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Buy low Sell high
That's all you must know about stock market.
The rest is lies

And how do I do that?

um, actually proper stock trading technique involves buying high and selling higher SIR

buy high sell low baggie


decided to cut a 50k loss today
still up 100% so far this year but this was my first major loss so far in my trading career.

i tried a get rich quick play and got burned, taking it as a learning experience.

moving forward i'm just gonna stick to throwing around 100k UPRO day trades aiming for $500-$1.5k profit for a while, at least until i make the 50k back.
thanks for reading my blog.

moving forward i'm just gonna stick to throwing around 100k UPRO day trades aiming for $500-$1.5k profit for a while

What was your get-rich-quick play, anon?

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Shake it off champ

way she goes. live and learn. every investor has at least one thing that haunts them.

i FOMOd into the top with MSTU
i would have cut my losses sooner but i bought right before getting on a work flight with no wifi and had no way to know some hedge fund faggot would open a gorillion dollar short position the second i lose wifi but such is life

not holding my full port TSLL buy at 9$ and selling at $12 is what haunts me, actually

at least until i make the 50k back.

surely such mentality will not be a prelude t

a prelude to what?

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how dare they short MSTR at +500

tell me, blacksage, how to obtain 10% return daily?

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There is a humilitary guy in my game rn
what can i say to him to troll tf out of him?

an /smg/ thread lasted less than a week on Anon Babble before hitting the bump limit

sad weak ass niggers hiding from inflation porn

Do they have reading comprehension classes in Germanistan?
I lament the timing, not the short

This whole millenial snark thing has got to go. You are not an Avengers character making a smarmy quip. You're just an annoying homosexual.

i FOMOd into the top with MSTU

i bought right before getting on a work flight with no wifi

some hedge fund faggot would open a gorillion dollar short position the second i lose wifi

lose wifi

How dare they short an extremely overvalued company right the moment I buy it at right when I'm about to lose wifi knowingly and can't sell cause I'm on a flight

imma try posting SFW yaoi on their

Why did you get rid of "Misc smg" in the OP? It was the perfect solution to find threads that don't have titles?

the worst part about being gaped by fomoing full port into the top of MSTU is that it isnt even a 2x leverage of MSTR. today MSTR was +10%, while this alleged "2x leveraged etf" was only +14%. this has to be some type of fraud or misrepresentation not adhering to their prospectus. why isnt gary gensler investigating this shit.

Is tech the answer? I'm 120k in tech and deposited 50k available Monday, do I go balls deep in tech?

Robindhood is going to $40 easy.

Hey I made that image

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She cute, what is her name?

Her name is google image search or cute anime girl transparent background big boobs

The developers are really weak on their lore here. Reminds me of the Tali Mass Effect reveal.

I’m starting to accumulate TECL (instead of SOXL), but waiting for a good pullback

google image search of “cute anime girl transparent background big boobs”

kek based

I think someone on Anon Babble did recognize her as a character from a dating sim or something, but I don't remember.

why everything crahsing?

Trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange was about a fifth lower than a typical day.

You are writing fanfiction at this point, you are hallucinating things that were never said, and thoughts that never happened, you are inventing an entire narrative and story that never took place, conjuring delusions

I blame no one and nothing for the loss, but I point out the timing. I could have bought MSTU Wednesday and made 20% in a day trade.
I could have bought Friday and made 20% in a day trade
On the day I bought, Thursday, a day trade yielded -50%

The word for this is timing.

It was bad timing, but you clearly need to show everyone how cool and snarky and above it all you are

I'm 1% off my retirement account goal and 20% off my taxed account goal for the year. I have 30K cash in the retirement account and 110K cash in the taxed account. What do I buy to reach those goals.

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It’ll make it back and more

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20% off my taxed account

your year must have been pretty grim

Holy shit, actually writing this much to reply to a greentext.

I blame no one and nothing for the loss

Well, that's where you are wrong. Timing goes hand in hand with stock price. You think they shorted cause it was thursday or because the price was above 500?

Ichika Nakano

Imagine a gym costing 10k a month and there are black people working there.

The thing is, we all likely did some stupid plays, but you are trying to make it sound as if your MSTU long on the fuckin TOP was not stupid especially considerng all the circumstances (flight, no wifi, +500USD stock price on a memestock, spike on open)

Do calls work good on tecl?

he can't bang out a 30 second stream of consciousness shitpost

you are like little baby

ou are trying to make it sound as if your MSTU long on the fuckin TOP was not stupid

Every day was the top for MSTU for like five weeks in a row and i never said it wasn't stupid

But everyone's a genius after the fact

Every day was the top for MSTU for like five weeks in a row

But you would have had internet. Who's at fault for that?

I had very high goals for this year. I knw my YTD perf isn't great post contributions and for some reason I can't check my YTD chart on schwab right now.

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henlo mister jerome
happy thanksgiving
i am thankful for bepis cuts
bls give more bepis cuts
thank you mister
no further questions

just buy it straight up, dude
I don’t do big positions with options anymore
just goofy little speculative plays with a few grand

I mean this in the kindest and most sincere way possible, but I don't believe you have the IQ necessary to parse what I am communicating

This is the equivalent of

Most X are Y

Okay but I know one X who is not Y so that disproves your point

Understanding averages and generalities is an IQ litmus test, because sub 110 IQs cannot parse the fact that averages and trends exist across groups and can be generalized as a rule as a result.
So, too, is it a litmus test when I explain my rationale buying MSTU after two weeks of nonstop bullrun was a calcuated risk. You have hindsight 20/20 and cannot put yourself in the fog of war where you do not have the benefit of perfect hindsight. You have to ret-con my thought process to some cartoon version of events, because you cannot understand caluclated risks given partial information.

Fuck (you)

well OF COURSE a hedge fund billionaire was going to open a billion dollar short on MSTR on Thursday november 21 at 6:17AM eastern time, I mean come on, it's just OBVIOUS

90 IQs have to say outlandish nonsense like this that completely ignores the benefit of hindsight, because the only time they feel smart in life is when they get the chance to lecture 130+ IQ giga chads for taking risks

Red pill for you btw, beware the midwit with a chip on his shoulder

nice pic. saved. ty

Not cool dude

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Look, picrel is you. But at least he had internet.

please go up AMD

2 more dollars and you will be able to buy a half gallon jug of mcrib sauce (next month)

lecturing people about iq

Wew lad

130 IQ

Buys leveraged on a day there is the chance he won't have internet

on a day the stock spiked up on open

on a day the stock broke a psychological memenumber price like 500

on a day that is weeks after constant bullrun

I think you are retarded.

turns out the sauce was out two days ago and is sold out already

Joe Biden saved Thanksgiving.

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i don't know why we spend so much time figuring out next moves. you're guaranteed money in this market


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do you guys just not have good plays/ideas anymore or do you just not share them? what is the point of this general if we are not helping each other get rich? i share most of my ideas and trades which i think just get ignored largely

nothing is ever guaranteed. long/short what exactly? there are literally thousands of companies /products to buy or sell

Americans have lots of black cum in their heads lowering their iq

nothing is ever guaranteed

this is going to blow your mind:

buy SPY

do nothing

print money

wowee where did all this free money come from?

Russia’s central bank has suspended all foreign currency purchases, per Reuters

The fuck are they doing over there????

This part of the year is pretty dead, but since the election everything moved up bigly so making individual picks isn't really wprth it.



Amazon develops video AI model, The Information reports reut.rs/3Zct7UB

That's what was missing.

goodnight /smg/

We need an /smg/ meetup in Thailand. First round of lady boys on me.

I’m only interested if they’re children. Non-negotiable.

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i love police brutality.

There's chinks with awful ESL trying to shill SMCI stock all over X. I think they're probably company employees. Is this illegal?

Can probably be arranged. Just keep in mind we may dress you up too

Die Luft ist raus.

Als ob Visuals das Problem wären, gerade bei Amazon. Eine Storywriting AI brauchen die

Just keep in mind we may dress you up too

idgaf, I was planning to show up in pic related anyways, along with some aviators, a big fat cigar, and my usual full-body blackface (my “daily carry”)

but now, when I say children, I mean 12-14yo, maybe 15yo absolute max. I don’t mean some 17yo, or even some goofy ass 18yo pretending to be underaged (I can fucking tell!)

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based did she enjoy it

I can’t watch a movie without browsing my phone. How did we do it back then?

Based degenerated.

Did the jews did this to you?

youre polish

You don't understand the difference between knowing and guessing

I'm expecting it to pop off with drone hype. That's it, just a gamble.
Also RCAT, growth will be huge in the coming years.

you dont think drones have already had their run? whats bullish about it now?

drone hype

The drones will literally black out the sun soon enough. In a decade any battle field is not going to have hundreds or thousands, but will have hundreds of thousands of drones in the skies.