Anybody else alone today with no turkey?

But going for some fries, bicky burger and a sate in a bit

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I've been alone the past 6 or 7 Thanksgivings. You get used to it.

No, we have Turkey alright

I'm alone too. Today I will be having Carl's Jr for my Thanksgiving meal.

yes but my parents and grandparents are already gone and i have limited family (that doesn't live here)

i'm used to it, no big deal. a lot of people have no family. some have family they don't like and take it for granted - they haven't experienced the loss yet. that is more sad than not having anything at all.

You can buy a turkey at the store and cook it, it's allowed. Nobody can make you not have turkey.
I'm going to go bake mine now..

i have some beef i made yesterday


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You guys all eat meat, no wonder you're all psychotic and depressed doomers.

yes, i am which is unusual but i plan on going to purchase a meal and some liquor soon.

Im starving i only had a mug of milk for dinner

i was thinking McChickens but found a place that sells meals.

Anyone in that situation, happy thanksgiving fren. The internet is your family today. Now, as a stereotypical uncle at thanksgiving I will now ask you about what video games you have been playing lately, and get into an argument with you about how Orks in 40k are right about color theory. Of course red makes things faster. That just makes sense and anyone who disagrees is a communist.

Meat is healthy anon.

happy thanksgiving anon
I will drink some champagne in your honor and have you in my thoughts during dinner prayer

I'm glad I escaped the turkeys in Germany.

Have a cup of tea, lad. You'll feel good when you embrace your inner Anglo. Turkey is for Christmas and boxing day sandwiches

What kind of meal do you plan to get?

me and the dog
I don't even care. My family pissed me off. They haven't spoken to me since the election.

Throw his tea in the fucking harbah where it belongs

American's are so fat they have Xmas dinner twice in one month.

I have a Turkey, but my oven broke yesterday.

I wish there was no Turkey here.

Ohhh I think Momma Marie Callender will be stopping by and making it alright

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I'm poor and lonely. I will be having some biscuits for thanksgiving

I’m a loner by nature but make sure to spend thanksgiving and Christmas not alone. Thankfully I am with family this year. Last year I couldn’t make it but had a good time with my Alcoholics Anonymous group

Sadly unc... I had to sell my PC

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this local place sells turkey plates with all the sides.
i will probably get turkey, ham, green bean casserole, stuffing, mashed tators, macaroni and cheese, and hopefully some deviled eggs, have to see what they have.

Sun turkey best turkey
Plenty of vids on how to

Look mang, I know Elon is big, but we haven’t let him rename all of our feasts yet.

Yes, although by choice. I’m tired, the thing I’m most grateful for is a day off work and some peace and quite.

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The holidays are alcoholism season these days. Binge drinking and stuffing one's face with meat, exactly the two foods that cause a person to become fallen.

Me rn

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Damn. Cut it up and throw pieces into a slow cooker if you've got one? That should do fine for the drumsticks/wings.

How do you break an oven. It’s a box with fire


You’re never alone. Seek peace

I'm going to get a free thanksgiving meal from a local church. Praise Jesus

I'm making ribye cooked with garlic, butter, galician coarse salt, black pepper and rosemary with potatoes and eggs topped with parsley on the side

not alone but there's no Turkey
we told the men this year if they didn't help us cook and set the table then we wouldn't cook
lo and behold not a single man stepped up and still wandered up to the gathering expecting to be fed
a little fucking gratitude before you crack open beers and sit in the living room too much for scrotes, I suppose

Enjoy! I'll be jealous if you get deviled eggs. I haven't had one in years.

Should have not rejected men who knew how to cook

Calendar says I must enjoy today with family.exe

I never been big on holidays

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turkey suck and thanksgiving turkey really fucking sucks.
i'd rather eat chili and popcorn

Go buy a can of flaked turkey, watch the Song based version of the parade on NBC, the Lions game, the Cowboys game and whatever specials they have. You'll be fine and even glad you're alone.

was going to go with Hungry Man like i have in past years, but never went to the store to get them and now most stuff here is closed. Whole Foods is open i think.
may end up with a bag of McChickens

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They also raise the prices right before Christmas because America hates itself, so you have to be punished during Christmas time because Jesus existed. Raising prices just to spite everyone. To spit in their faces. I feel like everyone has turned satanic over the last 35 years, it started in the 90s.

That’s fine bud. Christmas is coming up. We can get you a console till shit turns around. If I can afford to upgrade, I’ll give you my tower. Money comes and goes. I grew up on government cheese, and I am the most financially stable person at the dinner table. Start thinking of console games you want. Make a budget, I’ll lay it out if you need me too.

Come on over anon. I got plenty to share! My sister Rita will be here. She has autism. I have a feeling you'll become the best of friends!

nta but these newer cheap Chinese heating elements burn out super easy

Yeah. I had a whole bunch of meals already prepared for Thanksgiving I was going to bring to my family, but my sister is a mudshark and has a half black kid which I don't plan on seeing. I thought she wasn't going to come but unfortunately she is. I'm going to enjoy all this food myself in front of my TV and watch some NBA highlights.

My dad's in the hospital, so yeah.

Well Uncle I have a massive backlog and I'm also finally getting back to Nier Automata after holding it off due to games like Stellar Blade, Xenoblade 2, and Tears of the Kingdom.
That'll be my final game that I'll play this year but I'll probably be done with it by January

Thanks fren
Also please like and subscribe
Happy Thanksgiving

I'm here with you anons.

hang in there anon, have experienced that myself.


second this, this steak costed me about the same price as going to McDonald's


I have heard great shit about Nier Automata, and Stellar Blade. Zelda games are always top tier. Haven’t heard of Xenoblade 2, but I’ll look it up. You have excellent taste. Someone taught you well. My backlog is staggering at this point. I am determined to beat Rogue Trader, and I just made it to the end of chapter 3. I need to get to Nier. Might have to buy it since you are playing it.

thst's not even 2,000cal, i eat once a day, not as some memediet but just because...idk it just worked out that weay
