Does bant make OC?
Post your OC stuff.
I haven't really made much music stuff lately and also I need to change my guitar strings, but I'm lazy and procrastinating it for weeks
Does bant make OC?
there's no incentive to post oc stuff on bnat because everyone is gay and retarded
Kinda true. I imagine people would get way more cocky and be mean, but OC is nice. I know that there is an italian drawfag here. Also every now and then an Irish drawfag draw bantballs.
italian drawfag
irish drawfag
ah yes, paedophilia and discord circlejerk
trve bant cvltvre
Yeah, but they atleast make something. I don't really see anyone else making anything original. Infinitely better than the BWC gooner general atleast
i made this a few months ago but i lost all motivation to keep working on it
Oh I remember this. This was pretty cool and well made.
what weeks. youve been procrastinating since the inception of this board
2 more weeks
maybe a turn based game would be better for playing on bant
if it was completely deterministic i wouldn't have to host a server i could just put it on itch or something
i started playing bass again after not practicing for a while and my fingers hurt
Idk if it would be hard, but you could maybe have it read the digit of peoples post. So the last digit determines what power their ingame character has. Doubles and triples either increase the potency or some other cool effect.
i started playing bass again after not practicing for a while and my fingers hurt
Give me your hand trust me I will make it so you won't even feel the bass strings anymore
C++ is literally so cancer, you want to pause the program for a moment? Cool, now everything is frozen solid during that time no updates, no nothing... Want a pause while something else runs? Better learn advanced calculus, that's fucking easier to learn programmer niggers should all kill themselves unless they do java
Sounds like skill issue
that wouldn't be too hard i just don't have any fun ideas for a turn based game
i normally make 3d action games and stuff like that
i use rust btw
Figured since it you managed to snag names and id's.
Do make stuff you want to make, people here aren't the appreciative kind anyway.
i use rust btw
This nigga can’t maintain the motivation to sit on his ass and make something on his computer but wants us to believe that’s he’s a qt twink with top notch hygiene, skincare, haircare (he talked about his haircare himself kek), etc
i hope you all die
Everyone is gonna die at some point so why are you even hoping?
actually i'm using javascript atm and i wish i was dead
i see the benefits of skincare and diet and exercise and all that
i get nothing out of making things for the disgusting gremlin creatures that reside on this board
Oh so you don't actually have a job, fucking web jew
Imagine being proud of being a wagie
I'm not a wagie by definition thoughie
I have a fixed monthly salary + overtime and bonus at the end of the year
Yeah and I get treated like a princess by the goverment. So I win
pours boiling water over his arm
I have bp(rincess)d
It wasn't even that bad.
lose weight you're not even anorexic
Are you mad at me or something? I thought you were busy hastening your death with drugs to be caring about me
fugging epic
not that epic
I did some OC not even that long ago but I am not doing anything right now.
No, I'm not going to post it.
What kind of OC was it?
What if I'm talentless?
Some bsp files if you must know.
Stop thinking about talent and just do. Be diligent, study and learn.
I'm not familliar with bsp files, but okay.
I will never become an epic drugcel I gave up
Don't tell me you're actually clean.