German bros
Explain yourselves
German bros
water doesnt splash your ass, thinking is hard for you mutts isnt it?
It's made that way so you can check for intestinal parasites. Something pet owners and eaters of raw meat have to do regularly, lest those parasites turn them into fags.
Krauts have scat fetishes. I always thought that it was so they could save a good one.
it's so they don't have to get their hands wet
of course the jeet chimes in about shit
Forgot to add picture.
this, these german toilets are superior to other models desu
no water splash and an option to controll your intestinal health
Krauts have scat fetishes
true as well
You will never poop on the poopenshelfen
I pick through my poo and eat the parasites.
Germans inspect their poo before flushing. You wouldn't "get" it.
This is the best explanation:
Germans love poop
before poojeets flooded in, all the scat jokes were about Germans
My stools wouldn’t fit in that keyhole sized opening.
Is this the one that does the bag slapper maneuver
why do you eat shit sandeep
What they're not showing you is the knife and fork over to the left, just off camera.
You are what you eat
Then explain Germany
why is this guy slurping so much
you meant "kakaregal" ?
literally made so jews could sift through their shit and retrieve jewels they swallowed
It's a sit for kots
This is a Kotrückhalteinspektionsflachteller. When the Bundesscheissamt sends a Blockscheißinspekteurswachmachtmeister to your Wohnun, you need to make your Scheisse available for inspection
simple as
alternatively, you can use the KotbewertungsgesundheitsfrühwarnApp on your phone to report your shit online
just German things
they sent a poet
polebrah I salute you
That's an option platform. The German can either scrape the poop into the hole and flush it, or he can extract it from the bowl and smear it over his naked body.
this is based because you can inspect your fecal matter to ensure you're not shitting blood
t. bloodshitter
thanks, Egon
give Benny and Kjeld my regards
The quintessential poop-shelf is designed in such fashion to allow one to thoroughly enjoy the proper olfactory experience of every dump one takes. You're supposed to allow the feces to splat across the porcelain, exposing as much surface area as possible and let the aroma fill the room so you can then categorize the stench and determine ones own health based upon its pungency.
You are also then able to examine the excrement more closely to identify any parasites or unprocessed food bits. This is where the poop-knife also comes in handy so that you can cut into and thoroughly inspect each and every toboggan log you lay down.
European bathroom etiquette is absolutely fascinating!
Will do.
there's no genetic incentive
so fucking what, there's no genetic incentive for birth defects but they still happen regularly
Germans like poop. They like it as much as Indians.
Dog owners deserve parasites.
Wait a minute! You're supposed to poop on the toilet facing out? But I thought you sit on the toilet the other way. So that you have that nice little shelf for your comics and chocolate milk. And because you got the flusher right here. No?
Upper decker, double blumpkin, AC Slater