Well look who decided to come down

I only have like 4 relatives tho
Who tf are all these white people

this, fuck cracka ass crackas

I’m indian

i aint aks that

K, just making sure

Anon, your mother was just telling us you're really big in to politics and stocks!

Let's hear your hot take on why Kamala didn't win, We all voted for her, too!

no cans at the table
it's Thanksgiving, not a BBQ

still divorced and living in your car?

Thanksgiving was last month and I have my own place. Not everyone is a NEET virgin incel.

*turn 360 and walk out the house*

You are all going to die like cattle. The war is coming and you are all living like everything is fine, enjoying this never lasting false sense of peace.

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I wish I had a big normie family to have holidays with. It’s just me, my wife, and kids. It’s alright, but it’s not the same.

I only have like 1 uncle

It's the black sheep of the family!

Sometimes I feel like I’m riding a piece of flotsam in a turbulent sea. I didn’t mind it when I was a single man, in fact I rather enjoyed the capriciousness of it, but now that I’m responsible for this small family I feel desolate and helpless when observing the swirling vortex of chaos around me. It makes me wish I had some large normie family near me, but I’m alone here with my responsibilities and wolves banging down a door barely hanging onto its hinges.

Why are they like this?

Pure poetry.....
Americans never cease to amaze me with their intimate knowledge of sexadecimal degrees.


thats a rough phenotype goddamn

haha wow this room has more gums than the willy wonka factory amirite uncle peter

Let me tell you about the jews.

I’m indian

woo-woo or poo-poo?

Did they hear me jorkin it?

okay yeah it was incest porn but don't flatter yourselves

Oh thank God my loving white family. K had this terrible nightmare I was in this niggerfied hell run by blackmailed satanic pedophile Zionist freaks. When thank God that over. Anyway heil Hitler and Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


they were fucking while you were up there


The blond girl in the front left is cute.

so number two then

I’m not praying to any dead kike.

Guten Abend Grandpa & Oma.

I know our last name is O’Brien Dad!

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I get it lol

Pol thanksgiving memes are Epic! lol

Yep, humanity will go exactly the way it lived, like cattle, as per usual.

Lets make thanksgiving great again

One race. The human race.


blows kiss

What is for dinner? I am starving.

I've considered fucking one of my cousins before. Shes hot, supposedly clean now. I mean she doesn't need money so idk why she humiliates herself showing up with 8 square normies who are married with brats. I smoke weed with her outside every time and we talk about some interesting shit. They say once you've discussed sex with a woman the lay is very close

I actually help my mom with the cooking most of the day then i start arguing with my brother in law about random things for no reason

Thanksgiving was a month ago

they are called guests. your relatives brought guests. most of the time, these guests are their significant others (boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancée, fiancé, husband, wife, polygamous partner, friend with benefits, etc).