decent chance that it involves someone innocent, but most jurors are for whatever reason super eager to find defendants guilty, despite no concrete evidence being presented.
it's your chance to make a difference in the increasingly corrupt and third world tier judicial system.

he doesn't want to be a reason for a nigger being thrown into jail


Hoflation is unreal.

If you go, they will send you a check for your time

Realistically nothing, there's not time nor resources nor interest in actually punishing you for that.

Also this. If you can at all swing jury duty, do it. They're very interesting, even the most boring case is more exciting than a week at work, and it's the most power most people will wield in their entire life.

And who knows, maybe you can help out a fren.

even her bridge piercing isn't straight.

Go to selection and say you only wanna case involving a nigger, and that you ain’t much care for niggers, and that you’ve always wanted to put one behind bars. Roman salutes are helpful too. The more, the better.

Can you imagine what that disgusting pigs cunt smells like? I’m going to guess rotten cheese, pus, smegma, feces, septic blood, broken dreams and moth balls.

The jury I served on had two black women on it. They both tried to come up with excuses for the defendant being drunk, swerving through traffic at over 100mph.

Oh, he simple. You hear him talk?

He don't know it were dangerous.

The man had a CDL to drive semi-trucks. He knew better than to get drunk and drive his Charger through heavy Saturday night traffic.

Dude in a wheelchair got gaslit into thinking some lesbian bitch who fucks niggers is somehow the only woman he can get and backed down like a faggot to allow an open relationship. This is what he gets. I don't know what to make of said webm, to laugh or to cry?

Woof woof nigga

Dating apps have irreparably ruined the pussy economy here. Even the ugliest of uggos gets over a hundred matches a day, sending their egos to the moon. It's partially men's fault for capitulating to this garbage to the point where they're sharing nasty pussy.

Oh nvm, I thought he was disabled, turns out he's worse off, mentally disabled. To your point though, John Lennon made it work - but he kept screaming her surname during sex. ONO!!!!!

They try to send you another letter later.
Not worth it, just go waste hours of your time earning 5 dollars to spend the day in a room with smelly retards.

looks like that mutt baby, someone post it

the notice i got in the mail said you would be fined 500 if you didn't fill it out. the rules are also different for every county. go figure it out

Contempt of court. It's a crime. Once you've been summoned there is a timeframe to reject it. If it was out of the blue and not compatible with your schedule. If you haven't informed and fail to attend you're in contempt if court. Fines. Or potential arrest depending on the duty.

if I don't go to jury duty?

you'll be missing out on the greatest salt mining experience of your life.

read runaway jury by john grisham

do the stuff in the book, not to achieve anything for rachel weisz, just to fuck things up for your own entertainment.

constantly remind all your other jurors that you can acquit people even if you think they're guilty

try to get a murderer back on the streets



The same system. It is far worse for any witnesses.

There are immediate arrangements like being incompatible with an immediate schedule. Where it rolls over. After being summoned it's unlikely you'll again. Unlikely not impossible. Employers are supposed to give time off, and probable reimbursement for self employed where it potentially pays a wage for it.

Witnesses cannot say no. It becomes perjury on failure.

That sounds like a fantastic idea. It's not about the verdict, it's about causing chaos.

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Jury selection or jury duty?

You'll be forced to eat shitty frozen pizzas in front of your local police department.

Literally took me 5 minutes to go online and fill out some bullshit that it will hurt me financially and 5 min later got excused. Not sure why it’s hard to just lie. They are not going to spend time and money researching if it is true or not

Broken window theory.

Hahahhahah these are the white """people""" that pol worships. Official laugh at white people thread lmao
Here's your L

You win the prize.

She is the leftovers.

it's about causing chaos.

isn't everything?

Nothing happens but you should go and try to get picked for the jury and then if it’s a negro just say you want the death penalty

no what happens is, the review my info, find out i am a known radical extreme white supremacist anti-semite and go "ackshually we don't want him for nigger duty anyway.."

Wtf i usually have to pay extra for this

Wow he must be one of the pegan larpers of Anon Babble.

You will face a jury of your peers who shall decide over your fate. You have the right to a speedy trial before you are thrown in prison.

Hot tip:

I got out of jury duty last year after sitting in jury selection for a week and a half. And then it came to me. I told the prosecutors that I had a burning hatred for our nigger bitch Soros D.A. Which is not a lie

They dismissed me immediately.

I have jury duty again next month, and i plan to use the same reasoning on the first day

Jury nullification is the only justifiable reason to attend, but you don’t even know what the case is before you show up.

Hoflation is real

That pizza looks really fucking good to be honest

yeah her teeth are bad because she has some form of mental illness (yes yes, how can you tell)
her bridge piercing is so crooked i would be inclined to believe someone if they told me the piercer was blindfolded and drunk
a damn near 2mm offset with a ghastly chinese plated barbell, just awful
has retard eyes, as well, which tells me their parents were retards and had this retard spawn so as to continue their abuse against god's love and beauty

I'd pay double for that hotdog.

I've never not shown up, but the last time I was summoned I had other shit that I needed to do so I did their online thing to get out of it. They denied it, so I showed up the day of, handed them the piece of paper and just walked out. Fuck'em. They even sent me a check for showing up lol.

They never really get pushback on anything that isn’t explicitly forbidden. This is the compounding effects of "white lies"

Usually if someone gets a retarded haircut or something, everyone just says it looks great. If you are lucky, a good friend will privately tell you that you look retarded.

Without someone to tell you the truth, and particularly when they affirm the lies you tell yourself, bad decisions tend to pile up.

All of this could have been prevented if one friend just said

are you gauging your ears? That will look trashy

I'm not registered to vote, so no jury duty for me, ever.

Wine rots the liver; fever swells the spleen;

Meat clogs the belly; dust inflames the eye;

Stone irks the bladder: gout—plague—leprosy!

Man born of woman is most full of trouble;

God, a gorged fool that belches him, a bubble!

But of all plagues wherewith a man is cursed, Take my word for it, woman is the worst!

the creature did it itself, and according to it's crooked eyes, it's straight. Her mom micrwaves food in styrofoam one too many times

What happens if I don't go to jury duty?

go to jury duty, when they ask you if you will follow the judges directives and the law or your own judgement, tell the your own judgement, if they ask you why tell them it is your right as a jurror. if they ask where you got that from tell them. from fija.org.

they will practically push you out the door, and never call again. it worked for me.

I’ve always been dismissed, thank god

Being dismissed isn't the same as ignoring the summons

but you don’t even know what the case is before you show up.

who cares, cause as much chaos as you can, all day, everyday 52 weeks a year.

a cuck and a slut

never ever will I and I rather stay single than accept this unholy setup in life.

ugly as fuck moreso than the video shows. not surprised either.
