How are you guys holding out?
No Nut November
i see this girl, i must rape
that's a man
i see a hole, i must penetrate
Not good anon.
I already coomed twice today
i nutted in my wife 4 or 5 times, probably got another 2 or 3 this month.
thats a mentally fag dude in drag
I'm pretty good. Will miss pecan pies though.
let us team up and rape strong gym girl together
I crashed out about 1AM on the 1st.
houston, we have a problem...
i nutted in my wife 4 or 5 times
Bro. How long have you been married?
These aren't good numbers.
Heh. I told my old lady I was doing it and she was...rather anxious the other night. I came home this evening and she had my favorite dinner made and had shaved her legs and all of that subtle stuff. I think I am really enjoying driving her crazy with this stuff. Ahhh women always want what they can't have, they really do. Funny how the wise among women used to know that about themselves but don't seem to nowadays.
But yeah I'm doing great and having fun with it.
I haven't eaten any peanuts
I changed the format.
No Nigger November.
Don't talk to niggers, don't help niggers, don't do you job for niggers.
NNN brothers
I blew it
post good tiddies atleast! no your jewish trannny ugly bitches!
So far so good, started going to all my classes and got a new job. Had to turn down sex from this one gym milf but it wouldn't have been worth it anyway so I'm glad I did. Overall it has def helped me be more productive and take action to improve my life. I will probably continue retaining my jizz after November is over.
Get her after November so you can drain all that inside her.
no nigger nation is better
I think I'm going to share my substance of creation with women that deserve it aka ones I want to actually spend time with from now on. Otherwise it's just like jacking off with a meat sock. But I appreciate the suggestion.
That’s a man isn’t it
still holding strong
managed to not even think about it for a few weeks, but it's been getting to me a bit the last couple days
My Never Not Nut November has been pretty solid.
I'm pretty sure I could break someone's arm by flexing my pelvic core at this point.
based indian
I have sex a lot maybe 3 days a week. This is maga country. Get over it
This pic is why women are suppose to have bush. Why would nature or God put hair there if it wasn't suppose to be there.
still going.
I've been having sex with my gf, and nutting balls deep inside her, at least 3 times per week so I haven't felt any desire to watch porn or masturbate. Blowing your load inside a woman feels better than anything else in this life. Try it bros.
just got done gooning about 2 minutes ago haha. The smelly nut tissue's still sitting right next to me
Going strong for my NNN frens. I'm activating Adolf mode.
Solo para ti amigo
27 days clean of nicotine, haven't given enough of a fuck to coom
Failed on the first day when my wife got on top of me.
Not good. Fapped before work today and fucked the wife after work. I didn’t fap for around two weeks beginning of the month. Didn’t notice anything other than I felt more tired than usual.
My jizz is gonna be so thick and yellow on Dec 1st.
Fucked my wife and came on her tits yesterday.
She is ugly and brown though.
I gave in and doublegasm’d. that’s when you still have orgasmic energy left over from the first one and can bring yourself back to the climax a second time pretty quickly. Numbs the hell out of your legs though. Without self control, the doublegasm can turn into a triplegasm and so on. With more and more numbness each time. Wouldn’t recommend it.
I've been jizzin all month
refusing a woman ready for sex and throwing her half naked out to street gives way more pleasure than sex
did this numerous times, shits lit
I now finally understand why women love power trips over men so much
why does this image always activate my neurons so hard?
Nutted in my sleep last night. Shit.
thats a fuckin man isn't it.
Look at them long ass arms and big ass feet.
*smacks lips* Nigga das a dooo
my wife drains my balls on demand, and I mean ON DEMAND, so I have no built up nut reserve I am afraid
I've coomed like 53 times this month. Get fucked simp normie fag.
what is this look meant to convey?