Why do Europeans have such poor table manners?

I’ve spent the last 2 months overseas. This has been my first experience in Europe. Spent 2 weeks in Paris, a week in London, and almost 5 weeks in Berlin. I’ve never seen such horrible table manners in my life. Elbows on the table, hats on the table, and just general bad manners. What is up with this?

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le manners

Low test effeminate southeners are the only ones who do this shit. No wonder why you faggots lost the civil war kek.

manners are for people that can force subhumans to assimilate

Oh that’s par for the course.
They eat like animals. I’ve never seen one hold a fork properly. They also fart at the dinner table, even the women.

We aren't all like that. The majority of people in any given country will be uncivilised and boorish.

Yep, this is the globohomo loving American mind at work

No, you guys are like that. It’s hard for an American to share a dinner table with Europeans. Even our niggers don’t eat like you guys.

not holding fork like picrel


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At least my parents loved me enough to teach me how to manipulate a utensil properly.

I fart whenever i need to. Holding it in is for faggots and women.

OP is right about this and I’m surprised this hasn’t been posted before.
It’s almost unbearable to eat with them.

Mutt seething, back to mexico pablo.

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I eat all different ways depending on what im eating and how lazy i am feeling.

I eat asparagus with my fingers because i cant be bother to try to grab it with a fork

why do euroslimes do this
death to their brown continent

Uncultured swine

Central yuros have no culinary traditions and eat slop like savages

European style is inferior because the tines are curved downward, allowing food to slide off more easily.

Also, if forks were supposed to be held upside down, the handles would be inverted. Opposite to the spoon.

Left is for eating with fork. Right is for eating with fork and knife

slurps borsch

when you've never had a steak in your life

failing to notice the difference in hand positioning


Both? Both. Definitely both. If you don't use both you don't have a knife.

Elbows on the table, hats on the table

I do both of these all the time at restaurants.

Neither are really "bad manners." As long as I'm not eating messy foods with my hands who the fuck are you to tell me I'm rude?

Also I'm super wealthy and associate with other wealthy family members. Your idea of table manners is stupid.

Money doesn’t buy class

Nobody gives a fuck. Modern table manners are just peasant plebs trying to larp as the nobility and royalty. STFU and eat your food. As long as the food stays in your plate, it doesn't matter.

eats poop

You muricans can't complain about anyone else's table manners as long as you eat pizza without cutlery.

The "muh no elbows on the table" thing originally came about because sailors would literally frame their plates with their elbows to stop them from shifting on the high seas.

It isn't rude to rest your arm or elbow on the edge of a table during meals. You simply lack historical context or any "muh class" and parrot the rule without knowing what it means.

Typical pleb.

What the fuck is this?

Europeans hover over their food like neanderthals. Like dogs guarding their meals. They bring their faces to the food instead of the food to their mouths. It’s quite something to witness in person.

The reality is that throughout history most people are extremely low class. There was an attempt to upraise people in the 1800s but standards quickly dropped within the last 50 or so years.
Etiquette, decorum, and manners separate us from the animals, in this case actual people form 3rd worlders (or people with 3rd world mentality).
Kendo is just two people waving around wooden swords. Its etiquette and decorum that turn it into a sport and table manners is no different.

100% true

I'm so confused. Left is when you pick up food with a fork, right is when you hold ot down to cut with a knife.

That’s unfortunate. I pity you anon.

It’s actually worse manners to keep your hat on while eating

Exactly. And where are you to put the hat? On the floor? Hat racks no longer exist.

I bet bongs don't even eat pizza with a spoon...

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be human

have various appendages

sit in chair

fail to not readily apparent protrusions

Try your knee, fuckwit.

Why the fuck are you wearing your hat indoors?







That’s because you exist in a world of cretins. The hat comes off upon entering a building.

Because I'm norwood 5

I change fork grip depending on the meal. gotta stay flexible and dynamic at the table.

You should see 'em use a shovel

He’s right though. I lived there for years and always avoided having to eat with them. It was revolting.

At least they're holding the fork with their left hand.

Do Yuropoors really hold their fork like that and put their hats on the table?!?!?

LMAO nigger tier

the poster anon picrel is retarded but..

Nobody gives a fuck.

dat flag


Pinkies out.

Yours ain’t pink

Of course the hat comes off.

But where do you store it?

You put it on the table. It's fine.

it's like that in yankeedom too. I once had to explain to a carpetbagger that manners was not just "not chewing with your mouth open or leaning out of your chair". He couldn't grasp that you weren't supposed to put your right hand on the table during your meal, for example. See

Your mom manipulated my utensil

immigrant trash germcuck mutt

only niggers hold forks like that

I'm right handed and I hold my fork in my right hand and knife in my left hand. I always cut my food with my knife in my left hand. I never transfer the knife to my right hand to cut. Because I am physically unable to use my knife in my right hand to cut food. I only use knives in my right hand if I'm cutting up an animal. Americans, Europeans, and even spics in south america all are shocked at my left handed cutting.

Back in high school we had this exchange student named Helen. She was from Sweden. Hella fine. Tall blonde, banging body, etc. My boy hit it a couple times. I remember him telling me about how he invited her to have dinner with he and his parents…..(rip this guy was a pussy slayer). Her table manners were so horrible that he couldn’t even continue the pursuit.

Sorry about your lack of parental love yankee anon.

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And why didn't you enlighten them? Surely they would've appreciated being uplifted by a superior, cultred and well mannered american such as yourself.

Based sheboon.

What kind of idiot uses a tripod grip with his non-dominant hand to use a fork?

why bother with manners if one of the 2 men with sticks can easily kill the other by simply not sticking to the rules and win with a 95% succes rate vs people sticking to da rulez?

are table manners and etiquette going to get me a wife and a traditional marriage?
are those manners and etiquette going to make me rich?
is complying with your social decorum going to put any more food on my table?
then why would I waste my precious valuable time and enjoyment to stick to rigid jewish talmudic table humiliation rituals to please some retarded faggot that would spit on me if I was in a ditch down on my luck for being “low-class” anyways?

maybe having table manners would increase your marriage chances 70 years ago when society wasn’t a clowning niggershow but it’s not that society anymore

my mother taught me table manners where you hold your fork in your left hand and knife in the right. and whenever i tried to do the easier thing for me as a right hander still, holding the fork in my right hand i got scolded not to be like one of those americans with no table manners
so idk

There really wasn’t any ROI in that for me.

That's what I thought.
Apparently Southerners and Germans agree on that.

Ok, can you tell me which knee?
Also, that’s really uncomfortable for baseball hats.
So you don’t have to walk around like a retard carrying a hat in one hand. Some people work outside a lot and actually need a hat, it isn’t always a fashion statement or to cover a bald head.

anon, this thread is a clowning niggershow

Hat fag

Typed by philistine hands

Table manners are basically the medieval equivalent of a college degree from some ivy league university. It’s just another way for one group to differentiate themselves from another, it serves no other purpose.

Try going outside for longer than an hour at a time, I know you don’t.

On the knee under the table at a restaurant if there is no coat/hat rack or check. At a home the hat comes off when you enter the house the host will put it away.

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Exactly. Thank you.

Watching bongs eat is no different than watching disgusting Chinese. They bring their faces to their food and treat forks like shovels. It’s sickening.

Which knee?

Based anon

the dude who smears his ass with shit every day has an opinion on manners

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oklahoma isnt in the south buddy boyo

The right knee as that is the same hand used to tip your hat or remove your hat.

nobody who says low test has high test. if you show your blood work, (timestamped) ill give you 10k . ive banged two premium pieces just from holding the door open. you mad, niggerboy?

Wrong, left knee

If you’re going to lecture people about etiquette at least know what the actual etiquette is.

Yep, this is the globohomo loving American mind at work

Now they're down to bringing up fucking table manners as a wedge issue...
Notice the phrasing - went to the Anglos, the Gallics and the Teutons

Ugh! "Those people over there" are so not like us!

Just another effort to get Native Europeans to squabble and keep form uniting... typical critical theory bullshit
Sorry to faggot OP: I like my bullshit freshly made and promptly served - this is neither.

Naaah. Just calling out uncivilized and disgusting table manners.


europeans: fork is for stabbing, knife is for cutting, spoon is for scooping.

americans: i have fork

If right handed:

You hold the fork in the right hand. You only hold one utensil at a time unless also using a knife. When you are done with a utensil you set it down and rest it on the plate, being careful to not create a mess on the table top.

If a knife is needed the fork is passed to the left hand to secure the food while the right hand does the cutting with the knife.

When the cutting is done the knife is set down and the fork is returned to the right hand. The right hand delivers the food to the mouth with the fork.

It’s literally that easy to not look like an asshat. I don’t understand why people don’t get it.

the dude who brings up asshole subjects on a manners thread. You are clearly European.

Are you, by chance, ninety fucking years old?

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I am not. I do however, possess a sense of decency.

You invent arbitrary rules about food because you realize the entire act is purely cardinal and will result in a giant sloppy shit no matter what you do.

Nope. I did not invent these rules.

This is how civilized humans eat

This is how civilized humans eat



It's how you eat because you have a dick up your ass.

Not my fault that you don’t have manners. It’s unfortunate that you were brought up this way

And it's not my fault you have a meltdown if people start breaking arbitrary archaic rules that you invented in your head while they eat.

And it’s not my fault that common decency is actually a thing. Go ahead and chew with your mouth open if that’s what you want to do. See how far it gets you in life.

putting your elbows on the table is the same thing as eating with your mouth open

I agree to your terms.

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I have a feeling you made this thread to slide something and now that it got moved to Anon Babble you're just bored.

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Nope. Just legitimately disappointed in table manners across the board. It’s bad enough in the US. I have a particular obsession with the way people hold forks.

Oh I see, you're mentally disabled.

More like mentally enlightened. But yes.

Yes people with lower intelligence typically are happier.